Newmarket Era and Express, 6 Dec 1956, p. 8

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A awl NEW YEAR DINNER AT ROOM WITH PEACEFUL DINNER MUSIC to am pm J OPTAtSM KEN STEPHENS to only of best to work for the and to he ett the Optimist WIS ALSO SPhCIA IS PRI VA inception Purlict In tfw world of To turn engtU or soothe an irritable husband nothing is quite so effective promise of favorite Pie for Instance with the smooth delicious kind of filling make with Pie Filling Its the quick easy sure way to make lemon filling thats fresh and and flaw in And there are many delightfully right in consistency ways to lemon pie IIMON If COCONUT LocAhbI package Sere a butter bottom Iail4t sprinkle lnla Hebe la IS taut ofirf M He to Minutes or Into lPP ere ffff 0 Virion ftJin flavor putt fruit with fruit added has lately been the fancy of all across country And there pinch to said for dessert that add the protein to meal Heres a modi of Cheesecake thats most delicious CHflSI I JtlMI rilling tap I cup water unbeaten tp cam or top I pound collate led I up at tanned plat- apple flnly top In Add n Add and Cook and fatal until to lull boll and J fatal tool or twice Add toitat and half of pan In Mltn Cut la Now that Optimist Week for has been written Into the re- cord books many of you may be wondering what the Optimist em blem that you saw so much of and which appears at the top of this column really stands for and where it originated The actual history develop ment and significance of the Op- limist emblem as it is known to- I day is something of a mystery Even its designer is unknown though he must have been a per- son of vision and understanding All that is known is that the de sign was selected through a con test conducted shortly after Op timist International was Whether the design was the j emblem of one of the clubs or a combination of several designs is not known The significance of the al shape is a matter of ion too It may represent the or iginal eight clubs grown to by the time they banded together or the eight points of the compass The rising sun of course is em blematic of the cheer and hope fulness of a new day the basic objective of Optimism It has td significance in the fact that the Friend of the Boy projects jing new light into the lives of many youths The field of the emblem is for truth loyalty and honor The gold figures and reflect the importance of consistency and purity of purpose Below the sun and horizon are j the letters and I represenl- Optimist International and al- according to some symbolic of the belief j that everything happens for the best in the immeasurable span of lime and space and Opportunities Illimitable the theory that oppor tunities arc vast as the infinite The emblem is more than just Hi SMtoMd After Fight Jafl Far Probation For Other Two Newmarket youths who were described by Crown Atlorn Harold Sanders as hoodlums were convicted charges laid following a disturbance on Nov ember Robert Hill was sentenced to 30 days in jail for assault caus ing bodily harm He pleaded not guilty to the charge which was laid by Murray Newmarket Ronald Allen pleaded guil ty to a charge of wilful damage and common assault laid by Rob ert Pine Orchard and a charge of common assault laid by Ronald Newmarket He was fined and costs for the later offense and costs for wilful damage and ordered to pay the repair bills on Mavcrs car He was given suspended sentence and placed on strict probation for one year for- the remaining charge Mover testified that Lehman and he had gone to the Hilltop restaurant for coffee after finish ing work on November 3 Hill and Allen followed them out of the restaurant and when Mavcr got into his car Allen hit him in the face with his fist he said All en did damage to Mavcrs car by breaking the strap on one door Lehman told the court that af ter getting into his car he saw Allen strike and got out to sec what was happening As he- walked to the rear of his car he was hit in the face by Hill He testified that Hill kicked him in the mouth while he was on the ground breaking one tooth and cutting his face Three stitches were required to close the gash Hill denied kicking Constable Fred of the East police force who investigated the incident testified that Lehmans lip was swollen out past his nose He took him to York County hospital for treatment Both Allen and Hill had left before Obce arrived at the scene Shortly after this incident pol ice were called to the Bluebird Inn St and a second ass- as a separate Incident but as one This end of the frolic will cost htm and costs replied the magistrate Hill claimed that had put his hand on his arm and had pulled him around His defense counsel argued that Hilt fell he was being accosted and went to defend himself We have a case here of two lads and Lehman mind ing their own business until accosted by those hoodlums re plied Crown Attorney Sanders I have in mind jail for Hill agreed the magistrate Magistrate crltizcd Hill for pick ing fights with boys who were smaller and younger than him self He warned him against caus ing further trouble and sentenc ed him to 30 days in jail PRINCE CHARLES HOME AND SCHOOL DISCUSSES Prince Charles Home and School association held lis second annual Fathers Night at the school on Tuesday Nov with Dr Robert King as guest speaker The husbands of the regular of ficers took charge of the meeting Mr Michael Steel presided Mr Charles Watson acted as secretary and Mr Bruce Andrews present ed the treasurers report A film Why the was pre sented Dr King Interpreted the place a can fill in a com munity and a general discussion was held following the showing of movie Refreshments were served at the conclusion of the program Close to was spent on advertising in Canada during according to official figures This is almost four times as large as the in rage The Era and Express Thursday Dee WI News Twentyfive ladies attended the Vandorf branch meeting last Wednesday at the homo of Mrs Stewart Burnett Mrs George District president was the guest speaker Mrs Hil lary and Mrs S gave very interesting reports of the area convention Mrs Fred vanNost- gave Current Events HOLLAND LANDING As Is the usual custom of the United church each year its White Sift Sunday is the afternoon of December fl at pm Every body Is welcome no present is too small These are distributed to the needy through various or ganizations which make for a happier Christmas to the less for tunate The Clans parade will bo held at pm on Saturday Dec bigger and better than ever Will those entering floats in the Holland Landing Santa par ade please be at North SI and Office Specialty road by one oclock on Saturday Dee There wilt be a bingo in aid of the Santa Clans parade on Thurs day Dec at in the LOCAL RED CROSS ASKS FOR SEWERS TO HELP HUNGARY All urgent call is suit out to all women and womens groups Those who can tew at home asked to contact the Newmar ket Red Cross which bus articles to lit marie op for Hungarian relief The NVwiruitkil branch lushing all their plies In aid you or your lul help If rail Mrs TV ft4K3 for information Tin- Hid is not collating clothing hut is making children and adult article ACCLAMATION Arthur Hill Melville Harmon and Harold were elected by acclamation as trustees for Nobleton polkf villnjie at Holland Landing community hall nomination meeting Nov fi charge was laid against All a device for a pin it is a mark of en distinction and a symbol of our testified that he hail beliefs We wear our pins with set the pressure gauge at pride and hope with the sense to fill his tires with air of the obligation it entails the Bluebird Inn Allen pass- Yours in optimism and turned the pressure up to Kin Stephens i ft I Urn Pit Filling MUSIC APPRECIATION HI Christmas extracts from The Messiah by Handel will be theme of the monthly meeting of the Music Appreciation group meeting to be held on Monday Dee at pm in lecture room at the Public Library program recorded music will be presented by Rudy Hey- organist at the Newmarket i Presbyterian church Visitors will be welcome at this meeting and pounds When asked why he had done that Allan hit in face with Ins fist told the court Allen denied any intention of damaging tire but ad mitted having struck him Attent ion was called by the court to the fact Hint both of the accused youths were taller and much hea vier than the young men iissaultwl Police Chief Byron told the court that there have been some disturbances with All en before He has been drinking and is under age Mr v to tall TV The Zephyr branch held its meeting on November at pm The meeting opened with a poem by the president and The Ode Collect and Lords prayer in unison There were members and eight visitors present Min utes were read and approved There was a display of extra pieces of layette made by Mrs Profit and Miss McLauch- We arc to have two new electric plugs put in the Hall After the business port of the meeting was dealt with Mrs Armstrong took charge of the program Mrs Ross gave an ac count of her and her husbands trip last year to Vancouver to see the Grey Cup game Miss L Crosby gave a reading on histori cal research Mrs Pickering read a letter from Mrs Tom Mil ler Timmins on who lived in Zephyr when she was a child Mrs Armstrong gave some important news about what hap pened in year of such as births marriages and deaths and other happenings Lunch was served and our usual social half hour enjoyed Your child has TWO w aid lillg over nor he You never mi titter Yd aim jiiil moment alert ami to at I In ml of your telephone Normally you In make is all at yon rail your call you Hill injur vow one do with an I hen a to Operator eaii in a hurry Sim serve yon to help make a of your of BELL COMPANY OF CANADA M anyone desiring further inforina- 1 Allen has been convicted Hon about this group is invited of this charge Hes a big lad ami pushes oth ers around added Mr If lie would use a little common sense and stop this drinking he could he a good citizen Magistrate told All en Yii have one year in which to Know that you mean try to do good If at anytime during that year you break probation you will he brought buck and given a jail sentence for assault You will be under close supervision of the probation officer with a cur few of pm and absolutely no drinking he told Allen In concluding his defense of Allen his defense counsel asked court not to consider each off- TEACHERS HEAR HIS TORY OF FOLK SONGS IN CANADA At Ihe naeheiV comae he on evening was Mr nh of Folk Song Time CHC Willi is aim editor of Jfolk of Canada Some folk Mings Can by itiiui ami here Mis ex phoned There ate song Mine most f Hie in Canadian Then folk about hunt and nun many cowboy songs Many cowboy songs came from the USA when the came lure from curlier Mill led Ana Iran plain of I In dfffcieut wviv heard and Mai and explained by 1ionceisougN early life and hard- ftfilpa ale an lldeieUnn iny on Ihe and spirit of Canada A ihrlmas rami program It had been written by a Catholic priest Father far Indians at In a and Into Ill to a Mis folk iini is a alio whjeh been many and which common In a Of Hie is known Hell Folk up a whole new field in the leach m of Mia IVuiKon of Albeit ex- lli lhanka of the to Mrs aying thai the lecture hint been very dud very The will In muy at Prime Charles fichool I J I be in will he Taylor lliil everything or or nr any- iliieet rail f The Bank of Nova Scotias Annual the story of Our 125th progress report show how Bank helping people of our produce more to more and enjoy more Tlili It theme of told In Ihe figure a about you more than a million other Canadian who hank Ihe AilITi tanks how Iney work for you 194155611 Lima In ftom hunk llii i like in lit oil wAJfiC nun kit lllUellltnitlll firtetlH null Ilia our tug itttulrt Dili linn nil lMiHleitiniir ill new ml afmI to tut of la life i fvMMI imuwlulc Oar IM J U iW4 J a J Amiuiil I he 1 I jit of a I of iht ill ll lli he I I tilt lh tltlt f llli etir a K tfrtl AwU klkii- tfihl I i J I BANK off ir In fumy unit Mud mill yL of our ciutuiiifH rill dn luilling iiUMf ami Total Alieti tank fcNirlf More miner now ban They I ft lot The the protect the of I hey en the trenlhmlutiliiy of the and jiilV the in err role in aiding OVA Total SCOTIA

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