Newmarket Era and Express, 13 Jun 1957, p. 1

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Classifieds On Pages 4 and i EDITORIALS ON PAGE TWO I ERA 10STH YEAR EXPRESS HERALD YEAR NEWMARKET ONTARIO AY JUNE 13 1957 NO SINGLE COPIES 10 CENTS EACH Humidity Stops Process For Picture To Next Week Mites for a number of pict ure could not be completed for to weeks Issue of the Era and Express The unusual hu midity Tuesday night bro ught the engraving department to a standstill the moisture- laden atmosphere spoiled the process on our pictur es Election shots pictures of graduates girl guides and Pickering College award win ners and others which were fat the Tuesday night batch are omitted Where possible these pictures will be publish ed next week The Editor Wrightman Resolution About Roll Not Heard Ruling Upheld The ruling of the chair in de claring a motion out of order was upheld by Newmarket council on Monday night when Reeve Ed ward questioned the mayors authority to refuse him permission to read the motion It concerned changes made in the assessment roll by the town clerk or under his authority Mr in rising to present his motion referred to a notice of motion on the same matter which he had left with the mayor at the last council meeting prior to its adjournment When it came time for the notice use Request For Payroll rt To Holland Landing A request by Office Specialty at the present time Chief Byron Manufacturing Ltd for police protection of its payroll to its Tolland Law plant was re fused by council on Monday night The Newmarket police will provide protection to the town limits DeputyReeve Violet sponsored the request for the firm She said it would be unfair to deny the request when Office Specialty was such a big contributor to the town The Newmarket police are quali fied give protection to pay rolls in any part of Ontario if the council authorize such action A large company like Office Specialty should protect its own payroll said Councillor Glad- alone It would he a dangerous precedent to provide this service outside town A lo cal Industrialist might open a branch in New and if we provided protection for the Office Specialty we would be obliged to protect the other com panys payroll The plant for which this pay Is destined is in Holland Landing- East bury receives taxes not New market I feel the proposal is entirely Improper commented the mayor Councillor Kent supported Mr Ridlers views saying that he didnt agree that Newmarket should send police out on the highway He recommended that either the Provincial or East police meet the Newmarket police at the town limits and escort the payroll for the balance of the trip Councillor dis agreed with this view He said the Office Specialty was an old established firm which paid sub stantial taxes to the town He recommended that council grant the request We provide protection for more than payrolls in town COMING EVENTS FRIDAY and SATURDAY JUNK Schomberg Agricultural rlng Fair sponsoring an Old Fiddlers Contest four prizes June Friday night pm in fair grounds Also Longest Heard Contest For informal ion ton- tact secretary SATURDAY JUNK Picnic York County Womens Institutes York Pioneers Sharon Temple pm North York Womens Institutes present log house Hon J Minister of Educa tion unveils plaque TUESDAY JUNK Credit Union meeting in the basement of the Newmarket town hall at fl15 pm Guest speaker and film WEDNESDAY JUNE Dance mortal Park Pavilion under ke Marie and King Athletic Association Orch estra Admission FRIDAY JUNE Rose and Peony Show of Newmarket Hor ticultural Society in Public Lib rary basement Entries made and tagged and placed by 8 pm Open to the public Saturday af ternoon FRIDAY JUNE York Coun ty Junior Farmers annual sum mer dance Cedar Beach pavilion Mussulmans Lake Norm Burl ing orchestra Modern and dancing from pm to am Admission SATURDAY NOV iff Mam- Christmas bazaar St Parish Hall Further de tails later every Saturday night Park Norm Bar- Hal and his Kingsmcn Modem and old Fred Case floor manager HAVE you a drinking problem Open meeting of Aurora Group Of Alcoholics Anonymous every Monday night at pm in Trinity Hall Victoria St told council I thought it would probably save time if We were granted permission to escort the payroll to the plant We might have to wait min utes or more at the town limits for the East Gwillimbury police force if a serious accident had occurred in the township he ex plained The request was refused when five members of council voted against the resolution to be read the mayor declared it out of order and did not present it to council I rule the matter entirely out of order the mayor repeated on Monday night I will not read it unless directed to do so by council until after the date of the trial on June 17 at least or for 30 days after Ernest will appear in a Toronto court on June on charges of having made a false statement his af fidavit to the assessment roll Surely you have no objections to certain questions being asked in the interest of the peopje of the town said the reeve The clerk of the municipality is not charged Nevertheless the clerk and his former assistant are witnesses in this case replied the mayor Perjury charges might be laid if we were to proceed with this now I wont run the risk of hav ing council charged with con tempt of court by prejudging the case Are you appealing my de cision Yes At least read the resolut ion answered the reeve Has any member of council seen this resolution Has the solicitor seen it The mayor said only the sol icitor had read it and had agreed with his action This motion could be considered as a vote of con- Here and There Around Town By Local Observer The log cabin which has been provided as a beginning for a pioneer center at Sharon by the North York Womens Institutes will be presented officially on Saturday June 230 pm when the annual picnic is held at Sharon Temple by the York Pioneers and their friends The cabin moved to the Temple grounds on May when the timbered structure was plac ed on a concrete foundation for work on windows doors and floors Joseph Harrison Mount waSTeported to be the largest ma- Albert moved the building He fc lhc reports that the timbers are in reported good condition and that the lhat had a of 6 30Q building is an interesting ex- ample of dovetailed corners Tuesday of This moving was in sharp con- wee Majority Is 6 Known Jade Rye Concedes At 9 PM Nearly All Polls Conservative Tiny Gathers was elected to Newmarket represent York North with what with that of the Scadding Cabin in In those days of oxdrawn wagons it was dis mantled on the banks of the Don and reassembled on the Exhi bition Grounds Toronto This time the building was lifted to long stringers riding on rubber tires and hauled by truck from its site about half way be tween Mount Albert and Sharon to the Temple in less than an hour The chimney had to be removed in order to clear tele phone and power lines The annual picnic on Saturday at Sharon promises to be an event of special significance both for WI and Historical society members and their friends The first concrete evidence of their dreams for Sharon will have fidence in the clerk Mr Glad- lrue on Page Col 3 Hospital Receives Grant Of 30000 From County York County unani mously approved a grant for York County hospital when it met in Newmarket on June 6 The grant was made following a request for assistance from the hospital to meet an operating de ficit of The request was presented to council in February by Kenneth Stiver past chairman of the hos pital hoard No action was taken at that time pending a report from County Auditor J Deficit At last weeks meeting Mr reviewed the hospitals financial situation for county councillors He said a bank over draft existed in the maintenance account for and there was a deficit of in build ing account A cash deficit on operation in amounted to he ex plained This increased the exist ing hank overdraft to With the building of the ad dition to the hospital last year continued Mr the hos pital routine was upset The cap acity of the hospital was not in creased until January 1957 Pat ients had to ho moved from the old section into the new wing in order the two sections could be coordinated and the old sect ion renovated nurses had to be employed and various ad ditional expenses were necessary to operate a larger hospital but the revenue did not increase pro portionately Kxtra Staff As an example Mr said that a caretaker had been in charge of the healing system in the old hospital With the in stallation of the new boilers un der provincial regulations it be came necessary to employ three fulltime engineers This made a considerable increase in salaries Mr suggested that of last years operating deficit could he accounted for by such increased expenses This reduced the maintenance deficit to 13000 of which was due to indigent patients costs The rates have been increas ed continued Mr What we are trying to do now that the hospital has opened its new facilities is to see whether the revenue will be sufficient in to cover the overhead If it is not something should be done about it It is difficult to say whether a better job of operat ing the hospital could have been done in considering the dis ruption of the hospital because of the building program Assisted In Building Warden J Taylor Reeve of Richmond Hill outlined the fin ancial assistance being given York County hospital by the county Three years ago the county issued debentures for over a fiveyear period to assist the hos pital with its building campaign When this was done it meant one dollar per capita throughout the entire county he said Mr Taylor asked if it would help the situation at the hospital if the 1957 building grant of were made immediately in stead of in November Mr said it would the hospit al tats ha asd ing but would not pay off the owing the bank York County contributed per cent of the total capital ex penditure for the addition to York County hospital said Reeve Donald Deacon of township Municipal grants to hospitals for construction are us ually per cent Vital Service The hospital is a vital service to York County Many of the out standing accounts are accident Continued on Page Col Nationwide trends in the Mon day election were attributed to Newmarket by a local political sage Its this way he said As York North goes so goes the country Its always happened And as Newmarket goes so go es York North So there you have it Newmar was responsible for the whole thing Nearly everybody knows that Pickering College Newmarket is a residential school for boys Last Saturday a woman and two small children climbed the steps of the main building and entered the front where the business offices are located She saw a school master and walked over to him Could you direct me to the maternity ward she asked Council Names Assessor Kent And Haskett Dissent Town council named a new assessor on Monday night He is If A Noble Barrio a 23-year- old former assistant assessor of County His appointment was recom mended by Finance Chairman John but failed to re ceive the support of Councillors George and Bert Kent Both councillors said one of two local applicants should have been accepted Mr council his committee arranged personal views with each of four applicants Only three appeared Of these the finance committee considered Mr Noble had the best qualifications for the position Mr said Mr Noble has his Junior MM- He has toe first year on the Municipal As sessors course a Queens lui- Mr Noble Will continue these studies He bus hid more than four years experience in as- scssiig and was registry office clerk Peril Mr Noble has had more experience in assessment work said Mr But I dont see why two town men are overlooked I cant support his appointment The Newmarket in- men could take this course at Queens With all the trouble we have had assessment we fell we had to have a While the Conservative victor ies across Canada came as a sur prise to most people Gathers win in North seemed to be ex pected during the last few days before polling on Monday An accurate breakdown of the vote in the various townships and communities of York North was not available at press time The ballot boxes will not be opened again until Tuesday it was re ported It also was reported that total figures on all polling subdi visions were not available at the headquarters of Returning Offic er Fred Hare Temperanceville On Tuesday the reports indi cated that the vote in York North went this way C A Gathers Progressive Conservative John Rye Liberal 8396 and A A Alton Social Credit As far as was known yesterday Gathers led in all polling subdi visions except two in Jack Ryes home territory at Mount Albert and Sharon one at York Manor county home for the aged near Newmarket and one in the Ket- area The two polls in East where Jack Rye led were No 16 at Sharon where he led by 28 and No 20 at Mount Albert where he led by 57 At York Manor it was to for Rye and one poll at Kettlcby was 111 to five for Rye In other polls in the riding Ga iners had a commanding lead Shine of his counts were twice the size of the Liberals Twenty Years Tiny Gathers said yesterday that it is years since the first suggestion was made thai he be a candidate for election in York North The Conservatives named him candidate for the last elec tion four years ago Then he was defeated Jack Smith of Rich mond Hill who was the sitting Liberal member At that time Smith did not win by a large ma jority As it was pointed out by a Tor onto newspaper Mr Gathers will be one of the largest men ever to sit in the He is six fee six inches tall and it is from this height that he receives his nick name Tiny Early Lead r r s indicated that Gathers was in the lead Monday night The Liberal and Conser vative headquarters in Newmar ket where both candidates re ceived the news were across the street from each other Soon af ter nine oclock Liberal candidate Jack Rye smiling walked into the Conservative headquarters shook hands with Ihe it We the DIAL PHONES JULY FOR BRADFORD AREA NO TO NEWMARKET Dial telephone service at Brad ford will In- inaugurated at about am Sunday July 7 Bell Telephone manag er for this region announced this week The cutovcr will lark the end of crankturning telephones in Bradford At the same time all telephone numbers in Bradford will he changed to conform with the stan dard twoletter fivefigure num bering plan The exchange desig nation will he As part of the plan to improve service calls between Bradford and Newmarket will be freed from long distance charge Newmarket telephone users wishing to place a call to Brad ford following the will dial PR for PRospect then 5 and the four figures comprising the rest of the number A special supplemental v dir ectory will be issued to telephone users in Bradford and Newmark et shortly before the This book will contain all of Bradfords new telephone num bers man with ex peri- live candidate and conceded the once replied the mayor did not want to train one on job Mr Noble was the cheapest also added Mr The others want more Mr Noble will receive a sal ary of plus a car all owance On each assessment made under Section 51 or of the assessment act Mr Noble will re ceive an additional three dollars available it was and for Rye It is estimated that Newmarket gave Gathers a majority of The wards were as follows St Georges for Gathers and 317 for Rye St Andrews for Cathers and for Rye St Pat ricks two polls known 229 for and for Rye Aurora gave Cathers a major ity in every poll for a total of for Cathers and 644 for Rye in three polls at Sutton received a majority of 116 241 for and for Rye Stquffville gave the Conserva tive a majority of and in Village it was for Cathers and 327 for Rye In Oak Ridges on the Whit church side of No highway there was a light vote with 69 for and 50 for Rye On the King township side of the highway it was to in the usual way Town Merchants Favor New Closing ByLaw Will Petition Council A majority of merchants in Newmarket are in favor of clos ing all day Monday and remain ing open for business on Wednes day and on Friday nights A sur vey was conducted by the Cham ber of Commerce to ascertain the attitudes of the towns merchants before petitioning council for a bylaw to regulate closing hours The survey showed that some merchants still favor a Wednes day closing but all want to re main open on Friday night The closing bylaw has become a hot issue with town merchants who packed the chamber meeting last Thursday night All agreed that closing hours must be regu lated before the shopping centres are established One merchant in each category was chosen to con tact the others to see if the hours could be agreed on Has any thought what hours the public would like asked Richard How are we going to get the public together on this when we cant even get the merchants to agree countered Tom Surgeon- chamber secretary but he warned the members that they had better agree on one plan be- j fore shopping centre merchants became established since they could as members of the chamber and as merchants to be consider ed kill the plan with adverse votes When the shopping centre op ens and they pet hungry for DEFEATED Whitchurch In Whitchurch south of New market it was to for Whitchurch township com munities of Pine Orchard Lake Oak Ridges Lake Wilcox Bethesda and Vivian to talled up for the Conserva tives against for the Liberals Richmond Hill gave the Con servatives a large majority but ihe exact figures are not avail able Snowball was for for Rye In King City where over of the electors voted the Conservative was given a majority of In Kin it was Rye Alton township totals not complete Rive Cathers and Rye in the following com munities Thornhit Concord Tes- lon Pine Prove Nash ville and Parade Parties After the York North results were known a cavalcade of cars and buses left ihe committee rooms at Newmarket to join the Aurora workers in victory cele brations the Newmarket Citi zens Band playing on in one of the buses The Aurora fire siren was screaming but it was not known whether or not there was a fire Then the victorious electors I and others descended upon the homes of the candidates An esti mated people went to the farm Newmar ket where Ihe long farm lane was choked with cars and buses right out to the concession road Jack Rye was not forgotten for people and acres of cars were at his farm at Holt near Mount Albert It was some time before the crowds left either farm Those not tied too firmly to either par ty visited both candidate Many Cheers At home GATHERS WINS Aurora would announce new gains from time to tune as the news was brought out to the crowds on the lawn and there would be a mighty cheer The crowds cheered just about everything Had Mr Case an nounced that the moon had turn ed blue no doubt there would have been a mighty cheer There hasnt been such an emo tional election night in this dis trict for many a decade Request Moderate Use Of Water Until New Well Is Operating An appeal to the people of Newmarket to conserve water was expressed by the town water department this week The pump for the new well on the west side of town wilt not be delivered until August It could not be ordered Until test pumping was completed and the delivery will be slow reports Town Superintendent Fred Evans In the meantime It is re quested that residents use good judgment particularly in the use of lawn sprinklers Actually water restrictions imposed last summer have not I been removed but no ment has been made recently If water Is not conserved dur- dry weather the restric tions will be enforced again says Mr Evans The new well is expected to pump 350 gallons per minute The largest well In on Cotter St pumps callous per minute theyll be open every night in the week said Chamber Pre- J there was much rejoicing As it George became known that the special chamber meeting Will j were making great gains be held this week to consider the there were cheers final results of the survey live war horse Bill Case from election By this time the Newmarket Citizens Band was providing the music on Main St and a crowd had gathered outside the commit tee rooms Vote In District In township had a majority of It was Ga thers 16 Rye and Alum In figures on seven out of 12 polls being for Cath- First Of Traffic Court Clinics To Be Held On Tuesday June Store Site Recommended To Council By Chamber The fust Traffic Court clinic will be held in Newmarket on Tuesday June at 7 pm In struction on the rule- of the road common problems and correct procedures will be given by spec ially trained police officers The lectures will be illustrated With slides to attend are two two evening sessions to complete the clinic before they are requir ed to pass a test If they are successful In the ex amination a provision has been made that their lines could be suspended a court official ex plained If not they might be re quired to attend a second clinic Anyone coming under the YEAR A recommendation that the town properly on Eagle St was the most suitable location for the Brewers Warehouse was receiv ed by council on Monday night in a letter from the Chamber of Commerce The letter was filed Tom Surgeoner secretary of the chamber informed council that this decision had been made at a recent meeting of the cham ber The signatures of local merchants all of whom were pre sent at that meeting endorsed the request The letter stated the Brewers Warehouse had shown a preference for that site To whom did they show this preference asked Councillor Bert Kent I know they looked at four sites and this was fourth Excouncillor Alex Hands in formed the chamber he had been in touch with the Brewers Ware- Jerry son of Mrs va successfully complete his first year in chemical ineering He is a student at the house Ltd Councillor hi A a u I OS rWW WW in that location Until there is a request from the company we cant do any thing about it said Councillor George Knapton after ihe reeve recommended the letter be refer- NO DECISION REACHED red to the property committee The letter should be filed Af ter we hear from the Brewers Warehouse it can be considered Mr Kent told council he had been in touch with a representa- of people First are group motorists who wish persons convicted of violations of help with their driving is re- Highway Traffic Act Second quired to contact Justice of the are those motorists who feel they Peace P Kelly would like assistance with their surer of the Traffic Court clinic driving He will arrange for his The first group will at a clinic to the clinic by the magistral- The inexperienced motorist will court Newmarket They will have an opportunity to ask quest- have an opportunity of attending ions He will have the rules of good driving explained and thro ugh the slides will see the cor- to follow to min- I the chance of accidents The ON PROPER principle aim of the Traffic Court No decision has been reached clinic is to cut highway accidents by the property committee on the sale of the Eagle St TO OIL ROADS owned by the town on which Oiling of the towns roads will live of the Brewers Warehouse tenders have been called Depu- begin this week it the weather that day He said the Eagle tyReeve Violet favorable on those streets where site was fourth on the list of told council on Monday night the installation of gas mains One tender was not clear and been completed Reeve Edward must be checked announced today Mr The property had been sold to Wrightman is chairman of the Prank for roads and bridges committee site was fourth on the list of proposed locations and that the representative had been concern ed about the slight knoll there and the possibility of a traffic problem Council agreed to file the let ter If we wait around like this commented the reeve the three A condition of the sale was the erection of an apartment build ing within 18 months of the sign ing of the agreement When the time expired council returned mm years will be up and we shall be jMr monev and offered Mfr4 vote the for by tend On behalf of the committee I would like to thank the for their cooperation he add ed They have been patient the construction by gas and telephone companies and it has made PICKERING COLLEGE AWARDS PRESENTED Another school year at Picker ing College has come to a close To mark a fitting climax to the year Pickering College holds an annual presentation ThU was held last Friday at the school Halt White coach of the Uni versity of Toronto Blues Earnest Shipton Oak Park High school Alan Jack and Alan Rogers were guests of There were three winners sel ected to receive the Garrett Gain Allen Jim King and Pet er The cane is awarded annually by the members of the Graduating class to a student who in ihcir opinion most closely per sonifies the ideals of the school It Is worth mentioning that the awards are going far afield this year Jim King is from Bermuda Peter from Trinidad The Rogers Gain was presented to David BarHay This award go es to the student of Firth House selected as being the most re presentative student Tho Widdrington award pre sented each year to a student for notable contributions to the school in cultural and intellectual pursuits represented by dramat ics glee club publications and student leadership There were four winners They were Allen Peter Don Har ris and Ian Cameron First second third and prep school athletic awards were also presented to a large number of the students Headmaster Harry Beer and athletic director Reg were on hand to bid the guests welcome NOTIFY Town council authorized the clerk to notify the Liquor Control board and the Brewers Ware house Ltd that the voters had ap proved the of li quor outlets in town This is the customary procedure follow before either board or the Brewers Warehouse Ltd se lect Councillors Kent and to

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