Newmarket Era and Express, 24 Jan 1957, p. 13

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Edmund Wallas Reelected Chairman Of library Beard acclamations were re- at the elections of board embers of King Memorial rary at the annual public mect- ng of the library association on evening Jan Don- Id King City trustee conducted the lections Edmund Wallas was reelected of board for a nd term Two new in the village were voted presentation on the board Irs Gage Love represents King- raits and William rcp- King City Lions Reelected representatives of WI and Lake Marie ctic association arc Mrs Humble and Bice Others elected are J Grew and Ronald Bolton who is a member of King City Munici pal Trustee board John Aird RHEUMATIC ACHES AND MUSCULAR STRAINS MAY QUICKLY Soothing relief From and strains and rheum tic aches is often attained by a moments brisk rubbing with Its analgesic properties and penetrating power In many instances bring almost immediate relief With long strenuous massages are unneces sary Try it yourself Always keep a bottle of in the medicine cabinet At your druggist FIXIT JEFF SAAITft PLUMBING AND HEATING and Carson Bice were reelected Mr Bice represents the teaching staff of King City school It was decided unanimously to establish a sinking fund to pay off the existing mortgage on the library property- Finances At the meeting in the library quarters King City the public was informed that total receipts of the library were This included the 1955 bal ance of in the building account and 12538 in the gen eral library account Other in comes were King township grant of for a special leg islative grant to the new library building of 200 and the regular grant of 13668 Membership fees were fines and repay ment on lost books Fund- raising ventures brought 88 and cash donations 317 Sale of two small buildings belonging to the library raised 275 Expenditures amounted to Mortgage payments and interest were 117522 while re pairs and remodelling were 100075 Legal expenses for registration and transfers in connection with new building were Maintenance for light heat and insurance prem ium was over 225 Balance in the library account is now 10444 with 197 in the building account The mortgage owing on the new library property is 1650 at six percent interest This re quires 9975 interest payment per year on quarterly basis The mortgage loan falls due on Dec 1 I960 The mortgage could not be met by unless there is a greater source of income than presently exists Even with cir culation and membership greatly enhanced the cost of mainten ance is a big factor Circulation The growth of the library is noted by comparison figures in and The 1955 circu lation was membership was 223 including 143 adults and students and children paying no membership Spent on books was In circulation was 4862 membership 339 in cluding paid member ship and free children Spent on books was Following the annual meeting of King Memorial library Jan the board members executive workers story tellers and the local press ladies were guests of Mr and Mrs Ted Wallas at their home for refresh ments Mr Wallas is board chairman Childrens Suggests Teacher At And S Meet What parents and teachers should expect of each other was a subject taken by Eva Barnes King City and District Mm Laura Correspondent Phone King Memorial CoaununJon Set Eleven persons transferred their church memberships to King City United church and were prmdpal of King George school communion Back From BC Mrs Reginald Case has return ed to King City after a lengthy visit with her son Dennis his wife and child in British Columbia She spent a happy Christmastidc seeing her grandson for the first I time NATURAL A E Snow Ltd Aurora in cooperation with the Con- sumcrs Gas Co Toronto are arranging classes for In- structing Tradesmen of Aurora and Newmarket In the installation of Gas Furnaces and Water Heaters All Tradesmen Interested Should contact A E SNOW LTD PA By MONDAY JANUARY 28 for further information MAPLE LIONS BINGO Tuesday Jan 29 8 pm JACKPOT 500 Numbers Called TOP LINE SPECIAL 18 NUMBERS CALLED SHARE THE WEALTH MAPLE Hall FREE BUS SERVICE FROM KING CITY LEAVING AT PROCEEDS FOR MAPLE LIONS WELFARE WORK Newmarket when she addressed Kettleby Home and School Asso ciation at the Kettleby President Donald Cheyne conduc ted the meeting The speaker was introduced by Mrs Bob Car son whose husband is the school principal Her 35 years in the teaching profession have led Miss Barnes to value the relationship between the teacher and the parent Teaching the child to assume res ponsibility at an early age and in culcating the essence of obedience are prerequisites of a good start to the childs happy and success ful living Miss Barnes believes Happy human relations are best for any family and arc reflected in his relationships with his school mates The teacher bene fits from this situation Parent interest in the child s program giving him encourage- 1 and sympathy is essential A child from a home where good books arc read becomes an ardent reader and an ardent student Miss Barnes expressed her con cern about TV programs In her opinion good educational pro grams are helpful to a child but the sensational kind like wrestl ing ore detrimental she thought Control of the kind of TV pro gram the child sees is a must The teachers aim said Miss Barnes is to make good citizens out of their pupils and in so doing both parent and teacher citizen ship foundations must be strong ly built Courtesy in a child is highly important Miss Barnes advised marking childrens clothing worn to school in order to identify their own ap parel This helps the teacher and prevents loss An educational film the frustrating four year old and the fascinating fiveyearold child followed by discussions led by Mrs Frank Betty was shown Nancy Greensidcs a Kettleby pupil gave two piano solos Miss Josephine Kylic of the teaching staff extended courtesies to Miss Barnes Alex Elected As New President Of Oak Ridges B Of T Elected president by acclama tion of Oak Ridges Board of Trade is Alex Gallacher J J Wall is immediate past president Others on the executive arc Eric Smith Robert Kennoway and Gordon Howe vicepresidents Bert Norman secretary ten Ellins reelected treasurer di rectors Douglas Doug las- Martin- George- Mrs Betty Joe George Wright and Dufficld John was reappointed to the membership committee On the industrial committee ore Ross Davis George Wright and Joe Land Mr is the second president of the organization formed two years ago and he is head of the store on St One of the topics discussed was procuring a light industry for Oak Ridges which is contemplat ing moving to the Richmond HillOak Ridges district The board also discussed procuring a Mr Little of a planning consult ant firm to address the organ ization in the near future The next general meeting will be held Tuesday Feb 20 at Ridge Inn In order to facili tate the executive the meet ings will be held during the noon lunch hour as called The general feeling at the an nual meeting was that this or ganization had carried on very successfully since the first two years are more or less explora tory Much had been accom plished and prospects look bright for a good year ahead for 65 members Prevention Of Disease Is Subject Of Address By Physician Dr T Jones resident physi cian of gave a half hour talk on methods of prevent ing communicable diseases among children when he spoke to Schomberg Home and School As sociation at the school on January President Douglas was chairman Dr Jones des cribed the use of three and one innoculations against diphtheria tetanus and whooping cough vac cines to prevent tuberculosis ty phoid smallpox measles and polio The development in medical science to offset the scourge of contagious disease has been a boon to society and helped to make child life comparatively safe and is the means of eliminat ing what years ago was the dis astrous after effects of many child diseases Pupils presented two skits il lustrating the value of understan ding between teachers and par ents An addition to school acti vities the purchase of a piano by the Home and School and the school board has been made The Home and School organiza tion was formed last spring and has a very active membership with an average monthly attend ance of over Lister is recording secretary and Mrs on Sunday Jan when persons participated in the Sacrament of the Lords Supper under Rev Martin The follow ing are the new members Mr and Mrs Charles Johnston from Timothy Eaton Memorial Mr and Mrs A Fleuker from mede United Mrs Leonard Ap- pleyard from Leaside United Dr Hardy from St Andrews Presbyterian church Barrie Mrs John Kcll from Unit ed and Mr from Richmond Hill United Mrs John from Aurora United and Miss Doris from St Pauls Unit ed at Dundas The two silver Communion sets given by Mr James Patton in memory of his late wife were used on Sunday for the first time At the Laskay church fiftytwo took communion but no additions were made to the membership of the congregation News Attending a York County CG rally at Aurora United church January 18 were Carol president of King City organiza tion Stephanie and Glcnna Sawyer and the leaders Mrs Don Hutchinson and Mrs Emerson Wallace Miss Iris Daly former secretary of Ontario Provincial Girls Work Board was presented with a gift Leaves Kin Mr and Mrs John and two young children have moved from the Eighth of King township to Arnprior Mr Pringlc form erly of King City Cold Storage has a large sales territory with the Company Story Hour King Memorial Library story hour for children was resumed on Saturday morning Jan when Mrs J Evans told the story The morning hour will continue until the end of the current school term Librarian Mrs Don Hutch inson was in charge of the session Oyster Supper Since King City Lions first es tablished the annual oyster sup per four years ago the event has built up into a widely patronized affair Mostly because the old fashioned oyster supper more or less declined in popularity when cost of oysters went up several years ago However the delici ous soup thickened with crack ers and rich with creammilk and butter has proven a tempt ing dish On Tuesday Feb under the chairmanship of Farm er Lion Lawason the sup per will be served King City United church Some prefer this seafood raw while others make a wry face at the thought of oysters so they ore served a delicious cold meat and salad plate Plan Anniversary At the first meeting of St An drews Presbyterian WMS of Strange held at the home of Mrs W J Willoughby King City the new study book The Church in Southern Asia was in troduced by Mrs Don Mrs Farren the presi dent chaired the meeting votionals were taken by Mrs C A Black and Mrs J Shepherd and Mrs Shepherd was appoint ed delegate to the West Toronto annual meeting High Park church in February Strange auxiliary will conduct a missionary night in February inviting all district societies to attend Mrs Black read a poem The Ahead In June the auxiliary will celebrate its 65th anniversary Mrs Kate Port and her sister Mrs James McCallum charter members are the only living original members who joined Motor South On vacation in Florida are Mr and Mrs Donald Barker and daughter Strange and Mrs Bar ker Sr Thistlctown Others in this state are Norman MacMur- and Lyman Fry Mr and Mrs Jack and Mr and Mrs Alex Oak Ridges Lenore Robb and Mrs Pearl Lewis op erators King telephone ex change at St Petersburg Mr and Mrs Stanley Rule Oak Ridges Mr and Mrs Morgan Baker of King leave early in February while Mr and Mrs A J Gordon motor south later this month Mr and Mrs Allan Oak Ridges are south Mr and Mrs Don Mc- Alpinc and John left for the south during the weekend for vacation in Carolina Mr and Mrs Bill Snowball are planning a vacation to Florida Recovering Mr Frank Fog Fogwood Farm Fourth Concession of King is re covering from an attack of pneu monia which followed after influ enza Mr Fog who is art director of the TV station planned to return to work this week III At Home Meeting The newly formed Evening Auxiliary of All Saints Anglican church with members held the first meeting in the parish room King City on the scheduled date the third Wednesday evening of the month The organization grew from the Mothers Sunday School Association and is made up of mothers with young children Mrs Ross Walker is honorary president Chairing the first meeting was the president Mrs Gordon Tet- Assisting her on the execu tive are vicepresidents Mrs George Bennett and Mrs George Armstrong Mrs L Cooke sec retary treasurer Mrs A Croft education secretary and Mrs G and Mrs Jack Dorcas secretaries The auxiliary will carry on the Sunday School work as its paro chial effort Discussions were held on making an infants layette for the mission bale and working to ward the Christmastide bazaar Officers Installed Rev J E Shepherd installed officers of Presbyterian Womens Missionary Society at the home of Miss Jessie Gcllatly and spoke briefly the mission work and the role filled by won- Beet BYPU Officers June Peck is the new president of the Baptist Young Peoples Union an interdenominational or ganization in the King Baptist circuit The election of officers was held January at the home of Mr and Mrs Harry Webster Kettleby Vicepresident is Bev erly Miller and Grace Webster was reelected secretarytreasur er The refreshment committee is Marion Cober Sarah and Linda Sommerville Ushers are Fred Peck and Tom Cober The weekly meetings held in the homes on the second Monday of the month arc devoted to dc- votionals Bible study and some social activity Rev A Hart the minister will continue with the study of Genesis Open dis cussions on the subject arc held The group made a contribution to missions in The local project was fixing the kitchen floor in the parsonage at King City Rats Cost Province 90000000 Per Year The total cost of tolerating one for a year is around and the of one pair of rats may exceed individuals per annum A recent laboratory ex- Schomberg Trustees Reduce I which began with one en workers At the home of Mrs rnlg n Verdun Gordon prayers were taken by Mrs Gordon and Mrs and scripture reading was by Mrs John Phillips Mrs Watson Ferguson gave a chapter in the study book They Reach for Life Mrs J C Shepherd gave two readings Piano selec tions were by Mrs Shepherd and I Mrs Fred Gray Mrs Curtis the president and I Mrs were appointed dele- 1 gates to the annual meeting l0S West Toronto High Park Church Toronto Feb The society has contributed 165- to missions a larger amount than usual Mrs Lcnhardt has consented to convene sick and welfare work on behalf of Mrs Duncan Ross who was hospital ized with fractured hip Visitors were Mrs If Wilson Mrs Graff Mrs Barrett Mae Shep herd Mrs Gray Hill and Mrs Bruce Rawiinge Before the lunch hour Miss a Bible quiz contest Toboggan Party The local CGlT held a won derful tobogganing party on hill sides west of King City on Pack- farm on Saturday after noon returning to the United church for hot soup and crackers Convalescent more than rodents by the year end says Professor It If Ozburn department of entomology and zoology Ontario Agricultural College According to the provincial department of health the On tario rat population might be A discussion under Schomberg police village trustees with King township planning board headed by chairman Bruce Davis the planning consultant Gordon ham and several ratepayers on January resulted in a pro posal to confine zon ing to the acres within the village limits It was the con sensus that the decision was the most feasible proposal In keep ing with the future development of Schomberg Trustee Clarence Wood the trustee boards new was the general chair- man The original proposed zoning plan of approximately acres including the village and outside agricultural land was scrapped in favor of the smaller more compact area In the opinion of trustee chairman Bob Moody Schomberg will not be required to spread at the present time into unwieldy proportions If the acres is suitably zoned and is developed in the proper manner will be a good sized place Mr Moody thought The village population Is now around people village limits extend north to highway including Mrs Ruth Wrays farm border ing highways and 27 The eastern border line Is on the west side of highway 27 includ ing the and pro perty ten acres of the be ing in subdivision and the Hugh farm on highway V and forming the south border The west side is a line drawn midway between Ninth and Tenth concessions including the Gordon Brown farmland Thus the builtup section of the vill age Is encircled by farms The new concept of planning eliminates land cast of 27 and excludes the hamlet of to the west both of which were included on or Iglnal draft zoning map Now that the concept nan nar rowed down to approximately acres Mr Culham will pre pare a draft map and with trustee board will consult the property owner as to how they would like the lands classified When the plan meets the ap proval of trustees a general public meeting will be called to hear the voice of the people It is essential village trustees pointed out that the shopping area remain in and near present built up section rather than being developed toward the edges of the village limits The commercial part of would be a ghost centre this allowed trustees feci Successful Year worth of of the New is rauuiiisi in Ontario and their hairy bo dies their feet and their drag ging tails are admirably suited to disseminate disease germs that affect both humans and ani mals rottoons Mrs M Ross Keele St north is convalescing remarkably well from a fractured hip which occur red several weeks ago According to Professor Ozburn the number of rats on a farm can be roughly estimated on following basis if no rats arc- seen there arc probably up to present if one is seen occa sionally you are probably between 20 and if you frequently see one or more chances are- that over are on the premises There are several methods for controlling rats including trap ping poison baits tracking pois ons poison gases clean up and rat proofing Each method is discussed in detail in Bulletin Rats and Mice obtainable at office of agricultural representative was held at home of Mrs Charles Gordon when devotions were taken by Mrs Watson Fer guson and Mrs Fred Curtis Miss Anderson presided Plans were made for congregational pot luck supper on Friday Feb at King City United church rooms A bazaar will be held in November Miss J and Mrs Jas Brown will make inquiries about a sign board on church grounds and 100 was voted to ward thc church treasury In her annual report thc treasurer Mrs Gordon said total receipts were 68593 including 1055 balance of 28153 The years expend- lures were leaving a ancc the end of of Noted in monies spent were to churchtrnsury for church fitCScott Mis sion Salvation Army Armagh House for Girls and York received a total of The Muh or also received a variety of Christmas gifts Looting right So us for clot INFANTS TO MITUNS wain Phone I trucks can Chevrolet showed the world what scull champs are made of right from the start Chevys rugged features proved on the Alaska Highway are ready to prove to you their unbeatable value High compression 6s and Short Stroke VBs with horsepower now up to can do Herculean tasks with case Low Cab Forward models outdare the Over Engine save you time and effort cab and body construction Chevrolet cabs and bodies stay tight and solid over miles of bumps Optional trans minion the revolutionary sixspeed automatic makes heavy hauling easier and safer Sturdy frames and longloaf springs these brawny chassis components can take it when the going is with strength to spare I Whether your job for fastworking efficiency gainst tight schedules or big muscles for grinds count on a new Chevrolet TaskForce truck to do it better I NEW TASKFORCE TRUCKS Mrs Kate Port 84 is ill at her St north home and has been confined to bed since Janu ary Her brother and his wife Mr and Mrs Herb Ross are look Bill home in secretary I which they all reside i WWW

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