Once Called Hacketts Corners following history or once called written by Mrs Syd ney Thompson a resident of It Is published la with the annual Sports Day to be held Saturday August when many farmer residents will be visiting Hub Tillage There seems be little record erf the early history of It was first called Hack- Comers after William Hack- In who built a store at the cor- This was located where Norm an house now stands Mr later built a store across the road where the pres ent store is located now owned by William Burkholder James was the proprietor of the first store in the village He came from Ireland in 1822 He taught school in Scarboro for four years and then came to the cor ners where he taught for five years The first school house was erected on the north west side of the corners then it was used as an implement shed on the farm of William Wright now owned by Robert Lewis From a singing class was taught In the school by and in the first temperance society was formed In this sec tion After Mr finished teaching he kept store and post office The latter began May 21 years ago and was kept by the family for 60 years Gave The Name About the year the settlers were desirous of getting a suitable name for the village Finally the postmasters wife named it Other buildings later erected were two hotels one on each corner known as the Queens and the Farmers Inn and grist mill on Mill Street also a shoe shop which was kept by Wright Fogg a copper shop where pails and tubs were made and a harness shop on Main Street which was run by George Fogg Four Blacksmiths There were four blacksmith shops operated by Mr Andy Mac kenzie Mr Jacob Terry Mr Alex Milne and Mr The one remaining shop in the village used to located where the Presbyterian church now the Baptist church stands and was owned by Mr Alexander Milne He sold it to Mr J Terry who had it moved farther north Later it was run by McGenerty It was torn down in January 1949 Several Churches At the time of the Fifteenth Anniversary of the United church in it was recalled that there were three branches of the Methodist church and a Christian church The Episcopal Methodist church which stood two houses south of where the present church now stands was built in In church were such men as David Peregrine William Shepherd Henry Martin Peter Milne Robert James Milne James Garrick John Link James Abbs Fogg a local preacher and shoe maker and a Sunday school super intendent for two years The new Connection church which was the last cobblestone house on the north side of the village had as its supporters the names of William Turner Wil liam Hill David Henry Stiles Capt Bailey George Hoi- born Joseph James Henry and William Cain The Wesleyan church stood on the fourth line on the farm formerly owned by the late Jacob Smith and its supporting men were William Turner A J Milne J J Terry John Wright John W Huntley John Moore William Turner John Batt Robert Moore Christopher Belfry George E Dunham George Moore Harry Joe Hollingshead and George Wright Then there was the Christian church on the farm where Will Arnold once lived This church had men by the name of Jerry Graham J Weddel Rob- ert Dunham George Foster John Cowieson D Rose Peter Belfry Squire Morton John Fletcher and John Church Union The Union of these churches took place in The building where the present cold storage locker is used to be a liquor store furniture store grocery store harness shop and butcher shop The first library was started in Foggs shoe shop on Mill Street about and was opened by Mr John Power then principal of the school It was later moved to a build ing which joined the late William Eves house This building had been used as a bank drug store and bake shop previously The library board later bought the building and had moved to its present location When the popu lation increased a large school house was built where Mr Joe now lives In the History of York County written in 1885 it is described as a double frame building comfortable in furnish ings and accommodation The tea chers name was Mr Robert Price and the average attendance was Some years a twostorey structure was built where the pre sent school now Standi This was completely destroyed by fire in The post office was taken over by Mr William Kavnnagh after years in the hands of Mr J Miss Bert Milne had a dressmakers shop in with the post office Mr black smith shop was situated about where Mr Straslers home is now and the Stiles grocery store where Mr Frank Kavan- home is now and later bought by Terry Carriage and Storage shop and then later bought by Byron Aylward who started the first service station in and this building was erect ed by William Huntley who was in partnership with B Aylward There was the Kavanagh but cher shop and Bill Morleys grist mill on Mill Street which was later moved to Mount Albert First Rink The first skating rink was opened in and stood first at the north end on the property of J Murrel and was changed to its Mill Street location about and is now moved to the new Community Park In the spring of the Met ropolitan Railway passed through linking the village with Toronto and Sutton This service was dis continued some years ago Today the village of is not a business centre but a village populated by retired folk fact oryworkers and business people Invitations Sent For Queensville Sports Day Aug 3 Invitations have been mailed to former residents and friends of the village of for the tenth annual Sports Day to be held la the commun ity park on Saturday Aug A fine program of sports and entertainment is planned to in terest people of all ages We are sure that If you at tend you will find the same warm welcome awaits you again this year Come along and renew old friendships and make new ones urges the Sports Day PINE ORCHARD Mr and Mrs McCiure and Danny were recent guests of Mr and Mrs W Whit field Many of the children attended the Bible Vacation school at Viv ian Community church last week Mr and Mrs Emerson Shep- Cedar Valley are enjoying a motor trip with friends from Toronto to Halifax Jane Hope has been holidaying antville Posse Kills Police Dog After Cahie Are Slain A police dog to be re sponsible for chasing and killing cattle on the Sutton farm of Mur ray Munro was shot to death by a posse of farmers and police Sun day night farm is on County road No between Sutton and Kes wick He reported to North Gwil- police that dogs had been chasing his head of cattle Two dogs were shot two weeks ago by North GwilHmbury town ship dog catcher Norman Cryder- nian but the chasing continued When Munro spotted the police dog chasing his cattle he formed a posse and the dog was shot ear ly Sunday evening The dog had a Toronto tag a- round its neck but its owner has not been established SHARON The regular church services at both churches will be held at the usual time Sunday The west group WA of the United church will hold its bake sale at pm Mrs Ralph Watson is able to be out again after recent illness We are sorry to hear Mr Fry suffered a slight stroke last week A community shower was held on Monday night in honor of Elda Hall Bonnie and Patsy McGuickin Mount Albert spent several days with their grandparents Mr and Mrs H Miller Traditionally in Canada it is the railways that open up new territory latest push in this dir ection is the line being built into the country of nor thern Quebec Future 4H Club Member The twoyearold in his playpen is fascinated by life around him He longs to pull the tail feathers out of every chicken on his fathers farm He has no idea at all how a farmers son should behave but hell find out later when his brothers initiate him into the local club Here hell learn by doing pledged to use his head heart hands and health in the beet possible way Clubs were started with one simple Idea in mind to have rural young people do a worthwhile piece of work at home voluntarily and do it better than ever before Plant a garden plot perhaps or A calf make a dress beautify a room The idea was so good that the young people swept their parents along with them and farm life improved amazingly Clubs have done many useful things They have kept the right boys and girls on the farm trained young men and women for leadership improved life in rural com munities by introducing better agricultural and home practices and implanted the ideal of good citizenship in young minds There are about members in Canada Many will graduate into farm organizations in which are the progressive young farmers who by using modern machinery and farm techniques help to keep all Canadians well fed LIMITED Four Teens Miss Death After Boat Hits Log Cries For Help Ignored Four teenagers spending the summer in the Keswick area are lucky to be alive after their 14- foot outboard boat hit a log in the Holland River last Thursday so hard that it tore off their mot or from the bracket holding it to the boat and threw it among them Susan her brother Charlie 15 and Donald and Ken neth Wilson and were on a return trip from the east fork of the river when the accident oc curred The have a cott age at Island Grove the Wilsons at Orchard Beach Because the river is lined with swamp there was no place for the four to land the boat Charles and Donald held the motor to the back of the boat while they ran it at slow speed and Ken Wilson steered with a paddle They ran the boat like this for a mile until they came to the mouth of the river and Into Cooks Bay on Lake Simcoe Op erators of three boats ignored their shouts for help but a fourth man towed them to S Crate and Sons boat livery three miles south of Keswick The childrens parents became alarmed when they didnt return home for supper and call ed police Charles Sr hir ed a boat and was out searching the lake himself when the four arrived back at Keswick WI News On Tuesday evening July Mrs Waller entertained the Bel- haven branch in her home There were ladies present Mrs Waller chaired the meeting and business discussed was our fair project and an invitation to Guelph for our annual bus trip The motto was If you plant culture in the home it will blos som in the community In re plying Mrs Harry Horner told of several incidents of good home Page The Newmarket Era and Express Thursday July Keswick News Congratulations to Miss Teresa Cedar Valley on pass ing the Teachers College course Mr Roland Meddle Aurora was guest speaker at the Union church on Sunday Worship ser vice each Sunday at am The choir of Trinity United church Newmarket held a social evening at the home of Mrs A J Cody recently Congratulations to Mary Leh man on passing Grade piano examinations Mary is a pupil of Mrs George Wood Everyone is invited to Rural church service at Pioneer Park Sharon on Sunday July 21 at 3 pm Mr and Mrs Frank Oliver Saskatchewan were calling on friends last week In the first four months of the value of goods imported into Canada exceeded the value of Canadas exports by 411 million compared to an unfavorable trade balance of million in the same period of pupils and ended by saying If we plant the seeds of kindness and sympathy in our homes it will blossom in the community and others are made happy there by Mrs Ethel Draper read an in formative paper on citizenship and education and quoted a para graph on The Blessings of Witl ing Work Beth Anderson read a poem An Indian Poets Prayer For His Country Mrs O Smith read a verse on Strawber ries A contest brought the program to a close and refresh ments of ice cream and cookies were served 9 The July meeting of Or chard branch was held at the home of Mrs Emerson Sheppard The program was convened by Historical Research and current events committee An interesting paper on The history of a Lead Pencil was given by Mrs George Mason Miss Myrna McCiure played a piano solo Current events was given by Mrs Walter Johnston Roll call was My first recollection of WI The grandmothers meeting in August will be in the form of a picnic at Lions Park Stouffville The Rye family picnic an an nual affair was held Sunday at the cottage Keswick Beach Mrs Henderson and Mrs Green Toronto are spending two weeks holidays at Mrs Etta Wil- dcrs Mrs J C Miller Mrs Gibson Miss Marion Clark and Miss Janet Miller visited Miss Terry on Sunday Mr Ernest Mace who has been seriously ill is much improved Mrs A Sticklaw Toronto has been visiting Mr and Mrs Ross Pollock Mr and Mrs Wm Cowie Tor onto and Miss Margaret Gilmore Newmarket are holidaying at the Cowie cottage Craigmuir Beach Mr and Mrs Lome and daughter Toronto are at their cottage Keswick Beach for the summer GORILLA IS BADTEMPERED BABY TORONTO CANADA MOUNT ALBERT Rev Robert Curtis assisted by other youne people in the com munity will conduct a vacation school in the United church from am until am Monday July 22 until Friday July 26 All children in the community from four to years of age are in vited to attend A large number of residents and folks from out of town at tended decoration services at Mount Albert cemetery on Sun day evening The Explorer group held a pic nic at Jean Rollings cottage on Saturday afternoon Congratulations are extended to Shirley Bone and Dr Peter Young who were married in Stouffville United church on Saturday also to Carolyn Oldham and Bruce who were married at the home of the brides parents Mr and Mrs Norman Oldham On Wednesday evening July miscellaneous showers wen- held for these brides Mrs Harold Kurtz entertained in honor of Shirley Rone Mrs Herb Harmon in honor of Carolyn Oldham We wish them every happiness Mr and Mrs John Oliver spent the past week with Mr and Mrs Carl Smith in London Mr and Mrs Smith retired with them to spend their holidays in Mount Albert Mrs Ronald Allison and Betty are spending the week in Musko- ka Mr and Mrs Bernard Toronto were weekend visitors with Mr and Mrs Herman Cle ment Mr and Mrs Larry and Stephen of Toronto visited her parents Mr and Mrs jyke last week Mr Geo Price returned from a few weeks visit with relatives in England The Cheerio club held their an nual picnic at Mrs Carman Roll ings cottage on Thursday after noon at Glen Reach Jacksons Point Mr and Mrs David Mi and Mrs William Shilling law and family and Mr and Mrs Hugh and James spent Sunday with Mr and Mrs Earl Dike at their cottage in Hall- burton CENTENNIAL EXHIBITION A meeting of the committee planning the Centennial Antique exhibition will be held in the Newmarket Public Library on Friday July 26 at The display of small antiques of local interest is being convened by the Friends of the Library The com mittee is chaired by Mrs Donald Downey Baby X has only had a few months to cultivate a bad temper but he has done very well in that short time One of the few gorillas to bo on display at a zoo In North America Baby took three days to reach Toronto from the African Though weighing only 28 pounds the young gorilla Is very strong and is quite a handful for zoo curator Dr Norman to handle Fullgrown he will weight pounds and Dr Scollard hopes he will develop a better disposi tion than has now UNAFFECTED BY ROYAL ATTENTION The royal smile of Queen Elizabeth seems to he wasted on Stonchengc the prize bull she is admiring at the Royal Agricultural show in Norwich The bull is a while and Is the first of his particular breed to be shown at a royal show since iiti MARRIED IN THREE CEREMONIES Ottawas Sikh wedding was solemnized with I ho of Singh left and Maria Elizabeth right The ceremony was conducted by the grooms father Ksrnall Singh centre The bride is the daughter of the Indonesian embassador and she is a Christian a civil wedding ceremony followed Then to satisfy the of her people an wedding was to lean lied Keswick Trade Fair closed after a successful three days on Satur day night There was a good at tendance each night On Satur day night the big attraction was the beauty contest in which six girls were entered also the draw for the boat Rev and Mrs Hyde and three children Cadillac Mich arrived this week for a visit to Mrs Hydes parents Mr and Mrs Hobson Recent visitors at Mr and Mrs I home were Mrs Mal colm Beare and Miss Edna Spcnce Port Perry and Miss Florence Waldon Mr and Mrs Samuel and Mr and Mrs Wilkes Toronto Mr and Mrs Gordon Wood and family from Williamsburg are visiting Mrs Woods parents Mr and Mrs Perry Winch Mr and Mrs Donald Winch and family Mr and Mrs Stew art Griffith and family Toronto and Mr and Mrs Robert Winch Barrie spent the weekend with their parents Mr and Mrs Winch Mr and Mrs Perry Winch Jr and family from spent the weekend with Mr and Mrs Perry Winch There will be a daily vacation Bible school in the United church July Aug 2 9 am to am for all children of public school age Mr and Mrs Gordon Wood Williamsburg Cathy and Eliza beth are spending two weeks vac ation with Mr and Mrs Winch Mr and Mrs Bob Winch and Debbie were guests at Mr Mrs Winch on Sunday Mrs Gordon Peggy are visiting relatives in Loader this week United church Sunday at Sah- Sorry to report Mrs A Killing- school picnic held beck of is in hospi- balds Park on Tu tali Miss Mary Morton is Mr and Mrs Betts Oshawa ing in Scotland have retuiied from their honey- 1 moon and spent the weekend Mr Philip by with Mr and Mrs Bernard Rye on Monday to visit his grand brides parents mother in California LONGFORD PEGGS ANNIVERSARY DANCE Free for all residents Of East GwilHmbury FRIDAY JULY QUEENSVILLE ARENA LUNCH PROCEEDS FOR Carl Blacks Orchestra H W THEAKER INSURANCE AGENCY MOUNT ALBERT ONTARIO Commencing July and until July the office of the above will be open only from am until 12 oclock noon BROTHERS LIMITED MOUNT ALBERT ONTARIO ADVER The response to our ad last week wits so terrific we offer again this week a special price on 1957 DODGE REGENT cylinder with automatic transmission heater white- wall tires instrument panel crash pad license and many extras This car was our company demonstrator drive mately miles Hep priced at Our Clearance Price USED CAR SPECIAL DODGE MAYFAIR Sedan SPECIAL PRICE Bring Your Offer To MORTON Bros Ltd MOUNT ALBERT ONTARIO Well Trade Anything Last week we were offered land mortgages and furniture and we accepted some of the offers WE STILL NEED REAL CLEAN AND CARS AS TRADES ON THE CARS OF THE FORWARD LOOK DODGE DESOTO DODGE TRUCKS