Newmarket Era and Express, 17 Jan 1957, p. 5

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Am Bra and Jan 1957 Continued NOTICE ARE NOTICE that the Corpor ation of the County of York in tends to apply to the next ses sion of the Ontario Legislature for a private act authorizing the Council of the County of York to pass a bylaw without the ap proval of the Ontario Municipal Board to borrow a sum not ex ceeding upon deben tures payable in not more than ten years to actual ex penditure incurred in the year for the construction and im provement of County roads The existing debenture debt of the County of is of which no of the principal or interest is in arrears The amount of the rateable property of the County of York according to the last revised equalized as sessment roll is DATED at Toronto the 2nd day of January J Lucas Building Toronto Solicitor for the County of York NOTICE TOWNSHIP OF tenders wanted SEALED Tenders plainly mark ed will be received by the un dersigned up to and including Saturday Jan To supply Fuel Oil for the Municipal Offices at Sharon To supply Diesel Fuel Oil for the at the Town ship Garages INFORMATION regarding these tenders may be procured from the undersigned LOWEST or any tender may not be necessarily accepted J Clerk townsThpof east gwillimbury APPLICATIONS for the position of an Assessor to assess the Mu nicipality of the Township of East for will be received by the undersigned up to and including Saturday Jan 1957 Applicants state qualifications experience and salary expected J Clerk c2w3 YOUR CHAMBER OF COMMERCE IS BUILDING A BETTER COMMUNITY THE NEWMARKET ERA AND EXPRESS Phones 2332 and 2333 OFFICE CHARLES ST Queen and Davis Dr east of Main Nine to 530 Accounts Also Payable At Toronto Dominion Bank The Bank requires your bill when you make payment PRINTERS AND The Era and Express Is The Best Advertising Medium Which You Can Find THE ANNUAL meeting of the lot owners of the Cemetery Co will be held at 8 pm Monday Jan at the home of the secretarytreas urer Alan Shaw Fred K Dew SecTrcas NOTICE to CREDITORS IN THE ESTATE OF NORMAN UOBSON ALL persons having claims against the estate of Norman late of the town of Aurora County of York de ceased who died on or about the day of December are hereby notified to send particu lars of the same to under signed on or before the 26th day of January after which date the estate will be distribut ed with regard only to the claims Of which the undersigned shall then have notice and the under signed will not bo liable to any person of whose claim they shall not then have notice DATED at Aurora this 10th day of January William and A M By the solicitor T A 25 Wellington St Aurora NOTICE The meeting of the Plot holders of Mount Albert Cemetery will be held in the office of the secretarytreasurer on Monday afternoon Jan at two oclock for the flection of directors reception of the annual reports and general business Joseph Harrison President II Theaker NOTICE I will not responsible for any incurred in my name by my wife Verna after this date Thursday Jan Walter NORWOOD On Saturday Jan to Mr and Mrs B Nor wood Newmarket a daughter TENDERS FOR SALE TENDERS requested for the sale of Base Line School and Grounds I acre BUILDING may be see by apply ing to Mr Meuar Willow Beach TENDERS will be received up to Jan 31st HIGHEST or any tender not nec essarily accepted Address to Secretory Mrs Bertha Melcalf Sutton West Ont BIRTHS Ontario THE ONTARIO MUNICIPAL BOARD IN THE MATTER OF Sections and of The On tario Municipal Board Act Chapter 262 IN THE MATTER OF an applica tion of The Corporation of the Town of Newmarket for a authority to dispense with a vote of the ratepayers with re spect to a proposed capital ex penditure of for Hie construction of certain works as set forth in Schedule A at tached hereto approval of he said under taking and capital expenditure APPOINTMENT FOR HEARING THE ONTARIO MUNICIPAL BOARD hereby appoints Friday the 1st day of February at the hour of two oclock in the Afternoon at the Council Cham bers in Newmarket for the hear ing of all interested parties in support or in opposition to the said application DATED at Toronto this day of January Chapman Secrete AT YORK COUNTY HOSPITAL ASPDEN On Friday Jan to Mr and Mrs Peter Asp- den 1 King a son BINGHAM On Friday Jan to Mr and Mrs Joseph Bingham 2 a son On Tuesday Jan 1957 to Mr and Mrs Peter wer Keltleby a son CLARKE On Monday Jan to Mr and Mrs lawrence Clarke Elgin Mills a daughter CHARLES On Monday Jan 14 to Mr and Mrs Amos Charles Island a daugh ter On Sunday Jan to Mr and Mrs Victor Frank Newmarket a daughter On Wednesday Jan to Mr and Mrs Fred de- Beer R Bradford a daugh ter DALEY On Tuesday Jan to Mr and Mrs Harry Dal ey Newmarket a son ELLIS On Thursday Jan to Mr and Mrs Ernest Ellis Aurora a daughter FLICKER On Tuesday Jan to Mr and Mrs Murray Flicker Newmarket a son On Wednesday Jan to Mr and Mrs Frank Richmond Hill a son HUNTLEY On Sunday Jan to Mr and Mrs Morris Huntley a daughter On Friday Jan to Mr and Mrs Jonkhout Elgin Mills a son McCOY On Saturday Jan to Mr and Mrs Ernest Mc Coy a daughter Tuesday Jan 8 to Mr and Mrs Robert Pol lock Sutton West a daughter SMITH On Wednesday Jan 9 to Mr and Mrs Kenneth Smith Newmarket a daughter SPENCE On Monday Jan to Mr and Mrs William Spence Jr Mount Albert a son SMITH On Saturday Jan to Mr and Mrs Smith Richmond Hill a son TIMBERS On Sunday Jan to Mr and Mrs Carl Tim bers Aurora a son WILKINSON On Monday Jan to Mr and Mrs George Wilkinson Aurora a son DEATHS On Friday Jan 1957 at for merly of Newmarket Bertha Albiua Scales in her year wife of the late Rev and mother of Irene Mrs Alice Mrs Foley Carrie Snyder rowsmith Leone Mrs Twid- dy Geneva Mrs Hopkins Toronto Vera Mrs and Madaline Rochester Ser vice was held on Sunday Jan Interment at CAIRNS At the residence of her daughter Mrs William Far- rcn Snowball on Friday Jan II Catherine Shanks wife of the lute William Cairns mo ther of Bruce and Mrs P Detroit Mrs A King Arwood Aurora Nellie Mrs McCuclten Oak Ridges Howard and Clyde King Harold Olive Mm William Snowball Al ma Mrs Hunter in her year Service was held on Monday Jan In terment King City Cemetery At Newmarket on Sunday Jan Mathewson husband of the late Ann Sarnie and father of Mrs Fred Dc Mar garet Morrisburg Mrs William Bell Elsie of North Ni geria West Africa Alex of Marie John of and David of Newmarket Ser vice was held on Wednesday Jan 16 Interment Newmarket cemetery OLDHAM At the home of his son Bruce Oldham con Brock Twp on Tuesday Jan Clarence Oldham hus band of the late Ada Smalley father of Wesley Verna Mrs Burt Bruce and Violet Mrs Donald McKay in his year Resting at his late residence Port Bolster until Thursday noon Funeral service in Wilfrid United church on Thursday Jan at 2 pm In terment Mount Albert cemetery Statistics Show That Canadians Gabbiest Users Of Telephones NEWS News for this column must be In the office Monday night Copy must be written a briefly as possible and confined to news and reports Other than routine reports and announcements will be printed separately The January meeting of the branch for the donation to ward purchase of As branch representative on the board Mrs Austin Rumble read letters at the board meeting on January from two of the pu pils of the King City school In appreciation of the WI prizes given in the childrens essay con test under the library board dur ing November Canada to top ll other Uftrnt only the territorial of Hawaii and averaging more rail a year With of the country home equipped with telephones Canada average rail per and popular demand for extension telephone promise to boot future record Typical telephone enthusiast aro Rex of Georgetown who moved recently from a modest twotele phone house Into their dream -come- true- home equipped with every ultramodern convenience Mrs lower left operate her household smoothly with time devices one maid and eight telephone Colored nets will soon replace the eight Mark extensions located throughout the home Including top Rex Jr bedroom and the linlmir swimming pool lower right where he hi call without needing to remove drip ping frogman gear For the fourth consecutive year Canada outranks all other count ries in the number of telephone conversations per person averag ing per capita This is con siderably above the United Stales the secondranking country with conversations per person Canadas calling rate is exceeded only in two US territories- Alas ka and Hawaii Canada again ranks third in the number of telephones in use At the beginning of there were 4140300 telephones in service in this country according to figures released by The Hell Telephone Company of Canada The United States had telephone in service and the United King dom at the same date In the statistics for the number COPY P F ONTARIO THE ONTARIO MUNICIPAL BOARD A THE APPOINTMENT FOR HEARING OF THE ONTARIO MUNICIPAL BOARD DATED THE DAY OF JANUARY Street From STORM SEWER Easement Andrew Street Andrew Street CURB AND SIDEWALK Timothy Street John Street Math side easterly STORM SEWER Timothy Street John Street Street Timothy Street To Amount Holland River distance of Church Street Street IN FLANAGAN In loving memory of our dad Hugh Flanagan who passed away Jan looking back witli memories Upon the path your trod We bless the years we had with you And leave the rest with God Remembered and missed by his sou Laurie Nettie and grand children HARK In loving memory of a dear husband and father Arthur Hare who passed away January The depths of sorrow we cannot tell Of the loss of one we love so well And while he sleeps a peaceful sleep His memory we shall always keep Ever remembered by his wife and family JONES In loving memory of a dear husband and father Johnny Jones who passed away Jan While yon dear one rest and sleep Your loving memory well al ways keep Sadly remembered by his wife and son Donald JONES In loving memory of a dear son Johnny Jones who passed away Jan Tenderly I treasure the past With memories that will always last And when I cease to think of you Will lie when God has called me too Sadly missed by his mother Mrs Jones Owen Sound KMET In loving memory of a husband and father who passed away Jan 17 Gone from us but leaving mem ories A death can never take away Our memories that will always linger While upon this earth we stay Sadly missed by wife and family MORNING In loving memory of a dear wife and mother Mae Morning who passed away Jan 10 More and more each day we miss her Friends may think the wound is healed But they little know the sorrow Lies within our hearts con cealed Lovingly remembered by hus band Rube daughter Dolly YOUR CHAMBER OF COMMERCE IS BUILDING A BETTER COMMUNITY PATRICK In loving memory of my dear daughter Annie Bray Patrick who passed away Jan Gone is the face we loved so dear Silent is the voice we loved to hear Too far away for sight or speech Rut not far for thoughts to reach Sweet to remember her who once was here And who though absent is just as dear Lovingly remembered by mo ther and brothers PAGE In ever loving memory of our dear baby son and brother Colin Douglas who left us so suddenly January Dearer still as the years depart Your memory lives within our hearts With tender love and deep re gret We who loved you will never forge Constantly in our thoughts dear Colin Monimie Anne and Don WOODCOCK loving mem ory of Howard W Woodcock Perth Reg killed in action in Italy Jan Time lakes away the edge of grief Rut memory turns back every leaf Not just today but every day In silence wo remember Sadly missed by mother fa ther sisters and brothers CARD OF We wish to convey our sin cere thanks to all our kind friends and neighbors for their great help after our recent acci dent and especially to Dr Pat rick Rowan and the nursing staff of the York County hospital Mr and Mrs George Simpson CARD OF THANKS We wish to express our heart felt thanks and appreciation for the kindness sympathy and beautiful floral offerings receiv ed from our relatives friends and neighbors during the illness and recent bereavement of a dear husband and father Howard Fife A special thanks to Dr Arkinstall special nurses hospital staff Rev A W pallbearers and and Hose Funeral Home Sara Fife and family ENGAGEMENTS Mr and Mrs Steve Park Hol land Landing wish to announce the engagement of their eldest daughter Shirley Evelyn to Mr Jacob Peter Maries son of Mr and Mrs Oris Maries R Newmarket the wedding to tako place on Saturday Feb at of telephone per hundred pers ons the United States leads the countries of world with Sweden is second with 394 and Canada third with Nearly per cent of the telephones in Canada are dial operated There were approximately 101 million telephones in the world at the of or two tele phones for every one in existence years previously A person in Canada could call any of mil lion the worlds telephones lo cated in more than other countries and territories leading city in the world for telephones is New York City with in service on January I Secondranking city is Greater London with 2020000 telephones in service In Canada Montreal leads with telephones followed by Toronto with The information contained in The Worlds Telephones com piled by the American Telephone and Telegraph Company requires about a year to tabulate from the reports of more than 250 govern ments and telephone companies throughout the world branch will be held in the home of Mrs R Baycroft Wednesday Jan at pm Roll call is A paper on a historical site or a personality of our com munity Historical Research and Current Events convener Mrs Brown will be in charge of the program Hostesses will be Mrs Brown and Mrs All are welcome The branch held its meeting in the hall on January 8 with members of the Sharon branch as guests Mrs Fred Waller chaired the meeting and roll call was answered by What is a good neighbor Mrs Winch replied to the motto New Years giving ev eryone food for thought on the privileges and opportunities of having a new year a new begin ning and likened It to an unspot ted fresh page Mrs Osier the president from Sharon convened the program and asked all join in commun ity singing This was followed by an informative reading by Mrs Coyle on the history of agricul ture and Its advancement from the reign of Queen Victoria to our present Queen Elizabeth Mrs Watson read an account of the life of the late M Mont gomery beloved authoress of the Anne books Mrs Ward played two piano solos Mrs Thompson read a New Years poem and Mrs Calvert gave a reading The Ba chelors Auction Mrs K conducted a contest Reeve R J Pollock addressed the meeting on citizenship and education He reminded us that education Is the preparation for complete living It prepares us live with our fellow men thus becoming good citizens There were 48 adults and five children present In view of the anniversary of the founding of Ontario Wom ens Institute by Mrs Adelaide on February the King branch decided a special evening will celebrate the occa sion when 1 1 surviving charter members out of who joined at the organizational meeting in will he special guests All others who joined during the first year will be invited Mrs Austin Rumble will give the history of the branch Mrs Ruth Doner and Mrs will arrange a place for the show for the branch meeting on March 20 when a from the Eaton Co will show exhibits and use WI members as models Mrs Rumble gave the motto Character like embroidery is made stitch by stitch Announcement of the Kami Calender a CRC program given over to Womens Institutes during the week of February On behalf of the King library board Mrs thanked the branch representative on the board Mrs thanked the Member Flora Delivery A flowers wired to ill I ha world FUNERAL FLOWERS A SPECIALTY 111 Main St MCCAFFREYS Flowers FOR EVERY OCCASION All Over the World MAIN STREET NEWMARKET Phone TW 54862 Rose Funeral Directors MAIN STREET NEWMARKET StrulertSti QUEENSVILLE FUNERAL DIRECTORS AND AMBULANCE SERVICE PHONE FUNERAL and AMBULANCE SERVICE Phone Mount Albert SI Nwmarkt Sffvin Social News Mr Edgar Pope of Windsor a few days last week with his cousins Mr and Mrs Residents Hem all sections of town have accepted the invitation extended by the members of the Lyons ratepayers associa tion to visit the outdoor rink in their park Horns will be posted for hockey and pleasure skating at the rink Mr and Mrs A J Condon visited Mrs Lawr ences parents Mr and Mrs Frank Pearson St re cently Many from Keswick attended the opening of Suttons fine new church Sunday evening Dr Hunter was the speaker The first meeting of the Baby Band Mothers met Friday night Mrs Lloyd presided and Mrs P Winch led in a fine devotional on Beginnings Mrs gave a talk on Emotional training of our chil dren There were 20 present and it was voted to have a monthly meeting on the second Friday of each month A nom inating committee was elected to chose officers A social time followed The nominating com mittee will Friday Jan Mrs Lloyd Sedores i The annual congregational meeting will he held in the fire side room Jan 20 at pm The week of prayer services will begin Jan 22 at pm in Roches Point Anglican church with Mr McLean speak er Wednesday Jan in the Christian church Keswick Mr Cooke at 8 pm Thursday Jan United church 8 pm Mr Friday Jan at 8 pm in the Free Methodist church Mr Serrick Three new members were re ceived at the Sunday morning service by transfer Baby Roy James Fisher was baptized Holy Communion was celebrated OBITUARY Wing Commander Brer A funeral was given former Wing Commander and fighter pilot Norman Bret who passed away Dec in hospital The funeral service was held from the Thompson Funeral Home Auro ra The service in the chapel was conducted by Rev McLel Ian who also conducted the com mittal service In Aurora ceme tery assisted by the legion chap lain Comrade It Wing Commander Bret won his with the famous Fighter Squadron during World War The number of floral tributes spoke of the high esteem in which Norman was held The honorary pallbearers were all brother officers associated with Wing Commander Bret during the war They were Brad Walker DFC Lt Mills and Howard Clemcs Active pallbearers were past presidents of the Aurora branch of the Canadian Legion Norman was a faithful Legion work er and member Pallbearers were J Steadman A A Two duly buglers from the CAF band at Camp Borden sounded Last Post and Reveille at the graveside One of these buglers sounded the Last Post and Reveille at the funeral of the late Mrs who was also an officer in the and who prede ceased her husband this year WOMEN LIBERALS PLAN MEETING Bruce Hunter entertain ed the executive members of the North York Womens Liberal as sociation at her home on Forest Glen Rd on Wednesday Jan when plans were made for the associations annual meeting Mrs Donald Downey chaired the meeting At the conclusion of the busi ness session refreshments were served by the hostess The hon orary president Mrs Charles Webster Aurora poured tea She was assisted by Mrs Dow ney Era and Express Classifieds Bring Results REORGANIZATIONAL MEETING OF THE NEWMARKET BRANCH OF THE BRITISH AND FOREIGN BIBLE SOCIETY under the auspices of NEWMARKET MINISTERIAL ASSOCIATION will be held in the GRACE CHURCH BOTSFORD STREET SUNDAY JANUARY 20 at PM Rev District Secretary will he the speaker and will show the film HOW WE GOT OUR BIBLE IS CORDIALLY INVITED Attend One Of These CHURCHES WN St CHURCH SALVATION ARMY Newmarket Corps 14 Queen SI apt and Mm Sunday services conducted Copt M Toronto Pay Ber muda 1 pm Sunday school pm Gospel service Make the Army your church home Street 11 am Meeting for worship Burton Hill and family expect to lie with us for this service They have recently attended Friends World Committee Baltimore Maryland and will brine us a report of the work Come and join us in worship All welcome Our lives our talents our all to God UNITED MISSIONARY CHURCH and Rev MlnbUr 845 am Broadcast Kc am Worship am Sunday noon Worship pm Evening service Welcome to r CHURCH OF THE 1 N AZA RENE MAN A I a rr if 1 Mtae Jane Heme am Bible school am Morning worship pm Evangelistic service A Hearty Welcome Awaits You At Servi FULL TABRRNACLR Boy Scout Hall am Sunday school am Morning worship 7 pm Evangelistic service Pastor A Affiliated with the Pentecostal Assemblies of Canada Minister Rev Ed Onanist Mr Rudolph 10 am Church school am Nursery and Beginners 1 am Public worship Visit cordially welcome CHRISTIAN BARI8T Main Rev Fred Musical Director Crieff am Morning worship 230 pm Sunday 7 pm Uniting service with British and Foreign aw in church All VICTORY CHURCH Fellowship of Baptist Corner Arthur awl Nawto Ma Newmarket Faster Rev Roy am Sunday School am Pastors Bible class 11 am Worship Service Wednesday B pm aad Bible Study A warm welcome ewaita CHURCH OP Alaert Sunday School pm Frank Clark Sunt Special Rev H Sunday pm METHODIST CHURCH Rev W Gerald am Sunday school am Divine worship 7 pm Evangelistic service 8 Prayer service 8 pm service Rev Daw guest speaker All wel TRINITY UNITED CHURCH Rev J Aiken Minister Mr Mmsle Director am Morning worship DISCIPLES OF THE KJNG DOM Sunday School am Senior school am Beginners and Primary Junior congregation am Nursery Bible Society service in Grace church St You will ke welcome at GREETING CAMS FOR the best in Christian liter ature books plaques mottoes stationery and greeting cards of ell kinds etc come see at the Evangelical and Gift Shoppe Howard Newmar ket William Hall authorised agent phone Mow- market

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