Newmarket Era and Express, 14 Feb 1957, A4

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INI HOUSE SUTTON winterized house indoor conveniences hot and cold wa ter garage on a beautiful cor ner lot with terms George and Link Real tor Island Grove phone Roches Point BUNGALOW Park down easy month ly payments 2piece bath tile floors decorated oil heating builtin verandah aerial garage Property 60 Phone New market CASH 5room winterized cottage bathroom inside water near school Apply B- MacGill Oak St Park- HOUSE FOR RENT SIXROOM furnished house for six months oil healing Apply Monkwood Crescent or phone Newmarket clw7 brick bedrooms oil furnace garage Available March Rent monthly Charles E Boyd Realtor 240 Main St phone Tw New market house on highway near Keswick Water and furnace Immediate possession Phone Sutton clw7 6ROOM stucco house on high way village of Sharon All con veniences Available March Phone Newmarket ESTATE FOR SALE ESTATE KESWICK This lovely bungalow 1 heating bathroom hard wood and tile floors large lot close to highway private beach Terms if desired Immediate possession SUTTON brick 2storey good investment for an income home Can be bought on reasonable terms SUITO New room bungalow oil furnace piece bath full cellar treed lot 246 Terms to be arranged SUTTON New room bungalow oil heating lux urious bathroom immac ulate interior large bedrooms large bright living room Terms to a responsible buyer FARM HIGHWAY location all work able good buildings house large chicken house double garage a sacrifice at Terms can be arrang ed J R REALTOR High Street Sutton ST0UTT REAL ESTATE RANCHES SPLIT LEVELS EXCITING and stylish new homes featuring ceramic tile baths futuramic kitchens big bright living rooms oil heat completely decorated through- Out Priced from Call today to inspect the beat buys in town You wont be disappoint ed BEDROOMS 2 BATHS FINE spacious home newly dec orated throughout featuring bright modern kitchen separate dining room oil heat handy to schools and shopping Asking Terms EXCLUSIVE LOT SITUATED in best area of town Sewers and water Full price Terms REAL ESTATE 19 Mala St just south of Davis Dr Prions- TW or anytime ALEX DOAKTimItED REALTOR SOLID brick home large bedrooms bath spacious kitchen pantries familysue living room and din ing room den hardwood floors heating This home is ideal for large family apartments doc tors home Terms NOT quite completed bungalow located on acre This is a ranch type- bungalow containing 3 bedrooms modern kitchen bath designed lor fireplace Located near town MODERN bungalow 3 bedrooms room dining area large stone fireplace This is a very modern homo Ample amount of storage space and closets Close to school Low cash payment Terms 11600 GOOD family home home bedrooms bath specious kitchen modern built- in cupboards large living room ample amount of builtin closets and storage space located close schools and shopping Terms ALEX LIMITED REALTOR Ml Mala St opposite LobUws Phone CHARLES E BOYD LTD REALTOR NEWMARKET FULL PRICE 8250 2storey frame home west side of town main floor has living room dining room mod ern Kitchen floor has three large bedrooms and bath room Garage Available Mar Easy terms INCOME HOME storey clapboard home located on lot 300 Main floor has living room kitchen 1 bedroom and bathroom Second floor has 2 bedrooms Full basement With finished rooms renting for per month furnace taxes Full price Easy terms 6ROOM solid brick square plan home featuring living room 23 x din ing room huge ultra modern kitchen Up stairs has three large bedrooms and bathroom Full basement with oil furnace and outside en trance Now vacant for imme diate possession Full price only 12500 Carries for less than a month SUTTON 5ROOM modern bungalow locat ed on main highway edge of Sutton lot 232 living room x dining room huge ultra modern kitchen x 10 2 extra large bedrooms modern bathroom full base ment with furnace Variety of fruit trees Owner anxious to sell Full price Easy terms ACRES with a modern 6room storey frame home only a few years old Main floor has four rooms second floor has rooms 4piece bathroom garage barn creek at rear of the property Would make an excellent location for chicken farm vegetable farm Taxes 53 Full price 13500 Terms WE HAVE a large selection of Resales for sale Come in and discuss them with us CHARLES E BOYD LTD REALTOR Newmarket 24U Main Street Phone Open till 9 pm clw7 ROOM BOARD AVAILABLE ROOM and- board centrally lo cated Phone 56440 New market ROOM and board in comfortable home central Phone Newmarket BOARDERS WANTED MRS Robert Patterson 454 St near Main St phone 54939 Newmarket c2w6 APARTMENT FOR RENT NEW fourroom upper apart ment hot water oil heated pri vate entrance Phone PA Aurora SPACIOUS modern heated apartment Available April Apply Elman W Camp bell phone Newmarket TW or TW HEATED apartment Christian home all conveniences private bathroom Phone TW 56727 Newmarket after pm crlw7 MAIN floor 5roum apartment Phone TW 52482 Newmarket SERVICES AVAILABLE NATURAL Gas Heating infor mation Call TW 56528 New market after 6 pm cw45 tor HARDWARE We deliver Phone 54112 l7 REUPHOLSTERING Repairs Re- Modeling By Skilled English Craftsmen Finance can be arranged SIDNEY PEACOCK 641 St Newmarket phone HELP WANTED WORK 2 SELFCONTAINED unfurnish ed apartments central Phone TW 52742 New FOUR large room apartment reasonable rent Phone Newmarke r2w7 UPPER apartment in Holland Landing modern conveniences Phone 56632 Newmarket ARTICLES FOR SALE WINDOW cleaning Window Cleaning Service phone 54172 Newmarket WINDOW cleaning and janitor services by the experts New market Services Co phone Newmarket NOW is the time to have that broken furniture and miscellane ous items repaired Call 52636 Newmarket for infor mation and pickup service At INVISIBLE MENDING Opposite post office Newmarket by expert weavers Burns moth- holes tears Bring your troubles also your alterations Phone 52691 Newmarket OILBURNER service Day or night Newmarket Services Co phone TW Newmarket IF YOU ARE THE VICTIM OF LAYOFFS THINK MANY of our best men have come to us directly from factory layoffs and have taken advantage of this opportunity to establish themselves in a lucrative career in the sales field SELLlfJG experience is not nec essary We have a simple sales aptitude testing plan that will determine if your personality is adaptable to a career in selling YOU will enjoy taking this test It is free and on completion you will be given a personal inter view by our sales manager You will be thoroughly trained to sell a patented electrical appliance on a dealer profit sharing basis that has no competition Car essen tial Apply 256 Wilson Ave Toronto east of Bathurst St any morning 9 am or write full particulars to Box Era and Express UPHOLSTERING CHESTERFIELD suite chairs rebuilt in any fabric Apply Ken Sar gent Muriel Ave Newmarket Newmarket WASHING MACHINE REPAIR All makes by qualified trained service men STEWART Radio and Appliances Phone Newmarket ifl CHICK TOR HALE AHOY ALL THIS to into chickens Hatch art from salesmen ay triors a no Theres no place quit for chickens the farm Ground raised hois ground railed chickens are essen tial for el i arc- ijVl SALE REGISTER SATURDAY FEB important sale of herd of registered and grade cattle farm machinery in- eluding model irectOT with hydraulic torque converter quick hitch new ma- coiner tot nearly new A Case tractor hydraulic METAL bunk beds Spring- filled 30 x near ly new 15 Phone Newmarket GENERAL Electric stove oven on side good working condition Apply Andrew St Newmar ket WINE chesterfield and 2 chairs Phone or apply Timothy St Newmarket MERCHANDISE NOW NASH Aluminum Storm and Screen Windows and Doors For Home Demonstration ami STENOGRAPHERS TYPISTS CLERKS MALE AND FEMALE FOR employment in central Toronto WIDE salary range Starting salary depends on qualifications and experience Generous pen sion plan and sick leave credits Group insurance 5 day week Three weeks annual holiday Employees lunch room APPLY Newmarket or phone after pm UNUSUAL OPPORTUNITY oil space heater medium size thoroughly reconditioned Geo Mitchell phone 5J Queens- S SNELGROVE CO LTD Ave Toronto BUILDERS BUNGALOW i LARGE rooms on a large lot on secluded street close to downtown churches and shopping Perfect condition with all features for modern living Call Mr or Mr Wright Toronto FOR SALE on River St Sutton West modern and sun- room split level bungalow full size cellar oil furnace heating Under priced for quick sale WE HAVE the largest list of cot tages homes farms and build ing lots for sale of any real es tate office in this district CLARK MARTIN REAL ESTATE Out Office Phone Roche Point 360 He Phones Roches Point and PROPERTIES FOR SALE CORNER lot by in new subdivision west side of town Phone Newmarket 54735 villc VENETIAN BLINDS ALUMINUM or Mode for all styles of windows Free esti mates and installations Phone or apply Harold Ontario St Newmarket chrome kitchen set table and four chairs excel lent condition Bruce Traviss Belhaven Home Demonstration Accurate Estimate BILL BROOKES Phone TW Newmarket BUDGET TERMS 115 OFFICE SPACE FOR RENT MODERN in new building on Mum St located tor light manufact uring or showrooms Uly square fat Will divide Reasonable rent Phone or tfl GENERAL food freezer ft holds approximately 325 lbs of food Phone TW New market WANTED TO BUY TO 7ROOM house in Newmar ket by March I Write Era and Express box SERVICES AVAILABLE BE POPULAR learn to play the guitar South Sea Conservatory of Music under the direction of Floyd has an opening for a limited number of sincere pupils Instrument supplied by our studio as a convenience to you without charge for your course if you do not have an instrument of your own Phone TV Newmarket or PA Aurora clw7 NURSES UNIFORM CARRIED in stock 398 and Cotton nylon exclu sive agent for uniforms register ed Dawsons opposite the P O Newmarket PREVENT CHIMNEY FIRES USE Fire Chief Chemical Chim ney Cleaner to eliminate soot and scale from your stove and pipes No muss No fuss No odor For sale at NEWMARKET DISTRICT COOP PRODUCE FOR SALE CHOICE beef by the quarter from young cornfed cattle Front quarter per lb and hind quarter 44c per lb Cut and wrapped for freezer if desired Lloyd Grose phone Mount Albert PERSONAL YES and thats what we mean have a real opportunity for a man who is from to years oi ago a man who is now as sociated the agricultural field one who is ambitious a self- starter and capable of selling If you have these abilities why stay in a rut company is expanding At Hie present tune we have over District Managers in Western Ontario This position offers earnings in fivefigure bracket unlimited COMMISSIONS and override are paid weekly JOIN the leader in its field and make some real money Repeat business year after year ensures continued high earnings Some of our newest District Managers have earned over in their first six months with the company For most of these men Ibis is their lust experi ence in the selling field REMEMBER applicant must have agricultural background or connection in this field Appli cant must he a married man well established and highly re garded in his area Must have a car WRITE us about yourself or phone Tor an appointment to VicePresident Plant Food Com pany manufacturers of Na- CARS LATE model Chevrolet Special 2 ton DP axle platform ft solid rack in good condition low mileage Phone 268 Dick Saint Bradford MONARCH good condi tion radio heater Best offer Phone Turner Richmond Hill HIGHEST PRICES PAID ALL models cars and trucks wanted for wrecking ALSO used parts tires etc for sale BA Auto Parts TU miles north of No Highway on 3rd Line Twp MONARCH metallic green good condition equipped with radio window washer direc tional signals and automatic transmission Terms arranged Phone TW Newmarket hatched Thirty years of new ele- back of them Even term stock implements our lowest priced chicks train etc on lot coni are sired by males coating Tup known an I each Get your complete farm on King side All blood tested of proper- The mime of A late C McI Hatchery Newmarket vtuif 4 good sale practically alt Liquid Fertilizer Street West London Rheumatism Sciatica ran be by FOR RENT GARAGE paved drive Park Ave Phone Newmar ket ROOMS FOR RENT COMFORTABLE room central conveniences abstainer Phone Newmarket ONE or two rooms heated fur Central Phone Newmarket WARM south room central Phone New market 2 FURNISHED bedrooms Apply St or phone TV 56719 Newmarket FURNISHED bedroom bright and clean heated Apply Lit Main St Newmarket BEDSITTING room attractive- ly furnished central men pre ferred Phone TW or ap ply Joseph St Newmarket WELDING CEDAR STREET Phone TW NEWMARKET PORTABLE electric acetylene welding government approved boiler repair Verandah rail ings made to order Iron work of all kinds Vincent Riddel Prop RELIABLE babysitter available for days evening or days weekly Apply Ba St ft Auroia ELECTRICAL work of any kind Repair industrial residential Reasonable rates Phone TV Newmarket suburban builders GENERAL CONTRACTORS Get your free estimate now on a New home Summer cottage Remodelling Kitchen cupboards Large or we do theft all agents for precast concrete steps sidewalk tenth cement block CAM MOUNT AIHHUT NO JOB TOO WALL PAINTING and plastering repair J McRiide phone PAIN of Lumbago inn Recommended by thousands of thankful users Ask your druggist HELP WANTED BE OUR DEALER in your dis trict and If you like gelling from door to door you can easily earn an income Of to per week Each family repeals the orders Sub stantial discount needed Dent St Hubert Montreal elw7 FULL unit- waitress for mock bar Must he experienced wage Apply in person Marine Snack Hat AVON Product have openings for capable Indies who have four hours a day to spare Good Write Mis Marian Towers Apt tdi Wilson Ave 12 YOUNG man as welders helper good opportunity to learn trade Must be honest and reliable phone Newmarket JUNIOR clerk in aye group years required tor office in Newmarket 5day week State and salary expected Write Era and Express box Bit NEtflEt IMMEDIATELY MAN or woman to take over va cant Route in Newmar ket Nothing to invest No ex perience necessary as we train you Minimum earnings weekly Apply in writing to Mr Granger St Street Montreal YOUNG lady for invoicing de partment Musi be good figures and capable assuming responsibility Good telephone voice an asset No typing Write and Express box WORK WANTED WANT your radio in a hurry and guaranteed Phone Newmarket Classified Advertising Rates Three trill a wind minimum of price when advertisement on weeks Ten percent discount If paid within week of tout three rents word renin for week for each Card of Thanks Wedding ami fcUigugemeut for each announcement is If week In MpimtiUiiia fur each plus a cents a Hue fur verse leu reuta If paid week advertisements may phuned lulu left the and office on St Ncwiusikel phone The Wood Aurora Airs Roll ins ft King or any Adverttaeutenta accepted lie mall only where name end of send er clearly in in In North York PETS FOR SALE Sale at Horn netm No serve Clarke c3wS TROPICAL fish imported planta tanks and Gold fish Ac ium Apply Cawthra Bhrci phone tit TRANSPORTATION AVAILABLE FROM Keswick shopping centre 625 am to Toronto via New market to Yonge and Front St pm Phone Roches Point clwl LEAVE Newmarket a leave Toronto after pm Phone TWining Newmar ket TRANSPORTATION available from Newmarket to Don Mills near Lawrence Ave Monday to Friday leaving am return ing pm Phone Newmarket GOING OVERSEAS WE sell passage on all Trans- Atlantic Boat Lines PR etc Our Information and service is reliable Come In and talk ovei your proposed trip with Chester Best The BEST DRUG STORE tftexaU Newmarket Phone TW MACHINERY SALE tractor 33 model used one year reasonable Phone or write box Newmarket SEE and try a new Chain Saw with many exclusive features Oneman only lbs Dirtproof carburetor only saw with a governor to con trol motor speeds also many other specials Phone today for a free demonstration Don Mills phone Newmarket FARM ITEMS DEADSTOCK removed from your farm promptly for sanitary disposal service charge for each call Collect phone TW 12 or Toron to EM YOUNG LIMITED LIVESTOCK SALE red Shorthorn bull months old Phone Ken Howard Newmar REGISTERED Yorkshire boars months old good type Also 2year old Yorkshire boar Alt J Campbell RR a Newmarket Phone Aurora PA 1DIUTRY FOR SALE BARRED months old Phone MUSCOVY ducks Meivyn phone Newmarket POULTRY WANTED LIVE Bring ioulliy Any quantity litem in or will call on prices Oak Ridges or phone Ifl ALL kinds of live poultry eil Any amount We will pay you Toronto prices right at sour door Phone TW New market YOUR CHAMBER OP COMMERCE IS BUILDING BETTER COMMUNITY -iAuc- lion sate Need cattle hay Toci vjtjXz etc on v s at Sale at pm rAp Terms cash No reserve Property of Archie Cameron See catalogues Ken and Clarke auctioneers THURSDAY Exten sive auction sale of head of a fully MIXED wood hard and soft- ited vaccinated tested wood Phone 224i0 Mount l- classified also tractor e model hydraulic C tractor l 7 nearly new Surgs milker two DRY cut stove LABRADOR Retrievers black ideal bouse and field months old Phone PA Aurora c2w8 WOOD FOR SALE Phone 2006 Mount PLANTS FOR SALE AFRICAN VIOLETS LARGE flowering violet new and rare varieties many blooms Potting soil fertilizer Clarkes Violet Centre on Belfry Dr off Davis Dr Newmarket Open am to 9 pm except Thursday and Sundays c4vl AFRICAN Violets select var ieties Potting soil peat moss and Davys Green houses Holland Landing phone TW Newmarket MISCELLANEOUS milk coolers power drill new l tractor spreader new machine forage har vester and blower bale elevator new PTO baler new hammer mill ensilage cutter Cobey wagon seed grain Rod ney and Garry oats mixed gram baled hay straw etc at lot con King township at Farm mile south of Temperanceville miles west of Oak Ridges on Highway or miles east of King City The property of Jennings Note This is one of the herds In York County all on P also an extra good lot of tractor implement Farm sold No reserve Sam on pedU and Jennings Re freshments on the grounds SaU Cattle Sellers At kinson sale managers and auc tioneers POULTRY MANURE PER LOAD POULTRY manure is high in nitrogen and most valuable of all fertilizers- Large quantities available at Cedar Valley Phone Mount Albert A ART CLASSES WE have a few openeings in our classes for landscape painting New series of lessons starting Saturday Feb lb and Monday Feb Beginners and advanc ed students Register now Phone Prospect Oak Ridges Slonehouse Art Centre PICTURE restoring and framing Artists supplies Reasonable prices and good services Stone- house Art Centre phone Prospect 35042 Oak Ridges CANARIES Singers few hens Baby budgies males and females cages supplies African double pink and flame violets Mis Win Agar phone THURSDAY MAR Auction sale of farm stock implements hay grain poultry etc the perty of Blackburn at lot WH con 4 King Twp Sala pm Terms cash Roddick clerk Smith auctioneer phone Newmarket lw THE BEST BRONCHIAL COUGH SYRUP For coughs colds and bronchi tis A prompt and effective rem edy for the relief of bronchitis light or chesty coughs and colds The Rest Drug Store Newmarket READYMIXED CONCRETE For Footings Floors Patios etc CONCRETE and CINDER BLOCKS READYMIXED CONCRETE LTD BLOCK CO LVD NOTICE TAKE NOTICE that the Corpor ation of the County York in tends to apply to the next ses sion of the Ontario Legislature for a private act authorising the Council of the County of York to pass a bylaw without the ap proval of the Ontario Municipal Board to borrow a sum not ex ceeding upon deben tures payable in not more than ten years to meet the actual ex penditure incurred m the year for the construction ap provement of County roads existing debenture debt of the County Of York is of which no part of the or interest arrears The amount of the rateable property of the County of York according to the last revised equalised as roll is DATED at Toronto the 2nd day January lilT 1 Lucas luinsden Building Tor Solicitor for the County York WELL tile and Immedi ate delivery loine Baker and Son concrete products Newmar ket phone til Trusses surgical supports hosiery tor suiter from varicose ankle and knee trouble Arch supports Lumbago bells Beat Drug phone New AllHerbal rheumatic tablets for muscular arthritic and COUNTY OF YORK TENDERS TENDERS will be received by the undersigned until 1000 Monday February 195T ONE only series 1ton Panel truck with wheel base of approximately SPECIFICATIONS and lender forms are available at the Clerks Office WHEN tendering please take in- consideration a tradein of sciatic pains Price Store phone Newmarket Best ton I MUCOUS IN THROAT Trunins Pink Tablets lor the and throat for the dropping of mucous discharge sensation of the lump in the throat and other disturbances are same pink tablets thai have been for many by adults and children with good Price Best Drug Store phone TW one ton Chevrolet panel truck ALL tenders must marked Lowest or any tender not necessarily accepted J Smith Clerk County Building Newmarket TOWNSHIP OF NORTH TENDERS TENDERS will be received the up to oclock noon Friday March to supply and deliver to the Town- ship garage at baas of lbs each Fly Spray powder retonone also price on 100 onepound and W1U packages LOWEST or any tender not nee eerily Era and Express Classifieds Bring Resale

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