Iff Em nd May King Square Dancers Take Part In Festival Taking a in the East York Square dancing festival in hall on May were some of the members of the King club Wearing red bandannas as headgear to identify the club were young married couples Glen and Fran Bill and Bern ice Clubine Bruce and Hall Jim and Kay Vic and Ruth Doner Bob and Claire Walker Stan and Muriel Roots and George and a lady friend George is the instructor of the King club The first public dance sponsor ed by the King Square Dancing Club will be held in King City Memoral Pavilion Lake Marie Park on Saturday night June 1 The Midnight Ramblers a four- piece orchestra will play Mar garet Hough Scarboro Club a noted caller for square dancing will officiate Square T y m e and Folk Dancing will be on the agenda wth Bob Walker Glen Stan Roots and Vic Doner as pro gram committee Proceeds are to build a fund to establish a PA system and records King Scouts will operate the refreshment booth PARK Another summer cottage was burned during the night of Satur day May The inside of the cottage on River Road was com pletely destroyed The fire broke out at approximately am but due to the speed of the Hol land Landing fire brigade it was extinguished before am The cottage was fortunately empty at the The other cottage which was burned to the ground recently has been rebuilt The attractive new cottage also on River Road was built to face the river The community wishes much happiness to Shirley Ball and Joe Lewis who were married in Tor onto on Saturday May Sev eral friends from Riverdrive Park attended wedding York Area Scout Parade Largest Held In King City FRACTURES COLLAR BONE Anne Forester fractur ed her left collar bone on Friday evening May 24 while playing Softball in King City park She struck a guy wire and was thrown to the ground Her par ents are Mr and Mrs George Forester Sixth Concession of King Strange THE POOL YORK DIESEL Machine Shop General Machine Repairs DIESEL SPECIALIST JOSEPH BUYS Proprietor Richmond Hill Residence Cotter St Newmarket phone Kettlebv Church Marks 114th Anniversary June The anniversary services for Immanuel Baptist church Keltleby will be held on Sun day June at 11 am and pm Dr arkcr Dean of The ology at University Hamilton will be the guest spea ker at both services Special mus ic will be provided by Cliff Mc- Honick and his sister Joyce and their five year old sister Debbie from Toronto Youth for Christ A heavy dispersed the large assembly of scouts and cubs officials and spectators on Sunday afternoon before the close of the religious service making the first church parade of York Summit scout district of York Central area held in King City Memorial Park May 26 Between and 500 boys lea ders and district officials took part in the largest scout parade held in King City Commencing on south Keele St the colorful parade marched past the reviewing stand at where District Scout Master Leo nard May took the salute Foll owing a provincial police cruiser manned by Const John Miller OPP was the Aurora and District high school cadet band playing military music and On ward Christian Soldiers After the parade marshal came first King Scouts and 34 cubs under their leaders scoutmaster Stanley Roots and cubmaster Harvey This was a proud moment for the local groups esp ecially troop leader Barry Wall ace Moving off into the park Dav id and John Collins were flag boys at the dias Noted in the parade were the district colors borne by newly created Queens Scouts who will take part in jamborees this summer Dave Moore and Jim McRither Oak Ridges Barry Smith and Don Brillinger Richmond Hill and Dennis Robinson The religious service was taken by Rev W Bruce Jennings rect or of All Saints Anglican church His scriptural reading was 26th chapter of St Matthews gospel Rev Dr Jennings chose the word duty from the scout pro mise requesting it be remember ed by every boy The letter he said means adhering to de votions being a good boy is equivalent to being godly is for usefulness being useful to King City and District Mrs Laura Rolling Correspondent Phone King others as well as to oneself means being the es sence of scout allegiance to duty Y is being yourself as you know yourself as others know you and as God knows us all for what we are Noted in the official list were district Mrs Mary Hood and Mrs Mary Mew dist rict staff secretary Norman Ed wards of Unionville district scout masters Bill Keenan Jeff Cook Ernie and Dave Walter Smith also district cub- masters Commissioner May thanked First King groups for their assist ance Lake Marie Association for use of the park and Rev Dr Jen nings for his spiritual leadership Running Back Of Truck Girl Is Injured By Car Anne Shepherd four daughter of Rev J E Shepherd and Mrs Shepherd suffered a frac tured left collar bone last week when she was struck by a car when she attempted to cross Keele St north in front of the Presbyterian Manse King City She ran from behind a stand ing milk truck into the path of a car driven by Pat McVeigh King R 3 Her father said the car must have been travelling slowly otherwise Anne would have been more seriously injured She had some concussion and was driven by her father to York County hospital for Xray Dr Hardy King City put her shoulder in a cast and she was returned home Anne was on her way to play with her friend Paton who lives across the road when the accident happened She is improving but the little girl received quite a shock as did her parents I I A A I ft If- j cm A A i4v4 Some of the reasons why more Ontarians belong to t than to oil other hospital plans combined If pays to prepay the Cross way J THAN IN NT A MO ONTARIO HOSPITAL ASSOCIATION TORONTO ONTARIO Plan Future Projects Plans have been laid for future fund raising projects by King crafts This Christmas the gar den group will take advance or ders for Christmas handmade wreaths decorative pieces for the home and table Orders must be placed well ahead of time as this group assisted by other Kingcraf- ters will make the decorations A price list will be made up In May there will be a home baking sale afternoon tea and sale of annual and perennial plants A special feature will be a fashion parade by small child ren in outfits smocked by King- In October will be the large Kingcraft sale of handi crafts and sale of raffle tickets on handcraft draw prizes Mrs Bar ry will convene the sale These plans were approved at a general meeting May 22 when the sale of garden plants that day realized over 75 Mrs George Somers is garden group convener Later plants were set out on the Kingcraft garden lot in a scheme Chinese elms have also been planted on the south border line Entertain Medical Group At their King township home near King City Dr Glenn Saw yer general secretary of the On tario Medical Association and his wife held a buffet supper on Sun day afternoon May for per sons connected with the associa tion They were assisted by other members of the secretariat Mr and Mrs A Gillies Mr and Mrs George Ferchat Toronto and Mr and Mrs of Maple Among the distinguished guests were president of the Dr J C C Dawson and his wife and the new president elect Dr Mur ray Douglas and his wife of Windsor Mrs Douglas and Mrs Dawson poured tea and coffee On Monday afternoon Mrs Sawyer served tea at the home of Mrs Carme Warren Toronto who held an afternoon tea in honor of Mrs J C C Dawson Mrs Saw yer will be in Toronto most of this week with her husband dur ing the convention of the OMA Making Recovery Mrs Irving Scott St south King City is making good recovery following surgery at Toronto East General hospital An infected inner ear which was just giving trouble before she entered hospital flared up and she had to stay in hospital several days longer followed by medical atten tion afterward Mrs Scott was unable as pre sident to preside at York Presbytery spring rally held at United church On tario County on May 22 Her first vicepresident Mrs Little of was also ill so Mrs Leonard second vice- president acted Mrs Wellmnns ear was one of two or three to drive into the ditch en route to Vroomanton Mrs Austin Rumble of King City Presbytery literature secretary who was driving Mrs Ted Wal las local WA president also went into the ditch Drivers were unfamiliar with the narrow swamp road they were directed to follow Rev and his wife were also at the attended by Club Is Named The University Womens of York County is the name adopted by the newly formed or ganization set up a couple of months ago as the in Can ada Meeting in Kingcraft House King City early in May a scholarship was set up to help a student in the area Mrs Walter Johnson King Township the president outlined the aims and purposes of a Uni versity Womens Club In this capacity its members are pledged to keep abreast of modern affairs and to promote education and fine art Speakers will he en gaged and dicussions held Wins Praise Charles Shields 15 was inter mediate champion in six events in the sports meet of Pickering College Newmarket last week end Mr and Mrs McLennan at tended the annual reception for parents held at the college on Saturday Accident In Aurora last Saturday while on her way to the Pickering Col lege at home Mrs A Mc Lennan had the misfortune to be knocked down by a bicycle when it went out of control un der a young young boy Her leg was badly scratched and her party dress was smirch ed with long streaks of grease when she felt- on the bicycle as it topped over when she was hit She was treated at the college She laid no complaint against the young cyclist Talent Night Scout Talent Night in King City Memorial pavilion on Friday night June is shaping up into a very worthwhile event Mr Emerson Wallace the organizer can use more talent in any variety and would appreciate a personal visit or a telephone call at King 208W An orchestra under George Keroff will be on hand to fill in the entertainment Mr Wallace is the pianist Proceeds arc for boy scout camping equipment and jamboree financing RICHMOND HILL LIONS BI GO Monday June 3 GOLDEN LINE 23 NUMBERS CALLED LIONS HALL PM ALL CASH PRIZES JACKPOT 500 59 Numbers Colled ENTIRE PROCEEDS FOR WELFARE WORK Schomberg Fair Remains Agricultural In Outlook Willi Schomberg Agricultural Fair June and but three weeks away the executive and committees have been delving into ways and means of produc ing a fine show Cattle prizes have been raised and while vege tables roots and grains cannot be shown in June other features make up the difference It is expected the reeve will open the fair and will be as sisted by a farm radio r Schools will parade and cor for prizes As of last year when the wo mens division such a variety of interesting classes the Womens Institutes of King township are invited to partici pate in the theme What a square yd of cotton will do in kitchen Eight different articles trim med to braid or bias binding must be made by a present member of the branch and showed as a unit Four prizes from to will be giv en To encourage more partici pation in arts and crafts in the community there is a exhibit of local amateur art in oils or water color limited to two per exhibitor Ex Warden IN NORTH YORK CAMPAIGN COMMITTEE ROOMS Main St Newmarket Phone TW 52639 Yonge N Richmond Hill Phone TU Published by North York Liberal