snapdragons Tomatoes cabbage arid Spanish onions Si Holland Land- phone TW fct DAHLIA bulbs for Phone Newmarket w22 cabbage cauli- and flowers C Mc- Holland Landing phone Newmarket clw22 box flowers K Han- Second St from Dixon icll Co Ltd Newmarket c3w22 WOOD FOR SALE wood hard and soft- Phone 22410 Mount Al- tfl4 i LOST OLSTEIN cow last seen in area Phone 20103 Albert MISCELLANEOUS rheumatic tablets for liar arthritic neuritic and pains Price Best jug Store phone 54091 MUCOUS IN THROAT Unas Pink Tablets for the and throat for the dropping mucous discharge sensation the lump in the throat and disturbances These are he same reliable pink tablets hat have been used for many ears by adults and children good results Price 100 The Best Drug Store phone TW 54091 New- arket THE BEST BRONCHIAL COUGH SYRUP or coughs colds and A prompt and effective rem- for the relief of bronchitis or chesty coughs and colds The Best Drug Store ewmarket surgical supports elast- hosiery for those who suffer various veins ankle and tee trouble Arch supports belts Best Drug Store hone TW 54091 Newmarket READYMIXED CONCRETE or Footings Floors Patios etc CONCRETE and CINDER BLOCKS READYMIXED CONCRETE LTD BLOCK CO LTD lie 320 tf For HARDWARE e Deliver Phone TW 54112 If ELL tile 30 and 36 delivery Lome Baker and n concrete products Newmar- et phone TW 5G781 SALE REGISTER JUNE auction sale of head of and high grade cattle with a few pure ed without registration dairy equipment farm lumber late model sedan and miscellane- farm machinery lumber te model Lincoln sedan and farm articles of A Houston and Large mirror n lot west a concession Washstand miles north Maple and 3 miles south of City on Keole St Sale at pm Terms cash Ken and Prentice auctioneers TUESDAY JUNE York shires The annual consignment sale of the Simcoe County York shire Breeders will be held at Fair Grounds at Seven boars and bred and open sows Boar premium policy will apply to all boars For cata logues contact J Keith McRuer Alliston THURSDAY JUNE Jersey dispersal auction sale of pure bred Jersey cattle 30 head of fresh cows springers and heifers 2 bulls team of horses pigs etc the property of Clarence Breen and sons lot con 2 Scott Twp mile west of Zephyr No reserve as owner is giving up milking These cows are all vaccinated and fully accredited A good lot of high testing cows Terms cash Sale at pm Reg Johnson auctioneer FRIDAY JUNE Important auction sale of head of Grade Holstein cattle including fresh cows milkers springers and heifers and calves Case tractor model with Eagle hitch and foot clutch Case tractor model MJL Clipper 6 ft com bine Chalmers Roto hay baler powermower hydraulic lift also full line of power im plements 3unit DeLaval milking machine 2 years old quantity of baled hay at lot con 3 North mile east of caution light at Keswick the es tate of the late Gordon Positively no reserve Terms cash Sale at 12 oclock sharp DST This is a tremendous sale of firstclass implements and cattle and must start on time Alvin S Farmer auctioneer phone 5311 AUCTION SALE to be held on Wednesday June 1957 at pm on the premises of John Morning Snowball West half Lot 21 Concession 1 Chesterfield suite kitchen suite Kitchen table 2 chairs Extension table chairs 3Piece bedroom suite mattress and springs bedroom suite mattress and springs 2Piece bedroom suite mattress and springs Odd beds and springs I Astral refrigerator plus stand Easy washing machine I Wood and coal cookstove Hot plate 4 Rocking chairs arm chair Couch Bookcase Large cupboard Victrola Small tables 5 Plant stands Fern stand Electric heater Mirror I rug approx rug oilcloth approx Piece oilcloth approx Hall runner Numerous kitchen utensils and garden equipment Harold Russell auctioneer AUCTION SALE HOUSEHOLD FURNITURE Electric Refrigera tor Electric Stove and Annex New 3Piece Chesterfield Dishes Glassware Cooking Utensils Garden Tools in the Village of Mount Albert on King Street SATURDAY JUNE 8th Property of MRS E BURNHAM Classifieds Continued Electric refrigerator Westing- house 8 cu feet like new electric stove with annex like new 3Picce chesterfield in firstclass condition suite with table and 6 chairs China cabinet Bookcase Large chesterfield Round stand Table lamp large Table lamp small Floor lamp Dresser JUNE Extern- vc auction sale of household including electric electric stove near w piano bedroom suite din- groom suite dishes china silverware antiques riding etc also the brick use with new oil furnace mod- bath garage located on hurch St in the town of Stouff- one block from the Main the properly of the estate of late Alice Shaw NOTE ere will be a contest held in nnection with the selling of property This is the first this has ever been done in is country Everybody takes someone wins a grand prize you might be the Its all FREE Property of- at approximately pm ms made known at sale time Faulkner clerk Chattels No reserve Sale 1 pm Hers and Atkinson auction- TURDAY JUNE Auction of farm implements nearly MH combine No Ford actor and attachments power power lift seed drill spreader double disc etc at lot 24 con on Ellesmcre properly of W Walton Cash Sale at pm reserve farm sold See bills TENDER CORPORATION OF THE TOWN OF NEWMARKET For Sale By Tender SEALED tenders will be receiv ed by the undersigned for the sale of Lots to 23 inclusive Block A and Block D Plan 371 on the south side of Eagle St Town of Newmarket County of York until 5 pm Daylight Sav ing Time Friday June Terms cash THE purpose for which the land is to be used shall be disclosed with the tender THE highest or any tender not necessarily accepted FOR further particulars apply to the undersigned Wesley Brooks ClerkTreasurer Town of Newmarket Town Hall Newmarket Ontario c2w22 NOTICE TO CREDITORS In the Estate of Duncan late of the Village of in the County of York Painter deceased CREDITORS of the abovenamed deceased who died at the Village of in the County of York on or about the day of December are hereby notified pursuant to The Trustee Act to send to the undersigned proof of their claim on or before the 22nd day of June 1957 after which date the assets of the Es tate will be distributed having regard only to the claims of which the undersigned will then have notice DATED at Newmarket this day of May AD Stiver Vale Peppiatt and Newmarket Ontario Solicitors for the Executor James MacNeill Bed springs and mattress Dresser bed spring mattress 2 Complete toilet sets Settee walnut Walnut chair Leather rocking chair Lovescat Kitchen clock Bed couch good Small jardiniere stand Full set of dinner dishes Number of kitchen chairs Number of small tables Rocking chair Number of verandah rocking chairs Large quantity cooking utensils Number of odd dishes Quantity of good jars Quantity of garden tools new Wheelbarrow Many other articles too numer ous to mention Terms Cashl Time pm Reg Willbee clerk Farmer auctioneer Phone Gormley TENDERS TENDERS will be received for the old school site at comprising approximately one acre of land until Saturday June 1st LOWEST or any tender not nec essarily accepted J Mitchell Secretary Brownhill ONTARIO FUEL BOARD IN THE MATTER OF The Mu nicipal Franchise Act Chapter Section as amended and IN THE MATTER OF Applica tions by Consumers Gas Com pany of Toronto for Certificates of Public Convenience and Nec essity to construct works and to supply natural gas to the in habitants of the undermentioned municipalities The Corporation of the Town of Thornbury The Corporation of the Township of Sydenham The Corporation of the Township of St Vincent The Corporation of the Township of The Corporation of the Township of The Corporation of the Township of Tay The Corporation of the Township of North The Corporation of the Township of East NOTICE OF HEARING THE ONTARIO Fuel Board here by appoints Monday June at oclock in the forenoon Eastern Daylight Saving Time at the offices of the Board Suite 311 4 Richmond Street East To ronto Ontario for the hearing of the above applications and all persons interested therein COPIES of each Application may be inspected and further particu lars obtained at the offices of the Clerks of the respective mu nicipalities the Applicant the Solicitors for the Applicant Messrs Zimmerman Ill Richmond Street Wesl Toronto Ontario or this Board DATED at Toronto this dav of May ONTARIO FUEL BOARD A Chairman Howard Commissioner to Mr and Mrs S Sutton West a daughter On Tuesday May to Mr and Mrs Earl Rob- son Oak Ridges a daughter SHAW Reg and Eleanor Shaw are happy to announce the birth of their son Murray Reginald on Tuesday May 21 at York County TOMLINSON On Saturday May 25 to Mr and Mrs Reginald Tomlinson Baldwin a daughter THOMPSON Judy Johnny and Jimmy children of Mr and Mrs Donald Thompson Holt are hap py to announce the arrival of their brother at York County hospital on Tuesday May DEATHS HAMBLETON At Winnipeg Man on Sunday May 26 Muriel Annie Sharpe wife of the late Oscar Hambleton and mo ther of Ford Russell Roy and Allan sister of Beatrice Mrs Hayes and Roy of Newmarket Service was held today GLASS At York County hospi tal Newmarket on Tuesday May 21 Harvey T Glass hus band of the late Alice and father of Evelyn Mrs J Donald of Aurora and Reginald of Newmarket in his year Service was held on Friday May 24 Interment Aurora cemetery ST JOHN Suddenly at the To ronto East General hospital To ronto on Tuesday May 21 Helen Winnifred Shaw wife of Howard St John of 5 Elba Ave Toronto daughter of Mr and Mrs Allan Shaw of Sharon sis ter of Kenneth Richard and Rob ert Shaw Service was held on Thursday May 23 Interment in Queensville cemetery Traviss At Ottawa on Friday May 24 Sarah Louise Kav- anagh ager 85 years widow of Seth mother of Mrs J McDowell and Earl viss of Ottawa Service was held on Monday May Interment Newmarket cemetery- CARD OF THANKS Mere words are inadequate to express our gratitude to each and everyone who has helped us through these days of sorrow with beautiful flowers words of sympathy and deeds of infinite We can only say you so much The Benning family CARD OF THANKS To my kind friends and rela tives who have visited me during my illness in the hospital and since returning home I wish to express by sincere thanks for the many lovely cards flowers and gifts that have brought so much cheer into my room To the staff at York County hospital who were so kind to me during my stay there Thank you all so much Price BERG In loving memory of a dear husband father and grand father Axel Berg who passed away May 27 Gone from us but leaving mem ories Death can never take away Memories that will always linger While upon this earth we stay Ever remembered by wife Thala and family DENNE In loving menwy of a dear wife and mother Myrtle who passed away May 27 Just a thought of sweet remem brance Just a memory fond and true Just a token of affection And a heartache still for you More and more each day we miss you Though our thoughts are not revealed Little do they know the sorrow That is within the hearts con cealed Ever remembered by husband and family McNEILL In loving memory of my father Alfred McNeill who passed away June 3 Dear father you are not forgot ten Though on earth you are no more Still in memory you are with us As you always were before Lovingly remembered by daughter Olive and son-in- law Norman CARD OF THANKS I wish to extend my sincere thanks to all my friends who re membered me with lovely cards and flowers while I was in York County hospital A special thanks to the nurses Dr Ed wards and Dr for their kindness also a special thanks to Mr and Mrs Chapman and all those who visited me Friends are what make life worth living Green CARD OF THANKS We wish to express our sin cere thanks to our friends and neighbors for their acts of kind ness and messages of sympathy during the sudden passing of a loving daughter and wife Allan and Ethel Shaw and Howard St John CARD OF My sincere thanks to all friends who sent cards letters and flow ers also for your prayers Spe cial thanks to Dr the nurses and staff during my stay at York County hospital Evelyn Stevens CARD OF THANKS We wish to express our sincere thanks and appreciation to rela tives friends and neighbors for their acts of kindness messages of sympathy and beautiful floral offerings during the illness and death of a dear husband and fa ther Also special thanks to Rev MacLoan for his consoling words and Dr for his kind at tention Henry and family CARD OF THANKS We wish to express our sincere thanks and appreciation to rela tives friends and neighbors for their acts of kindness messages of sympathy and beautiful floral offerings during the illness and death of a dear mother Mrs Em ma Latham Lulu and Joel Stanley and Gertie CARD OF THANKS In the midst of our sorrow we wish to express our heartfelt thanks and appreciation to our many relatives friends and neighbors and nurses of St Mi chaels hospital for the kindness and sympathy shown us in the illness and loss of a beloved husband and father Percy Jen kins We especially wish to thank Rev Jas T Rhodes for his consoling words Branch Canadian Legion for their kind assistance also the pallbearers and the and Rose Funeral Home for their effici ent and kind services Mrs Lillian Jenkins and son Ronald Page 5 The Newmarket Era and Express Thursday May Vandorf News ENGAGEMENTS BIRTHS TENDERS COUNTY OF YORK SEALED tenders will be received by the undersigned to supply bread sliced to York Manor from July to June 30 TENDERS to be marked and sub mitted not later than June at oclock J L Smith cterktreasuer County of York Newmarket Ontario NOTICE BURYING GROUND ASSOCIATION THE SHARON Burying Ground details Sellers Atkinson Association will hold the annual auctioneers AT YORK COUNTY HOSPITAL On Thursday May to Mr and Mrs Bernard Richmond Hill a daugh ter On Thursday May 23 to Mr and Mrs Allen Cutcher Newmarket a son EDWARDS Lieut Commander and Mrs Davis Edwards Dart mouth NS are happy to an nounce the birth of Mavis Dor othy Gartshore on Friday May at Halifax NS A sis ter for Charles and Tommy On Friday May 24 to Mr and Mrs John Riverdrive Park a son KITCHEN On Tuesday May 21 to Mr and Mrs Kenneth Kitchen a son On Monday May 27 to Mr and Mrs Thomas Kirkpatrick Oak Ridges a son TURDAY JUNE 8 Auction of household furniture Wes- electric refrigerator 4- McClary electric stove annex new 3piece Chester- Id dishes glassware cooking garden tools etc the of Mrs E Burnham St Mount Albert Terms h Time 130 pm Reg Wil- clerk A- S Farmer auc- er phone Gormley c2w22 MILLER In sad and loving memory of my dear mother Mrs William Miller who departed from us one year ago May You oft times said Id miss you Those words have proved too true I lost my best my dearest friend Dear Mother when I lost you Sadly missed and ever remem bered by daughter Ruth son-in- law Dave and Lillian Doris and Keith CARD OF THANKS We wish to express our sincere thanks and appreciation to rela tives friends and neighbors for their acts of kindness messages of sympathy and beautiful floral offerings during the illness and sad bereavement of our loving son and brother Mrs Almcda Tate and CARD OF THANKS My sincere thanks to all my kind friends who sent cards let ters flowers gifts and their en quiries while sick at my home also a special thanks to Dr S Noble of Sutton West Robert Davidson meeting at the residence of the chairman Dr W Sharon House Sharon on the afternoon of Saturday June 8 at two oclock WILL the members and all others in the district who are inter ested in the restoration of this cemetery please help by present Chairman Dr Breuls Sharon Secretary Mrs J Trcwhella Newmarket Monday May LAIRD On Tuesday May 21 to Mr and Mrs John Laird Holland Landing a daughter LENNEVILLE On Thursday May 23 to Mr and Mrs George Lenneville Richmond Hill a son ONEIL On Monday May to Mr and Mrs Donald ONeil King a son CARD OF THANKS I wish to thank Dr WmAr- for his kindness to me during my long illness in New market Also those who so kindly donated their blood thank you all Mrs J S Harding Wasaga Beach CARD OF THANKS Our sincere thanks and appre ciation to our many neighbors friends and relatives for their acts of kindness messages of sympathy and floral tributes in our recent bereavement of a dear mother and wife Ben Howard and family CARD OF THANKS I wish to thank my neighbors friends and relatives nursing staff of York County Hospital and Dr G Case for their acts of kindness during the illness and bereavement of a loving husband also Rev Shannon for his con soling words Mrs Zclla Phillips Mr and Mrs Ernest A Davis announce the engagement of their daughter Dianne Carol to Mr Laverne George Smith son of Mr and Mrs George Smith Thornbury the marriage to take place on Saturday June at 4 oclock in the United church Mount Albert Mr and Mrs Hugh A Boyd Unionville announce the engage ment of their daughter Bertha Catherine to Mr Clifford Henry Hammer son of Mrs Conrad Hammer Wesley and the late Mr Hammer the marriage to take place Saturday June at 230 pm in Evangel Temple 76 St Toronto Mr and Mrs Stewart Newmarket announce the en gagement of their daughter Shirley Jean to Mr Richard Murray Corner son of Mr Les lie Corner and the late Mrs Corner the marriage to take place on Saturday June 22 at 330 pm in Trinity United church New AT Mr and Mrs Fred King con East will be at home to their friends on Wed nesday June 5 from to 5 and 7 to pm being the occasion of their golden wedding anni versary Wesley United church will have as guest speaker Rev R a former Roman Catholic Bishop He will preach at the am ser vice next Sunday June 2 Friday evening May 31 the vs youth of former years will hold their challenge game Everyone is invited and refreshments will be served at Vandorf Park Mr and Mrs George Richard son motored to Sault Ste Marie last weekend where they visited Mr and Mrs Bill Mr and Mrs Clayton and family motored to Jackson Mich last weekend where they visited Mr brother Mr Earl and Mrs Deepest sympathy is extended to Mrs Arthur Starr and family in the passing of her mother Mrs William Marritt Hamilton Mrs Kathleen Dunn Islington spent last weekend with her sis ter Mrs S Mr and Mrs Howard Davis Susan and George of Newton- brook were Sunday visitors at the Aylett home Mrs Henry Griffith Toronto returned to her home after spend ing two weeks with her sister Mrs William Kingdon Mr William Kingdon has been confined to his bed for three weeks with neuritis He is im proving satisfactorily The Homemaker girls en tertained their mothers on Wed nesday evening May York County achievement Day is Sat urday June at Newmarket The rural school music festival for the Bogarttown senior grade was held on May 23 in the New market high school auditorium The festival for the students of the junior and intermediate gra des will be held at the same place on June 6 pm Miss Margaret Richardson verton spent the weekend at the home of Mrs G and on Monday went to spend the rest of the week at the home of Mrs Robert Jewitt Kettleby Mr and Mrs Roy Cody motor ed to Hamilton on Saturday to at tend the wedding of a friend Mrs William Hancock and two children Sharon and Wayne spent the weekend at the home of Mr Earl Toole On Sunday Mr and Mrs M Wanda and Debra and Mrs McClure accompanied Mr and Mrs Robert Jewitt Glen- and Keith Kettleby on a mo tor trip to Markdale to the home of Mr Donald Wedding bells are ringing this weekend for one of our bachelor friends school centennial will be at the school August and Everyone is welcome The Centre York District WI annual meeting will be held on June at Wesley Unit ed church Mrs Gardner Toronto is spending an indefinite time with her daughter Mrs Wm Glover and family Mr Alvin Mackey and Mr Jack had Sunday tea with Mr Bill Kingdon Mr and Mrs Hayes and daugh ter Marion of Toronto Mr and Mrs Bob of Markham were Sunday guests of Mr and Mrs Harold Sleeth and family Barbara Jean and Ian Burns Port Credit returned to their home on Sunday after spending two weeks with their grandpar ents Mr and Mrs Wilfred Lundy Mr and Mrs Howard Thaxter and family Beaver ton spent Sunday with Mr and Mrs Jack Irwin and family Miss Ruth Sleeth assistant cub master entertained the 1st Auro ra Troop of cubs at her home on Monday night with a weiner roast June election voting will take place at the home of Mr George Smith concession THEAKER DREWERY FUNERAL and AMBULANCE SERVICE Phone Mount Albert Son QUEENSVILLE FUNERAL DIRECTORS AND AMBULANCE SERVICE PHONE Rose Funeral Directors MAIN STREET NEWMARKET Flower Shop Member Florists Telegraph Delivery Association Flowers wired to all parts of the world FUNERAL FLOWERS A Specialty 181 Main St Newmarket Phone Newmarket Ambulance Service 24 hour Phone McCaffreys Flowers FOR EVERY OCCASION Flowers Telegraphed All Over the World MAIN STREET NEWMARKET Phone Era and Express Classified bring results Attend One Of These CHURCHES SUNDAY JUNE ST ANDREWS PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH Minister Rev Stuart Johnston MA Organist Mr Rudolph am Sunday school am Nursery and Beginners am Ordination of Elders- elect 7 pm Preparatory service Guest speaker The Rev Mulligan of Aurora pm Congregational social Visitors cordially welcomed CHRISTIAN BAPTIST CHURCH Baptist Convention of Ontario and Quebec Main St Newmarket Minister Rev Fred Breekon Musical Director Stephen Crisp am Communion pm Sunday school 7 pm Evening gospel and song service All Welcome i Pi I FREE METHODIST CHURCH Rev C Reynolds Minister Mrs Gerald Organist am Sunday school am Divine worship 7 pm Evangelistic service Tuesday pm Prayer service Thursday 8 pm Class meeting You are welcome GRACE CHURCH 373 Street Pastor Rev A R Yielding 945 am Sunday school for all am MR TURNER pm MEN OF ZION Male trio singing Message by the pastor Wed at 8 pm Bible study COMING Evangelist Fred May June to FULL GOSPEL TABERNACLE Boy Scout Hall 10 am Sunday School am Morning worship pm Evangelistic service Pastor R Running Affiliated with the Pentecostal Assemblies of Canada Airport Operator Away On Refresher Course if Doc Marshall owner- operator of Marshalls Flying Service Baldwin is on a tenday refresher course In Ontario The course is sponsored by the Royal Canadian Clubs Association together with the Air industries Transoort Association It continues until the end of next week Mr Marshall former garage operator at Oak Ridges operates a flying service two miles south of Sutton In addition to flying instruction passenger flights planes for rent and servicing planes the airstrip is available to visiting aircraft free of charge Americans have made use of its landing and storage facilities to visit the Lake district Rev J VanHarmelen Bramp ton conducted the afternoon ser vice at the Christian Reform church on Sunday Rev Plajer- wey conducted the morning ser vice Mr and Mrs J at tended the graduation exercises of their daughter Catherine from the San in Grand Rapids Michigan Mr and Mrs Waller Horlings young son has been allowed go home from Sick Childrens hos pital Mrs J Klemn and daughters of Toronto spent last week visit ing Mr and Mrs T Miedema Mr and Mrs spent a few days in the USA last week FINISH THE POOL CHURCH OF THE NAZARENE MAIN AT Friday and Saturday at pm Sunday am pm pm Rev and Mrs Warren Rogers colored singers and preacher from Detroit TRINITY UNITED CHURCH Rev J Aiken Minister Mr Leon Nash Music Director 11 am Morning worship THEY THAT HAVE TURNED THE WORLD UPSIDE DOWN We could do it too Sunday School 945 am Senior school am Primary Depart ments am Junior congregation am Nursery class Evening service withdrawn Sunday School Anniversary June FRIENDS MEETING Street am Meeting for worship Come and meet with us All welcome Coming June 2125 Canadian Yearly Meeting Sessions Pick ering College If ye then be risen with Christ seek those things which are above VICTORY BAPTIST CHURCH Fellowship of Evangelical Baptist Churches Corner Arthur and Newton Newmarket Pastor Rev Roy 950 am Sunday school am Pastors Bible class 11 am Worship service Wed pm Happy Hour Wed pm Young Peoples Wed pm Prayer meeting A warm welcome awaits you CHURCH OF THE NAZARENE Mount Albert Gospel Church Sunday School 3 pm Frank Clark Supt pm Evangelistic service Rev Earl Minister UNITED MISSIONARY CHURCH and Rev E flunking Minister am Broadcast Kc am Worship am Sunday schoolGormley noon Worship pm Evening service SALVATION ARM Newmarket Corps Queen St 7 pm Salvation meeting pm Sunday school am Holiness meeting Wednesday pm Home League meeting Thurs pm Cottage Prayer Meeting Captain and Mrs commanding officers Invito you to make the Army your church home GREETING CARDS FOR the best in Christian liter- ature books plaques mottoes stationery and greeting cards of all kinds etc come and see at the Evangelical and Gift Howard Newmar ket William Hall authorized agent phone TW New market AT THE CHURCH OF THE MAIN AND QUEEN STS REV AND MRS WARREN ROGERS Coloured Singers And Preacher Friday and Saturday at 8 pm Sunday 1 am and pm with an all musical at 230 pm Sunday Hear These Nationally Known Radio and TV Singers