Newmarket Era and Express, 6 Dec 1956, p. 13

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Tamil Dae io Vaccine Shots To Resume In January vaccine will be given In both and achools throughout York County beginning in January 1967 for all those children and gitudentft who not yet com two a of vaccine or whoso parents sign the appropri ate request card for the vaccine lit this time Public and separate school chil dren who have not yet received the first two dows of polio vac cine will now have an opportun ity to obtain this protection The group will now Include kinder garten and grade one children who arc in school for the first this year High school students through out the County will have their first opportunity to get polio vac cine during January February March The third dose will be available about seven to eight months later in the fall accord ing to Dr Robert King director of York County Health Unit children beginning at six months of age will have the opportunity to begin polio vaccination in April at regional centres which will be established where possible throughout the county The of centres will depend largely on the availability of suitable pre mises population density and case of access for the public Where such regional centres are not feasible preschoolers will be able to attend the school clinics early in the year f order to protect the elemen tary and secondary school popula tion from unnecessary exposure to tuberculosis every school em ployee Is now being required by the department of education to have a chest xray at least once In four year While It is the res ponsibility of the public separate and high school officials to en sure that their employees have the required the York County Health Unit will be assist- Ing and cooperating In this pro gram throughout the county The nine regular chest clinics provid ed by the Gage Institute and the York County Hospital will pro vide the necessary facilities Garbage Dump Rapidly expanding communi ties across the county are aggra vating the already poor condition of garbage dumping facilities in many communities says the MO Messy obnoxious dumping sites which have for many years been hidden by growths of brush or luxurious weeds are now breaking into view and creating increasing health hazards to near by residential areas To prevent a bad situation getting worse local municipalities directly concerned must tackle their garbage dumping problems without further delay says Dr King The health unit is begin ning a survey of garbage dump ing across the county and it is hoped that a concise picture as it applies to each community will assist the municipal councils to deal as soon as possible with their garbage dumping difficul ties I to be able to shop around I til t pie guilty In Hit tali ill for ft lit toff mcJi MfKlilty V kMri9 A fir I I OIL UWfUP i youth And The Law Is Topic Of Talk To Home And School Police Chief Byron was guest speaker when the King George Home and School met at the school on Tuesday Nov Mrs Jack Struthers was in charge of the program resident Mr John Chap- pell opened the met ting with prayer A choir of 20 girls from the Newmarket high school sang four selections under the direct ion of Eugene who teaches music and English at the high Dr was intro duced by Miss Eva Barnes Miss Markhams grade three class won the attendance banner There were present Among the good influences by Chief as necessary for the proper educat ion of young people the Christian home was listed first Such groups as Home and School clubs Boy Scouts and Girl Guides and such programs as Elmer and Safety Elephant all help in developing good citizens he said Mr said that he didnt think there was more crime now than in lite good old days It is just that there are more children and their exploits are more pub licized he said Mr Burbldge that the in itial responsibility rested with the parents for a to be trained properly so that he would become a lawabiding mature adult A happy home is a great incentive for a boy to keep out of trouble he added saying that parents should spend more of leisure time with their children I prefer to have a fatherly talk with a boy when he gets Into tro uble explained Mr When you take him to court it makes him look too important in the eyes of his friends who aro usually law breakers as well Most often children In trouble arc weakwilled youngsters easily led by an older When sent to de tention school they often return more handicapped In this and are hard to rehabilitate While there they are away from the normal conflicts of life and are not required to make decis ions he explained Mr stressed the im portance of preventative action by the home church school and com munity agencies He said that the majority of delinquents come from broken homes and that when parents fail their children it is difficulty for others to step in and replace them But he added that the community by supporting preventative work could help many youngsters become good citizens Mrs Atkinson introduced Mr Burbidge The vote of thanks was extended by Mrs Wesley To- bey There will be no meeting in December The next regular one will be on January The meet ing closed with a social halfhour Refreshments were served by mothers of grade three under the direction of Mrs Lewis Noble Queensville News Citizenship Is Discussed By Stuart Scott H And S A program on Citizenship ar ranged by Horace chair man of the citizenship committee was enthusiastically received by the members attending the Stuart Scott Home and School Associat ions general meeting held on November Mr Jaques in his opening re marks pointed out that the peop les attention to good citizenship was almost an annual event only coinciding with municipal elect ions and the emphasis on making use of our voting franchise Mr stated that new Canadians from countries where this fran chise was not available treasur ed this liberty and that we should all understand how much this should mean to us especially when we remember the people of certain European countries who are giving their lives to obtain right to carry out the freedom to vote and elect a government of choice However Mr Jaques slated that our correct use of the free dom to vote was only one phrase of good citizenship We should all strive to be good citizens each day of the year particularly in build ing a better community in which to live Following these remarks Mr showed a film entitled What Is Your Opinion of Com munity Responsibilities The film provided the basis of a panel discussion The members were di vided into four groups under Mrs Mrs Professor MacPherson and Mr Weaver who were also the panel members The opinions of the four groups form ed the basis of the panel discuss ion which proved to be lively and educational was generally agreed nil members of a community should support and participate in worth while community projects to the best of their ability It was also a- greed that moderation was the key word in such participation that a persons lime would not be monopolized It was shown that the proverb Many hands make light work could apply to us good citizens if each person gave a little of his time to the building of a better community Mrs president DUTIES OF CITZEN THEME OF MEETING More than parents and tea chers attended the Citizenship meeting of Bell Home and School association to hear Mr Alex as guest speaker on Wednesday Nov Mrs Kect- cy presided A silver collection was taken for the Santa parade with being received will be forwarded to the Newmarket sponsoring of the parade There will be no meeting in December A Nile is for January The attendance ban ner was won by Mrs Smiths grade one class A uccessful cup and saucer shower was held at meeting Mr spoke on the re sponsibilities of a good citizen A short film on citizenship was pre sented Refreshments were at the conclusion of the pro gram chaired the meeting which was well attended Olson gave a piano solo and David an accordion solo which were both well receiv ed Refreshments were served at the close of the meeting Under the leadership of Mr Reg the Trail Bang ers will hold an Open House in their club rooms at United church on Friday Dec at pm All are cordially invited to attend Ihis social night and re ceive an insight into the meaning and work of Trail Ranger A nat ional toprated film by of Canada Ltd called a Christmas Carol will be shown All are ur ged lo sec this film which will be of great assistance to captivate rue meaning and spirit of Christmas The Evening Auxiliary of the met at the home of Mrs Rex Smith on Nov Mrs Mur ray gave a paper on Christian Stewardship The next meeting will be held at the home of Mrs Wcltman on Thursday Doc 20 The Afternoon Auxiliary of the met on Thursday at the home of Mrs G Shipman Mrs was in charge of the meeting in the absence of Mrs Dike The worship service was taken by Mrs Kershaw and the study book on South East Asia was reviewed by Mrs Mrs Mrs J and Mrs Johnston Two com mittees were named for the next meeting The nominating com mittee included Mrs J Mrs Stollibrass and Mrs Sydney Thompson A committee for the Christmas program for the Dec ember meeting to be held at the home of Mrs Dew was named Mrs J Smith Mrs and Mrs Sydney Thom pson Mrs J Smith Mrs Ship- man and Mrs Stallibrass were hostesses The Afternoon and Evening Auxiliaries of the enjoyed a pleasant evening on Wednesday last week with the ladies Members from Be thel and Keswick also were pre sent Sympathy is extended to Mr Walter Richmond and family al so to Mrs Jim Cole Mrs attended the silver wedding anniversary of her niece Mrs Wilkinson and her hus band of About guests attended a turkey supper Please note change of date the Afternoon Auxiliary of the will meet at the home of Mrs Dew on Thursday Dec Instead of the A Christ mas program will be given Host esses Mrs and Mrs Fosbury Congratulations to Mr and Mr John who were married recently The girls will hold their vesper Christinas service on Sunday evening Dec at pm in the auditorium of the Un ited church Miss Edith Clark from the Means school Angola Africa will be the guest speaker She has beautiful slides of work in Africa Mr and Mrs Kelly San Fran cisco and Mr Ross Mackenzie Toronto visited Mr and Mrs Harry Toombs on Wednesday of last week Mrs Kelly is the form er Miss Nora McFarland a form er resident of the village Mr and Mrs Clare Smith Win dsor visited Mr Smiths parents Mr and Mrs J Smith JOINT MEETING OF GROUPS SET FOR DEC J A joint meeting has been plan ned by the Evangeline auxiliary and the Junior Evening auxiliary of Womens Missionary soci ety of Trinity United church Newmarket for Tuesday Dec 1 1 at pm Each group will meet separate ly in the church hall for its an nual elections They will join for the worship service which will be under the direction of the Junior Evening Special music will be provided by Miss Helen and the HiTone boys A social hour will follow the program Pay old bills today sleep better tonight Often a loan from HFC can help preserve your peace of mind You can borrow from HFC pay outstanding bills and repay your loan on a businesslike budgeted basis r When the need for money arises more people come lo HFC than any other company in iis field Loans arc made promptly in privacy on terms you approve You can borrow with confidence from HFC Canadas only consumer financccompany backed by 78ycarscxpcricnccl Canadas first and foremost consumer finance company HOUSEHOLD FINANCE A Main Street Second Wow 1 ONT MOVTHIY OF MOUTHS SlOfll 4000 the x tut LOW AND LIVELY Plymouth Plymouth out ahead of pack with new GO in its gas pedal new style in its new magic in its motion new ideas every where you look I Try its eager new ThrillPower modern pushbutlon driving velvety TorsionAire Ride advanced TotalContact brakes and all the other surprises it has Youve never seen so much excitement I JR LADIES AID HAS XMAS PARTY The Christmas parly of thu Junior aid of Chri stian Newmarket will be in Sunday school room on Dec II pm Member will bring their husband or to the party Jnsteid of exchanging gifts each member is to bring cents the money being used for a charity project donation of to bo gift wrapped lunch will be Nothing tut fruity oh tun not And Plymouth for 1 Thatll why wovo called it Power cur And thrillpower It km from tho bright brink thrust of glamorou grille to clean of it dashing Ins thrill Slip into now and try t Thrill to of up to 5 under the hood Thrill to tho magic of driving revolutionary now visibility now comfort and now TotalContact brake that you aa no brakes If you hanker for excitement glamour and milliondollar in a lowpriced car then Plymouth for you See it in your Plymouth dealer showroom Try it on the road You wont find a neater buy than youll find at your dealer rtdts ft I ear at I No when you Advanced suspension lower of gravity let Plymouth earner sports car smooth Corporation of Canada DEALER TODAY I always a atop In cara of the Forward No noiadlvo when brake Plymouths new rikndip mounting keep tins lamour car on 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