Newmarket Era and Express, 9 May 1957, p. 13

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Tata IS ftt Mount Albert News News Of North York Following the United church service this coming Sunday morning May 12 the building committee will give its report and recommendations regarding the proposed extension on the church A vote of the congrega tion will be taken It is honed that a large congregation will be present to vote for or against the building program A good representation of members and leaders at tended the York county rally in Markham United church on Saturday George Price had a successful sale of farm stock and imple ments on Wednesday May Members of the Womens Insti tute catered Mr and Mrs Harold Harrison have moved from Holt to their new home the Price farm near Mount Albert Mr and AJrs Bruce Andrews I WEDDING DAHMER KESTER and family have moved to Stan ley house QUEENSVILLE A quiet and pretty ceremony took place on Saturday March at the United church manse Don- lea Dr e a s i d when Beulah Mabel daughter of Mrs Kester and the late Mr Mrs Will Hamilton and sister Kester Zephyr and Leonard Mrs Elmer Hamilton spent a Glendenning son of Mr pleasant holiday in New York and Mrs Henry Millar- were united in marriage Rev M Maxwell United church Toronto officiat ed The bride wore a street length Belhaven News The regular meeting of the af ternoon auxiliary of the will be held on Thursday May at the home of Mrs Suddaby The worship service to be taken by dusky pink lace Mrs A Milne the study book by accessories Mrs The roll call is to boon Nature music Mrs ros she wore matching and hostesses are to necklace and earrings the gift of All ladies and gentlemen Mrs and WiU the groom community arc invited Dew hear Dennis Hill field of the accident pre- Mr wittv Harmony Pennsylvania visited Mr Harry and family at Easter Mrs Denny and child ren Hamilton are spending a few days with their grandmother Mrs Charles Pollard Mrs Ethel Draper Baseline and Mr and Mrs Cane California were dinner guests at the home of Mr and Mrs Cecil Saturday evening The wedding reception for Mr and Mrs Wilfred nee Yvonne Mitchell Roches Point the mens Compensation board He will be at the community hall on Thursday April at Mr Hill will show films farm home and industrial acci dents Films are both educa tional and humorous This is sponsored by the Womens Insti tute and WJ members arc ask ed to be present at pm for their regular business meeting Refreshments will be served The May meeting of the WMSJ was held at the home of Mrs Herb Harmon Mrs Attending the bride and groom were Mr and Mrs Toronto After a short honey moon Mr and Mrs Dahmer took up residence near Kincardine ZEPHYR A splendid missionary meeting was held in the United church on Wednesday last week The Zeph yr invited the neighboring societies of San- ford and the local Presbyterian and Missionary United church members to join them in the vicc The church was tastefully de corated with and gold en daffodils Mrs McTaggart the The Baby Band Mothers group president presided A splendid will meet on Friday May J program was given by some of 815 all mothers of chil- members of the visiting are welcome ties The guest speaker was Miss Toronto a retired Queensville attended On May Mothers Day there missionary of over 30 rally at Markham on Sat- will be a baptismal service in the vice Korea Her message was inspiring and informative Mr and Mrs Christie and j I are visiting Mr I All parents and children are in vited to attend the Family Day service of worship at the United church on Sunday May at am This is Mothers Day KESWICK United church This will be a spe- family service Nursery care The Trail Rangers will hold for preschool children is their annual paper drive on Sat- May Please help the was held in Belhaven hall Satur day with about 50 guests present Mr and Mrs John Thompson moved to their new home in Kes wick on Saturday Sunday guests at the home of Mr and Mrs EIja I lough by were Mr and Mrs Norman Will- oughby and boys Toronto and Miss Muriel New market who is recuperating at home from a foot injury Visitors at the home of Mr and Mrs Norman King on Sunday were Mr and Mrs Murray Phil lips and family Brougham and Mrs Jack Morgan and family Mr and Mrs Fred and boys were Sunday visitors at the home of Mr and Mrs Fair- barn On Thursday evening Mrs Norman King was hostess to the Community Missionary Society About members were present and Mrs was guest spea ker at the close of the meeting she was presented with a cup and saucer SHARON There will be no regular ser vice in St James church on Sun day May but a service of Holy Baptism will take place at pm instead Special Mothers Day service will be held at SharonHope Un ited church on Sunday May at am There will be a Bap tismal service also a special chil drens choir Sunday school will be at am Mr and Mrs Osier left early in the week to spend the summer in Western Canada Mrs Howard Fife is spending a couple of weeks with Mr and Mrs Harold Dixon and family in Hamilton Mr and Mrs Jack Weston Tor onto were weekend guests of Mr and Mrs Ralph Mr Philip arrived home on Saturday after spending the past three in England Mr and Mrs Harry Moss visit ed Mr and Mrs Alex Hunter on Saturday at Concord Mrs George Newmarket spent the weekend with Mr and Mrs Fred McLeod Oak Ridges Nurseries SAVE 25 Quality Nursery Stock Slashed For Quick EVERGREENS ORNAMENTAL SHRUBS HEDGE STOCK ROSES ANNUALS Our years of experience are your guaranty Open Evenings Closed Sundays Oak Ridges Nurseries Yonge Street at North Wilcox Road During cancer of the lung accounted for 1504 male deaths and only female deaths No one has been able to completely explain the reason for this difference read the scripture and Mrs John boys by having papers tied in Burr and Mrs Harmon led bundles and out at your gate by worship service The study book on Thailand was taken by Mrs James Thompson A box of clothing for Korea was packed and a dedication service for this box was led by Mrs Ed Walts The June meeting will be an evening meeting at the home of Mrs Mount Albert Horticultural Society met at the home of Mr and Mrs Frank Brooks on May with an attendance of Mrs spoke on the care of gift plants and Miss Bertha man told some interesting facts about birds Mrs read a selection Beauty Breeds Beau ty Marilyn and Larry Dixon favored with several musical se lections in the lucky draw Mrs Harper won the bird house donated by Master Brooks and Mrs Walt Bate won the glads donated by the so ciety The Explorer group will hold their affiliation meeting with the WMS on Friday evening in the United church All WMS mem bers parents and friends are in vited to attend Explorer affili ated secretaries from Toronto and King will be present The Sharon Junior Fanner variety show in the community hall on Wednesday evening was enjoyed by all present Mr and Mrs and family have moved to Newmar ket Their home has been pur chased by Mr and Mrs Ed Sharon Wc wish Harry Paul ine and boys the best of luck in their new home The Miss Mount Albeit con test will be sponsored by the Sports Day committee again this year All young ladies in the community are invited to enter by May 15 if possible as prizes for every entry are being purch ased Entries may contact Mr Boy Stewart Mr Allan or Miss Beverley Couper The crowning of Miss Mount Albert will be part of a two hour musi cal comedy program by the Vagabonds of Hamilton Mr and Mrs Carmen Rolling were Sunday visitors of Mr and Mrs Allan Todd Churchill Mr and Mrs Allan Couper spent several days last week in New York Mr and Mrs Seymour Harper were Sunday visitors with her sister Mrs Ross and Mr in Lindsay Mrs Isabella Stewart Toronto spent a few days with her sister Mrs Joseph Cooper and Mr Cooper recently Mr and Mrs Thomas and Eileen and Mr Doug La were Monday visitors with Mrs aunt Mrs Filey Mr James visited Mr and Mrs Hoy Carr on Wednesday Recent visitors with Mr and Mrs Robert and Jackie were Mr and Mrs William Card Karen Bruce and Jam i Marie Mr Walter Miss Grace Johnson Mr Norman Scales Mr and Mrs I any and Stiver Toronto Mrs Nellie Stonchousc Hol land Landing spent the week end with her sbter Mrs John Case and Mr Case Mr and Mrs Hutchison and children Ncwmaiket spent with Her parents Mr Mrs Joseph Harrison am Dr and Mrs Charters and Susan of MacDonald Field On Wednesday April 15 will be the Baby Band party in the Fireside room On Friday April Rev and Mrs McLean will present a Manitoba are visiting Mrs Char- illustrated with colored tors mother Mrs Will Hamilton prior to the doctor going as to Camp Borden Mr and Mrs Morlcy Andrews attended the wedding of Mr And rews cousin Ronnie Andrews in Toronto last week The campaign for the National Institute for the Blind begins on Monday May pictures of their trip to Europe fcne Mrs Warnke We are sorry to report the ac cident which befell the little dau ghter of Mr and Mis Fry burned her hand and had to be taken to the sick childrens hospital Toronto MOUNT PLEASANT Mrs Mason Stiles and her mo ther Toronto spent Tuesday with Mrs Bernard Davidson Miss Stiles who has been in Toronto returned with them The Zephyr will their special Sunday evening in May see date later lite guest speaker will be a retired missionary Miss Pearson of Wes ton There will be special music A number of the ladies of the Zephyr WMS attended the ban- Famed Canadian poetess Paul- quel held in the Royal York Johnson was the daughter of el The banquet is being given in a Mohawk Indian chief honor of the past presidents MOUNT PLEASANT Anniversary services will he held in the Mount Pleasant church on Sunday June at the morning and evening services Mr and Mrs Waiter Deverell Mr and Mrs Douglas Deverell and Patsy of spent Sunday with Mr and Mrs Ber nard Davidson A number of people from here attended services at Maple Hill on Sunday Mr Isaac King Bond Head called on the Davidsons on Sun day afternoon The Guild ladies of Mount Plea sant attended the Guild meeting in Sutton on Thursday WOOL SHIP COLLECT TO Our Registered Warehouse No Weston Ontario RELIABLE GRADING DIRECT SETTLEMENT Obtain twine without charge from PETER STEVENSON Baldwin Ont or by writing to CANADIAN COOPERATIVE WOOL GROWERS LIMITED Ray Street Toronto Canada ATTENTION Hog Producers Meeting in Mount Albert IOOF Hall Wednesday MAY DST FIND OUT HOW TO SELL YOUR HOGS AT TOP PRICES SPEAKERS MR CHARLES McINNES PRES AND JIM BOYNSOmRC Ontario Hog Producers Pay off in I Make any comparison Mighty Mercury trucks lead the field in styling power load space and economy New PayoffDesign pays off in pickups with the greatest capacities in trucks today Cabs are wider lower and roomier with new suspended pedals new deep comfort seats new lighthouse visibility Mercury trucks pay off in comfort and in rugged dependability Mercury offers modern shortstroke design in both 6 and engines Heres payoff economy and long lasting performance Make this your year to move to Mercury trucks with PayoffDesign See your MercuryLincolnMeteor dealer today move to the mighty fleet of with 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