Newmarket Era and Express Thursday Holiday Lovely WEDDING SMITH DAVIS White and pink peonies decor ated Mount Albert United church for the wedding of Carol Davis elder daughter of Mr and Mrs Davis who was united in marriage to George Smith the only son of and Mrs George Smith Rev Curtis officiated Given in marriage by her fa ther the bride wore a charming gown of white satin and chan- lace fashioned on princess lines A fingertip veil was held with a tiara of seed pearls She carried a cascade of American beauty roses and white carna tions Mrs Robert Armstrong New market was matron of honor wearing a turquoise gown with a matching feathered tiara She carried pink roses and white mums a Newmarket was bridesmaid wearing an Iceland blue crystal gown with matching feath ered tiara She carried pink carnations and white mums San dra Davis sister of the bride was junior bridesmaid wearing an Iceland blue crystalette gown with matching feathered tiara and carrying pink carnations and white mums Ruth Ann Paisley cousin of the bride was flower girl wear ing white flowered nylon over blue with a matching blue and white She car ried a basket of pink carnations and white mums A MacDuffie acted as best man and Brian Moorhead and Kenneth were ushers The wedding music was played by Mrs Ralph Cupples During the signing of the register Angus Morton sang Because A reception was held for about guests The brides mother re ceived in Caribbean blue lace gown with pink accessories The grooms mother assisted in a delph blue silk gown with pink accessories Later the couple left by motor for Eastern Canada and the northern States The bride tra velled in a luggage tan ensemble with accessories and matching corsage On their return Mr and Mrs Smith will reside in Toronto AWARD TENDER The tender of the Stouffville Tribune has been accepted by York County council for the printing of the minutes The auditors statements are in the printing job Canada has eight rivers of more than miles in length OPPORTUNITY THIS AREA Canadian Company operating on a rational has immediate for ambitious men or women to manage local business dealing with some of Canadas largest chain stores can be handled In spare hours at start if desired honesty and dependability more important than past experience Our liberal financial assistance enables rapid expansion This is a business on a high plane for high type men or women of character only APPLICANTS MUST HAVE APPROX SI Which Is secured and good references These openings will pay you exceptionally high monthly income immediately and rapidly Increase as business expands Prefer applicants aspir ing earnings from to yearly No high pres sure men wanted as NO required If you can qualify and have necessary cash write today giving phone number and particulars for local Interview Write J WEBB COMPANY Dept HI St Alexander Montreal Quebec Miss Sally Anne Dove of Keswick is the first entry in the Keswick Optimist clubs Holi day Lovely contest being held in conjunction with the Sports men Show and Trade Fair July 12 and Sally Anne is enter ed as Miss Beverley Hills and the sponsors of the contest are hoping other communities along the south short will name their representatives soon There is no entry fee Cotton dresses will be worn for the preliminaries and standard swim suits for the finals PROPERTY OWNERS WEEDS Notice it hereby given to all property owners and tenants in accordance with the Weed Control Act Ontario that unless weeds growing on their lands within the Township of East Gwillimbury are cut down and removed by June 26 1957 and also throughout the season the municipality may enter upon tho said lands and have the weeds cut and removed charging the cost against the lands in taxes as set out in the Act RAGWEED POISON IVY CANADA THISTLE CHICKORY WILD CARROT etc re- quire special and continuous attention and should be uprooted and destroyed immediately growth is evident J Weed Inspector Township of East Dated this day of June WOMEN TEACHERS HOLD YEAREND BANQUET AT JACKSONS POINT A profusion of late spring flow ers decorated the dining room of the Jacksons Point hotel Lake on Wednesday evening June when women teachers of York I North assembled for the annual banquet and final Feder ation meeting of the school year Mrs Corps better known as Mary Starr of the Toronto Daily Star guest speaker of the even ing spoke on the unique subject Aging Old age stated Mrs Corps is a time out to pasture after work well done The dynamic yet humorous address concluded with the thought If there are wrinkles on the brow let there be no wrinkles on the heart We cant grow old The president Miss I In Haines Newmarket was presented with the Federation pin When making the presentation Mrs Hope Tho mpson Sutton West past presi dent of the association congratu lated Miss Haines on a success ful year Greetings from the provincial executive of the were extended by Miss McGregor Tor onto who also installed the of ficers for the coming school year Miss Haines was reelected presi dent while Mrs Olive Aurora was chosen as first vice- and Miss Neily Newmark et became secretary The is offering a sum mer conference on Creative Sessions will be held in Con vocation Hal University of Tor onto from July to July One phase of oral or written will form the theme of each conference Miss Laura Coulson Sharon gave a brief report of the high lights of the Spring Conference to which she was a delegate See THE BANK about a Personal Chequing Account At any branch of The Toronto- Dominion Dank you will find people happy to discuss a Personal Chequing Account with you Thin new typo of account is designed to bo economical and a convenience to people who pay bills by cheque Why not drop in and find out whether a Personal Chequing Account would savo you money and make your personal accounting easier TORONTODOMINION the bank thai took ahead BANK A MACKAY Manager Main St Branch E SNYDER Manager Mount Albert Branch Mount Albert News In order to be ready for school opening in September all parents who have children six years old on or before February are asked to register children at the primary room of the Mount Albert public school June or 25 from to pm Parents are requested to bring proof of age a birth certificate or baptismal certificate This is being done at the request of the public school inspector Mount Albert Horticultural So ciety is making up its prize list for the annual flower show in August Donation for prizes will be gratefully received by the so ciety If you wish to donate a prize or prizes please contact the secretary Mrs Harper The June meeting of the was held at the home of Mrs The president Mrs James Thompson was in charge of the meeting Mrs Gar Oldham read the scripture The worship was taken by Mrs Norman Brooks Mr George Walsh gave an inter esting paper on citizenship The memorial decoration day at the cemetery will be held on the fourth Sunday June 23 Mr and Mrs John Kell King visited Mrs KeUs parents Mr and Mrs Robert Lewis recently The pupils of the public school with their parents attended the music festival at the high school- in Newmarket last week Sympathy is extended to Mrs Canning and Ross of Toronto in the loss of Rev Canning who was a former minister at the United church here Mr and Mrs H Kershaw had a pleasant trip through the north country on Sunday The public school will hold a picnic on Thursday June 27 at Lake The June meeting of the Even ing Auxiliary of the was held on Thursday June 13 at the home of Mrs Fosbury Mrs A Whitfield was in the chair Mrs J conducted the worship service assisted by Mrs Shrop shire Miss Cathy Grant played a piano solo Mrs was in charge of the study book The hostesses were Mrs B Arnold Mrs L Irwin and Mrs The of the Baptist church met at the home of Mrs Frank Knights on Thursday June 13 Miss Margaret Toronto spoke on child evangel ism and showed slides of her work The meeting closed with prayer by Mrs Gordon Kennedy Mrs Ken Rogers the president was in charge of this special meeting Mrs Robert Lewis attended the trousseau tea in honor of Mis Hilda Aurora on Satur day Messrs J B Aylward Cunn ingham and If attended the York county beagle dog meet at on Thursday Sorry to loose Mr and Mrs Shields from the village Mrs Shields was presented with a silver cream and sugar set by her friends at her home on Satur day evening Mr and Mrs Ossel have moved into the apartment vacat ed by Mr and Mrs Shields About GO persons gathered in the school room of the United church on Friday night June for the annual Trail Rangers fath er and son banquet The guest speaker was Mr F Stevens a teacher from New market high school who spoke on Fathers and Sons as partners A short program was given by Billy Dew Laurie Smith and Ron with Ken Cole as On Sunday June service for fathers and sons will be held in the United church An adult fellowship meeting will he held on Thursday June 20 at the home of Mrs Everyone is welcome A large of York Pion eer and Historical Society mem bers and members of the Wo mens Institutes met on Saturday June at the park In Sharon for annual meeting A fine pro- Cram was presented with Mr acting as chairman Miss Chapman spoke also Hon W J Dunlop minister of He later unveiled the plaque Terry sang two numbers A presentation of the to the North York Memorial Log Cabin was made to Mr McFall by Mrs A Milne who in turn was given an honorary membership to the York Pioneer and historical soc iety Mrs N Milium- the new dis trict president spoke briofly Rev W offered a prayer A picnic supper was held after this meeting Mr and Mrs John Buckle Brampton spent the weekend vis iting Mr Buckles parents Mr and Mrs Buckle and Mr and Mrs Mrs Davis entertained I at a trousseau tea on Saturday June in honor of her daughter Diane who was married to verne Smith in Mount Albert United church on Saturday June His many friends in this vi cinity were sorry to hear of the sudden death of Arthur To ronto Mr Boe passed away suddenly in Boston The funeral was held on Monday with inter ment in Mount Albert cemetery The family and friends return ed to the home of Beverly Sin clair brotherinlaw of the late Mr Boe following the service at the cemetery Mr and Mrs Rog Thomas were weekend visi tors with her sister Mrs James Thompson and Mr Thompson Rev and Mrs Earl attended the Canadian East an nual district assembly of the Church of the held at June 13 to 15 Mr and Mrs Ross Boyd Carl Boyd and Mr and Mrs Jask Boyd and family of were Sunday visitors of Mr and Mrs Murray Kirton AH attended dec oration service at Newmarket cemetery on Sunday A fox was shot early on Friday morning It was caught in the fence between the Graham and R Carr properties On Sunday afternoon June relatives and friends of Robert Harrison met at the home of Gordon his eldest son to con gratulate him on his birth day on June and to wish him many more years to be with his relatives and friends Over 100 people were present and spent a very happy afternoon together Mr and Mrs Brian Mal- were Sunday visitors with their friends Mr and Mrs Rob ert Pyke Mr and Mrs Carl Smith don were weekend visitors with their parents Mr and Mrs Ralph Smith Mrs J Oliver Sr Mr and Mrs Lloyd Robertson and Linda were weekend visitors with Mr and Mrs J Oliver Mr and Mrs Roy visited Mr and Mrs Anthony and girls at Bradford on Sunday Potato Growers Study Mew Storage Continuation of the market sur vey requested by Hon A Goodfellow minister of agricult ure was planned at a recent meeting of directors Ontario Po tato Growers Association held in London Special attention is to be given to storage facilities with a view to improving quality and providing domestic markets with a constant source of supply over the entire year Two central warehouses are now under construction and some private operators are enlarging their facilities for proper wash ing grading and packaging Many growers expect to improve their farm storage facilites this year several having asked for assist ance in planning from the stor age specialist at the Ontario Ag ricultural College It was reported that York county has now become a mem ber of the Ontario Potato Grow ers Association making a total of local potato growers bran ches affiliated with the provincial organization These include Car- Hamil ton district South Simcoe Har row Co chrane Ontario Bradford Marsh Kent and Elgin Ottawa Valley Nation Valley North Simcoe Brant Klondyke Gard ens and York County As yet the industry has not organized in Central and parts of Northern Ontario Clifford Smith of was elected president of the As sociation Clarence Leach Jr of is pastpresident Cuppage of Coldwater first vicepresident Irwin of Homings Mills second vicepre sident R E Goodin of Toronto and the ex ecutive members are Harold Wil son Kerrwood Charlie Huffman Harrow and Marshall Carlisle On the invitation of the Brad ford Marsh growers the next meeting will be held at Bradford in June ir GIRLS of the SOUTH SHORE Have yw entered Keswick Optimists Holiday Lovely CONTEST JULY 12th AND 13th AT THE SPORTSMEN SHOW AND TRADE FAIR Entry forms from Fred or Sid Arthur Keswick or the Reporter Office Sutton West REG ONLY REG The Cheerio club meeting will be held in the basement of the United church on June BYLAWS COMMITTED IS NAMED BY COUNTY A committee was named earl ier this year to study York Coun tys bylaws and recommend re vision of the rule of These rules were adopted in Reeve J Pollock of North township chairman of the committee reported to county council that the commit tee has met several times to con sider possible revisions He re commended thai the committee continue its studies and present a complete revised report for the next session of county council Council accepted this recom mendation THE HIGHER THE TREAD THE HIGHER THE TRADE LIFESAVER TUBELESS Seals puncture as you drivel blowouts to safe Premium safety protection 5 DELUXE SILVERTOWN TUBELESS Til quality lube leu thai as standard equipment on moil new ears Six SAFETY- S A quality lira for Ion sofa h ONLY vim REG 20 ONLY tin PICK YOUR TIRE PICK YOUR PRICE WILSON MOTOR SERVICE MOUNT ALBERT PHONE Bear Alignment and Major Repairs BFGoodrich E II J i II So ft Oft Ho I f A A Year after year and now again in 57 Chevrolet outsells them all Ye Regardless of what you may read or is the passenger car sales- leader in Canada The SAlHSrHGURFS show just how far ahead Chevy really is Look at the facts opposite spectacular evidence that Canada has again taken Chevrolet lis heart And the prelimin ary May reports from over major cities show Chevrolet it already impressive lenl And look at Chevrolet see for yourself many ways that this car has earned this over helming popularity how Chev rolet Canada what Canada wants he Canada wants Chevy has a proud masterpiece Step inside and the richness and roomlnevs may make you think youre right out of he lowpriced field Drive this greatest of all Chevrolet and you discover the fam ous handling ease the new softer ride the nailed to the road sense of security that Canada wantsduf the Plus unbeatable performance with a fabu lous choice of enginesultramodern VRa and the worlds thriftiest peppiest best- liked Sis Come meet the big bestseller ahead of competition with every month See drive ami price the car thats setting the unapproachable pace for value popu larity safes Mike it your nearest Chevrolet dealers A MOfOAS VAIUI Kt- iV- J- in in on SEE YOUR AUTHORIZED CHEVROLET DEALER HI MOST INCIN13 IN THE I