Newmarket Era and Express, 18 Jul 1957, p. 3

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et Era Express J Our Re Write Letters to the editor an always welcome lint the names the writers must be known to the editor Newmarket Ontario 157 Eagle Street July Pear Sir During the Newmarket town council meeting of July a motion was passed accepting the lender to purchase submitted by the Liquor Control Board of On tario for the property lying dir ectly east of the Bell Telephone building on Eagle Street This motion was passed despite Councillors Haskett and Knapton bringing to the other members attention the existing bylaw duly recorded by the On tario Municipal Authorities re stricting development on Street to that of a residential nat ure- Councillor Kent who assumed position of ball carrier for the acceptance of the tender stated that the bylaw had been so often violated that it could no longer considered a transgression is akin to saying because a motorist driving at mph is not apprehended the speeding law no longer exists At the town council meeting held June an application lot a service station on the corn er of Lome and Eagle Streets was rejected because of the danger to passing children en route to the heart Scott school and to the westerly entrance of Lions Park the swimming pool At the meeting held July 8 Councillor Kent stated that there would not Be sufficient traffic to the Liquor Store located a scant block west of the proposed station site to create a safe ty hazard to children but later in he meeting stated that the additional traffic created by the Liquor Store would be an asset to merchants on Main Street Surely it Is Obvious one of these statements Is incorrect and fer vently hope the merchants of Newmarket do not think it pro fitable to barter a dollars busi ness or a thousand dollars busi ness for the broken body or the life of one of our children The writer actively campaigned for the wet cause prior to the recent plebiscite and I sincerely feel the situating of retail Liquor and Beer outlets in Newmarket SUMMER TIME TABLE Effective June 27th Buses Leave Newmarket to Toronto US am 510 pm a am am pm it am pm pm a am pm 1040 pm pm a except Sundays Holidays except Saturday Sunday Holidays For Complete Service See Time Table No Daylight Time Tickets Information at KING GEORGE HOTEL PHONE TW 52305 GRAY COACH LINES Is inevitable and to the welfare of the whole town but surely it is evident any merchant who has offered his customers fafr and honest merchandise at fair and honest prices with proper cour teous service shall not suffer from the locating of the Liquor and Beer Stores anywhere within the town limits The merchant who has offered his customers other treatment than is outlined above will re ceive only his just deserts with the advent of new and honest competition the onus is on the new merchants as they have to prove themselves good or bad Our present merchants have already made their beds Councillor Kent assured the council that he had approached the citizens living in areas adja cent to the proposed location and they had given their approval to this site Through the medium of your paper I would respectfully ask these citizens if they have expressed their approval to con scientiously reconsider their de cision for the safety and welfare of their children Should this sale be finalized and the Liquor Control Board of Ontario be granted permission to build on this site the town coun cil of Newmarket shall be a party to an illegality and responsible for the well being of every child within walking distance of this safety hazard Sincerely Phillips Friends Of The Library Plan Centennial Museum Aug 1518 Plans are being made by the Friends of the Library to hold an historical display of small tides of local interest in the New market Public Library during the centennial celebrations August Id to 18 inclusive If the plans receive the same support given the Newmarket Art club in its preparations for the Centennial Art Show the Libr ary win assume the duties of a museum for the fourday period A committee headed by Mrs- Donald Downey met on Friday to discuss the display Included in the committee are Mrs John Mrs Howard Cane Mrs Rose Kudelka Mrs George Case Mrs Beatrice Brown Miss L Cleland Miss Starr and Cane Articles to be included in the display must predate and must be connected with Newmar ket Since space in the library is at a premium it has been decid ed to limit the centennial histori cal collection to small items Suitable articles would be old deeds documents letters mailed before the issuing of postage stamps books glass and china small pieces of kitchen equip ment samplers pewter petite- point spectacles snuff boxes pipes old buttons and powder horns Citizens having such articl es of historical interest are re quested to contact either Miss OAK RIDGES BOYS Continued from page one good luck and safe return at the end of their long journey of at least 33000 njiles Reeve said the travellers would gain what they will never forget as he extended best wishes from council and residents of his township Both officials were grateful to the board of trade for extending the opportunity to meet the boys personally and join in the general greetings Alex president of the board of trade which gives its moral support to the enter prise expressed the boards best wishes and success of the partici pants Rev R C Michell rec tor of Oak Ridges Anglican chur ches wondered if he might find Rudy Renzius Displays Work During Centennial Art Show A highlight of the Centennial j this spring in the National Corn- Art show will be a display of petitive Exhibition of by craftsman Rudy His wife will exhibit some of her masks The show is being sponsored by the Newmarket Art club for the towns birthday celebrat ions It will be held in the town hall from August 15 to inclus ive Mr fame as a sensi tive and gifted artist is well- est ablished lie has exhibits in such travelling space in the back part of a he would love a couple of years holiday in Give my regards to London Town when broad he added M Williams sales man- the folk you are Cleland TW or Mrs 1 of Rootes Motors Toronto July The Editor Because of the seriousness of the situation we are writing to you with regard to the Appeal of Dr Albert Schweitzer dis tinguished medical missionary philosopher and musician We feel with him that public opin ion will bring an end to the dan gerous Hbomb tests We quote from Dr Schweit zers statement From official and unofficial sources we have been assured time and time again that the increase in radio activity of the air docs not ex ceed the amount which the hu man body can tolerate without any harmful effects This is just evading the issue Even if we are not directly affected by the radioactive material in the air we are indirectly affected through that which has fallen down is falling down and will fall down We are absorbing this through radioactive drinking wa ter and through animal and vege table foodstuffs to the same ex- tent as radioactive elements are stored in the vegetation of the re gion in which we live Unfor tunately for nature hoards what is falling down from the air And again When public opin ion has been created in the coun tries concerned and among all nations an opinion informed of the dangers involved in going on with the tests and led by the rpason which this information imposes then the statesmen may reach an agreement to stop the experiments We urge every one to speak up in every way possible Anyone wishing further information can write to our secretary at Box 218 Station Toronto Ontario Group Protesting Tests Guernseys Take Most Of Honors At Calgary Stampede A King township herd of Guernsey cattle carried off most of the honors at the Calgary Stampede last week It was the first time Guernseys were shown at the Stampede in years The GlenviHe Farms Guernsey herd owned by J Crang of R 2 Newmarket took eight first prizes and five championships on the head shipped west They were shown against five local breeders in the west most of Whom also showed cattle origin ally shipped from Ontario The cattle were loaded on CPR cars at Kleinburg and travelled four and a half days to Calgary They proceeded from there to Ed monton for another weeks show ing It Is expected that they will be sold there Hank the GlenviHe herdsman was in charge of the cattle and Don Stiles a Newmar ket high school was his assistant In the past three years several carloads of Newmarket district cattle have been sent to Alberta where they acclimatize well and are found to be profit able cream producers TW The library will be open on August and from 2 to pm and on August 9 from to pm to receive contributions to the display All articles will be exhibited at the owners risk but guard and police protection will be arranged More Contributions For Swimming Pool 1600 Left To Pay who delivered the English built motor car to the boys spoke of the many features that make the especially built English model suitable for travel of this type It has great power over rugged terrain can climb unbelievable grades in high speed is strongly built has an added against extreme heat can be fix- 1 onto Art Gallery Many local re ed like a submarine has four- are proud possessors of wheel drive and gears his pewter and yellow model has promin- ver work but perhaps the most inscribed on the side Oak representative collection is own- eum in Sweden and the Metro- Museum in New York A ladys dressing table in pewter was accepted by the latter The Swedish exhibit is a mask Private owners of his work in clude Lady when in Canada as the wife of the Gover norGeneral she purchased a The Madonna Which Mr had exhibited at the Royal Winter Fair One of the largest collections of his work is owned by William president of the Tor- Ridges Board of Trade Ontario Canada and Addison and Nor man Round the World Mr handed the boys Two additional contributions to letter from a mem- Newmarket swimming pool fund have been received this week Loblaws groceteria has contributed A gift from Pickering College was re ceived in addition to a previous contribution Charles Bondi received the Loblaw contribution from G vicepresident of the firm who said We are quite happy to work with the commun ity and help finish the swimming pool Peter Gorman swimming pool committee chairman said that there is less than to pay for the pool which is now oper ating full time at the Lions Park of the Chili diplomatic corp by Dr George Case Mr has won more than 100 awards in the past 25 years He has exhibited in London Tor onto Montreal St John New York Chicago and many other who is head of an automobile club center in Canada and the NEWMARKET SOCIAL NEWS A SOUND INVESTMENT FOR YOUR SAVINGS 25 Province Of Ontario Debentures To mature July 15 and July 1975 PRICE 9900 and interest 25 Town Of Newmarket 5- Debentures To mature August 1 to 1977 PRICE 10000 and interest COMPANY LIMITED TORONTO Write or telephone Canning Empire 1 Mr and Mrs and their children have returned re cently from an enjoyable trip throughout the countryside They travelled via Vivian Forest and took lovely snapshots as memor ies of their adventurous journey Davis Gibbons Randy Legge and Peter left on Sat urday to attend a Boys Camp near Mr and Mrs David Love Toronto formerly of Newmarket are spending their holidays this summer visiting the British Isles They expect to fly from airport Aug 2 to Scot land They are sorry to miss the Newmarket centennial which was their home and the birthplace of Mrs Love Miss Dora and Miss Lenore Marshall of Brampton are holidaying this week at Lake Simcoe Mrs J W spent two weeks with Dr and Mrs A H Greenwood of St Catharines at their cottage on Muskoka Lake Mr and Mrs L Willoughby of Saskatchewan visit ed Mr and Mrs J Sedore last week Mr and Mrs Ronald Beckett and family of Marmora are holi daying and visiting relatives and friends in town this week with the first starting at the close of school Mr and Walter Warren spent four days in the guests of Mr and Mrs James Whitney Mr and Mrs Ross Lee and Sharon Montreal spent a weeks holiday with their parents Mr and Mrs Bernard Lee Over 200 attended St Pauls annual Sunday school and con gregational picnic at Mussel- mans Lake Mr and Mrs Percy Bennett Victoria Square visited Mr and Mrs Harry West on Saturdav Mr and Mrs William Gib son spent Sunday with Mrs Gibsons sister Mrs Edward Pollock Mr and Mrs John Young Mr G Soules To ronto and Mrs Orrie Mints Iron- dale were visitors of Mr Flem ing Young last week Mr and Mrs I will tell about the in Chille He inserted his person al card and invited the boys to telephone him when they reach- Chile He will show them the country and introduce them to prominent people A relative of Mr Galla Mr is visiting in Ont ario at the present time Since the farewell party was held on Ridge Inn lawn internat ional flags were flying and the PA system carried the various re marks Mr Norman father of Ron was chairman On exhibit were several im portant letters of introduction given to John and Ron by the Premier of Ontario Canadian minster of external affairs The Canadian Junior Reel Cross Dir ector Dr J Phalf Ontario de puty minister of health and Hon J W Dun lop the minister of edu cation In addition to these are others from prominent organization and individuals Thus the King town ship lads go out feeling they have widespread support From the tape recordings over radio program Assignment Canadian listeners will be kept In touch with the explorations The Canadian Junior Red Cross will also publish articles as will daily papers The miles journey will seem but a stones throw away when their voices come over the air in describing their experiences These young men have a miss ion to fill just as important as though it were diplomatic busi ness They will sec hear and re cord many things and make con tacts on the foreign system of ed ucation how the Junior Red Cross works in other countries Baptist ited States For eight years Mr did free lance work in Chicago He spent the next five years in Toronto where he had a studio and shop in The Village In Mr came to Newmarket for one year He re placed Alvin Hilts on the Picker ing college staff when took a leave of absence to study in Mexico Twentytwo years lat er Mr is still at Picker ing college he holds the post of director of arts and crafts Because his first responsibility lies in the field of teaching Mr does not have the same amount of time for his creative craft work that he did when a free artist However he continues to produce prizewinn ing work His Mad onna and Child won second prize and Metal Work which was held in St John It will be exhibited at the Centennial show Over the years has received many first place awards at the Canadian National Exhib ition Royal Winter Fair and In ternational competitions in New York Montreal and Chicago He made the pewter votive stand in the Holy Rosary church Toronto Mr Renzius father was a coppersmith He had a shop in Sweden His earliest recollections include memories of watching his father work with copper and his attem pting as a small lad to do similar work The home on Prospect St is a treasure house of arts and crafts But perhaps the most precious article is the first gift Mr made for his wife It is a copper dish His second gift also in and a small casket which is used as a memory box are included in Mrs Renzius collection Mrs studied with her husbands sister in Sweden They were pupils of Martha au She enjoys modelling in clay and her exhibit in the Centennial Art show will include pewter masks and a bust in solid lead Besides his display of pewter and Mr is hanging an oil in the show This will be the first time that this picture Lillies has been ex hibited Despite the fact that Mr has received such widespread recognition for the excellency of his workmanship he remains a modest man completely free of any vanity When asked for an anecdote he recalled an incident that had hap pened when he was demonstrat ing woodcarving at the CNE It is certainly one of the must amus ing things that has happened to County Lets Contract For New Admin Building York County council on day let the contract for the county building to be built Newmarket In April council passed a by law authorizing the issue of de not to exceed for the construction of a administration building on present Newmarket property I will house council chambers an general administration offices in eluding the county clerk and hi staff and the assessor and hi staff Payne and Sons Limited contractors have bee awarded the contract at a of phis for screens Thev have agreed to post a of Mr and Mrs visited Mrs Mulder for weekend Mrs visited Mr am Mrs I Brampton Mrs J and child ren London are visiting Mrs Matthews for a few days Mr and Mrs C an children spent a couple of day at Algonquin Park week a Mrs J Micdema and small SO are visiting her sister in Toront for a few days Mrs B Parry and children Burks Falls are visiting her par ents Mr and Mrs VanDyke The family was held at Park on Sat urday Rev of Grand Rapids Mich conducted the service at Christian Reform church on Sunday me Mr Renzius said A young man came up and said May pull your beard We have a bet on that it isnt real I told him to go ahead and pull and he did continued Mr Renzius He gave it a tug and yelled Hurrah I won It is real was quite happy to have been able to help him win his bet he added with a chuckle Mrs has gone to visit her relatives in Fergus lor a few days Three District Queen Scouts Fly To England For Jubilee Linda and Donald also Miss Nancy Winncott of Niagara Falls spent a few days last week with Mr and Mrs Stanley Mrs A left airport on Tuesday to spend weeks with relatives in Copen hagen Denmark Mrs Charles Pem broke accompanied by her son Mr and Mrs Clarence Spence Ronnie is visiting her mother mission fields in Angola Bolivia and India It will be a wonderful thing for them to record their visit to the great Albert Schweitzer the scientist and medical missionary in Africa He is also a musician and they may tell us about this aspect John and Ron spoke briefly thanking board of trade for jand family of Toronto spent a Mrs H Travis Mr and Mrs honoring them and also thanking few days in town last week visit- Bask San Pedro California nc people ing Mrs Spences parents Mr are also guests of Mrs Traviss interests at heart and Mrs J Bull Mr Creed of Peter borough has returned home after spending his holidays with his parents Mr and Mrs Walter Creed Mr and Mrs J and Mr and Mrs Charles Wright- ho have their We will see Mr and Mrs Kenneth Wed- you in three years was their del entertained guests at their parting remark Notice to Proprietors of Childrens Boarding Homes The Childrens Hoarding Act the last of the Ontario Legislature came into force on July 1st This Act require that any in which or more children are lodged boarded or cared for skill be rcfrUtered The requirement doee not apply to institu tion registered or under other provincial Statutes or Departments If you are the proprietor of a boarding home for children you should have your premises Application forms am information are available from the Registrar of Childrens Hoarding Homes Department of Public Welfare Parliament Buildings Toronto Your cooperation enable the Department to- complete the initial registration with a minimum of delay ONTARIO DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC WELFARE P OX summer cottage Keswick Beach Sunday Visitors at the home of Mrs Starr during the week- were Mr and Mrs Leonard Stevens Toronto Mr and Mrs man spent a few days last week Garfield Hughes Toronto Miss visiting friends at the Light and Lulu Hughes Montreal Mr and Life Camp near Kingston Mrs Duncan Christie Kennel- Mrs William Blizzard is cook Nova Scotia and Mr and convalescing at her home Mrs Newmarket Davis Drive She was a patient at St Michaels hospital Toronto for six weeks Mr and Mrs Roy Meads ac companied by Mrs Edward Watts Mount Albert spent last week at Burnt River the guests of Mr and Mrs Roy They called on Mr and Mrs Ross Meads Paul and Joan Taylor Kit chener are holidaying with their grandparents Mr and Mrs Stan- Icy Miller while their parents Mr and Mrs Ray Taylor visit New York Mr and Mrs Edgar Jackson Toronto wore Sunday guests of Mr and Mrs J O Little Rev P G Powell is taking the services at St Pauls Angli can church for the month of July while Rev Canon J T Rhodes is on holidays Mr and Mr Ronald Beckett and children Marmora are visit- the formers mother Mrs Richard Beckett Brock Pollock is spending a month with his cousin Miss San- dra Moore Port Hope Mi5es Kay Stratford and Anne both of Toronto were weekend guests at the home of Mr and Mrs A S Arnold The annual camp meeting of the Church of the Nazarene will be held at the camp site from July 26 to Aug Camps for boys and girls have been well attended during July Present at the gathering were Rev and Mrs Addison parents of John and other members of the family Mr and Mrs Norman Rons parents Councillor Ray Jennings of King Mrs P ge wife of Reeve Deputy- Reeve George Richardson and Councillors Frank Williams and Clifford and wives of Whitchurch When Canadian Boy Scouts and leaders fly to England July 17 to to attend Jubilee JIM a World Scout gathering there will be three boys all Queen Scouts from the South Lake Simcoe district They are Jack Cain First Aurora troop Tony Urbanski First troop and Richard Sec ond Aurora troop Sutton Scoutmaster Lynn Jones left yesterday to fly to England for the Scout Jamboree Mr Jones is a teacher at the Sutton public school He will work in the Jamboree public relations office and will return to Canada August District Commissioner is Horace Jaques Newmarket The World Scout gathering marks the anniversary of the Boy Scout movement and the centenary of its founder Lord BadenPowell of Gilwell It will be held at Sutton Coldfield War wickshire near Birmingham from August 1 to and a total attendance of 35000 Scouts from countries is anticipated Jubilee as the Scouth gathering is known is a three- phase event It features a Boy Scout Jamboree as well as a gathering of leaders known as an and a meeting of Rover Scouts older Boy Scouts called a Moot Trans Canada Airlines is handl ing arrangements whereby planes with passenger capaci ties ranging from to will ferry the Canadian Scouts to and I from Britain All Canadian air- 1 borne Scouts are scheduled to land at Heathrow Airport Lon don Some other Canadian Scouts and leaders are travelling independently to England to bring the total for the Canadian contingent to Jubilee to Leaders in the Scout movement from the Atlantic to the Pacific coasts will accompany the boys Heading the Canadian contingent to JIM will be Eli Saint John Provincial Scout Commissioner for and a member of the Boy Scouts In ternational conference John Snow Willowdale deputy com missioner for the York Central area of Greater Toronto will be in charge of the Canadian contin gent to the Rover Moot BIRTHDAY CLUB Birthday wishes are extended this week to Linda Allen years old on Saturday Joky Karen Gibson years old on Sunday July Larry Ash R Newmarket years old on Wednesday July Rosemary Beverley years old on Thursday July Send In your name address age and become a member of the Newmarket Era and Express Birthday Club RECEIVES PETITIONS Two petitions were received by council on July They were for gravel roads and water mains on the north end of Forest Glen lots to inclusive The re quest came from the developer Simon with the recom mendation that the work be done tinder local improve ment The petitions were referred to the engineer He will prepare the bylaw Total cost for both projects was estimated at UNCONDITIONAL GRANT An unconditional grant of was received by the town of Newmarket from the province on July 8 This is per cent of the grant given this year by the pro- vincial government to reduce re- 1 ant will be closed from July taxation A cut of NOTICE Owing to staff holidays we wish to announce to our pat- runs that the Carlton Restaur mills was possible on the resident ial rate in Newmarket because of this grant to August NURSERY SALESMAN WANTED Sell hardy Canadian nursery stock We offer full or part lima sales positions and need middle aged men with enthusiasm and self confidence Extensive territories available Free outfit supplied and commissions paid weekly Our proposition offer you distinct advantages Write to Stone Wellington Ltd Wellington St Toronto Ontario PC GROUP YOU GET ALL THIS 2 RESTONIC CHESTERFIELD SUITE 2 STEP TABLES TOPS COFFEE TABLE ARBORITE TOP 2 TABLE LAMPS AND SHADES CUSHION HOSTESS SET 00 EASY BUDGET TERMS 30 MAIN ST NEWMARKET a if it ft j

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