District Cleaners Are Cleaned By Brownings Tigers Thornton Browning Aurora Tigers enjoy one chore in par ticular That is taking Cliff Newmarket Avenue Cleaners to the cleaners The Tigers did it again Friday at Au rora tripping Gunns hopefuls North York junior baseball league play The Cleaners had trouble with Glen Bennetts pitching All they muster off Bennett was our hits Meanwhile the Tigers were punching out nine hits of George Robertson The Tigers needed but a four- ran first and a fourrun fifth to salt away the win Robertson got into first inning trouble though the trouble wasnt all his own making Two errors and two walks along with Larry Walls hit cashed four Aurora runs A hit combination provided by Bill Tomlinson and Wall got the Tigers another third inning run A walk an error and the hit pro ducing effort of Red Bill Tomlinson Norm Matthew and Glen Bennett torched Au roras fourrun fifth On the Newmarket side of the picture Ralph doub led home John Hopper who had singled with a Newmarket first run The Cleaners push ed across two runs in the third as John walk was followed by Larry noma run Larry Bone and John Hopper drilled out hits after George Robertson got aboard on an error This was good for the Cleaners fourth and final run In the Era Trebles J 20 On Bowling Greens The next attraction an the local lawn bowling calendar is Newmarket Era and Express Trebles tournament It Is schedul ed to held at the local greens July Newmarket president Lou and the secretary Charles Willis are expecting a large entry list The Era and Ex press tournament is one of the top attractions at the local greens during the season President is al so making plans for a tournament to bo held in conjunction with the Newmarket Centennial cele brations More on these plans wilt be reported later The ladies had their turn to the bowling headlines last week The feature attraction was i the annual play for the Mrs Ella Lyons Trophy There was a good entry list including rinks from Aurora Tottenham and Newmar ket Mrs Anderson of Tottenham skipped the winning threesome scoring three wins plus two A Newmarket rink made up of Mrs George Osborne Mrs Nor man Whitfield and Mrs Ernie Wright captured the second prize awards posting a twowin plus three record Mrs Copclands Aurora threesome came in third one win BRADFORD LOSES TWO IN LACROSSE Shutout games arc a rarity in Intermediate today However Bradford figured in one such game last week The Cel ery Kings playing at Slreetsville were blanked 140 by the league- leading club At home Saturday Bradford fired in four goals but it wasnt enough The visiting Fergus crew poured in as Bradford fell Playing coach Shorty Bray scored two goals to lead Brad ford Newmarket citizen Harold Smart got one and Charles Mash- inter collected the final Brad ford counter DoNuts Shade Agincourt 21 In Tight Junior League Game Newmarket Do- Nuts played ball at the fair grounds Monday to shade Agincourt Ross Motors in a North York junior baseball league game The win gave the a fourwin threeloss record and second place in the league In the tense dramatic struggle pitching and fielding held the spotlight Thorns working skil fully from the DoNut mound was pitching them in tight and kneehigh The Agincourt visitors couldnt do much with this type of chuck ing They settled for two hits As to fielding the Newmarket outfield was in best form In turn Keith Bryant Bill Forhan and Bob Clarke hauled down out field lofts to keep Thorns out of trouble The DoNuts too were having their troubles with visitors Ken Knightly Knightly fired a four- hitter and fanned nine Thorns whiffed four Bill and Don Thorns shared equally the four- hit bag Thorns slammed out a first inning single Forhan start ed the second frame with Do- Nuts second bingle piiiii This with none out but coach Wilf Elsby couldnt get him home as Jack Cain and Bob Clarke fanned and Don McKnight was robbed of a hit by the visitors shortstop Newmarket grabbed a third inning lead Jack Mills walked and Don Thorns poked out a wrongfield double to score Mills Grant Morton former Hub hockey and ball star singled to give Agindourt the tying run in the fourth Bill scored the locals gamewinning fourthinning run Forhan singled to open open the inning stole second went to third on a wild pitch and was home free when Agincourt had trouble handling Don McKnights infield skipper Agincourt got the tying run to second in the seventh before Keith Bryant made a nice catch on Knightly to close out the threat Jack Rogers former Smoke Ring hockey player also Grant Morton played with the visiting aggregation Town Softball League Standing McNeil Dodgers Newmarket Dairy Canadian Legion Bell Telephone Lyons 1 Green Acres Brad Walker Services OPP 15 Dozers Future Games Vandorf Wins Pair Of Simcoe Loop Contests Pine Orchard Winner Over Keswick Albert There is joy in Vandorf today Draper were Beach hit collectors Harry Lavenders hotshots won a pair of Lake Simcoe victories last week It was their first date with the win column Commenting happy Harry remarked and well win some more Using Bill Richardsons top drawer flinging extra base hit ting by Glen Taun Eric Barber Doug Alcorn Bill Kingdon Harry Lavender and Ted Vanderpols Ken Card Doug Forfar and Archie Forfar got hits as lantrae plated second and fourth chapter runs Pitchers Duel It another hotshot mound display as Ross Chapmans Rockets edged Joe Cases AH the hits both teams rustled up as Don Glover made his debut and home run as the lever Vandorf which Craig Case allowed spilled Willow Beach for wouldnt have filled a thimble their initial win Mount broke ahead in the Don Camerons slow ball failed sixth only to have Rockets score Mo puzzle the Vans Bill j two in their turn homered Cameron and Charlie Ron and Ron Sinclair hit well to top the Beach a Pair of star Rocket performers effort brought home Rocket runs Dave I come Back Harvey Bob Miller and Earl Cry- Hasketfs HASH By GEORGE HASKETT Newmarket Sports Editor Vandorf behind came ins back to nip Ballantrae Wednesday for win number two Bill Richardson was again win ning pitcher Ted Vanderpol Green Acres Lose Extra July Green Acres vs Bell Telephone south diamond fair grounds Ball July Lyons vs Can Legion west dia mond fair grounds floodlight Phillips July 23 Kitching Dozers vs Green Acres Brad Walker vs west diamond fair grnds Fred Palmer John July 24 OPP vs Bell Telephone south diamond fair grounds Don July Lyons vs Newmarket Inning Tidbit To Lyons After rushing away to a fast winning start Green Acres have fallen on evil days Chief trouble of late has been their luck They ve been having lots of luck all bad Thursday playing Lyons in a town league scrap Green Acres dropped a tough extra inn ing decision to the eagerbea ver Lyons Sad part of it from a Green Acres angle was the fact the Ly ons got their tie breaking run without benefit of a hit It came off Green Acres reliefer Don Glo ver Heres what happened Glen Boden number one leadoff man reached base on an error and Jack Co well walked Both runners ad vanced on an Acres fielding lap se and Boden was home with the winning run on a wild pitch That run put the damper on what appeared to be shaping up as a fine Green Acres recovery ef fort The Acres were astern heading into the sixth Bob Att- well kicked off the sixth with a twobagger Bob Greenfield sing led as did Jim Baker as the Acres salted away three runs and a lead came right back Lyons three in their sixth using as a wedge three walks and Ken hit That blast set the Ly ons up as leaders Not to be ouldone Green Acres used successive hits by Jack Jim Bob Att- Bob Greenfield and Jim Martin to score three seventh round runs It was Lyons turn now to get a run or give up the ghost Earl Burkes double was the big blow as Lyons tied it and forced the game into extra inn ings Burkes double followed sidebyside singles by Lou Hew itt and Len Bob Attwell going once again with a ripping fast ball flashed a third strike past Lyons hitt ers Don Glover his successor fanned two Bill Pawson pitch ing steady ball over the route whiffed eight Green Acres swing ers While was checking in without giving up a walk Attwell was having his control troubles and walked eight while Glover yielded one walk were best Ballantrae stickmen That was the big dish of good news from a Vandorf angle Matching this were two doses of heap bad medicine Keswick behind Harold Smiths speed ball and rattling good hit marks pro vided by Ken Hodgins Tom Hare Claude Pollock Bud Donnell and Dairy south diamond fair I Chadwick dsfeated Vandorf Friday had the lead until the HodginsHare company blew up a threerun sixthchapter storm Whim Pattenden Joe Barber and Bill Kingdon hit with authority for Monday at Zephyr Lavender and helpmates were giving Zephyr a tussle until the Blues put home four late runs to cop an caper El wood went out in favour of Ron Kester in the fourth It was Bill Richardson chuck ing Lavender receiving for Van- Summer is half shot Some of the district ball loops arc already talking playoffs This might be just the right time to do as fast and furious rundown of the soft- ball league standings derman were other efficient A redhot scrap is fast develop- Rocket operators Brian Stokes ling in the Simcoe loop for the and Craig Case clicked six playoff slots Allan Lo- bingles Zephyr Blues going mostly Close Game With rookie pitching El wood Lin- Heres another tussle that had and Bill are front Harry Lavender Eric Barber and their nails up I runners Blues as of Tuesday Doug Alcorns triple supplied the elbow Zep Belhaven sported points- winners hit power rookie El- I Big battle looms for the second Frank Ballantraes wood Lintner shared the pitching rung At the moment Keswick handy redhead was on the losing fireballer Bill Henry Mount Albert and Pine Orchard end Doug Forfar Bruce Paisley Kester poking his big bat are deadlock apiece for Archie Forfar and Hendy himself Henry toss drove in that position- grounds George Kelly Newmarket Peewees Win Third Straight Newmarket j in the North York peewee league are playing classy ball Another thing theyve started to for win ball games and are enjoying their newfound confidence The locals made it three in a row July as they defeated Richmond Hill at the Doug Alcorn and Harry grounds Lavender pumped out two the Blues seventh inning winner Harry Howse Dingy Arnold and Bill supplied other Blues hit fireworks Bill Henry Irwin Davidson Bernard Kay and Bruce diphed up kingpin bingles Making more gloom around the Belhaven corners Craig Case went three Harold Harper four and Mount Albert stockpiled seven thirdinning runs to defeat Belhaven John and Paul Alain- prize hit paydirt for three Brian Stokes got two to pace the winners Duff was pushed off the Belhaven rub ber in the third with Bernard Kay finishing off Winch nailed two hits one a triple Bruce Reid Bernard Kay George Davidson and Ivan Rye were other big baseknockers for Bel haven Fall To Show AH three clubs have approxi mately the same number of gam es to play so it should be a dog- affair before a second place crew emerges Ross Chapmans Queensville Rockets with Don Glover added to their roster have been coming on fast to climb into fourth place Among the items that have set the Rockets skyrocketing has been the up and at cm play of catcher Dave Harvey third sack- Ron Beckett and shortstopper Ron Our Davie boy and his two mates look like allstar material Good to see Cecil McNeil bust ing back into the Willow Beach lineup Guess the fortitude ward of the week goes to Charlie the local town league Cecil An drews Newmarket Dairymen with hit power to spare and John to pitch along with Bill and Ollie Goulds McNeil Dodgers are locked in a titanic struggle for first place In Bob Marriott Dodgers pro bably have the leagues best chucker and with the infield ring ed by Jerry Hugo Cliff Ward Bob Keffer and Hopper Dodgers are well stocked with talent Below the big two on the next plateau are the Stan Mays Bell Telephone Boh Farley and Jack Lyons and Myles Canadian Le gion Close an Van- Camps Green Acres Andy Sin clairs Newmarket Services and Elgin Harry Stokes Brad Walkers Below them again find OPP Kitching Dozers and Of course the leaders will trying desperately to stay up in the front ranks while OPP Doz ers and will be fighting every step of the way to break into higher levels to cop one of the eight playoff berths Sorry to see Bob Clarkes York Rangers drop out of the league It seems the players werent turn ing out Heard a remark the other pm that there are too many teams in the league anyhow Sinclair Charlie going on a gun- Cant agree with this summation py foot torn ligaments went in- The idea of a town league is to to the game against Ballantrae give a chance to play and despite the handicap turned ball in a three star catching job There are enough players Abbie and his Pine Or- McNeill Bernard Kav and Bill j round chard senders picked up two easy j Henry have right up I teams to- keep the original going The league too Dave was the chief doubles apiece Vanderpol Doug points as Keswick the beside the Benchers author of the Newmarket Woods Eric Barber and Bill Smalley threw a spark- whacked safely and ling fourhitter solidly for Vandorf Clark After scoring three unearned the boys Harry and runs for a firstinning lead Bill along with sparkplug Ron the homesters used a pair of bashed the late hits that walks an error and big hits by brought the Wayne and Doug Keats to score four gamewinning second round runs Newmarket got to Bill Jack son Hill hilltopper for six bingles Bondi and Keats were the big guns for Bill Forhans Hob tribe They nailed two hits to spark the winners Optimists Lose To Hill Dodgers Beat YMCA Leads Town League Bob Marriott thats the an swer With Marriott in the saddle McNeil Dodgers rode into first place in the town league by posting a win over YMCA July at the fair grounds Marriotts twohit hurling was enough to win However the Dodgers pitching star didnt stop there His ringing bat clubbed along at a pace Fred Palmer Marriotts battery mate got three to pace McNeils nineit attack on Paul Mainprize Sharing the other Dodger were Bob Keffer Alvie McKnight AI Todd and Bob Cook The Dodgermen got to work on pitcher Mainprize for two runs and two hits In the leadoff frame To get their first batch of runs Dodgers needed three walks and the first of Palmers three hits The Dodgers flared up for an other run in the third via Mar- SOCCER At FAIR GROUNDS The district soccer teams have been busy the past two weeks with cup series play Regular league play in the Newmarket and district soccer league will resume Saturday The attraction the fair grounds here will be a match between Markham- Combines and New market Kickoff time is pm League president Bill Brookes reports good crowds have been turning out for the local matches Saturdays game give promise of being one of the best matches of the season Markham-Stouff- Combine are in third place league Newmarket second Total area to be flooded on the Canadian fide of the St Law rence River as a result of the St Seaway has been solid double Dodgers clicked for another run with Pal mers hit the starting point in the sixth and used a walk and successive hits by Marriott and Ross Newmarket Op- dropped a tough ver dict to Hill at the fair grounds Thursday in North York bantam league play It was a sixth inning run that beat the Optimists The Hills tie breaking run came off a hit bats man and Ted TeelxelS triple Keith double was the touchoff blow to earn the Opti mists a 21 first lead Way ne triple that was sand wiched in around hits by Larry and Ken Woodcock was good for the Optimists second pair of runs in the sixth inning Newmarket the invaders lads bagged six hits off visitors Jim Larry and Wayne had Palmer a final insurance mists It was seventh inning run Ted Greenwood had the honor of bringing home both runs After coaxing a walk out of Mar riott the fleetfooled Ted sub stituted base running for hits to gel the first run home In the fourth Greenwoods double and some fancy stepping along the base ways was good for a second sixth inning Y run Bill Mason collected the hit in the fifth but Marriott closed out the budding YMCA rally via the strike out route Marriott pouring in his high southpaw night with coach as Ken Sargent started and wat followed by Paul Perry in the fourth Both pitch ed excellent ball Call For Entries In Legion Soap Box Derby Jack Duncan in charge of the Canadian legions annual soap box derby is accepting entries for this event Any boys interested in participating are asked to hard one fanned lfl haters at TW 52645 whiffed the side in both the sixth immediately and seventh to close out any no tion of a rally Mainprize flip ped a third strike past six Mc Neil hitters Legion Defeats Kitching Dozers Softball fans are learning fast lead chapter greeted with that their favorite sport is get- a home run and before the first round curtain went down Bruce Townslcya hit and walk gave Myles Mclnnis Legionnaires a advantage It was 30 In the next stanza as Heather after be ing hit by a Smith pitch scam pered home on Bruce Townsleys second hit John and Myles Mclnnis collected backtoback Legion hits in the third but they were wasted as Ken Smith clamped down before any runs were scored The Legion nursing a lead did something drastic about wrapping it up in the seventh as Ted Tidman rifled a double into left to get a tworun insurance rally rolling With two out Fred drilled out a double to score Tidman and Dill- man in turn shot across dish ting more and more a pitchers game The guy out there with the wing dominates the scene One man Ted Heather going for Canadian Legion with a good right flipper tamed Kitching Dozers In a town league wrestle July Heather gave out with a splen did fourhit job Dozers shot home a run in the second after Brian Million had started pro ceedings with a single Bob For smash good for a home run in any park added a second and final Dozer run in the third Bill got a first inning hit to round out the Dozers fourhit total Ken Smith was on the mound for Dozers The Legion chalked up eight hits against is evening of The soap lox derby to he held on the Aug during centennial day celebrations Mr Duncan re ports that hoys interested in rac ing in the derby should make an early start on their hot rods Mr Duncan has outlined the following rules to cover the der by Open to boys 14 years of age and under 2 Entrants must build their own cars Cars not to exceed six feet in length Cars not to exceed more than inches from wheel hub to wheel huh wheels not to exceed inches in diameter 6 No ballast will he allowed All contest ants to participate at their own risk Deadline for entries is Saturday Aug leagues bottom failed to show with a ball club July One of them has to leave the Pine Orchard made it a four- other behind to coo the sixth and point week as they upset Mount playoff berth Which one will Albert at home Thursday A big five run first capped by Doug There was joy around Vandorf Cards triple started Pine Or- week Harry Lavenders hot- chard Howie Ashs single and I won a pair As happy Dikes double added the win- ry saying If we can keep final fifth frame run I on winning theres no reason why Craig Case got off a sixhitter Vandorf couldnt make the play- white Card chilled the Mounties The leagues efficient surer is so right the stand- j would have been better balanced if the have teams had shared with the clubs less packed with talent Anyhow despite a few diffi culties here and there that could easily be forgotten the town lea gue Is going along reasonably welt and approximately 200 players are playing ball Dont think there is a larger league in the county Hall the heros Newmarket home safely Wash Willow Beach Now for a looksee at other Simcoe circuit skirmishes It was a duel as whitewashed Willow Beach 20 on four Case and George Green Cecil McNeill making his j furnished hits as Mount netted a pitching debut a dandy fastened fourth stanza run It was Elmer down on four safeties j Paisleys double coupled with make the grade They have been Bill Brookes turned while Frank had the j Brian Stokes and Cases trying to do it for years but not on the buffaloed on three hits good for two Mount sixth Bill Joey and frame tallies Believe all the loop fans Aurora Saturday would rejoice to see Vandorf match reports Queensville Redcaps Win Two Defeat Yake Team 185 128 Redcaps have hop- Ida collected a trio of into an early lead in the Lake- hits in each contest In the Fri- ladies league day game Betty Martin starred race Showing power at the plate at shortstop and poked out four and using Ida three star pitching as main stepping stones trimmed Au rora Yake Appliances twice last week At home blowing up a nine- run fifthinning explosion Red caps tripped Aurora At Au rora Friday the Redcaps gallop ed home in front The twin triumph stretched the Redcaps win streak to three straight Vivian topped the hit parade in the Redcaps victory Other hit leaders were Betty Martin Marie and Marie Robinson Proving that pitchers can hit quite succeeding However they keep on trying You cannot help but cheer for a trying bunch of guys like this the lcaguo5 new en try is one notch ahead of Van Good reports to hand on the pitching of redhead Frank Down in the cellar and from all reports having trou ble fielding a team find Keswick Legion Stay with it men win lose or draw it still can be a lot of fun Here at home Charlie Vananl and George Watt have our ladies going strong and holding down second place behind Fly ers in the Barrio loop Theres always one thing this can say about the local lassies without fear or con tradiction and that Vivian got into the hit act with four while Barbara Foster and Marie Robinson chalk ed up a trio of hits Marie homered in the winning cause Ida limited Aurora to five hits Laura Mae and more titles and more honors Tony Brooks shared the Aurora to the Hub than any of our mens pitching duties Velma Ham- ball sides hit best for Aurora in the In the ladies camp they dont 185 loss Two rookies Donna say whos on first They say and Susan came up Watts on first and Watts on sec ond Barbara and Helen Watt to be sure and two dandy ball play- in an outstanding The win squared Au will Played he Newmarket A third and with fine home games The latter hit a bases a oases loaded home run In Auroras eight run fourth Jackie Ransom and Laura Mae packaged fine hit marks for Aurora Good to see Mary How Would You Call This One Art the loyal follower In with another query week In a recent town league game McNeil Dodgers first Huso went to bat out of turn The error however wasnt discovered until two hatters later Marriott followed Hugo and then Al Hopper to bat Hopper who was actually batt ing In order was called out for batting out of order Was Hopper out or not that In the question Lets look at a couple of sections of Rule for the answer Hugo definitely would have been out had error been discovered In time The rule reads batsman Is out If he falls to take his position at the bat In the turn in which his name appears In the hatting order Said rule goes on to sty this rule shall not be enforced unless the error be and the out to be declared before the ball be delivered to the batsman next facing the pitcher The error wasnt discovered until after Marriott came to bat so Hopper was not out Osborne back looking after the third base I territory in efficient style and Barbara is proving allstar short stopper Of course dont have to tell yof third contest attraction ft if the teams cfe on It must ttber of our gal- game goalie Dun- Nelson Jim can Stepjfifike on Richard- the limn Aside to Bill want another i lip via foothaln AlFulham m playirst Wo safe I Wt fjii the Wo this about You wouK lhr tennis have to travel far and wide and win find a better pitcher In fact couldnt find a better fielding anywhere The only gal to measure up to our is Barries Dorothy Miller these two net together in a p I duel its always a dandy town costs- on should season con- iely iid- operating ew Dairymen Dean for our Belhaven Gals Win First Swamp Hill Team Again 93 hi- The Aurora Dairymen perform ing in PeelYork league play are like a snowball headed down a mountainside There is no stopping them The Dairymen sluggers making hay against two Nobleton Thursday at Aurora defeated The win kept the Dairymens unbeaten skein on the and assured Aurora of a first place finish in the league Just about every Aurora swin ger got in at least one hi SWAMP Newmarket ladies grew rich on pitching and everybody got into the hit act as the walloped 202 at the fair grounds July in a Barrio- and district ladies softball game The local ladies will entertain Orillia at the fair grounds tonight in a contest Gama tint When you net top flight pitch ing the rest is easy At least thats how it worked out for as they swamped Richmond Hill 202 at Belhaven Friday in a Lake ladies lea gue game It was Belhavens first win in league play Previously Belhav had lost two games the best catcher In the and coach Vanant doesnt worry about swallowing cigar when the ball goes to the outfield Camped out there on patrol are three sure fire catch ers Preston Colleen Cain Aurora Dairymen if you havent heard are in a class by themsel ves in the PeelYork lea gue On the field of combat al though they have had two games taken away from via a com mittee room ruling the Dairy men havent been beaten Norm still pitching JjJ The biggest pair them with old time vigour is the hitters were efficient catcher backbone of the pitching corps rj and veteran diamond Making it easy for their pitcher rapid reliable Bob Hart as record a lopsided triumph his chief and able agister hitters got busy and The Aurora infield matches showered the diamond with a anything in the district with Bob flock of basehits Mary Vernon j Harman Grant Winter Chuck and Joan headed the list I Cowie and Ron Simmons forming of big hitlers the picket line Don rat- At Richmond Hill showing that wih he cacher lhe they were ready to share the wea lth Belhaven dropped a de cision Mary Jean Sinclair the ace of the Belhaven staff checked Rich mond Hill with an excellent three j Joan Kydd who wasnt pitching job and mowed down I ad with best of fielding tetter er pitches circuit The Dairymen also boast about performer Ron Simmons Both slammed out two hits included a big three run triple as Aurora rocketed away to a com fortable second inning lead Other efficient Aurora stickmen were Bob Harman and Jon While his mates were busy at the plate Norm Stunden sou- the speediest quartet of outfield ball hawks to be found anywhere dram with a classy in Harold Stephenson Andy CIoss Jon and Barry Cook A battle shaping up in Rest batters for Len Owens nine were hockey Sampson and Doug Broad