Newmarket Era and Express, 25 Apr 1957, p. 5

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FIGHT WITH A CHECKUP AND A CHEQUE cant cell yourself A Few JEFF S I T ft NUMBING AND HEATING CONTRACTORS Effective Sunday Apr 28 BUSES WILL RUN ON DAYLIGHT TIME J- V NEW SERVICE r TO SUDBURY via Parry Sound leave Newmarket am and pm connections at Gravenhurst other trips remain unchanged GRAY COACH LINES KING Phone FINISH THE POOL Trend Tea To Raise Funds For Cancer Society Work Township Purchases School Building Net Used At Whitchurch township has pur chased the Vandorf school build ing which has not been in use since a new school was built The old school building stands on the fourth concession adjacent to the township park and municipal of fice and will be used for munici pal purposes Council met recently in special session to confirm the purchase at a price of New Truck Purchased A resolution to purchase a new truck from Morton Brothers Mount Albert was rescinded and the tender of Patrick Motors of Stouffville was accepted for The Morton tender was found to be incorrect necessitat ing the change Notification was received by council at the regular meeting on Thursday evening from the De partment of Welfare stating that in future the province will pay 60 percent of direct relief costs Council agreed to call for plans and specifications for the erectidn of two bridges the one at lot concession two a span six feet high and the other at lot 25 concession three a 12foot span eight feet high Two residents of the Muirhead subdivision complained to coun cil in writing in regard to damage caused by dogs running at large ways of doing needed service Council after consideration that as this area was built up the bylaw restricting dogs running at large would require to be amended to include the subdivision A bylaw was given its requir ed readings in which Whitchurch Township agrees to bear its with a quarter million dollar ad dition to the Aurora high school The home of Mrs Harry Beer will be the scene of the fifth an nual Trend tea at Pickering Coll ege in support of the work of the Ontario Division of the Can adian Cancer society It will be held on Tuesday April 30 from 3 to pm The Canadian Cancer society is a national organization of volun teer workers with provincial workers with provincial groups in all of the 10 provinces The On tario Division has units one of which is the Aurora and Dis trict group with Mrs J P Crys- dale Aurora as president The Cancer Society in Ontario raises funds for research It has established information centers which are known as Little Red Doors where a nurse or social worker is always in attendance Through its units it arranges for qualified men to speak about cancer It provides films which are shown all over the province It arranges for radio talks and has published reports and articles on cancer newspapers and period icals The Cancer society distributes many kinds of literature by mail and also by hand at fall fairs and exhibitions all over the province in its important program of pub lic education It is finding more work for cancer sufferers- Cancer dressings which are of ten required in large numbers and are an expensive burden to advanced cancer sufferers are supplied by the society free of charge anywhere in Ontario on the advice of a doctor or nurse Arrangements are made by local units for transportation of pat ients wherever this is required for diagnosis or treatment Facil ities for boarding out also may be arranged if necessary In some sections of Ontario lo cal cancer units have done much to provide comforts for cancer sufferers Refreshments are serv ed to patients waiting at clinics Loan cupboards are maintained in some places The Cancer soc iety is finding every year new ways of rendering service to can cer sufferers It has pledged its resources to the extension of its activities where there is a need that is not the responsibility of another agency The money raised by the Can adian Cancer society is spent on research on fellowships on pub lic education and on service to cancer sufferers Money spent on research is an investment for the future while money spent on ed ucation is showing results here and now It is the hope of all who are engaged in the fight against cancer that some day a cure for all forms of the disease will be found The Newmarket Era and Express Thursday Ape Today and Tomorrow HERE IS HEALING Editors Note This biweekly article series will contain farts about hospitals and is published as a public service by this newspaper in cooperation with the Ontario Hospital Asso ciation During World War photo graphs particularly aerial views were used extensively and suc cessfully to locate and pinpoint enemy concentration of troops and mechanized units and to plan strategic attacks Since the cessation of hostilities more than a decade ago photo graphs drawings slides and mov ing pictures have been used for a variety of educational and bene ficial purposes This trend toward the video means of communicating ideas has even had an influence on a great many hospitals In Ontario ious stages of progression of their illness photographs of specimens from the hospitals laboratory shots to illustrate various phas es of an operation such as a ten don graft are all part of a days work for a medical photographer For teaching purposes these pic tures are usually transferred onto a slide and then projected onto a screenBy this means an instruct or can point out and explain to a class of nursesintraining or in ternes actual and authentic facts and data about a particular case Medical photographers have been quite commonplace in HERBERT NORMAN Continued from page i ted church Oak Ridges Rev Gordon Winch minister at the latter church said letters of protest arc being forwarded to the Department of External Af fairs in Ottawa from both congre gations The letters will express concern over the incident which is of international importance and will also protest the violation of human values so evident in the case The York Presbytery of the United States also sent a protest to the US Senate Details about this protest appear elsewhere this issue of Era in FINISH POOL medical St Andrews Church Handicraft Guild Mests The Handicraft Guild of St An drews Presbyterian church was held at the home of Grace Bou- dah 295 Court St on April It was decided to have a pot luck supper for the next meet ing After the supper work will commence on felt card table cov ers An interesting talk was giv en by Mrs Pearson guest speaker who chose as her sub ject citizenship and education The meeting was closed with the benediction after which cake and ice cream were served by the hostess and her helpers Eva Al len and Velma Atkinson The next meeting will be held in the Sunday school room be ginning with the pot luck supp er at pm on May Mrs Galbraith Named President m Newmarket Figure Skating Club today most large teaching hosoit- in England for some time Here in Canada however it is a relatively new profession Their worth and value have already been proved and as time goes on theiy will undoubtedly play a still greater role in alleviating als have one or more photographers on staff A specialist in his field the me dical photographer is helping to plan strategic attacks against ill ness and disease and is contribut ing toward the major objective of I suffering and restoring the improved patient care Pictures of individuals in var- flictcd back life to a healthy normal SCHOOLS DESCRIBED IN TALK AT PRINCE CHARLES William Weppler Toronto who has spent many years in Kenya will address the Prince Charles Home and School association when it meets in the school on Monday April 29 at pm He will display handwork of the Kenya school children Mr Weppler has chosen The Mau Mau Child Goes to School as the topic of his talk He will describe conditions in that sec tion of Africa and show how the opening of schools affected the natives way of life Mrs J was elect ed president of the Newmarket Figure Skating club when the an nual meeting was held in the fire hall auditorium on April Approximately 30 attended J B Revel retiring president opened the meeting He thanked the officers and members for their cooperation and interest during his term and expressed the clubs appreciation to Charles Kiel for his generous donation of time and talents Mr con gratulated Mr Kiel on his fine work as the clubs professional coach Budget Payments Budget payment of fees was approved The initial payment could be made when the spring enrolment takes place on Fri day May 3 at the Memorial ar ena from to 6 pm They could extend until the fall enrolment is completed late in September Payment of the annual fees on the installment plan must be made to club treasurer Mrs Bruce Hunter If a member found after making several payments that he was unable to attend the classes during the coining winter season only the initial two dollar enrolment fee would be forfeited This is the first year that bud get payment of fees had been ap proved by the Newmarket club Miller presided for the election of officers Mr turned the meeting over to Mrs Galbraith and the new officers He wished them continued suc cess in 195758 Mrs Galbraith spoke briefly thanking those who had named her to office Those elected are past pres Mr pres Mrs first vice pres Mrs Robert King second vice pres Mrs Jack Shedlowich supervisors Mrs Joseph Peat Mrs Bain Mrs Stickwood Mrs B Gould Mrs C Bell Mrs John Glenn Mrs Stanley Evans and Mrs J A Handley directors C Bell J Galbraith and Ron Tennant MISS NORMA BAKER FETED BY FRIENDS Easter Monday evening was the date chosen for a miscellane ous shower in honor of Miss Norma Baker by Mrs A Arn old and Mary Miss Baker is a brideelect of May 11 Miss Shirley assisted the in opening her many lovely gifts During the a makeup demonstration was given by local representative Mrs Helen Yoxon At the con clusion of the pleasant social ev ening a buffet luncheon was en joyed by the guests Mrs grade three class v Mrs fc will entertain with a choral reading The report of the nom ination committee will be pre sented Prince Charles Home and School purchased books for the schools library as its project for the year The newly acquired books will be presented at the April 29 meeting A social time will be spent when refreshments will be serv ed The meeting is open to the public sect Mrs Miller recording sect Mrs W Lloyd and member ship convener Mrs Hunter wardrobe mistress Mrs Harold Sanderson ticket convener Mrs EVENING WA HOLD MISSION STUDY Canon J Rhodes reviewed a chapter of the book East of Burma when the Evening met in the Memorial room on Monday April Mrs Thomas Gillespie presided The mission study dealt with Singapore before and after the last war It described the Chris tian Church council established there in A social time was spent at conclusion of the meeting Re freshments were served by Mrs Jack Reid and Mrs V Strother POP TOP OF TERRACE SEED PLANTED SLOPE STRIP OF SODOM BOTTOM USE CAMVAS TERRACE SLOPS VATER THEM SOAKS SOIL By DEAN HALLIDAY MEETING POSTPONED FOR ALEX MUIR HS The regular meeting of the Alexander Muir Home and School association has been post poned until Tuesday May Arts and crafts will be the theme with Mrs in charge of the program A meeting of officers and ex ecutive members of the teach ing staff and all grade mothers will be held on Wednesday May at pm It will he at the home of the president Mrs Nel son Ion Davis Drive IKNHAKDT Continued from page I council together with the vice- president of a new industry which had been working on for quite some time This In dustry required 10 acres of land and on this land they were go ing to erect a building of square feet which is about twice the size of the Hoffman or APV factory This building would cost one million dollars and the industry would employ 300 men and some women Un fortunately there was no land suitable in the town of Newmar ket and we were forced to show them a location in East Gwillim- In my opinion the planning board would be well advised to spend their time on problems such as this instead of discrim inating against me on my street frontage said Mr hardt Getting grass to grip on a terrace and thrive afterward Is sometimes a perplexing problem tor the home gardener Theres a trick or two how ever by means of which you can accomplish both things this spring One effective way of establish ing a new lawn on a slope or terrace Is to use reinforcing strips of sod at the top and bottom as shown In the accom panying GardenGraph Seed should be sown between the strips of sod and then covered to prevent it being washed away by heavy rains Straw spread to a depth of two to inches can bo used for cover and hold the seed or cheesecloth can be stretched over the slope and pegged In place Even after grass has been established on a terrace ear must be taken when watering It A good method of watering is by means of a canvas hose shown in the GardenGraph Use of a canvas hose permits absorption as the water slowly oozes from it The top of the slope should be soaked longer than the foot since the moisture to move downward In the soil In cutting grass on the ground of a terrace move up and down the slope Trying to cut cross wise will Invariably leave the ridge scalped by the Then It is only a question of lime until the grass turns brown and Is burned out Grass on terraces is often ex posed to direct rays of the sun Soil washes easily from around the grass crowns exposing the surface roots Here high cut ting Is doubly important The taller grass wilt reduce soil washing and the evaporation of moisture Going to the Old Country by Ship or Airplane Reservations for Steamships Airlines and Cruises HERBERT GOODHOOFD Official agent for all steamship lines Trans Canada Airlines and KLM Main St Newmarket Phone Shop At JOHN MORNINGS DRUG STORE St For Friendly Telephone AURORA ADVERTISEMENT WEWOHOER how much money Mine from Bradford business men to oppose the vote and why which Bradford man said that he would lose of his trade if outlets were located in Newmarket why home consumption of beer in Newmarket higher than the Provincial average is it because it is difficult to obtain k why an Aurora politician ex pressed the hope that our vote would be defeated by a narrow margin whether the bootleggers are supporting the prohibitionists or the prohibitionists supporting the bootleggers which members of Welfare Committee has open ly advocated the establishment of liquor outlets in Newmarket who is trying to promote a liquor store site on Main Street whether it is better foe son or daughter to take their first drink at home rattier than furtiv ely In some illegal place ART SHOW Continued from page of the CNE this year as did and Mildred Sine She had a year of drawing and sketching with Rosaline Fergus on Mrs Haskell studied basic techniques in oils with William Armstrong has been painting since he was eight years old This winter he has been working on murals in Toronto and has a studio on Main St Newmarket Bill is a Selftaught artist who has been successful with his pen and ink drawings pastels and oils He has an ex tensive library on art This is his first year with the Newmarket Art club His work is modern in its approach STRATFORD HAS WORLDS ONLY CIRCULAR THEATRE DRIVEWAYS PAVED NOW COMPLETELY EQUIPPED FOR LAYING HOT OR COLD MIX ASPHALT DRIVES WALKS FREE ESTIMATES TWINING 54231 NEWMARKET Dorothy Bowman who has been wintering in Florida will be home in time for this years show She has had a busy season as vice- president and program chairman of the Lake Worth Art league and member of the Artists Guild of Palm Beach Mrs Bowman had the maxi mum number of paintings accept ed for all exhibitions She took a fourday field trip to Cuba and her entries in the local show will include much of this new work On Friday night May 31 the Art show will be open to the pub lic from to The hours on Saturday and Sunday May and will he from to pm The curtain wont go up until July but construction on the new Stratford theatre home of Canadas Shakespearean festival is at full speed The only known theatre in the world the building Is being built at a cost of by the Foundation Co of Canada The ultimate in comfort theatre will seat All seats are less than feet from the stage thus preserving the Intimacy between actors and audience which featured the old tent theatre used for the oast four years OUR SIDE OF TUB Continued from Page agreements is un fortunate and misleading It suggests that the provinces alone have the right to levy such taxes and gives rise to claims for certain percentages of them as provincial rights The fact is that the Dominion Government has a clear right to collect those taxes without per mission from anybody And the claim of the provinces to aid from the Dominion is in no sense a legal right It is merely a claim based on the fact that without income and corporation the provinces have difficulty in getting the revenue they need The percentage of taxes col lected in the different provinces irrelevant Since the basis of the claim is need the Dominion grants should be calculated on the basis of need as was rec ommended by the Commission According to Canadian Cancer Society officials no drug has yet been found which cures cancer The most effective treatment for the disease is surgery or radiation in the early stages I W I OTICE RE LIQUOR LICENCE ACT VOTE TOWN OF NEWMARKET To those whose names have inadvertently been teft off the Voters List but who are qualified votew under the Liquor Licence Act In order to obtain a vote on May 1 we would refer you to Section Subjection of the Election Aett In urban polling subdivisions the deputy returning officer if requested by a person whose name has been omitted in error from the polling list but whose name appears on the municipal voters list for the sub division in which he resides as being entitled to vote at provincial elections and who is vouched for by a voter whose name is on the polling list and who is resident in the polling subdivision shall administer to person an oath BROOKS Returning Town of Newmarket Proclamation Newmarket April OctoW the by a lei has authorised mt to lame a procl re y eat to observe a period of for year at oclock am Sunday April IS ami e oclock am an October CLOCKS ANU M OKI OCLOCK AM OH AfM WTO moat at of all la a ef 1 Oifr his tfc y 9 mom

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