Newmarket Era and Express, 16 May 1957, p. 17

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ft lira and Thursday Max At a meeting of the ball club on Tuesday night last week Ross Chapman was elected as manager with Angus Smith as his assist ant and Norm Gibney as treas urer Hines acted as secre tary for this meeting Details of games will be announced later The regular meeting of the Evening auxiliary of the Wo mens Missionary Society of the United church will be held on Tuesday evening May 21 at 815 oclock at the home of Dr M The worship service will be taken by Mrs and the study book will be reviewed by Mrs Musselwhite The roll call is What I read first in the newspaper The hostesses will be Mrs T Breen Mrs and Mrs Mac Several ladies attended Open House on Hospital Day in New market on Wednesday of last week The Girls club will enter- lain their mothers at the home of their leader Miss M Eves next Saturday Mrs Mrs Dike and Dr Arkinstall at tended the executive meeting of the York of the Wo mens Missionary Society in Stouffville on Tuesday of last week Mr and Mrs Max Stiles and family Newmarket and Mr and Mrs If Horner and family Sut ton West visited their mother Mrs Stiles on Sunday MOUNT ALBERT A splendid attendance of mem bers and adherents of the United church voted 85 percent in favor of the building program on Sun day morning A building approximately 30 feet by feet will be erected at the east end of the present build ing The 60 foot length will run north and south and project about 23 feet at the north end of the wall It is expected that the committee will get under way in the near future so that the main part of the building will be com pleted by fall The service of reaffiliation of Mr and Mr Leo Tuomisloj and the WMS will be and Deborah Ann Toronto vis- United church on Mrs Tuomistos sister Mrs Tuesday May 28 The CGIT Harry Wright and Mr Wright will hold a business meeting at on Sunday pm followed by a program of interest to all Films will be Mrs W Musselwhite is visit- snown Korea and refresh ing her mother in who is quite ill ew Cancer Cell Theory Developed By Scientist Dr J spent a few days in Indianapolis and New York Citv last week Mr and Mrs George Pearson and Mrs Albert Milne attended a family reunion at the home of Mr and Mrs Button last Sunday Willow- Mr and Mrs J Lapp dale spent Sunday with Mrs mcnts served All mem bers parents and friends are in vited to attend Mr and Mrs Ross Thompson Uxbridge were Sunday visitors of Mr and Mrs James Thomp son Mr and Mrs John Meek and family Toronto spent Sunday relatives in town Lapps parents Gordon Cole Mr and Mrs Mrs Bruce Rolling attended the Womens Institute officers conference and diamond jubilee Miss Emma Doan Guelph last week to visited her mother and sister over the weekend Several from Mount Albert and w he J and Lamp on Saturday Mr and Mrs Mr and Mrs J family and Mr and Mrs Wright and family visited mother Mrs P on Mo- The Explorer affiliation party triers Day Mrs on Friday evening was well at- visited her sister Mrs tended and enjoyed by all pres- Eighteen of the 22 girls The Turnip camp Ontario Soil and Crop Improve- association met recently and appointed Ross Chapman as their chairman for CHARLES King Township farmer and president York County Coop Medical Services Is a firm believer in the Self Help Program of the York County Federation of Agricul ture By Self Help Charles means for farmers to take advantage of the services offered by organizations affiliated with the Federation of Agriculture Of course Charles first thought was the York Coun ty Coop Medical Services that provided prepaid hospital and surgical coverage to Its members Then there Is the Cooperators Insurance Association writing Automobile Accident and Sick ness Farm Family Liability and Farm Insurance Charles urges all farmers and wives to learn more about these services by contacting our Insurance representatives JOHN Newmarket JIM SPENCER Street Maple Phone Miss Mildred Dike spent the in town Mr and Mrs Ross Chapman had as their guests on Sunday Mr and Mrs William Moss and Mrs W Chapman and Miss R Toronto were Sunday Chapman Aurora Mrs George Mrfi A University of Western On tario scientist Dr Murray Barr has an exciting new theory of cancer growth which he will in vestigate during the coming year with assistance from the National Cancer Institute of Canada and the Canadian Cancer Society According to Dr Barrs theory something similar to what takes place in a fertilized female germ cell when it begins its growth to form a baby may take pjace in ordinary body cells to cause the formation of a tumor Scientists have long been struck by the si milarity of conditions surround ing the development of a tumor and those surrounding the natur al development of an embryo World Recognition Dr Barr won worldwide re cognition in for his identifi cation of what is known as the sex chromatin in the nucleus of body cells This is a small clump in the nucleus or centre portion of the cell which can be clearly seen with the help of a microscope and which is present only in cells from a female organism Since then this discovery has I led to important simple diagnos tic tests for determining the chromosomal sex of persons with abnormal sexual develop ment which has helped greatly in the treatment of such persons Continuing his work with chro mosomes Dr Barr was able to es tablish that certain types of can cer known as teratoma have a much different origin than was previously supposed He discov ered that these teratoma which often contain welldefined bits of teeth bone hair skin and other body tissue always contain fe male cells when found in wom en However about half the i Mr and Mrs JacR Wilson Mr Owen Sound and Mrs Miss Hall Toronto Hall and Mrs J Smith attended the fu neral of the late Fred Hamilton Markhain on Thursday Mr and Mrs Don Davis To ronto spent Mothers Day week end with Mrs Davis parents Mr and Mrs Max atoma found in males contain weekend at her home female cells and half contain male cells No other type of tumor has this characteristic Complex Theory Dr new theory of can cer development which is very much in the theory stage as yet is extremely complicated for the layman to understand since it involves the actions of chromosomes within the nucleus of body cells As most everyone knows all Mr and Mrs Lloyd Smith To- body tissue is made up of cells were- weekend visitors of J The centre portion of the cell is Mr and Mrs Gordon Green and called the nucleus and inside this nucleus there are along with Mr and Mrs Roy Can were Sunday visitors of their cousins Mr and Mrs J Smith and Mr and Mrs Robert Evans and family in Toronto Mr and Mrs Ralph Smith other things small spiral shaped CHARGE A hearing of a charge of false Mrs David Ciglon and pretenses against Irene Lane family were weekend was remanded Mrs parents Tuesday May until May Mr a Ml Byron Stiver Miss Lane was released on 5000 property hail spent She is charged in connection j Sunday with her daughter Mrs with obtaining from Alvin Aylnier and Mr Ridley Aurora Miss Beverley spent i bodies known as chromosomes Saturday in Toronto Each cell contains regular chromosomes and either two chromosomes female or an The prong horn or Rocky Mountain antelope that once out numbered even the prairies great buffalo herds is Canadas fastest- running wild animal Newmarket Mr and Mrs Don Loach To ronto were weekend visitors of Mr and Mrs Ernest Davis THIS A A Canadian Company operating on a national scale has immedi ate openings for ambitious men or women to manage local business dealing with some of Canadas largest chain stores ran be handled in spare hours at start if desired honesty and dependability more Important than past experience Our liberal financial assistance enables rapid expansion This Is a buslneess on a high plane for high type men or women of character only APPLICANTS MUST 160000 Which Is secured and good references These openings will pay you exceptionally high monthly Income Immediately and rapidly Increase as business expands Prefer applicants aspir ing earnings from 10000 to yearly No high pressure men wanted as NO SELLING required If you can qualify and have necessary cash write today giving phone and par ticulars for local Interview Write J WEBB COMPANY St Alexander Montreal Quebec SHARON Church services will be held at both churches at the regular times Sunday school to follow Rural Life Sunday will he ob served on May 26 at the United church at am The community was saddened to hear of the death of Mrs process known as HYNERGY Treasure Hunt Feeds Featured HOG STARTER HYNERGY SOW RATION Save your tickets from these feeds You may win Hie monthly draw prize for May worth PULLETS 20weeksold July and August HyUne Dekalb Ames BRxLS RIDLER MILLS LTD Phone T uiJlKJL Greenwood last week Miss Nora Shaw met with a ear accident in Newmarket on Friday and is in York County hospital with a knee fracture The annual meeting of the Sharon Home and School Associa tion will be held in the school on Monday May 27 at pm The program will be presented by the senior students under the direc tion of their teacher Mrs Everyone is welcome Mrs Stevens was taken to York County hospital last week following a slight stroke Mrs and Mrs W Storey attended the blossom tea and bake sale of the Snowball A of the United church held in the Oddfellows Hall Aurora on Saturday Mrs Storey and Mrs P visited Mrs Roy roll in Aurora on Saturday The regular meeting of the Hobby Club will be held at the home of Mrs Miller on Tues day May and a chromosome male It is pretty well that chromosomes contain the genes which determine the way in which the cells shall de velop when they divide and in cidentally determine body char acteristics Haphazard Choke Now in the female germ cell there are ordinary chromo somes plus an X chromosome and in the male sperm cell ordin ary chromosomes and an or a Y chromosome If the sperm cell with an unites with the egg cell you net two or a female If the sperm cell with a unites you gel an and a Y or a male It is just in this haphazard way that the sex of an embryo is de termined When the two come together a pairing takes L place That is one chromosome from the sperm cell lines up with one from the egg cell and then there is a crossing over of genes from one chromosome to another which causes the sort of mixture of father and mother characteristics in the resulting child MOUNT PLEASANT Mount Pleasant anniversary Serviced will be held on Sunday June instead of June as stat- I last week with Mr Mc- Cullough Toronto at am and Mr Toronto at pm There will be special music al both service The ministers PLEASANTVILLE Too late for last Week Mr Wesley Williams and Mr Roy don Wood are patients at York County hospital Mr and Mrs A M were Sunday night tea guests at home of Mrs Mrs M McNicol is spending this week with her sister Mrs at Keswick Guests for Saturday night La and evening at home of Mr and Mrs Roy Cody were Mr and Mrs Toronto Professor Mclhersoii was the guest minister on Sunday morn ing at Pine Orchard Union church owing to the illness of regular minister Rev Moddle On Friday night Mr and Mrs If Cole and Guy Mr and Mrs Elgin Cole and baby Bradley Mr and Mrs V and Earl Mr and moving to re Mrs Vern Roches Mr and Mrs Dave Davidson with and Beth Mr and Mrs Lloyd Kay and Donna had Sunday supper with Mr and Mrs Robert Davidson with others of the family calling in the evening The Womens Guild which was held on Tuesday evening at the home of Mrs Bernard Davidson was well attended are both former ministers of of also Mr and Mrs Mount Pleasant j Cooper Newmarket surprised Mrs Carl Greenwood and had an Mr Jack has his advanced birthday party for her home and will be moving to Sutton West Mrs Toronto re turned to her home Tuesday morning after spending a week with her daughter and family Mr William Glover On Monday night May the club are having a fire cracker celebration and horse shoe pitching Ladies will pro vide sandwiches or cookies at the school house Mr and Mrs David Preston of Toronto entertained his parents and sister Mr and Mrs Preston and at Sunday tea However it is not known whe ther there is such a pairing of chromosomes when a body cell liver skin etc with its chro mosomes carries out Us normal division to form two cells If there is such a pairing it may happen that there is also on occasion a crossing over of genes which would produce a cell genetically different from the parents and which might possibly have malignant characteristics Chemical Cause Certain chemicals might even be responsible for such a crossing over and this would tie in with the knowledge that many chemi cals will cause ordinary body cells to produce cancer cells You can see Dr points out there are a great many connected with this However I feel it is a theory worth investi gating and the National Cancer Institute of Canada must feel the same as it has given me a grant to begin this work So far no body has been able to find out just why it is that ordinary well- behaved body cells become mal ignant A couple of years from now I may be able to tell you if there is anything to this theory or not Thats the way it is with cancer research Vandorf News Over 100 attended the Progres sive Conservative gathering held at Vandorf Hall on Monday ev ening when Mr Tiny Gathers candidate for North York was guest speaker Other speakers included Major Lex MacKcn- Mrs Stavert and Mrs Com- Music was provided by Mrs Grant Morley with two solos and Mr Harold Brown with two ac cordion solos Mr Grant was pianist Mr William Case of Aurora w a s chairman Professor A Smith and Mrs Smith arranged the successful gathering and a lunch was serv ed by Wesley Womens associa tion Mr Steve Komar left on Mon day morning for Winnipeg and other points He was ied by Mr Aurora Rev Ivan Kennedy Colling- wood United church is the new ly appointed minister for Wesley United church He will com mence his duties in August Mr Joe Wright left last Mon day for New York where he will sail for Venezuela Mrs J Loveless is amending a few days with her daughter Mrs Herbert White Mrs William visited Mrs Herbert White last Wednesday The annual Field Day for Whit church township schools will be held at park on May at am In case of bad wea ther it will be held June The York Centre District Worn- Hip Br NORM ens Institute meeting is to be ant Mrs Offerd of I held at Wesley United church on Tuesday June Aurora Commission Entertains Hockey Lads The Aurora Recreation Com mission brought their sponsored Little NHL hockey league activ ity to an official close Saturday May at the arena when played host to all the players who performed under their banner this past winter The Commission sponsored the fourteam peewee and the four- team tyke leagues this past win ter The players who partici pated in league play went to work on the ice cream chocolate milk and hot dogs with the same en thusiasm as they pitched into their hockey business this past winter League director Jack Robinson and Councillor Alf Child repre senting the commission were on hand to present trophies Boh Walsh judged the peewee leagues most valuable player re ceived the Bill Mundell Trophy The tyke leagues most valuable player award the Frank Under bill Trophy was presented to Roy The winning and runnerup teams in both divisions received Crests during the presentation ce remonies HOLLAND LANDING A number of ladies of the United church WA attended the annual WA Simcoe Presbytery meeting at Guthrie on Wednes day of last week and report an interesting and profitable time Mrs H C Burkholder vice- president of the Dominion Coun cil was guest speaker Mrs A Hare Mrs Hicks Ruth and Kevin spent Sunday with Mr and Mrs Frank and family Aurora Mrs Hare also called on an old friend Mrs Frank Snowball Mr and Mr P enter tained members of their family on those who could not visit RISKY BUSINESS think most people realize hi now when they set out to sell ja piece of property they will far better if they seek the kind 01 expert advice and help which offer a person in this pol But what about the person has no thought of selling but is approached by a buyer who makes an offer here in our firm his own real cstaU agent into the picture or is better off just spin ahead The rented home of Mr and his own Mrs Peter and their You might think he would b two children was threatened by j better off to go it alone flames which destroyed a barn he would thus save the poultry house and a garage on of the agents commission May you a true story The fire started in the barn and j A self BARN GARAGE BURN 200 CHICKS LOST spread to the poultry shed then to the garage feet from the house certain farmer found him in exactly that position not many months ago The person who made the proposition offered Newmarket firemen checked the farmer 15000 for land which the fire in time to save the house j the farmer had bought a More than 200 chicks were years before for about Mrs car- farmer jumped at the offer her children Christen a ried and Leonard safety Volunteer firemen from Hol land joined Newmarket Mothers Day and were pleas- firemen and prevented the fire to receive phone calls from from spreading to a dense bush half after flames raced an acre of scrub land There was a good attendance for Mothers Day service at the United church The junior choir led in the music with Mrs directing Mr and Mrs Donald Wilson and baby Toronto were Sunday visitors at the home of Mr and Mrs Clayton Hare The United church are asking for pood used warm clothing for the bale to be sent for overseas missions For more information please call TW which seemed extremely to otis to him But later he found to his ilis may hat the price he got bat been not just far from generous but actually below the market price Thats right he sold out to wealthy group of investors win Newmarket Fire Chief John the properly by then was worth I suppose this farmer will spend rest of his life wishing had asked an expert in real es tate to act as his In this Gibson estimated the loss to ex ceed The farm is owned by C Watcrhouse and is ap proximately five miles north of the town I flea I And no doubt hi JLR BELL STUDENTS have had with the relativtl I commission he would have The annual meeting and a reliable realtor lion of officers for the J R it makes you wonder doesnt Bell Home and School just how many other will be held at school I have made and are making On on Wednesday May a mistake as our pm A program will be friend by pupils Delegates to annual and convention Mrs James Tay- As meat eaters Canadians arcllor and Mrs Peter will in the big leagues In they report briefly The convention consumed pounds of meat was held at the Royal York ho- each so much in fact that Canjtel Toronto during the Easier cattle export market has holidays Refreshments will bo just about vanished served PH Slessor Motors Newmarket Limited wish to express their sincere appreciation for the tremendous welcome extended by the people of Newmarket and district on the occasion of their official opening held May and FUSE FREE OUR BONUS DEAL OF GALS OF GASOLINE WITH THE PURCHASE OF A NEW OR GOOD WILL USED CAR IS IN EFFECT ONLY until 6 pm FRIDAY MAY Choose from these SPECIAL I Door radio less than actual miles 1956 FORD CUSTOM 2 DOOR In Immaculate condition VOLKSWAGEN Leather upholstery like new METEOR NIAGARA 2 DOOR Goodwill Used Cars METEOR 4 DOOR Sedan one owner real sharp 1953 DOOR DELUXE Sedan very clean 1952 CHEV 4 DOOR DELUXE Power Glide and radio Rood transportation In excellent condition LIST OF PRIZE WINNERS AT OUR OFFICIAL OPENING BALLOON GUESSING CONTEST Official Count Mrs Kathleen Page York Manor Guess Mr Harold Morrison Zephyr Guess Mrs Glen 336 Millard Avo Guess Share gallons of gas DOOR PRIZE WINNERS Vickey Rogers Oriilia If Newmarket Harold Morrison Zephyr Ontaim Walker Zephyr Ontario Fred Palmer Timothy St New market Hillsdale Ontario Bob 340 Andrew St Newmar ket John Moon Mrs A White Main St Newmarket Mrs Glen Millard Ave Newmarket OIL CHANGES WON RV Roy Rogers Road Oriilia Peter Downs 397 Millard Ave New- market Longford St New market tony Brooks Main St Newmarket Hon St Toronto LUBRICATIONS WON BY Blackburn Timothy St New market Anne Bowers Newmarket John Legion Avenue Newmarket Jerry Mays Grace St Newmarket J King Ontario Webster Newmarket Geo Harrison Main St Newmar ket Caroline Back Booth Bay New market Geo Rose St Ontario J Ross Front St Oriilia Murray Bradford Ontario Clifford Bade It Ont Alcldc Bradford Ontario Church St Newmar ket MODEL CARS WON BY Mrs Art West 330 Millard Ave New- market Dale Andrews Andrew St New market Ceo Fletcher R 3 Newmarket Larry Hill Lome Ave Newmar ket Anne 375 Andrew St New market Frank It It I Stouifvilla Maureen Collins Ave St Catharines Walter Elm St Newmar ket Jim Scorgle Bobcaygcon Ontario Cochrane Pickering Ontario Mrs White Front St I Rose 87 Si Storey Peter St Oriilia Mrs Oliver Can ire St in GALLONS OP GAS WON Geo Smith Charlotte St Newmar ket Hazel Ayers Ernest Mrs G Gardner I Richmond Ontario Berwick Ave Tor onto 361 Eagle St Newmarket Ph

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