i w And Crop Annual On Jan The annual meeting of the York County Soil and Crop Improve ment Association will be held in Newmarket town hall on Wednes day January commencing pro mptly at with the busi ness session and panel discussion Following lunch as guests of the association two popular speak er will be featured in the after noon Dr C Matthews of the Soils Department of the Ontario Agricultural College who has had a wide experience in soil survey work will speak on practical ap proaches to soil problems and Lawrence Kerr Chatham a form er Assistant Agricultural Repre sentative In York County will peak on the subject Time is Monty Those who took the Soil and Crop bus tour to Western Ontario will recall visiting a exceedingly well managed large farm which Mr Kerr owns and operates He has Always been a popular speak er at the Ontario Convention Reports on association activities of the year illustrated by slides and a discussion panel on how one might pick up an extra dollar through soil and crop manage ment will make up the morning program Several valuable door prices will be open to those pres ent before 1030 so plan to be early and bring along a neighbor Curlers ReSchedule Opening BEAT MILTON Aurora fast closing in on for the lead spot in district intermediate grouping shaded Milton at Milton Friday Jim the King City flash operating on the Belairs front line whistled home three goals to spark the Aurora effort The other Belairs goals came off trie shooting irons of Laurie Thorns Grant Edwards and Grant Winters The York Curlers werent able to get started Boxing Day as was expected The curlers are now hoping to skid the first stone down their new artificial ice ink about the middle of January The work of converting the drill hall under the direction of Lou Stephens is proceeding The walls for the westward extension of the drill hall have been com pleted and the roof over the ex tension is expected to be finish ed this week The westward extension of the drill hall will house washrooms and kitchen JUVENILE MIDGET Hill Merchants RayMars Lions Rotary 5 Pis There will be a short course held In United church on Friday Jan It beginning at am The subject Duties of Institute officers will be pre sented by Mrs Armstrong Each member of the different Institutes who will attend Is ask ed to bring a box lunch members also are asked to bring cookies The Christmas meeting of the Newmarket branch was held In the Agricultural hall on Dec with Mrs Frank Hodge presid ing The room looked festive with its Christmas decorations and the gaily decorated parcels on the Touch and Take table When the business was finish ed the president called on Mrs Harry Hill to take over the Christmas program Mrs Leon ard Little was guest soloist She chose Boy of Mine and Deck the Halls as her selections Mrs A gave the history of the carol Silent Night The group sang the carol accompanied by Mrs John Everett Mrs Lockic gave a reading on the Christmas cus toms of other lands A paper on the origin of Christmas cards was given by Mrs Evans Contests were enjoyed by the large number in attendance The lucky chair prize was won by Mrs Charles Near Mr M Cockburn made the lucky draws The winners were hamper of groceries Mrs William Young of Park Ave Newmarket etch ed aluminum tray Mr V Allison of Oakvillc smaller etched aluminum tray Mrs Charles Evans of St Newmarket Womans World By CAROLINE An Increasing number of wom en are becoming interested in economics This move is Justified since all economic questions re late to the home said Dr Doris Boyle of St Francis Xavler uni versity Antigonlsh One of the few women professors of ec onomic in Canada Dr Boyle whose field is labor relations was in Toronto recently to address a Catholic Social Life conference knowledge of economics helps one to become a more in telligent citizen and in times like these especially women as well as men need this knowledge she told women reporters The home today is not con fined within four walls every thing that happens everywhere whether good or evil has its re action on the home Dr Boyle added Persons with the Christian philosophy of life must be inter ested in economics she explain ed because economic problems have moral aspects If religious people do not give leadership in solving problems then leadership will come from people with a ma terialistic philosophy Dr Boyle born in Baltimore was steered Into economics be cause growing up in a depression widely known for having sparked the adult education movement and credit unions which have spread throughout the country people come from all over the world particularly from undeveloped countries to study and observe the adult education movement Dr Boyle said Some are students under the Colombo Plan some government represen tatives One student is the son of a Kenya tribal chief Our students include Hindus men and women of ev ery religion she said Among them are two Protestant ministers who intend to adapt the univer sitys techniques in adult educa tion to their overseas missionary work For the first time this year the universitys Peoples School an adult education movement started by the late Rev James Tompkins was televised Dr Boyle said The school is a combination of radio panels bulletins and study clubs which deals with questions of interest to all Can adians she explained Common Round COtVIUI ECHOING STILL Lunch was served by the hos tesses Everyone reported an enjoyable time at the annual Christmas parly Canadas Bonaventure Readies for Adventure as a Carrier jr- asked to make a note of game time Margaret Models Bouffant Coiffure Cauda new carrier proceeds under her own steam for the first time in this photograph which shows the newly completed ship ontrt down Belfast Lough Built in Canada In the Canadian Northern Ireland Is Navy joining the Magnificent scheduled to be commissioned in Jin OPTIMIST RESUMES MONDAY The Optimist teams will cause get back into action Monday she found frontpage of the 7 G booked are Bos- gold standard sitdown strikes vs Detroit pm Montreal parity prices and such topics dif- New York pm Players are ficult to understand a note of game I was advised to take a course in economics so as to read the newspapers Intelligently she said with a smile Then a col lege teacher so stimulated my in terest in the subject that I went on to graduate study After getting her masters de gree at the Catholic University of America Washington she taught in a girls college while qualifying for her doctorate La- she was on the staff of the Manhattanvllle College of the Sacred Heart for four years and taught a year at the Catholic Uni versity In New York she met and mar ried Maritime newspaperman and author George Boyle He was editor of the Maritime Coopera tor later The Casket a weekly newspaper in Nova Scotia One of his books Is the biography of Torontos late Arch bishop Neil McNeil who was also a former newspaperman Seven years ago Dr Boyle Join ed the staff of St Francis University Since her husbands death in the fall she has also been made associate editor of The Casket At St Francis econom ics is a required subject Dr Boyle said adding that this is a growing trend in Canadian uni versities generally Of the Inunl enrolment of about in economics at St 75 to are women To this university which Is J Vivacious Princess Margaret Is alt aglow here during a visit to the Foundation hospital Tooting rove London The Princess hairdo appears to be the new bouffant coiffure currently papular Navy Reviews Its Activities Of 1956 mm A I fc I VYJfvVt 3 One of the moil Intriguing happenings around Christmas Is the school Christmas concert The first school concerts I re member held In the Opera house because It was tin- only auditorium large enough to hold all the parents and relatives arid friends and remember after the first one I decided in my mind that the question of my career was solv ed 1 would be a concert solo ist Life for days afterwards was stale and unprofitable and Id walk past the Opera house and plan my future However to get back to De cember and the school concert This year it took the shape of for Miss pupils a little Allegheny Mr Moon set to music and for the older pupils of Mrs Youngs form an operetta entitled Trouble in And here I must congratulate Miss Armstrong the di rector on the job she did in training the children Solos and choruses were given with a verve and gaiety that re flected great credit on teacher and pupils Miss Armstrong told me she owed a lot to the cooper ation given her by Mrs Young and Miss Murray Robinson as the man in the moon was costumed in yellow and with a great golden moon called on the shadows and clouds the stars and the spirits to come forward One little spirit Ann Arz sang very sweet ly It was a pretty sight as each little band came to the moon The last to come was love and Vicky as Love sang in a way that shows she will some day follow in her Aunt Almas footsteps A really fine interlude divided the two parts of the program This was when the Mr Woodfl of Vandorf showed on the screen the authors and posers of some of our loveliest carols also the which first and then they were played nod while thoy put on the screen the word mean Audience and sang I hem A very in make cess It was pot at south hi raft The Ira and Bastes costumed And Miss Armstrong must have been proud of their singing for the choruses were well done At last a wicked spirit wan summoned by the ma and proved to whose hands and half black and half whits He tried to stir op In di rection but was suppressed and all infn one mors In ft realty good sn- tor children and the plaudits and thanks the com- I hope Christ- mas whkh f not to the will They nth part of iTMf room and this two ranees and also In the Womens lined tooft fefeft lain and this the ad view which Mp seeing in Other years Then came Ins it hadnt on Trouble in rfj was presided over by the and this port was St taken by Heather fcava who also gave the addeta of ft4nM welcome There a undo realistic This 11 new was acted by Hurry fa here And as he pushed down a word of cheer held down sometimes I held my brightness breath till he popped up again apparently unimpaired The Gift divine dolls performed the toy in their scarlet coats and mus kets marched in fine style There was an awfully good black mammy doll in a black drew with white neck kerchief and cap and apron there was the Paris doll sparkling in a sap phire costume this was acted by Alberta Ridley whose song and acting were both ex cellent There was a Dutch doll Nancy Ridley a Chinese doll Vicky and Indian doll Glover and a rub ber doll Louise Walker She was really fine and squeaked realistically when touched and sang and whistled too There were other dolls too all prettily Shine through that may show Something of its lovely glow Humbly may to do Something worthwhile year through friend to any friendless be Loving them because of Thee When my path is shadowed dark Make my faith a living spark Let this year the strength of right Triumph over evil might That when Christmas comes more Songs of Peace goodwill will soar Let us greet the next New Year With our hearts set free from fears NORMAL TEMPERATURE TO CANADA 11 1 9 Only small sections at the east west of Canada will below- normal tempera tures for the next thrss weeks oralis according to the US weather expected to be heavy In the bureau forecast Precipitation areas OPTIMIST W T Pis Boston I 13 Montreal 3 2 New York 3 Detroit A EVANGELINE WMS HAS INSTALLATION The first meeting of the New Year for tho Evangeline auxil iary WMS of Trinity United church Newmarket will be held in the church hull on Tuesday Jan at pm Mrs Angus King will review the study book The worship service will be under the leadership of Mrs Mnrjorie Constable Mrs C will be guest soloist The officers for will be in stalled and following the busi ness session a social halfhour will be enjoyed EVENING WA INSTALLS OFFICERS The installation of officers will be held for the Evening A of Trinity United church when the group meets in the church hall on Monday Jan at 8 pm The meeting was postponed one week because of the New Years holiday An interesting program has been arranged 1956 the Royal Navy acquired new ships new aircraft and new weapons and its wsystiips viir d activity ranged from the Canadian Arctic to the from Europe to the Far East The Arctic patrol ship Labrador on her third annual voyage north involved cosupply of DEW Lino stations and explored regions of the UieCaribbeari area warships from the Atlantic and Pacific commands combined for the largest manoeuvres ever held outside Canadian waters in peace time There were training cruises to Europe and to Japan Three ultramodern destroyer escorts of the St Laurent class Joined the first squadron of carrierborne jet fighters Banshees was formed and the first fee asmtwinengined antt- submarine Tracker aircraft was delivered to the Naval heli copters assisted in the airlift to the MidCanada Line carried out a number of rescue missions and joined in antisubmarine exercises The above layout illustrates some of tho highlights of the years activities Top left Assin- iboirie one of four St Laurent class destroyer escorts now in service Boltom left New guns are tested on board the destroyer escort Algonquin Top centre An antisubmarine helicopter lands on the trial platform on board the frigate Buckingham Bottom centre the frigate Lanark was the warship to pass through the famous tower Bridge in London Top right Canadiansailors gather coconuts on shore leave in Car ibbean Bottom right Frogmen from HMCS Labrador prepare to survey an uncharted harbour in the Far NEW Printed iINm Eatlar to cut and fit National Defence Photos One yard 54inch fabric to make this stunning new skirt in any size given Diagram shows how easy it is to so thrifty on fabric youll want several In lightweight wool wintercotton rich tweeds Slim trim the silhouette in demand this season Pattern Misses Waist Sizes 30 finches All given sizes one yard i 9010 Printed Patters Trust this Printed Pattern- to give you the loveliest figure for the least amount of sewing Sheath jumper has new Em pire look about its high waist line blouse Is the perfect com plement I Printed Pattern Sizes 1419 jumper requires yai inch fabric blouse takes i i