Newmarket Era and Express, 18 Apr 1957, p. 1

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i ERA YEAR EXPRESS HERALD YEAR NEWMARKET ONTARIO THURSDAY APRIL 18 NO SINGLE COPIES 10 CENTS EACH flS Union members and company representatives of Canada Limited signed a new contract Monday evening being the new contract after the establishment of the new plant in Newmarket The plant is on Chcries St the former Canadian Hoffman Machinery factory Left to right are G Mc pherson plant superintendent company manager C Henningson Smith committee members and William business agent for the union Photo by Budd Studios Here and There Around Town Rodney West son of Mr and Mrs Arthur West has been assistant bandmaster of the Mustang band at the Uni versity of Western Ontario for The honor was an nounced in the universitys news paper Gazette Rod is completing his second year in Business Administration His love of band is well- known to local residents as he was a member of the Newmar ket Citizens band for approxi mately 10 years Rod was barely big enough to be seen behind his cornet when he joined the band He plays piano as well The next season will be a busy one for Rod as the Mustang band accompanies the football team on its outoftown visits to other colleges Its formation work and accompanying cheering squad are highlights of the pre- entertainment HAS BIRTHDAY Charles of New market celebrated her birthday on Thursday April She received a telegram of congratulations from Prime Min ister Louis St Laurent as well w many remembrances of flowers cards candy and other gifts from friends and relatives A party was held in her honor by her daughter Mrs Phillips Dismissed By Judge Specialty Assessment Commends Armstrong Action But Finds Claim Not Proven I Specialty Desirous Of Assessment Fads Being Known A Spear of the Office Spec ialty Mfg Co told the Era and Express Tuesday that the com pany welcomed a hearing that would put assessment matters straight He said that it was just as con cerned as anyone might be that Outoftown visitors called on 1 examination of the assessment Mrs during the week Neighbors and friends visited her both afternoon and evening on her birthday be made on companys property He said that it was the companys wish that all facts on assessment matters be in the open Contrac for a wage and contract settlement were j eluded here last week between the United Electrical Radio and Machine Workers of America and the management of the APV Company which recently moved from Toronto to Newmar ket The APV plant is the form- Hoffman Machinery factory on Charles St The contract is effective for j one year from April and covers all hourly rated employees of the company for which the UE is the government certified bar gaining agent under the Ontario Labor Relations Act The settlement provides all em ployees of the Company in the j bargaining unit with a wage in crease of cents an hour back pay vacations with pay of two weeks after three years three weeks after 10 years and four weeks after years service with the company The settlement also provides the company will pay per tent the cost of Blue Cross i Group Life Insurance and Week ly Benefits previously paid for entirely by the employ ees Under the contract the employees will also progress I from the minimum rate to the maximum rate of the job auto matically within months of hiring Probationary period for new employees is reduced from to days and where an employee laid off for more than seven days he will receive seven days notice Employees who perform service work on the companys products outside of the factory will now receive a premium of cents an hour above their re gular rate of pay Checkoff of union dues for all employees is compulsory Mayor Thanks Those Who Aided In Visit ith Union The remaining terms of the contract are the same as those that prevailed in the contract be tween the UE and the company when it was located in Toronto The settlement was reached in direct negotiations between the APV Company and the Union with the UE represented by an committee of employed and by Business Agent W Ash and UE Area Representative Jeff Hurley The UE Shop committee con sisted of Everett Smith Don Alan and Carl Manage ment of the company was repre sented in negotiations by Pic- ard president and C G McPher- superintendent The nent was approved by a vote of all APV employees on Monday evening in the Cana dian Legion Hall in Newmarket FIRST TEEN DANCE IS WELL ATTENDED The first dance of the Newmar ket Recreation Commission Teen Town was attended by more than young people It was held in the town hall on Saturday April The Teen Town committee un der the chairmanship of Ken Cas- sovoy and with the guidance of Councillor George Knapton of the Recreation Commission pro vided an enjoyable program for the under group The music included the latest in rock n roll recordings as well as other popu lar selections Wherever possible special requests were filled During the brief intermission Mr Knapton welcomed the Teen on behalf of the Recre ation commission Constable and Mrs Michael Thomas asssisted in the adult supervision School Children General The warm hearted enthusiasm over the running of the country Of Gove I want to publicly thank all who assisted mc in preparing for the GovernorGenerals visit to Newmarket last week Mayor Gladman said at council meeting on Monday night Since council did not see fit to name a commit ted the details were left to and I appreciate all the help I received Among those whose assistance wish to acknowledge are Harry Beer headmaster of Pickering College and A Jackson super vising principal of the Newmar ket public schools who organized the school childrens participation In the visit The Era and Express printers Who did the illuminated address were included in the mayors ex pressions of appreciation He thanked Chief Constable Byron Mr called in officers from neighboring for ces to assist with the police du ties Town Superintendent Fred Evans Town Clerk Wesley Brooks and others who helped in various ways to make the day a success were thanked by Mr of cheering young sters took the bite and chill from the cold wind and driving snow that met GovernorGeneral Vinc ent in Newmarket Wed nesday of last week It was the first official visit of a Canadian governor- general in the towns history As Mr stepped from his private railway car he was greet ed by Mayor M then inspected the 35man Nexv- markct band while of ficials hurriedly raised the con vertible top of the official car to ward off the cold The cavalcade led by the band turned on to the towns main street Lining both sides three and four deep school children from Newmarket and surrounding municipalities waved their flags and cheered lustily as Mr Massey was driven past The youngsters joined the tail end of the procession to nmch to the large parking lot where Mr Massey was officially received Mr paid tribute to the children of Canada who will take in a few years It means much more to be a Canadian citizen now as Canada is stronger and more influential throughout the world Mr Mas said Highlight of the ceremony was Mr Masseys announcement of a school holiday for all attending children after which he was mob bed by youthful photographers and seekers Clutching his box camera one young boy got all set then shout ed Now smile Mr smiled As Gail Wilson of Newmarket snapped her picture of the GovernorGeneral Mr Massey called to her Better take that one again You had your fin ger over the lens After signing numerous auto graphs Mr drove to the new Home for the Aged Touring the Metro- operated home with Metro Chair man Fred Gardiner Mr spoke to many of the elderly residents and examined their han dicraft work and the homes fac ilities Often the work of such people as taxi drivers goes unnoticed except for complaints Someone has to wait minutes for a taxi and she grumbles The Era and Express was noti fied this week of a taxi patron who wanted to publicly thank a local taxi firm The youngest child in this family became sud denly ill The father had left for work at Malton with the family car but the child had to be rushed immediately to York County hospital for an emerg ency operation Within five minutes of having placed the call our little girl was at the hospital the mother said I dont know how the Newmarket Taxi driver managed it We shall be grateful forever for his kindness and speed The next meeting of town council will be on Monday April The April 22 meeting has been cancelled because of it be ing Easter Monday Approve New County Administration Bldgs Oh Newmarket Land In presenting his report to council on the financial state ment for Auditor B Hector congratulated the staff of the municipal office for its effi cient work was so impressed with the entire work of the staff Mr Hector said that I want to men tion it before I begin my report They have asked questions They have wanted to know more about municipal accounting The work has been much more ac curate than in previous years and there has been an intelligent attitude taken to all phases of the work he added Its not often I hand out bou quets to the police department but the town police did a fine job when the GovernorGeneral visited Newmarket last week said Councillor Bert Kent on Monday Please tell Chief that I congratulate him on a good job he told Deputy- Reeve chairman of the police committee COMING EVENTS SENDS THANKS In a letter from Government louse Ottawa Lionel Massey He to Newmarket council that Vincent Mas greatly enjoyed his visit to Newmarket on April His on ly regret was his visit was too ahort the letter raid Lionel Massey acts as secretary for his father He said the GovernorGeneral had been impressed to see how the children had been organized for his visit He welcomed the opportunity of meeting Canadas young citizens and was touched by the warmth of the welcome Km letter added FRIDAY APRIL Good Fri day sacred cantata The Cruci fixion by Trinity United church choir at 8 pm at Trin ity United church c2wl5 SATURDAY APRIL Citi zens Welfare meeting in the committee rooms Main St Newmarket TUESDAY APRIL 23 Meeting of the Red Cross at Trinity United church for sewing and quilting from pm TUESDAY APRIL Euchre in Sharon hall pm sponsored by Hope Hobby club Lunch and prizes WEDNESDAY APRIL 24 general meeting King- Craft House King City 215 pm Miss Helen Hunter to speak on smocking craft with live dem onstration clwl6 WEDNESDAY APRIL Bingo in Newmarket ttown hall spon sored by the Veterans Assn at pm Sharethewealth Three door prizes Free game one line any card All cash prizes Jackpot numbers called Admission 2 cards 35c FRIDAY APRIL Rummage sale good used spring and sum mer clothing St Pauls parish hall pm Sponsored by Evening WA FRIDAY APRIL Armi- Community club dance at Bluebird Inn County Boys or chestra Admittance Every one welcome MONDAY APRIL 29 At pm Prince Charles Home and School Mr Toronto speaks on his work amongst MauMau school children in Kenya Pub lic invited WED THURS SAT MAY 2 Spring Cent Sale The Best Drug Store Newmarket phone We deliver c2wl8 FRIDAY MAY Tea bake sale and delicatessen table in Newmarket fire hall from 3 to 5 pm sponsored by the CWL FRIDAY MAY 3Spring regis tration for Newmarket Figure Skating club at the Newmarket arena from 26 pm FRIDAY MAY 3 4 and 5 Twentyfifth annual exhibition of paintings of the Newmarket Art club town hall Friday to pm Saturday and Sunday 2 to pm c3wl6 SATURDAY MAY The Womens Association are holding a Spring Tea from 230 to pm There will be home baking apron booth candy booth and a parcel post Admis sion adults 35c children c2wl5 THURSDAY MAY Annual Blossom Tea of Junior Ladies Aid Christian Baptist church hall 230 to 5 pm Sale of work home baking DANCING every Saturday nieht in Mount Albert Community hall to Norm Burling and his tfl4 DANCING every Saturday night TEEN TOWN DANCE SET FOR APRIL 20 The Newmarket Recreation Commission Teen Town will hold its second dance in the town hall on Saturday April 20 at 830 pm All members of the under group are invited to attend Music will be provided by re cords the teenagers making the selection Soft drinks will he vailable at the town hall Adult supervision will be provided by the Recreation Commission repre sentative Councillor George Kna Rotary President Rev Fred was elected president of the Newmarket Rot ary club recently for Oth ers elected to office were Harold Eaton first vicepresident Frank Carr second ricepresid ent John Jackson secretary treasurer Dr Hall orchestra Edwin J Hunt and Arthur Brown York County is to have a new administration building Approval was given for the construction of a building when County council met in Newmarket on Tuesday April Four council lors opposed the project The new twostorey structure which will be approximately feet long and feet wide will be built south of the present county administration building on Sec ond St It will contain a council chamber and offices for the clerk- treasurer and assessor and their staffs The present building will house the Childrens Aid Society offic es at present in temporary quar ters on Davis Drive West New market and the Juvenile and Fa mily Relations court and Probat ion Offices The latter located in rented quarters in Aurora In presenting the report of the property committee Chairman El mer Daniels reeve of Stouffville said the council chambers were cramped and that extra office ac commodation must be provided for administration purposes He told council that approxi mately a year was paid in rent for the present quarters of the Childrens Aid Society and the Juvenile and Family Relations court That would be saved when these county agencies move into the present county administration building which was donated to York County by Miss Da vis The need for more adequate council chambers and additional office space was first presented to council in by the retiring warden of Jack Rye of East It was recommend ed that the present council cham bers be enlarged A similiar report was made by Warden Ralph Corner in The following year Warden Mar shall McMurchy recommended a new administration building with the present one being used for other county purposes The property committee report ed to the session of county council that it would be unwise to enlarge the present building A fact finding commit tee was named to determine the accommodation requirements to be provided in a new building The property committee was au thorized to select a suitable build ing site An option was taken on a site on Davis Drive East but was not approved by council A site to the north of the present location was considered Other county ad ministration buildings were vis ited The property committee continued this work After Inspec tions of other properties Chair man Daniels in his report said the committee considered the property on which the county buildings are situated as the best site The new building will be erected south of the present coun ty offices the former residence of the Davis family Opposition Voiced We are crowded in hoc for a few sessions each year but we have plenty- of room for offices said Deputy Reeve Donald Dea con of Markham township It seem folly for us to spend 000 to provide ourselves with nic er accommodations It will add to our yearly expenses to pay off the debentures on a new building he added We will not have to deben ture for the full amount probably only replied Reeve Dan iels We have approximately 100000 from the sale of former county properties and this should be used in my opinion to pro vide a building which will serve the county for year to come I can well imagine whv every- we can get along with what we have We should use that money for such necessities as road im provements There is a definite need for extra office space replied War den J Taylor reeve of Rich mond Hill The administrative By Ed Stephens The appeal by Arleigh Arm strong against the assessment of the Office Specialty Manufactur ing Co was dismissed on Tues day by County Judge J The court decided that the appeal had not been filed within the time limit specified and disagreed with Mr Arm strongs contention that the pro perty of the company had not been fully described in the as sessment roll Town solicitor Kenneth Stiver told the court that the assess ment roll had been returned on October 30 and that the time for appeals against assessments had expired on November At that time he said no appeal had been filed by anyone against the assessment now in question The court of revision started on November 26 and continued to sit until November 30 Appeals to the judge of the county court were heard on December He added that on December 3 a letter had been received by the town clerk from Mr Arm strong protesting the assessment of the Office Specialty and that two more letters were received staff is cramped for room We must increase our staff soon The I on January and January Childrens Aid Society and the I The letters stated that the par- Juvenile and Family Relations court are happy to locate in this building We would not have that expense of 4000 a year for rent The property committee has done an excellent job comment ed Finance Chairman Fred Arm strong reeve of Woodbridge This matter has been discussed for several years It is high time we did something about providing the county with- necessary addit ional space I move the report be adopted in its entirity am not the oldest member of council said Reeve John Per ry of township in rising to oppose the calling for a vote on the question at that time I cant understand how so many members of council have forgott en the value of the dollar I agree with Mr Armstrong that the property committee has done a good job he continued But the spending of 150000 should take some consideration and thought There is an attempt within county council to push things through too quickly I am eels of land owned by the Office Specialty were not separately de scribed and assessed as required by the Assessment Act and asked for the correction A resolution was passed ex tending the time for making ap peals to days On January continued Mr Stiver the court of revision was advised by myself that it had no power to reopen the court of revision He said that on February a special meeting of the court of revision was called and the mo tion to extend the time for ap peals was rescinded If you are right commented Judge Lovering then we cant do anything today Mr Armstrong then argued that tinder section of the As Act the court of revi sion had the power to extend its time of sitting it appears that there are palpable errors It was under this section that ac tion was taken he said With reference to the court of revision appearing to rescind the order they had made Mr Arm strong said that it was unques tionably beyond the jurisdiction of the court court no judge he stated has jurisdic tion to set aside its own judg ment There Is no specific tec tion in the Assessment Act re garding the powers of the court of revision and it should be re garded as other courts contend ed Mr Armstrong Mathews appeared at counsel for the Office Specialty As far as the Office Specialty is concerned it relish hav ing the ease tried on its merits he said The company feck that it is if any thing but does not plan to ask for a reduction Mr Mathews argued that the appeal was too late that the roll had been certified by the judge and the court of revision had no power to extend the time of its sitting unless mis en Page Assessment Roll Questioned By Reeve Asks Investigation A question raised by Reeve must declare it entirely out of Edward regarding order in view of the fact that the work of the assessors was declared out of order by the mayor It remained unanswered The auditor in presenting his annual report has told us that it cost for the reassess ment of the town Mr Wright- man said I would like to have L legal opinion of our solicitor thai there is ft need for the new building Mr Perry reminded council of a resolution passed at an earlier county session which called for a notice to be Riven members prior to a meeting on an important is sue He said he had not known the new administration building was on Tuesdays agenda I am not saying that the coun ty council setup is obsolete but the time is near when it will be said Mr Perry It will not be long before the municipalities forming Metropolitan Toronto form an amalgamation and the neighboring municipalities will form the metropolitan area Where would the County of York be without the southern munici palities It would be folly for us to go back to our people and say these chambers are inadequate We have a responsibility to our own on Page Col if in his opinion the assessment roll of the town of Newmarket was prepared and returned in a manner as described in the As sessment Act Everyone will agree that 11267 is a lot of money The mayor has received a summons to appear as a wit ness in the case pending against the assessors and so have I It is the duty of this council to protect the rights of the citi zens of Newmarket in the ex penditure of I have checked certain things and I find certain things have not been done in accordance with the As sessment Act I would like council to pass a resolution in structing its solicitor to check the assessment roll and see if the roll has been returned in accord ance with the Assessment Act for our own protection he explain ed I do not contest for a moment your right to make this inquiry replied Mayor I I this case is being fought in court It would put us in the position of prejudging the ease before the court and that would be unwise One of the main points in the case continued Mr Gladman Swill be whether the assessment roll was properly made or not and so whether the assessor made a false statement in saying that he had completed it according to the Assessment Act This council has no right to prejudge If the solicitor were here he would probably say that no solicitor would be willing to give a judg ment in such circumstances he explained This is strictly an inquiry replied Mr Wrightman In no way do I want to discuss the case before the court but I want to clear myself and in the interest of the taxpayers of Newmarket see if the assessment been returned in the correct manner You have the point that you have the interest of the taxpayers at heart an swered the mayor Thank you I am one of them But the ques tion is out of order so we shall pass on to the next item on the agenda Admission The Gove Newmarket on one would like a fancier build- ens Band was on Photo by I Mr Deacon But I feel hands with Newmarket MM last week Looking on Mayor Herbert Gladman The for the Governor General when he stepped feet W i

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