Newmarket Era and Express, 6 Dec 1956, p. 4

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torn SALS DOWN or Owner transferred Two year old N It it threebedroom brick bun- filar Millard Secreted bath oil tie- lot private Phone Newmarket fO KENT house closed la aunporch Reasonable rent Immediate possession Apply Harry Draper Keswic house with bathroom hot and cold water cupboards full basement garage and large in village of Im mediate possesion Alfred Oli ver phone ESTATE FOR SALE house located at Lcask dale mile north of Oxbridge Phone TW Newmarket HOUSE WANTED TO CLIENT will pay cash for bungalow Posses sion middle of January To be week or first of next week Stoutt Real Estate phone or Tw New market HOUSE KENT OK SALE bungalow King close to Highway con veniences one acre Phone Turn er Richmond Hill clw43 BUILDINGS FOR RENT BUILDING for storage or work shop M Good well insu lated room hardwood floors month Apply Riddells Bakery Queen St Newmar ket ALEX DOAK LTD Realtor home cen trally located containing 3 bed rooms bath modern kit chen largo livingroom modern oil heal nice lot Small amount down Easy to carry on lha bal ance Terms SMALL amount down on this storey home containing bedrooms possible 4 bath modern kitchen large plus apartment in basement convenient to schools Terms 4BEDROOM home In excellent condition equipped with storms near school and chopping Low cash down Terms DOWN Situated on a lot extremely good home suitable for retired couple equipped with heating garage Venetian blinds awnings Full price ALEX DOAK LTD Realtor Mala St opposite Mum Newmarket Open until pm STOUTT REAL ESTATE MACHINE SHOP BUSINESS WELL established business In town with complete line of equipment plus a foundry In cludes buildings the machine shop located in one and the other building rented making an excellent opportunity for im mediate or future expansion Full price Including stock foundry and buildings only Terms can he arranged MICK FOR SOLID brick bunga low handy to schools and shop ping Fully decorated through out located on a completely landscaped lot in a friendly neigh borhood full price Low down payment CAPE COD ONE of the finest home to be in town Situated in the most exclusive area this graci ous homo lend itself completely executive living with fine ap pointments and decorating throughout Features all the spece and extras one would ex pect to find In such a setting in cluding 4 bedrooms with addi- unfinished space for a or additional bed- room Pull price Terms REAL ESTATE It Mala St south of Dr M Mm or JOSEPH QUINN Realtor ROOM home all town facilities new forced oil heat system very central residential Generous terms 5HOOM home large bright kitchen hardwood and tile floors 3 piece bath sunroom holwster heating with oil gar age large garden Terms home immac ulate condition linoleum and tile floors 3picce bath good furn ace large lot very central all town facilities Terms clapboard bungalow attached garage 4- piece bath large bright kitchen hardwood and tile floors forced and oil heating Terms CONTACT KEN Phone TW Evenings JOSEPH QUINN Realtor opposite the bus terminal Newmarket CHARLES E BOYD LIMITED Realtor NEWMARKET SPECIAL LARGE rooms plus extra room for bathroom modern bun galow located on lot township taxes large kit chen and two bed rooms full basement with furn ace Excellent value at 6900 DOWN 4ROOM modern clapboard bun galow central consisting of modern kitchen bedrooms and modern bathroom attached garage full basement with oil furnace many extras in cluding storms screens oak floors etc Full price 10000 Easy terms DOWN frame home main floor large family- sized huge modern kitchen and onepiece bathroom Upstairs has three large bed rooms plus threepiece bathroom New oil furnace parage Imme diate possession price Carries for about per month RESALE ranch style brick bun galow centrally located near schools and shopping large L- livingroom with a cut- stone fireplace and a bright din- three large bedrooms and ceramic tiled bath room partly finished recreation room in the basement Attached garage Fully decorated and Many extras indulg ing aerial oak floors oil laundry tubs etc See this model home now SI DOWN home centrally locat ed main floor has kitchen and one bedroom Second floor has two bedrooms and bathroom Full basement garage Buy this and pay for it like rent at less than per month Full price DUPLEX I COMPLETE apartments each having its own livingroom kit chen two bedrooms and bath room completely redecorated throughout new oil furnace cen tral Buy this and live rent free Immediate possession Full price Terms ROOMS FOR RENT BRIGHT furnished bedsitting room every convenience one block from Main St Rent rea sonable Abstainers Phone Newma SMALL selfcontained apart ment Phone New market J located on Main Albert containing follows Solid bouse frame but frame car gar- All in good or make Broker 2 LIGHT housekeeping rooms on ground floor unfurnished Phone TW New cflw48 BEDSITTING room altrnctlve- furnished central men pre ferred Phone TW or ap ply Joseph St Newmarket ROOM ft BOARD AVAILABLE WE HAVE a large choice of homes in Newmarket mid district Inquire about them now CHARLES E BOYD Limited REALTOR Main Street Newmarket Phono VALUE In north end 4 and 3room apartments mod ern piece baths and kitchens fully serviced lot 125 Further information on Mr flyers Newmarket phone LTD Realtor LOT FOR SALE ACTIVE lot 1 on Millard Ave southern expo sure with park at rear Very reasonable with liberal Phone TW New market iffj OFFICE SPACE FOR R AURORA Approximately square feet ground floor apueu in new building In the heart of Aurora business section on Street Available approximately January 1st next phono PA The Rank of Nova Scotia Aurora MODERN new building on Main St Meal for light manufact uring or showrooms stely Will divide Reasonable rent Phone or f3l SINGLE room all conveniences breakfast if desired Phone Newmarket BOARDERS WANTED BOARDER wanted For particu lars phone Newmar ket anytime after pm APARTMENT FOR RENT heated upper flat adults preferred Separate en trance Possession Jan Write Era and Express box ONE bedroom heated upstair apartment private bath kitchen has stove refrigerator builtin cupboards and sink garage Adults Phone or Newmarket TWO ROOMS and kitchenette cupboards own entrance and bath heated and light reason able rent Phone TW Newmarket FOURROOM heated upstair apartment private bath and bal cony Apply Niagara St or phone TW 54133 Newmarket TWO apartments in Holland Landing bath and rooms mod ern conveniences Phone Newmarket daytime or Newmarket nights FOUR and a half roomed apart ment selfcontained unfurnish ed central Phone TW Newmarket 3ROOM apartment and both up- stairs hardwood floors oil heat ed suitable for married couple centrally located Available Dec Phone Newmarket after Sunday Alter pm heated upstair apart ment separate entrance Adults preferred Phone Newmarket ARTICLES FOR SALE ALL metal kiddy car In good condition Phone Newmarket GENUINE oil paintings for the ideal Christmas gift Only one of a kind all seasons and each unf routed It L Eagle St Dial Newmarket fur coat cocktail party dress size very reasonable Phone Newmarket GIRLS 28inch bicycle generator light and carrier like new Phone TW Newmarket DOUBLE bed size mattress in good condition Phone 54860 Newmarket RED corduroy jumper Childs beige coat brown fur size Boys blue sports jacket size hardly worn Ladys station wagon coat was will sell for quick sale like new Handknit ted skating dress and pants red with white trim size Ml worn one season Apply 357 An drew St phone New market WHITE Porcelain electric heavy duty top and bottom oven elements Real bargain Ap ply College St aWonuhooter Apply 420 St or phone Newmarket LADYS While tube skates size nearly new Childs whito size vacuum cleaner excellent condition Phone TW Newmarket DOUBLE bed with springs and mattress Couch and mattress table lamp Kerby vmcuin cleaner field washing fern stand Phone Newmarket BROWN Japanese fur size Phone or Main HI N Now- market LADYS size Also coal size Both good condition Phono ft- MOFFAT propane stove Electric range Lionel electric train in good condition Phono Newmarket tf GENERAL Electric refrigerator apartment sire in con dition Phono New- market ARTICLES FOR SALE OIL burner like new Also 3 40gallon oil barrels with laps each Phone fl84 Mount Al bert VENETIAN BUNDS ALUMINUM or steel Made for all of windows Free esti mate and installations Phone 58551 or apply Harold Ontario St Newmarket piano in perfect condition Phone TW 56383 or apply Concession St New- market GIRLS white skates size perfect condition Dolls twin gocart blue Phone Newmarket clw48 WANTED TO BUY BROWNIE uniform to fit girl years Phone New market OLD Stone mill if available in general is trie cast and south of Lake Simcoe Apply Mrs R A phone Roches Point MERCHANDISE FOR YEAR ROUND PROTECTION BUY your aluminum storm screens and doors all rustproof materials quality workmanship from ProtectAll Products Phone Newmarket SERVICES AVAILABLE MACNABB for HARDWARE WORK WANTED Ve deliver Phone 64112 c52w3 ARTS GARAGE AND RADIATOR SERVICE COMPLETE radiator service at repair body repairs etc No job too Arts for service Cedar St phone Newmarket ROOFING CONTRACTORS BRETT AND OBRIEN All types of Roofing Troughlng Free estimates Phone Toronto St 86910 or write Box Era and Express young willing babysit ftfte hour Phone TV POULTRY An MIHfKMANKfS NURSES UNIFORM CARRIED in stock and up Cotton nylon exclu sive agent for uniforms register ed Dawsons opposite the P Newmarket PREVENT FIRES USE Fire Chief Chemical Chim ney Cleaner to eliminate soot and scale from your stove and pipes No muss No fuss No odor For sale at NEWMARKET DISTRICT COOP If SERVICES AVAILABLE CARS TRUCKS overhauled for only 395 with overhaul com pressionseal miles guar anteed For complete details write Thco Sale Enter prise St Toronto DRESSMAKING and alterations done Phone TW New market NO JOB TOO SMALL PAINTING and plastering repairs phone Newmarket If WINDOW cleaning Window Cleaning Service phone Newmarket RIDDELLS WELDING CEDAR STREET Phone PORTABLE electric acetylene welding government approved bolter repairs Verandah ratl ings made to order Iron work of all kinds Vincent Prop HELP WANTED BOY carriers for the Globe and Mail for St Johns school area Phone Newmarket WANT your radio repaired In a hurry and guaranteed Phone Newmarket TW If4t CHESTERFIELD suites chairs rebuilt recovered in any fabric Apply Ken Sar gent Muriel Ave Newmarket Newmarket All makes by qualified factory trained service man STEWART Radio and Appliances Phone TW Newmarket USED CARS FORD panel truck New battery and tires Walker Holland Landing 3 doors north of post office FORD coupe good tires heater and radio Needs little repair cash or best of fer Phone 250w Roches Point SCRAP pick up of in or will all on barge pick f CONfRETE For etc paid W or tUttT ALL tit live poultry want ed Any will pa you Toronto at Phone IN one man busi ness good profit low overhead No cash required Write to Mr T Ranger 350 St Street Montreal Quebec AGENTS wanted Start a Jito business in districts Pleas ant payinu work Sell direct to customers 225 guaranteed pro ducts toiletries medicines cul- tea coffee Attractive gift boxes Specials with free products Interesting commis sion 20 needed St Hubert Montreal TEACHERS WANTED PROTESTANT teachers for Grade 2 in the Newmarket Public Schools duties to commence Jan 1st APPLY by letter Riving quali fications experience etc to IL Hunter New market WINDOW cleaning and janitor services by the experts New market Services Co phone TW Newmark OILBURNER service Newmarket Services Co phone TW Newmarket f 1 1 Repairs ReModeling By Skilled English Craftsmen Finance can be arranged SIDNEY PEACOCK RILL mile north Hamiltons Corner phone TW At INVISIBLE MENDING Opposite post office Newmarket by expert weavers Burns moth- tears Bring your troubles also your alterations Phone TW Newmarket OIL burner and space healer service Chimney Al so boiler repairs steam and hot- water mid insulating Fred Den Ouden Mary St Newmarket Teacher Wanted FEMALE teacher wanted for grades and 2 lo start Jan 1st PLEASE reply slating age qual ifications experience salary ex pected name of last inspector lo Mr Goiter See East R Newmar ket Ont SALES OPPORTUNITY FOR APPLIANCE SALESMAN FULL TIME WE REQUIRE a progressive ap pliance and heavy goods sales man of superior ability for direct selling to customers in the home EXCELLENT opportunity for volume sales and big commission LIBERAL drawing and mileage allowance APPLY by letter only telling us yourself All replies held in strictest confidence Limited TORONTO ATTENTION MR K J Sales Manager Dipt 382 R N A I SUFFERING from Rheumatic Pain Sciatica Lum bago is over if you let help you to relief Ask your Druggist WORK WANTED TWO experienced chain saw operators Either one man or two man For information Weir or Jim phone I37r3 or FENCING FARM residential Indust rial also concrete work estimates Cedar Valley Fence Company phono Mount Albert or WIHowdale Advertising Rats Three cents a word minimum of cents for each Hall sjrlce when advertisement Is repented on successive weeks Ten percent discount If advertisement paid within week of publication Com Ins Events rust three rents a word minimum rents Hale for the first week cents lor each successive week Curd of Thanks Wedding and Engagement announcements for each announcement lew cents if paid within week of publication In Memorlams for each Insertion plus cents a line lor verse less cents If within week of publication Classified advertisements may be phoned into or left at The Era and Express office on Charles St Newmarket phone The Misses Wood Store St Aurora Mrs Rolling or with any correspondent Advertisements ac cepted through the mall only where name and of sender Is clearly indicated Your advertisement gets into over homes In North POULTRY FOR SALE ORDER now tur keys for Phone Ivan Sharon PONTIAC station wagon in excellent condition Cheap for quick sale Phone TW Newmarket HIGHEST PRICES PAID ALL models cars and trucks wanted for wrecking ALSO used parts tires etc for sale Auto Parts 42236 miles north of No Highway on 3rd Line TRAVEL GOING OVERSEAS WE sell passage on all Trans- Atlantic Boat PR etc Our Information and service la reliable Come In and talk over your proposed trip with Chester Best The BEST DRUG STORE Newmarket Phone TRANSPORTATION WANTED FROM Sharon to Toronto daily Arriving Crescent am Leaving between and pm Phone Queensville clw48 TRANSPORTATION LEAVE Newmarket 7 a m leave Toronto after 530 pm Phone 56405 LEAVE Newmarket am ar rive West Toronto Rogers and Weston at am Leave Toronto pm Phone TW Newmarket after pm PRODUCE FOR SALE FRESH eggs delivered or at the farm Waiter Graham Sharon phone 20712 TURKEYS ORDER your Christmas turkey now Grant Oldham Mount Al bert 257J2 FARM ITEMS DEADSTOCK removed from your farm promptly for sanitary disposal service charge for each call Collect Newmar ket or Toronto EM YOUNG LIMITED and hay suit able for horses Phone TW Newmarket after pm MACHINERY FOR SALE NEW mid used Surge milking machines nod pumps Also used long lube units at to W Wooltey Surgo Sales and Service Oak Ridges or phone Turner Richmond Hill LIVESTOCK WANTED GRADE heifer calves Will trade York shire or registered boars Rest wood Farms phono TW Newmarket LIVESTOCK FOR SALE WILL UK the for pigs ill an early start with young Yorkshire sow bred to a pure bred sire Farms phone New market HEREFORD bull good condition Phone COWS Two freshening in a couple of months Also young cattle Earl Lockle Zephyr phono Mount Albert CONCRETE and LORMLEV LTD W0 320 WELL tile delivery flajfr eon- ROASTING Me geese and ducks lb Christ- Tit mas orders taken now We liver Phone PA Aurora ma supports hosiery for who vsrieose veins ankle TENDER young Arch eupport Christmas Drawn i i- We deliver Sl phone 3 I g FRESH killed Christmas rviii tablet for ilir arthritic and Apply T TURKEYS IS ORDER your Christmas lurfcey These are now Sharer f pink tablets Phone Mount Albert wd for many children I with Price PRIME dressed turkeys and75 The Best Drug ducks Delivered Ben Cox Store phone New Sharon phone Queens- market civ CHRISTMAS TREES FOR SALE STRAYED FROM lot con Whitchurch Twp about 1st of October heifer dark yearling Any person knowing of same please notify Sheldon Walker phone 20413 PLANTS FOR SALE AFRICAN Violets select lottos Potting soli peat moss and vermecullte Davys Green houses Holland Landing phone Newmarket PETS FOR SALE TROPICAL fish imported stock plants tanks and supplies Gold fish Tropical Apply 294 phone TW Newmarket 1143 LABRADOR Retriever puppies weeks old 5 cacti Phone 2w48 WALKER Foxhound pups four months old Baldwin Sun Dial bloodlines 1 pedigree P Bradford Ont i2w47 CHRISTMAS Scotch pine all sizes Free delivery Dick phone New market CANARIES choice border fancy singers golden yellows high buffs 10 each Apply Ralph Hill 111 Main St Newmarket or phone TW LOST ON TUESDAY Nov 3 x Phone collect EM To ronto SALE REGISTER SATURDAY DEC Auction sale of farm implements cows Chalmers combine No No tractor New Holland hay baler with mo tor years old full Rue of power implements baled hay and straw quantity of mixed grain at tot 4 con 1 Scott township the pro perty of Donald Stiver No re serve as farm is sold Terms cash Sale pm Farmer auctioneer IN THE ESTATE OF JOHN HENRY ALL persons having claims against the estate of John Henry Stick wood late of the Township of Exist in the County of York Yeoman de ceased who died on or about the day of February are notified to send particu lars of the same to the under signed on or before December after which date the estate will be distribute with regard only to the claims of which the undersigned shall then have notice and the undersigned will not bo liabte to any person of whose claim shall not then have notice DATED at Newmarket this day of November Edward Hoy Stick wood with will annexed of Estate of John Henry ILK No Newmarket Ontario LADYS red purse containing sum of money Reward Finder please phone New market WOOD FOR SALE MIXED wood hard and suit- wood 22410 Mount Al bert Farmers mid Small Laud Owners MISCELLANEOUS CHRISTMAS TREKS Lovely Scotch pines assorted sizes Free delivery Contact Lois Clarke ArdeiK phone Newmarket WOULD the lady who bought the white tablecloth Irimimd in fink at the Newmarket Girl initio lea and bake sale kindly phone Shirley Newmarket AFRICAN VIOLETS IDEAL Christmas gift Beauti ful flowering violets large plants numerous blooms Many rare varieties developed from new American imports Christmas wrapped for gifts Potting soil fertilizer Open daily to p m Closed Thursdays and Sim- days Clarkes Violet Centre Belfry Dr off Davis Or New market CHRISTMAS Scotch pine in natural or flocked in pastel shades Place your order now McCaffreys Flowers Main St or Don Dr phone TW Newmar THE BEST BRONCHIAL COUGH SYRUP ror coughs colds and bronchi tis A prompt and rem edy for the relief of bronchitis tight or chesty coughs and colds The Best Drug Store Newmarket time Sot tested and if I Wo will show von how lo make tin to CLEAR PROFIT per air Write for details to Specialised Growers Assoc it Ion Lakeshore Ave POINT TORONTO ONT PERMITS Shop Member Florists Delivery Association Flowers wired to all parts of the world FUNERAL FLOWERS A SPECIALTY Ill Main Si Wham

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