Newmarket Era and Express, 7 Feb 1957, 11b

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King Township To Control Drainage In Marsh Area A major project unprecedented In King township is a bylaw to establish municipal drainage in five areas in the Holland Marsh whereby the township will con trol and maintain ditches and cul vert entitled ditches No and A debenture will be assumed by the properties assess ed In the five areas There are lineal feet to be dug Uniform Ditches The new system will be highly beneficial to the Marsh growers and the council slates Reeve Wil liam Hodgson Heretofore proper ty owners have looked after their own land road frontage ditch es and culverts which have not been uniformly dug and maintain ed rise to a series of com plaints and dissatisfaction to many growers for several years Five separate bylaws were giv en two readings by council on February describing the ditches and culverts They included costs and authority to undertake the work and to borr ow money on the credit of the municipality of King township for completing the work Of Revision These are being forwarded to the township solicitor J- Lu cas to be validated by the Ontario municipal board The byIavs will be forwarded to some Marsh growers within the five ar eas accompanied by notices of the court of revision scheduled for Wednesday February at pm In Kettleby United hall The court will be conducted to hear appeals against assessments of the properties in the ditch ar eas as shown on the last revised assessment roll Three tenders for work in each Compensation Insurance on a group of volunteer firemen of King City fire department was increased to from by the village trustee board on Jan uary 28 Fire Chief Glass urged the increase on the advice of the workmens compensation board which has the final say in what an insurance company wards to an injured fireman Sign Agreement Trustees signed the York Coun ty mutual fire aid agreement drafted in bylaw form by the of the five ditches submitted by marshals Fire Child Bros Brampton SSoSSnlSS ion and Ross Hanna were review ed by council but no action tak en in selecting any of the prices until such time as council can find the money to carry out the work Reeve Hodgson stated The bank will not loan money for debentures clerk H G Rose stated Last fall before the money situation tightened this would have been done by the bank he said Most Start Soon The drainage work on the feet divided about 50 io on the land and on roadside front age according to township engin eer Victor will have to be started as soon as possible so as not to run over into Marsh seeding time Two machines wou ld be needed to finish by April 30 or May 1 according to the ten der order CONSERVATION AUTHORITY Councillor Ray Jennings King township has been appointed rep resentative to Toronto Metro Re gion Conservation Authority The amalgamation embraces Humber Valley Rouge and Holland River 1 Authorities CHMOND HILL LIONS INGO Monday February GOLDEN LINE IS Numbers Called LIONS HALL PM ALL CASH PRIZES Jackpot 450 58 Numbers Galled ENTIRE PROCEEDS FOR WELFARE WORK ooper tells of revolution brought by frozen foods Frozen food arc revolutionizing daily living says A Cooper Manager of Frozen Food Warehouse of Dominion Store I Limited They not only save the housewife time and cut down watte hi preparing meals they make available all year many I tempting fruit and choice meat and a far wider variety of vegetables and seafood A a family man Mr Cooper ha benefited by the progress made in another field life Insurance Today providing continuing income for your family is only one of the function of life insurance The increased flexibility of life insurance plant enables you to provide fund for emergencies your children education safeguarding your home protecting your business mid retirement income for yourself Your life underwriter better trained than ever to help you shape these flexible insurance plans to meet your familys needs in these and other ways the Insurance companies keep in the vanguard of progress A total el billion hoi boon Invoilod by lift Intwr- In Canada on behalf of policy Hold tit in and other products ootrprfio THE LIFE INSURANCE COMPANIES IN CANADA IfUO township is the county fire chief coordinator appointed by the government The system of coordination Is a protective measure to a com munity or series of communities in instances of a fire disast er or national emergency Fire Chief Glass explained to King City trustees If King City fire department is called to service another district there is a stand by brigade ready to fill the need until the local fire department re turns The system evolved from a study by the fire marshals de partment To Attend Course Trustees approved the selection of one local fireman by Fire Chief Glass to attend a twoday course of instruction in electrical inspect ion at the fire marshals office during the latter part of Febru ary Two days wages and trans portation expenditures will be supplied by the trustee board Trustees allocated public places of assembly industry wholesale and storage and all places on invitat ion by the owner as the places to be covered by the Fire Hazard In spector An official inspection card is shown by the inspector This inspection whether in pri vate homes or otherwise is de signed by the government says Fire Chief Glass to cut down the great percentage of fires that are attributed to faulty wiring After the local inspector has seen a pro perty his report is forwarded to Ontario Hydro which in turn re- inspects the wiring and makes re commendations to the owner if any changes in wiring are essent ial Rumor Unfounded Will Not Close King Station CNR The reported closing of King City Canadian National Railway station is unfounded This an nouncement was made by King township council on February 1 after word was conveyed from the Toronto regional headquart ers of the company that there is no movement revealed to close the railway station at King City Apparently the report cir culated must have been based on rumor commented clerk Rose The resolution adopted by King City village trustees protesting the intimation of the proposed closing directed to the president of the board of transport commissioners and J Smith the federal member of parliament was withheld after it was made- known the station would remain intact Immediately following the an nual meeting of King City cham ber of commerce on January 28 president Douglas Em- eat Smith reelected secretary and other board members Keith Cambden Jack Turner and Bill Jensen conferred with those pre sent deciding to place the matter in the hands of local authorities the police village trustees New Agent Mr and Mrs Steve Campbell have moved from Zephyr to King City and have rented the house on Keele St south Mr Campbell is the new station agent with the al King City has been stationed at Zephyr Scott township for the past year The Campbells have a family of eight children Margaret and Frederick in public school and Francis and Basil in Aurora High school Charlie the youngest is six years of age The old er members of the family arc John who is a station oper ator Steve Jr with Construction at White River and Donald an LAC with the in Germany Mr Campbells father John Campbell was station agent at King in for eleven months succeeding the late Mr Mitchell Mr and Mrs Stanley Hunter spent several days with friends at Cornwall Mr and Mrs Lome Goodfellow of left on Saturday Feb 2 motoring to California for a months vacation Last year they had a winter holiday in Florida 0 Mr and Mrs A J Gordon set out on a motor trip to Florida Their son Donald a high school student is staying at the home of his uncle Charles Gordon King St while his parents are away Mr Bruce Parker who has been employed at Motors for the past five years has vacated his position and has en tered the permanent service of Weston fire department Bruce has been living in Weston for sev eral months at the home of his uncle Harold He was a diligent member of King City volunteer fire department since it was inaugurated in Mrs J E Shepherd St attended the funeral of a grand aunt Mrs Charlotte Arm strong held at and funeral home on Sat Feb 2 with burial in Mount Al bert cemetery The widow of the late Benja min Armstrong Zephyr Mrs Armstrong had spent her life in that part of Scott township ex cept the past couple of years She died in Lodge Whitby She belonged to one of Scott townships oldest families and be fore her marriage was Charlotte A daughter Mrs Gordon Miller Victoria Corners survi ves also her stepchildren James Carrot Sask John Snow- don Sask Byron Zephyr and Allan The death of Mrs Armstrong and that of Wil liam Brent at Newmarket hos pital late of Scott township and removes senior citizens of Scott township pioneer famil ies The late William J ington Ave W Toronto who died suddenly at Newmarket on Jan 23 was a former resident of King City several years ago His widow was the daught er of the late Mrs Frank King City Mrs Percey Rut- ledge King City was a sister Two daughters survive Mrs Ken Elsie Newmarket and Ken Joan Par ents of Mr are Mr and Mrs Richard Toronto A bro ther Ernest and four other sisters also survive Required To Tap King A resolution was adopted by will hold King City trustees that future social pot luck supper at KingUubdividers developing sites that King City and District Mrs Rolling Correspondent Phone King community and con- Page The Newmarket Era and Express Thursday Feb r- City United church at pm on Friday Feb This is family night under the auspices of the Presbyterian WA A program of colored sound movies by George department of lands and forests will be given Miss lie Anderson is president and will be assisted by Mrs Fred Cur tis president and Sunday school superintendent Miss Lois and her ler Mary attended the Schom- King City water be requir ed to supply the water service from the main to the street line This policy will be incorporated in the subdividers agreement with the village The resolution will be forward ed to King township council but does not imply that we can dis pense with the services of a vil lage plumber chairman Smith told the board Tenders for King City village plumber will be advertised before No Paving In Aurora Without Petition For Local Improvement berg and district prewedding the next regular meeting on action will be taken by ion asked Councillor William ora for further paving of streets Davidson We had a similar it is requested by residents with the sidewalks and under the Local Improvement Act council decided on Monday night While members agreed that they did not like oil they decided that the town could not afford more paving at present Unless residents petition us asking for pavement under the nothing was done We will have to advertise re plied Mayor James Murray and inform them that their streets can be paved under the Local Im provement Act shower given for Miss Ruth Kit chen in the United church rooms on Jan 23 Her marriage to Alan Schomberg district will take place on Saturday Feb in the United church Mrs Percy Forester of Strange community celebrated her 80th birthday on Jan 5 and her hus band will be in March 26 They were married years last Nov ember Del King City is progres sing well in Newmarket hospital where he was taken a few weeks ago suffering from a heart con dition Rev J C Shepherd officiat ed at Sacrament services in Ever- sley and Strange Presbyterian churches on February 3 Delegates from and Strange missionary societies will attend the annual meeting of West Toronto on Feb 7 at High Park Presbyterian church Mrs Fred Curtis and Mrs J Shepherd represent the aux iliaries with voting power and others are planning to attend the sessions King Holds First Meeting of New Year At Mrs William Carsons For several years Mrs Wil liam Carson King City has been hostess to the of King City United church for the first meeting in the new year The past month Rev M in stalled the officers her home President is Mrs Rat- vicepresidents Mrs Mrs A J Gordon secre tary Mrs Jack treasurer Mrs Don I lad wen Others are Mrs James Watson Supply sec Mrs Glenn Sawyer citizenship Maud Crossley literature Mrs Colin Stewart Christian stew ardship Mrs Patton pi anist Mrs presided for the general meeting when Mrs J P took the devotional part Mrs I Scott dealt with the introductory chapter of the new study hook East From Burma Discussed was a full represen tation of the auxiliary at the election of officers of the York in the newly form ed Presbytery It was also de cided that future meetings of the local WMS auxiliary will com mence at X pm the usual time of the month the second Articles for the annual mission bah were discussed A vacation school kit will he purchased for use by a student minister to help witii Sunday school work Lay ettes will also he purchased and quilts made by the auxiliary Tin organization has active members ruary 26 Willy Rams plumbing contract expired at the end of January Hydro At Cost Hydro under cost contract was discussed by the board and tables of rates on contract basis employ ed by other communities were ex plained by trustee Ron Bolton King City hydro users are under rural flat rates To assume the contract basis a vote by the pub lic would be required after a survey and estimates by Hydro company is supplied A deben ture would be needed to install the facilities under a public utili ties commission Trustees were agreeable to Bud Ham housing his milk truck in a stall in King City fire hall at per month He will use hydro for the milk truck refrigeration while it occupies the stall KING FIREMEN TAKE FIRST AID COURSE A sixweek course in first aid methods under the St John Am bulance Corps was started by King City firemen Thursday Jan 24 in the King school Lec tures are given every Thursday night for two hours from to by an instructor from the Corps The seventh Thursday will be devoted to tests subscribed by the lecturer leading to First Aid certificates Nineteen firemen are available to enroll and driv ers have asked to participate J Walklnglon King City has al so enrolled Five lectures must I be completed to obtain certifi cates Maple fire department is also taking the same course Local Improvement Act stated DeputyReeve Victor Jonef we will continue the present policy of oiling the streets We dare not let the streets go without oiling said Reeve Clar ence Davis The streets would deteriorate without it Councillor Keith recom mended consideration of paving There was considerable criticism and comment last year when we oiled he said Oiling costs a year plus maintainence Paving should pay for itself over 20 years Councillor Alf Child also ob jected to the oil A former mayor stated at a nomination meeting that only in his term of office did Aurora get its streets paved he said It would be a strange thing if only under his administration streets were paved Councillor Child asked that the committee make a study to see if some substitute could be used for oil and gravel He compared it to vaseline on the hands in that it wipes right off Thai was Mayor term of office added Deputy- Reeve Jones During his admin istration several streets were pav ed but I think youll find they were done under the Local Im provement Act TO CALL TENDERS ON AURORA DEBENTURES Councillor William Stoddart chairman of the Aurora Council finance committee recommended at Mondays meeting that council call for tenders on debentures totalling at an interest rate of per cent The debentures include sever al projects the sewage disposal plant 330000 the municipal building 32000 the old public school building water main extension east of the tracks 35000 the water main on Tyler St and a trunk sewer and pump house 28110 Councillor Stoddart felt thai at the present time the debentures would be favorably received with a good chance of selling close to par INJURED IN CRASH Ralph Baker re- bruises and shock last Sun day after his car collided with a car driven by a Toronto man The accident happened on highway a half mile south of the Schom corner Both cars were wrecked Mr Baker was taken In Dr Jones in by Constable Harold Russell Bond Lake investigated Traffic on highway was reported heavy on Sunday night Our debentures dont allow us to pave whole streets now he continued and its useless and costly to bring in equipment to pave small sections Residents slill have time to petition to have the streets paved before we begin oil ing CHANGE FOR VOTERS LIST The Aurora voters list will be prepared on the same basis as the assessment roll Re ferring to the Newmarket list the committee said that the Au rora list should be laid out in wards in the same manner They also recommended that several printing tenders be received be fore taking action Following the assessment roll allows a quick and easy check the voters list explained Mayor How do we get people to petit- James Murray Kingcrafters To Send Works To Handicraft Exhibition In Montreal Mrs James Baxter first C OF C OPENS RINK IN KING CITY PARK cold weather the open air rink in King Memorial Park built by the King City Chamber of Commerce under committee head It Smith should provide excellent ice skating for the re mainder of the winter season This is the first local project of the chamber of which Doug is Ihe new president The ice surface built on a snow bed with snowice siding is feet idge Kingcrafters learned with re gret that Mrs George Miller Maple is unable to fill her office as general treasurer on account of poor health Consequently Mrs Billiard Bryan the original treas urer has consented to fill her Cooke members of the flooded the surface Skating and hockey practice will he available given cold wea ther to make good ice- The cham ber will see that the rink is in good hapc throughout the seas- May Refuse Permit If Building Detracts From Surrounding An amendment to the building bylaw gives Aurora council Ihe right refuse a building permit The amendment authorizes coun cil to refuse permit if in the opinion of the board such a building would decrease the value buildings in the sur rounding area by reason of Ih- of inferior standards to the other buildings in the area CLEARANCE SALE ON HOARD Coleman has been ap pointed by the Aurora public school hoard as its representa tive on the Memorial Arena board All yard goods REDUCED Silk Linen Shoppe Main St Newmarket Phone TW 52141 place as well continue as build- supervise the fund and sale treasurer used Mrs Woodbridge 0 flatten the base district lias named leather- craft convener for the coming year The new house committee is Mrs John Grew Mrs Stanley Roots Mrs Don Hutchinson and SCHOMBERG MOTHER ATTACKED IN HOME Mrs J If Woods Lady acq Ail ant has taken over weaving I WLArtO Pay More On Debentures Interest Rates Raised Bylaws were passed by Kin township council oil February I sotting the interest rate on two debentures The first was a debenture issue for the en largement of Oak Public srhool at per cent dated Dec to run for twenty years The second was an amending bylaw raising the annual Inter est rate on Nob ton waterworks debenture of to per cent from per cent The orig inal bylaw of October IB approved by the municipalhoard was per cent A consolidating bylaw com bin led the aggregate principal of at per cent interest Each debenture is dated Dec extending year Both Oak Ridges school section ratepayers and water works ratepayers will be paying more on their debentures than was originally contemplated and debentures in the township amount group I succeeding Mrs- Johnston Kingcrafters are sending of work to the Canadian Handicraft Exhibition in Mon treal February 22 to 28 There will he pieces in weaving rugging and leather work Clear In the progress reports Mrs Henry Borden revealed that the Christmas sale gave a profit of This was promoted by the garden group Mrs Baxter Mrs Erie White and Mrs Gordon pen The venture making Christmas wreathes swags and tabic decorations proved reward ing Mrs John assisted by Mrs White and Mrs Ernest attended to and selling In The Future Coming events are a lecture in Kingcraft Mouse on February under the Audubon Society by John Livingston be ing sold A demonstration to weav ers on a recently acquired warp ing machine by Mrs lielsen a Toronto spinner and weaver A lesson on pyjamas to the Mrs McUitch- of Richmond Hill and likelihood of procuring a second gathering machine The return of Mrs Laura Davis art instructor to the regular art classes and making tooled leather purses by the as well as other articles young Schomberg mother three small children was at tacked at her home by an un known assailant Monday Jan The attacker seized her from behind as she went to the door let in her dog The same man who attacked Mrs Jack Met calf is suspected of throwing a bottle through the front window earlier in even ing The police left after invest i- the bottle throwing which occurred about pm Later Mrs heard her puppy crying ami when she went to the door wis seized from behind screamed and fainted she said The attacker Is believed to have fled because of her screams When her husband returned po lice were recalled but found few clues to work on CONTROL IUM11N Newmarket Supervisor of King township pub lic dumping ground on the third concession was advised by coun cil restrict use of the dump to King township residents and tax payers If Mr considers tho of refuse dumped from any one property is unreasonable he i to advise council by letter and council will notify Ihe user Reeve Hodgson pointed out He told Mr taxpayers are plea sed with his work in supervising and controlling the dump HARRYS ONE CENT SALE CONTINUES Blouses Skirts Hats Dresses Hurry not too many left SPECIAL THIS WEEK SELECTED DRESSES Reg to 2150 for 399 S WORK PANTS size 32 only 200 pr SHIRTS Clearing 750 Sport Shirts special FLANNELETTE SHEETS 495 pr DEPARTMENT STORE Newmarket Phone TW 56561

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