IS A Newmarket En and Express June 13 19S7 istrict Television Television Channel CBLT Television Channel 6 JUNE 14 Matinee The Christophers Open 43063 Howdy Discoveries 515 Childrens al 53063 Roy Rogers Search For Adventure I 3 Western Theatre Farm Market Report Movie Museum 3 News and Weather News 3 Sports Tabloid 3 To be announced Film 3 Ritchie Theatre On Trial BUI OConnor Show 90163 Graphic Country Cavalcade of Sports Jim Coleman News News in Sports 3 Today In Sports 11JZ0 3 Community News Famous Films Late Movie SATURDAY JUNE 3006 Speaking French Bowling Cartoon Capers News Briefs Belmont Stakes Race five Comedy Party 53063 Wild Bill Oh Susanna Mr FixIt News and Weather To be announced Country Calendar Holiday Ranch Julius La Rosa Show Great Movies Harris Beat CBC News Wrestling SUNDAY JUNE 16 12003 Faith For Today This Is The Life About Canada Master Musicians Junior Magazine 30063 Star Performance Films From Britain To be announced You Are There Perspective My Little Margie Burns and Allen Father Knows Best December Bride CBC Newsmagazine 3 My Hero Ed Sullivan Show 90063 All Star Theatre Showtime TV Theatre 110063 CBC News 111063 This Week 11356 Camera ThreeCBS 3 The World In Action MONDAY JUNE 2306 Matinee 345 Man To Man Open House 43063 Howdy In The Story Book 530 6 The Buccaneers 3 Western Theatre 6006 So This Is Hollywood Coming Events 3 Channel 3 Salute 3 Farm Market Report Creative Capital 3 News and Weather CBC News 3 Sports Tabloid 3 Ford Theatre 6 Frontier To be announced The Millionaire On Camera I Love Lucy 93063 Denny Vaughn Show Studio One CBC News 11156 News in Sports Today in Sports 6 The Tapp Room 3 Late Western Movie TUESDAY JUNE 2306 Matinee 315 3 The Christophers 400 Open House Howdy 500 63 Toes In Tempo 530 3 Junior Magazine Homer Bell Damon 3 Coming Events 605 Western Theatre Farm Market Report 6306 Mr and Mrs News and Weather News 3 Sports Tabloid Life of Riley Robin Hood 3 To be announced Big Town 90063 Dragnet Pick The Explorations CBC News 1115 3 Today in Sports 6 News In Sports 11203 Community News I Spy 3 Country Junction WEDNESDAY JUNK 2306 Matinee 3453 Christian Science 40063 Open House Howdy Junior TV Club Tin Tin My Favorite Husband 3 Coming Events Western Theatre Era and Express Classifieds bring results Whats more important than money when you borrow Confidence is the allimportant added ingredient in every HFC loan Confidence that you getting the best service and every possible aid in solving your money problems Confidence recommended by hundreds of thousands of Canadian families Confidence that comes from knowing two out of three now customers are sent to HFC by satisfied customers Whether you want to borrow as much as or need advice on money matters you may always have complete con fidence in HFC Canadas first and foremost consumer finance company YOU MAY WITH CONFIDENCE MOM HFC CM TABU 4 20 so mmibt mmlb 28 37 7117 500 is I WiM I Ml J I HOUSE FINANCE Cifiozafon Canada Main second floor phono mi 13 fii4f Farm Market Report 630 Time For Sports 3 News and Weather CBC News 3 Sports Tabloid 3 To be announced Disneyland Hit Parade 90063 Kraft Theatre 1000 6 Here and There 3 To he announced Pacific 3 To be announced CBC News 3 Today in Sports News in Sports 3 Community News 11306 Boxing Mid- Week Playhouse THURSDAY MA 2306 Matinee 3 Salvation Army 63 Open House Howdy Maggie Muggins Sportstime The Lone Ranger 3 To be announced 6006 Trouble With Father 3 Coming Events Western Theatre Farm Market Report Life With Elizabeth 3 Tely News and Weather News Sports Tabloid 3 Search For Adventure Bob 3 Question Jane Theatre Climax Jackie Rae Show 10006 Serenade For Strings Mark Saber World In Action 3 Grand 110063 CBC News Today in Sports News In Sports 11203 Community News Alfred Hitchcock Impact TV HIGHLIGHTS By Mary Ann Friday afternoons matinee is the Story of Alexander Graham Bell An hour after its comple tion starting at five on Discover ies is a science program for chil dren it deals with early ideas about electricity At four oclock on Open House Dobbs returns with suggestions for sum mer reading there will be a visit to the International Council of Women now meeting in Mont real At pm a new film series call ed Kingdom of the Sea reaches viewers on the Search For Ad venture program It is the first underwater series to be filmed for television and it offers some rare glimpses across one of the last unexplored frontiers the ocean depths with their strange denizens and eerie landscapes The narrator is Colonel Craig an adventurer whose exploits range from the salvage operations of the to photograph ing the Bikini atom bomb tests Appearing in the films is Parry described as a world cham pion skin diver who has been practising underwater swimming since she was The opening episode shows coral gardens kelp forests and various strange forms of sea life camera men explore a wreck in the South Seas and a sunken plane while a shark and The cobalt bomb which was de veloped by Canadian scientists is proving to be a most tool in the radiation treatment of small deepseated cancers offic ials of the Canadian Cancer Soc iety announce The Society pro vides money for further experi mentation with the cobalt unit and for the training of radiolog ists to use it a eel swim by menacingly On Trial at eight is The Case of the Honest Grafter Later at is a boxing match between light heavyweights Tony Anthony and Yvon Saturday another great horse race The Belmont Stakes the last and toughest in the Triple Crown Series of American racing events will take place on Long Island New York and will be covered by CBCTV starting at 430 pm It is the longest of the three races for threeyearolds the others are the Kentucky Derby and the Preakness with a track of a mile and a half Only eight horses have ever been able to win all three the most recent was Citation in Following the race at five is the Five Star Comedy Party This is the first of several new- series for younger viewers The first to tee off will include Paul followed each subse quent Saturday by Jerry Mahon- ey Senor e n c Olsen and Johnson Ben Blue and Jerry Col- onna All these performers will take turns as headliners Replacing Perry for 13 weeks is Julius La Rosa His guests will include Count Basie singer Joe Williams acrobats Se ven comedian Gen Shel don and singer Lou Carter The Barris Beat at should be worth watching Sunday the pm program About Canada tells of the people of the Skeena Arctic Dog Team and White Water Highways three films about Canada On the Master Musicians which fol lows guests are guitarist Andres Segovia tenor Jan Peerce and so prano Connor this program on Junior are films about the West Sco land Pompeii and the Italia countryside Films from Britain at 330 give viewers Challenge of the North a record of the 1952- British North Greenland ex pedition You Are There which follows immediately depicts Hitlers In vasion of Poland in September Perspective gives us Haiti a timely subject AllStar Theatre at nine presents The Lie starring Cesar Romero Betty and Gigi The live television play originating in the Toronto studios is called My Guess Would Be Murder an hourlog comedy thriller Camera at pm covers the story of The American Presidency Monday Open House has Ruth giving viewers easy in structions for making cream puffs and chocolate eclairs On Camera at 830 is Goldmine in the House a suspensecomedy Studio One is The Staring Match by Jerry McNeely Tuesday Open House will have Elizabeth Clealon with some new physical exercises with which you may keep yourself in trim Peggy Austin has some camping suggestions with children Paul Fox visits another interesting spot on the map Toes In presents a new ballet Pick the Stars at has professional tal ent with emcee Pat Morgan and Lucio Guests are pianist Helen Valenska tenor Nicholas folk singer Brian Beaton and singer Reginald Bryant Explorations gives you The House a new look in archi tecture with emphasis on work of Fuller 1130 pm will bring I Spy Raymond Masscy in the File Clerk Wednesday Disneyland at is an hour long with the Story Prowlers of the Everglad es Kraft Theatre stars Robert Preston in Nothing Personal At we go on a visit to the Clo- verdale Rodeo and Fair in Brit ish Columbia n of the most popular horse shows on the west coast this is on program Pacific Thursday Open Ho use has three special visitors Frank who claims that the old rockingchair is coming back into its own soprano Joy Alexander and curtoonist George At 515 on the feature will be Swimming Climax at is called Experiment in Time World in Action at 1030 promises to be most entertaining With narration by Edgar it tells of the problems and achieve ments of paternalism Call ed It White Mans Burden Pine Orchard Mr and Mrs W Whitfield have been visiting their daughter Mrs Rae McClure and Mr McClure Mrs Allan Cody Mrs George Mason Mrs McClure and Mrs Ross A r m i t a attended Centre York district annual meeting at Wesley United church Vandorf on Tuesday June Bob and Hope spent the weekend at the home of Mr and Mrs Marshall Dennis Aurora Mrs Randall and Mrs Mustard Toronto were recent guests of their cousin Mrs George Wood The Willing Workers of Union church are sponsoring an ice cream social on Monday evening June at oclock at Union church Piano pupils of Mrs George Wood will present a pro gram of musical numbers Mr and Mrs Ross Mrs Don McCallum and Mr John Sytema attended the annual meeting of zone four Ontario Fe deration of Agriculture at Bond Head recently Rev George New market was guest pastor at Uni on church on Sunday because of the illness of Rev Harold Decoration service will be held at Pine Orchard cemetery on j Sunday June 30 at 2 pm Pine Orchard ball team sored another successful dance at Johnstons barn on Wed nesday night Of Canadas civilian labor force about 23 per cent are members of labor unions From the seaport city of Mon treal to the open Atlantic Ocean is a distance of miles ATTENTION FARMERS We have been authorized by the WOODS CO LTD of Guelph to sell their products of BULK MILK COOLERS FREEZERS ELECTRIC FENCES VENTILATORS CHOPPERS Etc we install and service prices given on request CLARKS REFRIGERATION SERVICE ROAD JACKSONS POINT Phone SUTTON 308 FINISH THE P I I flEBE AG AIM BARGAINS GALORE CARS and 7 J Ml ALL MAKES ALL MODELS BEST BUYS BEST TERMS Come in today and make the deal of a lifetime on a bargainpriced used car or truck Its the greatest selling spree of the and you stand to profit handsomely The sale is just beginning theres a choice selection of late model cars many of them carrying the Al guarantee of quality Choose the make and model that suits your needs at the price you want to pay Drive away a real bargain and enjoy many happy miles of troublefree motoring USED CARS AND TRUCKS I HI WHAT WEANS j monoRCH SEE YOUR FORDMONARCH DEALER BRAD WALKER MOTORS LTD FORD MONARCH Dealer Davis Dr Ph 54541 NOTICE CATTLE PRODUCERS A Public Hearing will be held at the following time and place JUNE 20 NEWMARKET AGRICULTURAL OFFICE 8 PM LOCAL TIME For the purpose of considering and discussing a proposal by the Ontario Beef Producers Association to levy a license fee at the rate of 10 cents per head on all cattle and cents per head on calves for each head slaughtered for the purpose of defraying the expenses of the Association in carrying out iLs objects of stimulating increasing and improving the marketing of Ontario cattle for slaughter through advertising education and research or other means The meeting will be chaired by an officer of the Farm Products Marketing Board A representative of the Ontario Beef Producers Association will bo present to outline the plan Before the Farm Products Marketing Board may approve the proposed plan by order it must be satisfied that per cent of the producers are in favor of the proposal All cattle producers are urged to attend and express their views on the proposed plan ONTARIO FARM PRODUCTS MARKETING BOARD L G F Chairman F K B Stewart Secretary