Used Car Had No Brakes 10 Fine Said Inadequate I Main t An Oak car dealer was convicted of failing lo give a of mechanical on the sale of a used car In Newmarket court last week Police testified that the car had no brakes at air Motor fined by Magistrate rake who commented that the maximum penalty was certain- not enough under circum stances Ronald Allison of the East polite testified that the car was sold to Donald nick Mount Albert a week before his brother Gordon was stopped by police when he failed to halt for a stop sign on the fourth concession of the WEDDING Pine Orchard township Allison testified he pros the brake pedal to the floor and it still failed to work Donald Minniek testified he was told by the car salesman that the brakes had been loosen ed because of the cold weather and only had to be set up He said he took it to two car deal- era who told htm the brakes would have be replaced Peter Boyd manager of the company said the buyer accept ed all terms of warranty In the terms on the back of the sales slip But that doesnt incline the fine print stamped on the front the magistrate BACK Mr and Mrs Mason and The wedding of Mary Elizabeth daughter of Mr and Mr William Garnctt Keswick and MaMm Back was solemnized by the Reverend William Askew c fTuri sympathy is extended to Mr and Mrs Albert on the at Trinity Church The bride given in marriage by her father wore a ballerinalen gth gown of lace over sat in with pillbox headdress studded with secdpearls which held her finger tip veil She carried a of Mr father the late Byron White gift service will be ob served at Union church on Sun day Dec Gift will be sent to a mission in Toronto Donations for Hungarian Relief will also be received Rev Harold Is deliver ing a series of sermons each advent- There will be Page The Newmarket and Express Thursday ART FOOD MARKET FORMERLY DIXON GROCERY STORE cade of red roses and white sic on white prayer book rf hw day on Christmas carol at am Mr and Mrs Lome Shropshire with the service at am and family have moved into their new home To the Electors of Cast Sincere thanks for your support in the recent ejection Wishinf you ell Merry and Happy New Year CHARLES CRONE ANNOUNCEMENT ROADHOUSE ROSE FUNERAL SERVICE Wish announce thai services ill he Our Funeral Hume Ami Impel at MAIN STREET NEWMARKET Too Exciting The only Incident that marred the Santa parade of the Oak Ridges board of trade last Satur day morning was injuries to Gail Phillips who fell beneath the wheels of a float on the south take Wilcox road Daughter of Mr and Mrs Paul Phillips Wilcox she suffered a fractured ankle and bruised knee Children following the said Gail had reached to something attract ive on the float and in her excite ment she slipped and lost her footing She was rushed to Newmarket hospital Children had been warn ed alt along the route to stand well back on the side of the road officials said Vandorf in vestigated Mrs Phillips said her daughter would be released from I hospital on the following day Mrs Sylvia Milne her twin sis ter was matron of honor and wore a waitslength blue net over satin with matching headpiece and carried pink roses and yellow carnations Carolyn Bragan and Mrs Doreen were her bridesmaids dressed in waltz- length pink net over satin with matching headpieces and carried pink and white roses and carnat ions The flower girl was Jane niece of the bride She was gowned in pale yellow net over taffeta with a matching poke bonnet and carried a nosegay of mauve and pink sweet peas and shasta mums The best man was Herbert Rogers Toronto The ushers were the brides brother William Gar and the grooms brother Frederick Back The reception was held in the church basement The brides mother received in their December meeting at the home of Mrs George Wood Mrs Johnston gave a most inter eating paper on Shepherds El ection of officers was conducted by Mrs Gordon McClure Officers for are Hon Mrs past Mrs J Hope pre Mr Jtoy Cody 1st vicepros Mrs Johnston 2nd viccpres Mrs ace- Mrs Ross audit or Mrs Emerson pian ist Mrs George Wood sewing convener Mrs Elmer Starr pro gram convener Mrs James Hope visiting Mrs Mrs Hope Lunch was served by hostesses Mrs G Wood and Mrs Carl Toole ROUTINE BUSINESS FOR WANING CO UNCI I Gordon Wins Case Against Peter Gorman Gordon Hill Newmarket won a suit involving plus costs against Peter Gorman wholesale tobacconist Newmar ket on Tuesday Nov The case was heard by Judge at Supreme Court No City Hall Toronto Represented by Clare Toronto Mr Hill who is a former sales employee of Mr Gorman sued for sales commissions held back by his former employer Reviewing employeremployee Alice Blue with embroidered end sequin bodice with a corsage of Routine business occupied Whit- pink roses The grooms sister re- church township council at one of in a charcoal grey dress its last regular for with pink roses Ion Thursday evening Out of town guests were Mrs Viewers George Ore J and Maty Walker and Herb Simpson Montreal aunt and cousin of presented their award on the line bride fence between lots and 27 in Add The Library To Christmas List Patrons Suggest Patrons of the library will have opportunity to include them selves and every other member of the library on their Christmas shopping list this year Regular users of the library will have not- iced that many excellent books have come out this year books which they would like to read but which the library cannot pur- chase To help remedy this deficit lib rary patrons arc being asked to buy a book which they would like to read and give it to the library as a Christmas present To help patrons make a selection the dis play case inside the door will car ry a list of books book reviews and their prices Each book donat ed will have a plate inside giving the donors name and the books will be gift wrapped and placed under a tree in the library Donors may select an individual book or specify a class such as childrens books CHRISTMAS CANDY COOKED MEATS WE DELIVER FROZEN FOODS GROCERIES PHONE BE YOUR OWN BOSS EARN UP TO PER MONTH PART TIME OR FULL TIME NO SELLING We an outstanding opportunity for someone who ran spare a few hours per week supervise this outstanding busi ness Ideal for man and wife or you can continue your present position and handle on weekends or off hours NO experience necessary Honesty and reliability more Important No selling as all outlets are established You take Inventory and replace merchandise as needed Around cash required for In ventory which Is fully secured Your earnings are unlimited depending on you and amount of time you have to spare Your Income should be from to annually If you are honest sincere a good worker and will follow our Instruct ions Write immediately for complete details and a personal Interview Give phone number Write J W Webb Company St Alexander Montreal Quebec The happy couple left on a trip to Florida The bride wore a blue grey tweed suit with black assess- Her corsage was of pink roses and return dale Ihe 6th con the properties of Stanley and John KESWICK The bylaw to be given final About enjoyed a turkey Wnwil or the franchise agree- and a Christmas tree program will reside In Willou with Santa Claus at the Christian The regular meeting of the Wo mans Christian Temp Union was held at home of Mrs Beck ett with the president in the the Consumers Gas Co to laying of a pipeline was approv ed and passed Bloomington Public School tru stees asked for an advance of 600 on this years levy which was granted chair Relief accounts for past Mrs l took charge of month amounted lo and the devotional services reading general accounts passed for pay- fro Luke verse Mrs K Starr told of vote ment totalled Council will convene for their was understood that feudalism Mrs Rolph sang How and slavery had been abolished Thou Art Mrs Gerald that according to the con- as accompanist Mrs Sed- the liquor question to be taken statutory meeting this Saturday In Mrs 11 afternoon and at the same time the annual report of the of revision which has been church on Friday evening It is a social gettogether for Sunday school and church The tables were laden with good things and added the pleasure of thc even was the presence of Rev Evans Buffalo a former Sudan missionary who en- with his Italian violin and a film of Africa With Rev Evans was Rev falo and from Toronto Rev Mrs Harry and two sons contracts Judge said it Hooker gave Mrs Kcays report hear tracts he studied it seems that it is still in force It was shown in evidence that there was no provision for hold ing back percent of Hills com- missions over a period of time Mr Gorman was represented by Joseph Vale ore recited Christmas Eve they found their own instead of an other Miss Starr gave report of a Care Delegates time at United Nations A clip sheet was given with fol lowing taking part Mrs Mrs Vera Herring is spending a few days this week with her sis- dealing with more than assess- in Toronto appeals Mr and Mrs Grant and baby Newmarket spent the weekend old Mrs Rose Mrs Ewartf with Mrs Grants parents Mr Mrs Starr Mrs A Murray and Mrs Rutherford Miss Crowder and Miss ph Sympathy is extended to Mrs Lunch was served and a social Angus Cowicson whose mother Mrs if Hooker Mrs time spent passed away last week I RICHMOND HILL LIONS BI GO Monday December 17 LINE SPECIAL NUMBERS LIONS HALL PM ALL CASH PRIZES Jackpot 475 59 Numbers Called ENTIRE PROCEEDS FOR WELFARE WORK STEWART ft to pleasure Vs 21 CONSOLE 21 tube High powered chassis REG Model HI Fl and RADIO PHONO Combinations FAMOUS ELECTROHOME CONCORD MK IV HIFI ONE OF THE FINEST IN CANADA Redmond CHRISTMAS SPECIAL ASK ABOUT OUR A SPECIAL TRADEIN ALLOWANCE 449 ELECTROHOME COMBINATIONS NOCTURNE MODEL Rivier Illustrated 269 199 SPECIAL MANTEL MODEL Steam Irons to 369 up to 18 months on balance POLISHERS CANISTER Vacuum Cleaners HOOVER PROCTOR AUTOMATIC TOASTER Terms on larger appliances 10 down up to mos on bai MANTEL RADIOS reg 3995 reg 3500 r I- I2 M CHRISTMAS TREE LIGHTS 160 and up per set J m Three Speed Record Players I