Newmarket Era and Express, 16 May 1957, p. 12

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DIESEL Shop General Machine Repair DIESEL SPECIALIST JOSEPH BUYS Proprietor Richmond Hill York North Voters List Shows Large Increase The preliminary total of lttari in the federal of York I Residence Colter St Newmarket phone TW 59090 Don other North is Returning Fred Hare reports This figure is more than the number on the list in the federal election when there were 22661 ballot a cast and rejected ballots Kinc City had In 1933 and the preliminary is an of has names reproienUnfl an of the elect- ovate white ha so far fowl five more than the up The revised list will he made IS in IW3 revising officers in the Returning Officer rural boiling subdivisions and S i Hare now engaged In divisions fourth election Ho succeeded the Club Elects New President Page The Newmarket Era and Express Thursday May urban divisions In there were 140 lisle Victor Hal rung divisions and this year there middle The advanced poll makes a total of There will he a large number voting in York North for the first time as the trend of population would indicate- For example in Acres a new sion developed at Richmond Hill York County for the Liberals and which has gathered considerable A Tiny Cat hers King population from Toronto there Township owner of nearly City an election when Mr Hall was stricken with a heart attack Contesting the federal election on in the riding of York North are John Rye a farmer in Bast township near Mount Albert and exwarden ALL KINDS ALL SIZES New And gam MAIN ST NEWMARKET acres of farm land near Newmar ket He is a former financial ex- DAVIS SPORTING GOODS Phone Bus 56291 Res TW 54616 Where Good Sports Shop and Save SERVICE this Float Map of as w So at fend The friendly and personalized service of the Sun Life Company of Canada is al- Satuvays available to you through Companys representatives countries Behind these men and women stands life insurance companies of the world with a same record over years and with flexible policy plans that been designed meet the individual need I was an estimated list of 325 j names last October states Mr Hare The preliminary list of pert and is running on the Pro Beverley is now Similar comparisons exist I the riding particular ly jn the pound end of the riding Keswick village at Lake Simcoe has electors to date while in there were This gives an idea of the change in time commented the Conservative ticket HIGH SCHOOL BOARD SUPPORTS NEW IDEA ftSaX1SyF TEACHER TRAINING lice villages of King City Noble- I ton and Schomberg have I best the Kami will the WITH EVERY MEMBER OF THE sum iiFz J THE EMPHASIS IS SERVICE A J MEEHAN Supc visor Main St Newmarket SUN LIFE OF CANADA large who won and hoy Brad land for A J I low Incom J MHpogt Protection NAME ADDtESS city AOE SCHOOLS DESCRIBED IN TALK The April meeting of the Prince Charles Home and School associ ation was addressed by William Toronto who spoke on The Mail Child Goes to School In the absence of the president Mrs Michael Steel Mrs Ronald Blaxley presided Mrs Bergers class entertained with a choral reading Her class won the attendance banner Mrs Jean Jay presented books to the school the gift of the Home and School association Receiving them on behalf of the pupils and teachers were Stacey Legge Rich ard Smith Donald Parks and Joan Legresley Mrs introduced Mr who lived for many years among the Man Mau tribes of Africa He told of the living conditions there and outlined the progress being made in teaching both the adults and children Christianity bettor standards of I POSTAL CLERKS 2310 3360 Post Office Department NEWMARKET Ontario Details and application forms at Post Office Employment Offices and the Civil Commission Apply before MAY 24 1957 to Civil Service Commission St Clair East TORONTO Ontario The Club Newmarkets debating society elected its new president on Tuesday night last week Here the new president Bill Ingram receives the gavel from the past president John Hines Left to right arc John Treasurer Ted Greenwood Bob VicePresident Art Brown Secretary Stan Fear and Bill Ingram Era photo The high school board at its Tuesday night meeting in Newmarket en dorsed a resolution received from the East Elgin District high school board concerning teacher train- in The western Ontario board har adopted a recent suggestion of resident of the University of Western Ontario that teacher training be incorporated in the standard university course in or der to eliminate the extra year now required at the Ontario Coll ege of Education at Toronto It was the feeling of the that the increasing need for more teachers might be relieved in thir manner Also distributing teach er training throughout the pro should give school board outside the Toronto area more op portunity to hire available teach ers This resolution has gone to the Associated High School Boards Ontario with the suggestion it come up for discussion at its May meeting next week The board authorized the pur chase of a tractor for the agricul tural department at the New- A Stitch In Time 7 Centuries Ago the Every woman who uses a sew- cavating on the site of an ancient together that completes machine knows its chief ad- Huron village two bone needles stitch over hand sewing is that They were unlike most Indian If both upper and lower threads machine sews a lock stitch bone sewing implements which are under the proper tension the j What will be news to home were like large darning needles occurs in the center of the OTWR PRICE fabric and a perfect stitch is for- med If the tension on the needle thread is too tight or if that on the bobbin thread is ton loose the needle thread will lie along Here are some hints for pood stitching Fine materials require dressmakers is the recent eviden- These needles were hollow down which has been discovered by the center Curious to see how Professor Wilfred Jury of the tin- they would sew the professor of Western Ontario that threaded a hollow needle with the Huron Indians probably knew string how to sew a lock stitch seven He found that when he jabbed surface of the mater- hundred years ago His discovery I this needle through two pieces of reverse is the case the does not rob Mr Isaac Singer of heavy cloth it left a loop in the thread will lie along the under his centuryold fame for having string when it emerged on the I of fabric invented the first lock stitch sew- other side He took a second ing machine The Indians sewed string ran it through the loop of lock stitch by hand the first pulled the needle back a light tension while heavy mat- Professor Jury found when ex- and jabbed a new hole Again he- require a greater tension ran the second string through the to produce a perfect stitch If too loop He was making a lock stitch tight a tension is used on a fine The lock stitch the modern sew- fabric the threads may break ing machine makes is done in when the material is pressed flat much the same way But the sew- j A bias seam will pucker if the ingmachine needle is grooved in- tension is tight If the tension on I stead of being hollow Local sew- a flat seam is too loose there is center experts explain that a i a danger the thread will pull out knowledge of the way a lock This is why a long stitch with loose tension is used for machine BLOSSOM TEA LIFESAVER TUBELESS punctures you Change -blowout- denser- Out Premium protection Sue DELUXE SILVERTOWN TUBELESS quality The on Stie standard molt can REG ONLY REG ONLY S3 I SAFETYS A quality tubetype tire for safe mileage REG ONLY -t- basting market High school Attachments sanitation J will include a mower for cutting as well as reading and writing The closest white man was miles from where Mr was stationed He told his The property committee was authorized to take the necessary in per- that child mortality rates ex- 1 per cent the Newmarket and Sutton Mau people because of ease filth and starvation While the parents are very set in j I reported another breakin at Era and Express Classifieds ways definite progress is made with the children Mr pler said He displayed hand crafts made by the natives Nominations were received for the 195758 officers and executive The installation ceremony will be held on May 20 DRIVEWAYS PARKING AREAS WALKS PAVED HOT ASPHALT OR COLD MIX FREE ESTIMATES the local high school which re sulted in the loss of 71 collect ed from students in the shape of fees for the curling club Break- Ins at schools have made insur ance companies wary and the pre sent policy will not cover this loss The board accepted the resig nation of physical training teach er Miss Cart wright The Junior Ladies Aid of the Christian Baptist church held a successful Blossom tea in the hail on Thursday May The rOom was attractively decor ated with spring flowers and i made helps a home dress- blossoms maker to sew firm neat seams It Rev Fred officially is the pulling of the upper thread Thus like her Indian cousin of opened the bazaar and tea at from the needle and the lower centuries ago todays home dress- pm Guests were welcomed by thread from the bobbin at the cor- j maker knows that a stitch Mrs and Mrs Bernard rcct tension as threads are time saves nine only if it is Lee drawn into the material and lock- 1 locked Hostess for the tea was Mrs William Andrews The sale of handwork was under the con- venership of Mrs William Rob inson Mrs William Epworth was in charge of the home bak ing Mrs Lewis Coombs super- vised the sale of home made The miscellaneous booth which included white elephants i touch and take and a plant sale i was convened by Mrs Terry A HOST OF OTHER SPECIALS MUI HAROLD GORDON DR NEWMARKET OML TOWING SERVICE PHONE TW 52731 Evans Fuels TWINING NEWMARKET TO ATTEND CAMP Representing West Toronto through the of Strange Presbyterian church at Glen Manor Camp will be Margaret Finch who has recently been chosen to attend the camp life for girls in August She is the daughter of Mr and Mrs Finch and is active in the young peoples group of Strange congregation She be longs to the youth choir and Las- Girls Homemaking club She attends Aurora district high Although more research work school throughout the world is being done on cancer than on any other Cancer of the mouth is four I medical problem scientists still times as common in men as in have not discovered the cause of IN WORK Miss Suzanne Grew who has completed her second year in Carlton College Ottawa spent a week or so with her parents Mr and Mrs J Grew who gave her a family party on her 21st birth day This Thursday Miss Grew re turned to Ottawa for a visit with friends and then goes to Halifax where she will spend the summer months stationed with the air- force in a public relations capac ity a position she held last sum mer during her holiday months I as Flight Cadet Miss Grewsj career is to be journalism rayon acetate women the disease AIR ENTHUSIASM STIRS STAYNER GIANT Fireworks Display in tin I FAIR GROUNDS Monday May 20 Presented by the Newmarket Lions Club Everyone Welcome TREATS FOR THE CHILDREN SILVER COLLECTION tropical suits Wear as a complete suit or wear the coat with contrasting pants for another complete outfit Sizes 35 to in all models TAN BROWN casino BLUE GREY In to have an airport or to he more accurate Us present airport Is coming to life are giving support to efforts to set up a flying school and air service which Is to open on May First woman Undent will Carol left and her will he Dill Camera- extra contrasting or matching pants 995 FROM THE SAME MIRACLE FABRIC tropical slack s Cool lightweight comfort In the name Blend fabric and colours by the same prominent Canadian manufacturer as the Handsomely tailored and Sires lo 995 200 Main Stroot I Newmarket

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