The Newark Era sad May Shop At St Aurora Far Friendly Personal Service Telephone PA AUKOKA FINISH POOL V0LUNTEE1 ED More volunteer help is needed to man the Gilt Shop operated at York County hospital by the Hos pital WA If any women of the district can spare a few hours once or twice a month they are requested to contact Mrs- Noble TW OES CHURCH PARADE The annual church parade of the Newmarket chapter No 282 Order of the Eastern Star will be held on Sunday May 26 to St Andrews Presbyterian church Members are requested to meet in the church basement at am School will find exceptional employment opportunities in the Royal Bank FACTS THAT OPPORTUNITY YOUNG MEN WITH IT is North Americas fourth largest bank More than branches are In operation and new ones are being opened all the time During the past four years we have opened new branches each one creat ing new managerial positions and resulting promo as for young Royal Bankers Influence plays no part in advancement at he Royal Bank Our senior officers from the Chairman and President on down started as juniors in small branches and advanced on merit alone Home study banking courses are available to all staff members Successful candidates advance quickly Prac tical experience plus the banking course is equivalent to course in Commerce For young men interested in gaining international banking experience the Royal Bank has branches abroad in New York London Paris Central and South America Cuba and the West Indies a We have generous pension plans that compare with the best as well as group health and hospital insurance it low cost to employees out booklet Your future in Banking at your local branch or Head Office for a copy INI ROYAL BANK OF CANADA Canadas Largost Bank Newmarket Branch Manager Everyone Welcome TO CONSTABLES INTERNATIONAL HARVESTER FARM EQUIPMENT and MOTOR TRUCK Show Demonstration FRID MA 31 ALSO SHOWING THESE LINES BEATTY PUMPS BARN EQUIPMENT MILK COOLERS CHAIN SAWS LAWN MOWERS GARDEN TRACT- ELEVATORS POST HOLE DIGGERS IRRIGATION FARMHAND EQUIP- MENT DOOR PRIZE 100 BILL FOR FARMERS AND THEIR SONS ACTIVELY ENGAGED IN FARMING IN OUR DISTRICT 100 BILL I SPECIAL ATTRACTIONS COUNTRY HARMONY BOYS FROM TRUCK 35 YEAR OLD Street Dance CONSOLATION PRIZES EVERYONE ELIGIBLE EXCEPT EMPLOYEES 5 INDIVIDUAL PRIZES OF EACH 10 TO FOR A YOU MUST REGISTER IN THE SAVINGS ON The Newmarket Public Library Straight Sale Retail Orders on this and the following day Cm W Constable Son Ltd WEST NEWMARKET The amount activity that go es on in the Public Library must see hi rather slight to many of our friends who happen to drop in at certain times while the Satur day morning observer might mis takenly infer that the library building Is a rather lavish adjunct to a juvenile playground To others who have not visited the library for some time the book stock may appear slightly shopworn and just a trifle be hind the times It would probably surprise the above noted folks to learn from the last monthly report of the Li brarian that in the month of Ap ril circulation totalled almost volumes of which only bout per cent was in the juv enile department Equally interesting to this ob server anyway is the fact that of the nearly 1400 books circu lated in the adult department something more than one third were works of nonfiction Keeping the reading public happy with regular additions of new titles to the book shelves is quite a problem when the library is attempting to operate on a budget which is just a little bit on the restrictive side However since the beginning of this month the staff of the library have been able to put something like a new books into circulation It is pleasant to note that about half of Ihee have been for the badly childrens section A glance over the display boards in the library will give the casual visitor to the library a OPTIMISM quick summary of what new books have arrived New Books A muchreviewed new arrival is John Farthings well timed pub lication Freedom Wears A Crown The late Mr Farthings writings have been edited by one who shares his partisanship into a sin cere and passionate plea for Can adian adherence to British polit ical ideals which Britain has long since outgrown The book has much of interest even though it is spoiled by the traditional tendency of the sin cere conservative to drift off in to romantic but reactionary After many years of delay Ar nold finally finished his monumental Study of History and Somervell has now complet ed his abridgement of the last four volumes in a companion work to the popular abridged ed ition of the first six volumes This is not a book to read in an evening but well worth the time it takes Not easy reading either but ab sorbingly interesting is Hans statement for the general reader of his theory of the re lationship of stress to physical health The Stress of Life has been translated into many foreign languages and the edition has gone through three printings Dr Selye is recognized as one of the great medical scientists of our day and his views are backed up by a tremendous amount of scientific work and a great re search organization The theme of his book is claimed by many qualified people to be one of the great discoveries of modern med icine Unlike relativity and ncu- clear physics this work is com prehensible to the average read er BY KEN STEPHENS Promise yourself to forget the mistakes of the past and press on to the greater achievements of the future from the Optimist Creed Once again it is time for us the Optimist club of Newmarket to plan for our summer sports and recreation program We be lieve that in this one way we can help to build the morals of the youth of this community It has been proven many times that if a boy wants to be a ball player and is allowed this privi lege he will have neither the time nor the energy to run with the gang and eventually gel into trouble To illustrate the role of re creation in combating juvenile delinquency I would like to quote this poem by George Mor- Detroit Tiger Scout The Game The kids were playing baseball On a private lot one day In anger neighbors warned them Stop playing right away The grassy field was summer green Blue skies shone overhead There wasnt any violence Contentment ruled instead The sand lot was cheering The fielders madn fine stops Until one kid yelled out in fear Lookout Here comes the cops And so the kids were chased away Sadhearted and dismayed Their hopes were badly shattered When this game could not be played Each lad filled with ambition Each coveted a dream To he some day a shining star Upon a big league team Their happy yells were stifled Their healthy fun denied Great hopes they had of winning Within these lads had died With nothing left for them to do Grim nighttime came once more And papers said next morning Tough Kids Rob Corner Store Now that the damage had been done Who arc the ones to blame They would have planned no robbery If they had played their game So if we stop their playing And care not what befalls We sentence them to gangland And then to prison walls Though courts may shout De- When playful kids are jailed Its high time then that we con fess We are the ones who failed Yours in optimism Ken Stephens HYPNOTIC MARVELS NOVEL ENTERTAINMENT Hypnosis Can Be Fun and I make it my business to prove it is a statement which has made Dr Morton Greene famous hyp notist one of the outstanding en tertainers In his field The Doctor will appear here in person on May at the Newmar ket town hall under the sponsor ship of the Optimist club of New market He will present a two hour show that is novel fantastic sparkling and entertaining The program is devoted to hyp notism The stage is set for the demonstrations which follow af ter the Doctor explains the facets of the mind to the audience Fol lowing this are preliminary tests directed will power rapid induct ion and a baffling demonstration of sensory control of taste smell and other senses while in a state of trance Dr Greene master hypnotist astounds all who attend one of his performances his clever wit and outstanding sense of humor con tribute to audience enjoyment even when he gets everybody in to the act by a thrilling demon stration of relaxation where he uses nearly the entire audience Some of the mirth provoking demonstrations include placing a subject in an ordinary chair which is not wired electrically not treated with heat radiation of any form yet at the sound of a specified word spoken by the Doctor the subject is forced to rise from his seat Another laugh- provoking scene is one where it becomes impossible for a hypno tized subject to keep shoes on the feet except when they are rever sed with the right shoe on tho left foot and vice versa Because of the recent nation wide interest in The Murphy Case the scene called In the Long Long Ago is one the audience particularly enjoys Here an experiment into age re gression is used and with pro per subjects occasionally one will be taken back for a glimpse into this realm of the mind volatile And hot many urn it f Certain Newmarket Furniture ft Electric NEWMARKET Social News Mis A Webster Bran don Manitoba arrived by plane on Sunday evening to attend the funeral of her nephew Orla Phil lips on Monday of this week Mr and Mrs Charles Near spent the holiday weekend at Terrace Inn the guests of Mr and Mrs Melville Mr and Mrs Fred and daughters of Niagara Falls spent the weekend with Mr and Mrs Krnest Winter Mr and Mrs Robert spent the weekend with their son- inlaw and daughter Mr and Mrs Lyman and Carol Ann of Woodstock Mr and Mrs Harry Belleville spent the weekend in town visiting friends Main St LADY LAWN D1NNKR ON JUNK The ladies of the Newmarket lawn bowling club are holding their opening dinner at the club house on Wednesdav June at pm The ladies are hoping this sea son to bring in a number of now members Anyone interested in joining the club is asked to call Mrs George Osborne Twining or Mrs John Twining Era and Express Classifieds Bring Kesults Yes its true Were on the volume selling rampage again it was 33 Fords Monarchs to Between Mow and May 31st 17 NEW CARS SOLD THE FIRST WEEK OF OUR VOLUME SELLING RAMPAGE No Reasonable Offer Will Be Refused Those Are Mot Idle Business Early this year we contracted with Ford Motor Com pany to sell 60 new cars in the month of May and we are going to do it These cars were ordered I from Ford and are either in stock in Newmarket or Bradford or are coming to us daily from the factory We are delivering new cars slightly behind schedule so we have decided to TRADE and SELL FOR LESS for the balance of this month We will definitely MEET or BEAT Any Deal on a New Car you can get in this area or in Toronto We realize this is a big statement to make but try us and for yourself Buy Your New Car In May And SAVE DOLLARS Front Your LOCAL FORD MONARCH DEALER BRAD WALKER MOTORS LTD WE WIU NOT BE UNDERSOLD NEWMARKET Phone TW 54541 BRADFORD Phone 164w