Newmarket Era and Express, 7 Feb 1957, p. 7

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and Child training At Alex Home and School A panel discussion on child to sit quietly in church and training highlighted the January Sunday school to name a few HERE IS HOPf- HELP AND HEALING Note This biweekly article aeries win contain interesting fact About hospitals and is published as a public service by this in cooperation with the Ontario Hospital Asso ciation Have you ever stopped to who as well as what a hos pital is A hospital Is the people of the illy Sickness like the will always be with us and fere must be a place where the fore serious cases can be cared ade The hospital is communitys answer to this Here to carry out doc- are highly trained lurtcs and technicians plus lUmerous other staff members play their part directly or in the patients care re too arc costly facilities equipment installed and for the use of wins in treating the sick of the lunity A hospital is a Corporate body people of the community ho own the public hospital re represented by the hospitals Board of Governors is legally responsible for activities within the members of the Board MADE FREE 29 meeting of the Alexander Home and School associat ion Mr Harry Beer was moder ator Mrs Nelson Ion presided The meeting opened with the singing of Canada with Miss Mary Moffatt as accompanist Mrs Wil liam Hillaby led in prayer Mrs Ion introduced Mr Beer who introduced the members of the panel Mrs Reid Atkinson Rev Stuart Johnston and A Jackson Mr Beer explained that the child training would must be certain that the is well managed that it will question of always be ready to help doctors W discussed from the viewpoints emergency home church and school doctors No The purpose of the panel is to lriK everyone closer to under- standing these problems and so care for every A hospital building however well equipped can become a hospital until it ha doctors The medical staff is basic any hospital You can not of a hospital without automatically embracing its medical staff who have the of the things expected of them they need a place to explode What better place than home where they are loved the most We respect our husbands needs for peace and quiet after a days work why not our chil dren They need to be treated as individuals Mrs Atkinson ex plained A child should learn to accept discipline but a child should be allowed to give reasons If chil dren finally realize that their par ents are not swayed by public op inion and can give sound truthful reasons for their rules children will soon learn to respect their wishes Children should be taught in their home their responsibilities to their parents teachers and other associates Everything that goes into molding the child for its dut ies as a grown citizen should be taught by the parent not only taught but should be found in the parent You cant expect a child to be lawabiding if his father and mother flaunt the laws when ever and wherever possible But home to a child should mean love and understanding Mrs Atkin son added Mrs Gordon moved the vote of thanks to the guests A social time followed when re freshments were served by the mothers of Mrs class Miss Ha Haines grade one class won the attendance plaque The Common Round Isabel Colville help parent to deal with his own children all of whom differ he said it doesnt matter where the training of the child begins or who continues it- he added as knowledge to lrain treat patients illnesses to self then Is a hospital It is Upline and self reliant dedicated men and women both of the panel professional and professional par the to make available home school and church must the best possible care for the sick in the training of the child injured of the community Supervising Principal Describes Various Influences On The Child IF If I could say a word of hope To one whose hopes had fled To lighten the abyss Wherein a heart has bled Rekindle hope obscure by pain Ill feel I have not lived in vain If I could say a word of cheer Where cheer seemed lost And let some healing sunshine Thaw a disillusioned spirits frost To make the bond of fellowship more plain Ill not have lived in vain If I can make a home Where love rules all In this chaotic world a restful place Whatever befall If in this home love conquer fear and pain Ill not have lived in vain Hope cheer and love Are with us everyday To help us meet the obstacles Along the way If we set faith in God and man as gain Not one who sets this goal has lived in vain WORMS DONT RESPECT AGE Adults too may suffer from worms If your appetite is poor if you have colicky pains are cranky sleep poorly the answer could be worms Try Dr McKenziea Dead Shot Worm Candy for quick relief Ask your druggist for Dr McKenziea Dead Shot Worm Candy or write for free booklet on worms w i and Birthday Club SUP COVERS Birthday wishes this week to Three questions were considered by the panelists with the audience participating in a general discuss ion of each The questions were What part The home should should parents play in selecting A child has four sets of teach ers home playmates commun ity and school He is not turned over completely to the school the three others affect the school A Jackson supervising principal told the audience at the Alexan der Muir Home and School asso ciation meeting from the others and the home and school especially should work to- extended their child friends Should par ents make Sunday school attend- J gether Parents have a unique James Allan Primrose Garden Jance obligatory Can the parent teaching role but both parents Grove California years old on handicap the teacher and teachers must remember that Friday Feb I Home the child has teachable moments Gloria Stevenson Ke- The home should supply the when he is ready to learn There wick years old on Saturday 1 child with a sense of security Feb Mrs Atkinson It should be Ronald Mosey Newmarket j the place where his friends will years old on Saturday Feb always be welcome the place Dana Leonard Salmon R R- I where he can bring his problems years old on place where he can be sure day Feb he will receive help and James Everett Miller standing 10 years old on Tuesday Feb Mrs Atkinson added Janice Wilms Sheridan New- But let it be tempered with just- market years old on Thursday ice and love As parents we are so proud of our child- Roderick Smith Newmarket and we want to protect them vears old on Thursday Feb from the mistakes we know we Craig Newmarket have made ourselves that we try SATISFACTION Up to months to pay ST I years old on Thursday Feb Kathryn Marie Lewis Holland anding years old on Thursday Send In your name address ie and become a member of the e w m a r kc t Era and Express club MAIM ST NEWMARKET HOSPITAL DIRECTOR Mayor Herbert Gladman was to the Board of Di- of York County for one year Mr Gladman the town councils representa tive on the hospital board are certain conditions which may prevent the home and the school from working together most ef fectively In some instances too activities outside the home on the part of both parents and pupils can handicap the teachers work there must be with the child Also the child re ceives no help or sympathy in what he is attempting to do if his parents are out too often Other ways in which the parent can handicap the work of the teacher were listed by Mr Jack son They included Discussing teacherparent relationships in front of the child Comparing present conditions and require- to make them perfect You all know the saying home is the place where we are treated the best and complain the most Actually when you think about it is that so bad she ask ed We all need one place in which to relax and throw off the tensions of the day Grownups forget sometimes that children are going through the same type of emotions during a day as ad ults You cant expect children to be obedient all the time If they are properly at home to obey the rules of the classroom to play agreeably with their frie- allow their children to come to school too early as many were fatigued by the time school start ed when they had arrived at the school grounds an hour earlier Sending children on errands be fore school was another practice he deplored Mr Jackson ex plained that the child might be made late because of this and be upset and unable to do his work properly A lack of understanding and distrust of what the teener is do ing and a carryover of feelings of resentment from the parents youth cause difficulties Mr Jackson said adding that the home environment greatly affects the work of the school It is not only the home where the child is neglected that the influence is poor but also the home where he is indulged and pampered a teachers conference Mr Jackson added in conclusion which I attended recently it was agreed by several hundred teach ers that with the growth of the home and school organization more parents are taking an inter est in the school They are real izing their responsibilities They have come to accept the fact that there must be a friendly feeling between parents and teachers in i order to win progress on a part LIBRARY APPOINTEES Dr C Vandervoort was re appointed to the Newmarket Li brary board or a threeyear term by town council Replacing J Struthers who resigned from the Library board is Rev Fred Breckon Mayor Herbert and Mr Breckon were appointed for one year by coun cil Use Of Guidance Tests Stressed By Lecturer Last Tuesday evening C Taylor delivered the second lect ure in the guidance series before the inservice teachers training group Standardized tests are now in fairly use The results ob tained are most valu They supplement present knowledge of the pupil they provide a basis for curriculum modification some times they confirm the teachers own opinions The chief value lies in the discovery of weaknesses and in learning where and how remedial work can be done Percentile is the term used to designate how an individual compares with a pupil group across the province In all testing results it must be remem bered that the human element is always present Allowance for a slight range in results up to should be made YORK HOSPITAL RECEIVES GIFTS Contributions for York County hospital have been received by the Hospital from many sources The appreciation of the group is extended to these or ganizations and individuals for their gifts They include the Newmarket Brownies toys and books Tor the childrens ward Mrs Miller plastic toys babies and child rens clothing Lloyd Chapter IODE two layettes Union Street and Sharon Wo mens Institutes jams jellies and pickles Hope Hobby club Sha ron wheel chair and Mrs M Bradford vases CHANGE OF LIFE HOT FLUSHES Why from hot flushed tension irritability weak- to of appetite aches and pains aimnle anemia during change of life in Clinical Trot the majority of women relief with New Formula Tablets or Compound Mum liktly you will he helped too So we offer DAYS MI If you art not Just get INnUiaraV from your Dm Store Take for dais as dirrcled to firt at cause of I f you do not striking relief scud us the empty carton for cheerful refund of your money We have thousands of testimon ial on file from satisfied Join them today- Try our noriA plan our New Formula Tablet with added tonic or Compound with Vitamin Bl ONTARIO Era and Express Classifieds Bring Results BRICES MEATS NEWMARKET AND AURORA menu in school hose of 25 I Rev Johnstons contribution to the panel Is described in a story on page six column three years or more ago of respect the teacher by mak ing fun of a teachers eccentrici ties When both parents work and leave the child to look after him self is not able to do his best work at school Family quarrels VYKILHABY CLINIC MM The WellBaby clinic for rout ine examinations will he held on late hours and inadequate meals from to 3 pm were all listed by Mr Jackson lne auditorium New- ways in which the home market The clinic is a service of cap the work of the school County Health Unit but Mr Jackson advised parents not sponsored by the Newmarket Womens Institute Discovery of specific weakness es should lead to remedies Does the child see and hear well is his diet adequate and is he learning and well These are some of the things the teacher should know He may need more drill more variety more encouragement or a better seating position in the classroom All these factors may enter into the achievement of the modern aims of education to have every child welladjusted and working up to his capacity level PURE PORK SAUSAGE lb 43 FRESH PORK LIVER lb in 1ST GRADE BUTTER SLICED BOLOGNA lb SMOKED PICNIC HAMS lb lb WITH MEAT ORDER IT PAYS US TO SELL THE BEST QUALITY IT PAYS YOU TO BUY THE BEST QUALITY J TO THESE ANTS TO TV These are just a lew of our many hundreds of exceptional values KROEHLER halfsofas with bumper Beautifully upholstered in green damask J Reg price To clear Hml Wonder why Dr Chases NERVE FOOD M irritable bother pile up thats the time to lake Dr Cbac Food Vitamin HI and kiUic Iron in Dr Food work to health Wp fl a i m focjet 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