Newmarket Era and Express, 1 Aug 1957, p. 5

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Auction Sale GUERNSEYS Milking Females Bred era IS Open heifer Fresh before sale time Springing in August due in September due October and November IS Winter Carvers hi The Complete Dispersal Of The Bon Haven Herd Owners Bros Locust Hill Ontario Important Added Entries From The Dane Hill Acres Herd of TJntemore Ontario All Fully Accredited Bangs Vaccinated and Tested AUGUST 1957 at HAYS SALES ARENA Trafalgar Ontario We doubt whether there has ever been a more favourable opportun ity to invest in good Guernsey cows than right now The in creasing demand for whole milk throughout Ontario and the fact that so many milking females and bred heifers in this sale are calving at precisely the right time suggest the sound business sense of taking advantage of this opportunity to fill your founda tion and replacement require ments Some of Canadas best known bulls are represented with daugh ters in this sale that features daughters of It De fender by Victors Com mander in addition to daughters of Hominy Hill Admiral McDon ald Farms Pre Rex Raider Foremost Footprint Trumpeter and others We particularly want to recom mend to your attention a fine group of open heifers and calves by McDonald Farms Constellation ond Cur tis Candy Supreme Write now for copy of the catalogue to the Sale Managers HAYS FARMS LIMITED DEATHS Box Ontario Phone Victor CARD OF THANKS The daughters of the late Peter Clark extend grateful appreci ation relatives and friends for their axpresslons of sympathy kindly acts and the many floral tributes in the death of their be loved father They rejoice in the respect paid to his memory and appreciate the kindness given by the congregation of Pres byterian church also the kindly inquires of Ws many friends dur- the period of ill health CARD OF THANKS wish to express our sincere thanks to our neighbours friends and relatives for acts of kindness of sympathy and floral tributes with special thanks to Father Sullivan and and Rose Funeral Home for their efficient service in our recent loss Mr Mrs J McDonald and family CARD OF THANKS The family of the late Jlmmie Clark of Miami Beach wish to thank their many friends for all deeds of kindness extended to them during their recent especially thanking kind friends and neighbours of Miami Beach and of Beverley Hills Subdivisions also the Funeral Home and Dr for his kind attention BIRTHS AT YORK COUNTY HOSPITAL BRAY On Wednesday July 24 to Mr and Mrs Ronald Bray Newmarket a daughter BLIGHT On Thursday July to Mr and Mrs Grant Blight Newmarket a daughter DAVIS On Monday July to Mr and Mrs Harry Da vis Kettleby a daughter FAULKNER On Sunday July to Mr and Mrs Thomas Faulkner R 3 King a daugh ter FINES On Tuesday July 23 to Mr and Mrs Walter Fin Aurora a son JENKINS On Tuesday Julv to Mr and Mrs Gerald Jenkins Newmarket a daughter MacDONALD On Tuesday July to Mr and Mrs Hugh MacDonald Newmarket a son HOGG On Friday July 26 to Mr and Mrs Charles F J Hogg Richmond Hill a son OGLE On Sunday July to Mr and Mrs Robert Ogle Keswick a son On Wednesday July to Mr and Mrs Anthony R R Bradford a son On Saturday July 27 to Mr and Mrs Ronald VanOstrom Pefferlaw a son WATTS On Tuesday July to Mr and Mrs Albert Wats Newmarket a son On Friday July 28 to Mr and Mrs Harold a daughter WALLACE Mr and Mrs Wallace Si Catharines are hap- to announce the birth of their on Monday July at Catharines General hospital for Jean Sunday July 28 Anderson of Kes wick in his year hus band of Edith Kershaw father of Donald of Keswick Edward Ted Toronto Mrs M Mc Caffrey Newmarket Funeral service was held on Wednesday at 2 from Funeral Home Queensville Interment cemetary ANDREWS At Newmarket on Monday July 29 Phoebe Jane Andrews of 38 Chatsworth Drive Toronto wife of the late George Andrews mother of Ruth and Gertrude Mrs Charles and the late Edna An drews Service in the Trull Fu neral Home today at pm In terment Mt Pleasant cemetery CLARK- Peter suddenly on Thursday July 2d 1957 at Claremont Nursing Home Peter Clark of King City formerly of husband of the late Emily Kennedy father of Mrs Laura Rolling and Kath leen Clark of King City Service was held on Saturday at pm from and Low Funeral Home Uxbridge Mary Elizabeth at Cedar Lodge Ont on Sunday July Mary Elizabeth Houghton wife of Pe ter and mother of Jack King and sister of Mrs Dyer and Houghton of Tor onto in her year Service was held on Wednesday July at pm Interment King City cemetery At York Manor New market on Saturday July 20 Louis Hundt in his Sear wife of the late Caroline alter father of Martha Mrs J Mc Donald Newmarket Bea trice Mrs Albert Rugg and Roman J of Gait Funeral service was held from St Johns Church Newmar ket on Tuesday July Inter ment St Johns Cemetery PRICE- At York County Hospi tal Newmarket on Sat July Blanche Keller beloved wife of Harper Price mother of Mrs Bert Coles Harry ville Eileen Mrs J K Watts Newmarket grandmother of Richard Coles Carol and Stephen Price Funeral service was held on Tuesday in Trinity United Church at pm Interment New market Cemetery SEDORE At his home Cedar Brae July 29 Walter in his year husband of the late Nancy father of Darius Merlin and of Cedar Brae Mrs Fergus Curl Geneva of Whitby of Brown Hill and Mrs Herbert Galbraith Lottie of Newmar ket Service was held on Wed nesday interment adjoining ce metery Baldwin IN IRISH In loving memory of Oliver Irish who passed away Aug O happy hours we once en joyed How sweet their memory still But death has left a lone liness The world can never fill Sadly missed by wife Nell daughter Jean and soninlaw John WELLER In loving memory of a dear mother Ethel Woller who passed away suddenly August 2 1954 The depth of sorrow we cannot tell Of the loss of one we loved so well And while she sleeps a peace ful sleep memory we shall always keep Lovingly remembered by the family WOOD in loving memory of our son and brother Bill who pass ed away Aug 5 Just when your life was brigh test Just when your years were best You were called from this world of sorrow To a home of eternal rest remembered by mother father and family Consumers Gas Co Hires Factory Locating Service The Consumers Gas Company America has retained Factory Lo cating Service of Chicago and New York City to consult with it in connection with the companys program of industrial develop ment throughout its service area The Factory Locating Service is the oldest and largest firm of plant location consultants in the world During its 36year history it has served well over firms involving every phase of plant location decision Fantus has been active throughout the United States Canada and South volved In Plant Location and He is the author of many artic les on plant location and the mi gration of industry including one recently published in the Harvard Business Review on Plant Loca tion He collaborated with his New York partner Leonard in writing the textbook Plant Location He has authored such articles as W h a t Industry Looks For In A New Location Administrative Considerations In Plant Location Statistical Analy sis Of The Economic Problems 5 The Newmarket Era and Express Thursday Aug Weed of the Week ONE NEGLECTED WEED CAN PRODUCE NEW CROP Your HOME and GARDEN This attractive twobedroom house shows what ingenious design and good siting can do with a building budget of 14000 says Canadian Homes and Gardens in its current report on awardwinning builders houses Plan provides for outdoor living on three sides of house and walls of glass in dining and living rooms An important feature said judges is covered walk that connects carport to main entrance ENGAGEMENTS The engagement is announced of daughter of Mr and Mrs Ane Shombcrg to Mr James Charles Harris son of Mrs A Harris Newmarket and the late Harry Harris the wed ding to lake place in Trinity United Church Newmarket on Saturday August Mr and Mrs Alvey Lunau an nounce the engagement of their daughter Catherine Ruth to Mr Donald William Skinner son of Mr and Mrs Skinner Mount Albert The marriage to take place Saturday Aug 1957 at 3 pm in the United Ch urch Mount Albert Mr and Mrs Kenneth Rose Mount Albert announce the of their daughter Mar ine Agnes to Mr Harry Morgan Simpson son of Mr and Mrs Herbert Simpson the wedding to take place Saturday Aug 24 at 3 pm in United Church Mr and Mrs James Cutcheon Orangeville wish to announce the engagement of Esther May Ellis to Mr Joseph T Clark son of Mr and Mrs J Clark Raven- shoe the wedding to take place on Saturday August at pm at St Johns Anglican Church Mono Mills 30 Builders Houses In Canadas newest design com petition for lowcost builders nouses 30 were chosen as award winners from entries submitt ed Toy design conscious builders The maximum number of awards permitted were made only in the two coastal regions British Col umbia got five out of five and the Atlantic provinces got three out of three In the Prairie region the jury gave only five of a poss ible nine awards in Ontario awards were made of a possible 15 and In Quebec only five of a possible eight Altogether only 30 of a possible regional awards were picked Studying the win ners and how they were judged can help you find the best house for your needs if you are on a househunting safari in your own area this summer The competition was the first move In a campaign to improve housing design by the new Can adian Housing Design Council an independent body of business- men architects builders and con sumers who want to encourage the improvement of housing de sign in Canada The entries were limited to houses built between April and December and costing no more than 14000 without land The 30 awardwin ners six national and region al are hard to equal in most Can adian subdivisions because of high standards insisted upon by the judges A report in the current Canad ian Homes and Gardens summar izes how the designs were judged Entrances and walks marks went to houses where entrances gave to the without cutting up lawn areas Garage and carport point- went to nearness to house an- to those in which you cotfld directly from garage to un der some sort of shelter Interior plans judges preferred in which bedrooms were separat ed from rest of house and when rooms did not have to be use as hallways Kitchens judge- looked for logical and arrangement of counter space sink stove and refrigerator aw those that provided a kitchen cat space Sie and location o closets and cupboards were alr important Structure house with simple perimeter that allow uncomplicated framing preferred particularly designs which the mechanical facilities were grouped for economy Exter iors top marks to simple and straightforward designs simple roofs and restrained use of mat erials were favored Taking oil those factors intc account the judges found could grant only six nat ional awards Canadian Homer and Gardens which for three years has presented its own twice- yearly survey of the best build ers houses in Canada comment that the contest was a great suc cess simply for focusing national attention on the importance of good design in subdivision homes the importance of in housing rather than concentrat ing on quantity and speed of pro duction Decorating a Builders House Lower cost subdivision houses have one problem in common houses and rooms get smaller as builders cut down on space to save costs Canadian Homes and Gardens Decorating Editor Pat ricia suggests the follow ing decorating rules to make small rooms more spacious and to solve other common decorating problems Remember that the less furnit ure in a room the bigger the room will look Use where you can they take a lot less space To make a small den seem bigger try these ideas compact furniture arrangement of storage chests adjustable wall shelves open- look chair and use big contrast ing carpet squares to open up the room In any room rely heav ily on good color it can make a great difference to its visual size Follow these color rules use light colors on walls and ceilings and save bright strong contrast- America will assist Consumers in the establishment of an indus trial development department The program will include com munity analysis and assistance to communities in order to insure their readiness for industrial de velopment The Company expert in charge of the Consumers Gas program in Ontario is Maurice Fulton As a partner in the firm he has been a plant location con sultant to more than com panies manufacturing everything from shoe laces to battleships In connection with surveys and analyses of communities and areas Mr Fulton has travelled over 500000 miles and has visited over communities in the United States Canada and South The engagement is announced of Miss Mary Jane Williams daugh ter of Mrs Robert L Williams Nelson Nebraska and the late Reverend Robert L Williams to Dr Mervyn Henry son of Mr and Mrs Ezra New market The wedding will take place August 28th at the First Presby terian Church Nelson Nebraska ing colors for accents in cushions ash trays rugs Too long rooms or rooms with awkward features present anoth er problem In a livingdining area that feels like a bowling all ey use furniture to make visual dividers a sofa set out from the wall or a versatile storage cab inet to split dining from living area Dont ignore an awkward feature in a room turn it into an asset The sofa set out from the wall leaves space behind for writing corner for instance and makes afocus for a conversation al grouping in front Seven Ways to Cool A Garden These are the ways Make the breezes come- where you want them by planting a curved wind screen of shrubs to catch any faint winds that come But lie- fore you plant a windguiding hedge note the direction of pre vailing winds If they are from the south southwest or west a hedge planted to the north or east will catch wind in a cool pocket where you can enjoy it Direct the shade where it will do your garden the most good Plant trees or vines on a trellis to the west of your house This way they will cast their shade in late afternoon the time of day when you will appreciate it most Trap cool air in the low spots in garden cool flows down like water and you can make good use of this phenomen on to find a cool spot for even ing sitting A slope of one foot or nore is enough to start cool air flowing Build a fence or plant hedge around lowest side to cap ture this cool air Gardening Editor Jane Little in the current Canadian Homes and Gardens goes on to suggest even the smallest pool in our garden can make you feel pooler and more comfortable As Seat from the air leaving air water evaporates it absorbs ound it much cooler Pool depth of two Inches enough Then rap the cool air by hacking the with shrubbery Another idea grass beside your house is well as being pleasant to look it grass serves a practical cool ing purpose The hot rays of the are absorbed when they the lawn not reflected Af ter the sun goes- down a lawn gives off cool moisture Make the garden walk cooler by breaking up paved areas that reflect glare and heat Surround them with lowgrowing shrubs Be sure no heavy shrub plantings ire walling in your garden com pletely leave wide gaps so that ill available air currents can flow into garden Pickling Is Half Imagination says Mme in the current Canadian Homes and Gardens In no other form of cuisine lore is there more freedom for the cook to use her imagination There are two basic secrets make only a few jars at a time when each fruit or veget able its host practice on has- TOWN WILL RELOCATE and then experiment with seasonings and other taste ingre dients that are still new to you These taste extras will brighten your menus during the winter A few dos and dont select ripe and sound vegetables Use hot peppers unusual spices and ingredients to make exciting mix tures Preferably use small glass jars Label and date filled jars and keep on dark cool shelves Any grease in pickle brine will cause them to spoil Keep veget ables brine at all times or they will become soft and slipp ery Shriveled pickles are result of a too strong salt sugar or vine gar solution Garlic may be add ed or deleted from recipe Use pure granulated salt and clean vinegar free from sediment Granulated white sugar is best For full flavor use spices of very best quality renewed each year Use whole spices unless recipe specifies otherwise Use soft wat er if possible Facts Of Life The Great Lakes Area Faces His firm founded In Chicago in during the past years has served such companies as Nash- Kelvinator Glass Corporation Rockwell Manufacturing Company West- inghouse Electric International Telephone and Telegraph Ameri can Brass and Chase Brass also has made special studies in industrial development and diversification for the State of Iowa Tennessee and Oklaho ma The Bessemer and Lake Eric Railroad and various other rail road utility companies Mr Fulton is a Director of thr Great Lakes Industrial Develop ment Council and a member o the American Industrial Develop ment Council York Manor Gets Newmarket Water Council at its July 22 meeting agreed to supply town water to York Manor the countys home for the aged on St At pre sent York Manor obtains its water from the second concession of King township In a resolution introduced by Councillor George Haskett and seconded by Reeve Edward council agreed to construct a water main on St from Millard Ave to Eagle St The county and town will share on a 5050 basis the cost of instal ling a sixinch waterline from this main to the countys stand- Pipe- The water met re cently with the commissioners for York Manor Mr told council We felt the town should supply water for the home to pro vide better fire protection There are former Newmarket residents at York Manor We are having trouble with water in dead ends of the mains on the west side of town he con tinued It will help this situa tion and improve water pressure new sections of town to ex tend the water mains from Mil lard along Yonge to Eagle St Reeve agreed with Councillor Haskett adding that the most uptodate fire proven- lion equipment has been installed there by the county The supply of water from King township sources has not been satisfactory he said Due to the heavy rains silt has washed down and the wa ter is not clear A copy of the resolution was forwarded to the warden of York county HOLD RECEPTION AT POLLOCK FARM Reeve and Mrs Roy Pollock opened their farm home on July 25 for a reception by the Toronto and York roads commision The reception was held on the beautifully landscaped grounds of the Pollock farm following the official opening of the Don Mills road extension It was attended by officials from all levels of Can adian government and their friends Speaking at the opening cere monies Mr Pollock reviewed the SI extension He said he had attended the first meeting to discuss the project five ycara ago ENGAGEMENTS Mrand Mrs Lee New market wish to announce the engagement of their daughter Jean Ruth Phyllis to Mr Arthur J Webster son of Mr and Mrs J Webster Thornhill the wed ding to take place on Saturday August at oclock In the Free Methodist Church New market OBITUARY ELIZABETH DEL GRANDE Mrs Elizabeth Del Grande 33 wile of senior master at St An drews college Aurora was killed by a bus as she crossed an inter section in downtown Schenectady NY Monday night She had ac companied her husband to the S city where he was doing re search Two sons Michael and Tim othy were with relatives in Toronto Mrs Del Grande leaves her mother Mrs George Pringle Toronto and a brother Prin Islington MISGUIDED SEWER LINE Council approved the reloca tion of approximately 200 feet of sewer on a Charles St property at a cost of 600 so the property will be usable as a building site Reeve told council it was the proposed location of the Brewers warehouse The land was owned by the de velopers of the Shady Acres sub division in East It was sold to Kenneth Ponting but there was no easement for a sew er in the deed Mr Wrightman said The property is immediate ly north of the Era and Express plant I have been on council for four years and on the sewage committee but I did not know about the sewer said the reeve sewer runs across the pro perty and makes it unsuitable for any building For a small cost the town can construct a sewer and tie it Into one on Charles St making the property suitable for building purposes Is that where we want the Brewers warehouse located asked Councillor Knapton If the town is paying approximately to move a sewer on the land it has the right to say what goes on the property You cant tell a private citizen what is going on his property replied Councillor Kent The owner has the deed Ha has the property available through the real estate No doubt the subdi visions will have some sugges tions as to what should be done OBITUARY Peter Clark Funeral service for the late Pc Clark of King City of Uxbridge aged was held Saturday July at McGuin and Low funeral chapel Ux bridge with interment in Quake Hill cemetery near Rev Simpson Black ministe of Chalmer Presbyterian enure officiated Mr Clark died suddenly fron an attack of coronary thrombose early last Thursday morning a the Claremont nursing home Surviving are his daughters Mrs Laura Rolling and Miss Ka Clark of King City He predeceased by his wife the for mer Emily Kennedy in Active pallbearers were hi neighbors on the Sixth Conces sion of Scott township Turner Elmor Mustard Ale Noble Jr Norman Gibson his grandnephew Ray Ferguson and Norman Yeomanson Uxbridge Honorary pallbearers from King City were Morgan Baker Keith Cambden J Lang- don Edwin Robson Fergus Law- son T Thompson and Alex Mustard of Scott township Mr Clark was born on the Sixth Concession of Scott four miles northwest of on the pioneer farm taken out crown deed land in by his fa ther John Clark and grandfather after they emigrated from Scot land that same year Peter was the last of the family to own the property held in name for 119 years He was the only survivor of the children of John Clark and Jessie Mr Clark was a farmer until he retired to live in King City at the home of his married daugh ter He was well known in agr icultural circles in Ontario coun ty He was an early member of Agricultural Society and was on the directors board for several years Ho was also a past president of the organization He was a staunch Liberal in poli tics in Ontario County and was an organizer and executive offi cial He was also past president of Scott Liberal Association Af ter he came to King City he con tinued active interest in his party until the last couple of years He was also a member of Lake Marie and King Athletic association He was a Presbyterian in faith His father was one of the original founders of Quaker Hill Presby terian church and cemetery grounds and his grandfather was the first buried in that cemetery in His father was also the first municipal clerk of Scott township when it became Incor porated Peter Clark was also associated with Presbyterian church which his father had help ed to build as an original sub scriber to the building fund The deceased had a r m d on the outskirts of Uxbridge town for years and was interested in municipal affairs He and his wife took over the Scott township homestead after his elder brother George moved to Manitoba He stayed on the for a num ber of years until his retirement One of the priceless possessions in his long life was the value he placed on friendship and borlincss His regard for in tegrity his fine sense of humor and his indomitable spirit will be remembered by his associates The large attendance at the fu neral and those who visited the funeral home to pay their last re spects represented town Scott Uxbridge and Reach townships Sunderland mont Toronto Aurora Bolton Richmond Hill Mount Albert Vancouver Winnipeg and several from King City Among the display of floral tri butes were those from Presbyterian church the staff of the Newmarket Era and Express and Lake Marie and King Athlet ic Association Nature has ways and means of spreading weed seeds to ensure the survival of the spe cies Because of this man must fight a continual battle against weeds in order to grow his crops and produce the food which means the continual battle against weeds in order to grow his crops and prouce the food which means the continuance of the human race reports field crops branch of the Ontario department of agriculture Many of the common weeds are annuals which grow flower and set seed all in one year These are usually prolific seeders pro ducing several thousand seeds per plant in many cases These weeds should be cut before the seed sets in order to keep them under con trol but each and every weed must be destroyed as the seeds from just one plant can produce whole new crop the following year In the longlived or perennial ype of weed there are many that oread by underground root well as from seed These resent a double problem as the if not destroyed will spread new locations even though the portion of the plant cut and burned Wind water animals and man responsible for the spread of weeds The seeds of many are equipped with tiny or parachutes to enable the to scatter them far and Water especially at flood me carries many more weed to new locations and other cods such as Burs cling to and spread in that way Ian however is the greatest and when he plants is not weed seed free he can the stands of old and weeds at an alarming rate It has been said that if we die lothing to control weeds for oars the would become desert and farming would be possible From this it can he that constant vigilance and work is required to keep weeds from spreading and to eradicate those already present One of the first steps is to cut all weeds be fore they produce seed McCaffreys Flowers FOR EVERT OCCASION Flowers Telegraphed All Over the World MAIN STREET NEWMARKET Phone TW54862 PERRINS Flower Shop Member Florists Telegraph Delivery Association Flowers wired to all parts of the world FUNERAL FLOWERS A Specialty 181 Main St Newmarket Phone Son QUEENSVILLE FUNERAL DIRECTORS AND AMBULANCE SERVICE PHONE Roadhouse Rose Funeral Directors MAIN STREET NEWMARKET YOUR CHAMBER OF COMMERCE IS BUILDING A BETTER COMMUNITY Newmarket Ambulance Service hour Phone mi mm iii THEAKER DREWERY FUNERAL and AMBULANCE SERVICE Phono Attend One Of These CHURCHES SUNDAY AUGUST CHRISTIAN BAPTIST CHURCH Main St Newmarket Minister Rev Fred Musical Director Stephen Crisp am Sunday school am Union service with Trinity United church We welcome the members Trinity United Church to the com bined services All Welcome CHURCH OF THE MAIN AT CHURCH OF THE Mount Albert Gospel Church All services withdrawn for this Sunday only owing to the dis trict camp at TRINITY UNITED CHURCH Minister Rev Duncan White MA Music Director Leon P Nash Joint Service during July and August with the Christian church am Morning worship in the Christian Baptist church At home or on holiday worship on Sunday FREE METHODIST CHURCH Rev Reynolds Minister Mrs Gerald Sedore Organist am Sunday school am Divine worship pm Evangelistic service Tuesday pm Prayer service ATTENTION BOYS AND GIRLS DAILY VACATION BIBLE SCHOOL AUGUST 5S 31 You are welcome ST ANDREWS PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH Minister Rev Stuart Johnston MA B Organist Mr Rudolph Hey dens am Sunday school 11 am Nursery and Beginners am Public worship VICTORY BAPTIST CHURCH Fellowship of Evangelical Baptist Churches Corner Arthur and Newton Sts Newmarket Pastor Rev Roy Lawson am Sunday school 10 am Pastors Bible class am service- Wed pm Prayer meeting Thurs 8 pm Ladies meeting A warm welcome awaits you FULL GOSPEL TABERNACLE Boy Scout Hall Newmarket am Morning worship 10 am Sunday school Evangelistic service Pastor R Running Affiliated with the Pentecostal Assemblies of Canada Organist Miss June Haines am Sunday school am Morning worship On July 28 and Aug there will bo no Sunday evening ser vice Camp Sleeting July through Aug S at Pefferlaw nightly Sunday am pm and pm i fc GRACE CHURCH Street Pastor Rev A Yielding am Bible school for all It am and pm Guest preacher MR RAYMOND WEDNESDAY at pm BIBLE STUDY Always A Welcome At Grace FRIENDS MEETING Street Newmarket am Meeting for worship Newmarket Meeting House 230 pm Monthly Meeting at Street Meeting House Come and meet with us All welcome The risen Christ is my Lord and my God UNITED MISSIONARY CHURCH and Rev Minister am Broadcast Kc am Worship am Sunday school- noon Worship 730 pm Evening SALVATION ARMY Newmarket Corps 14 queen pm meeting pm Sunday school am Holiness meeting Wednesday pm Home League meeting Thurs pmCottage Prayer Meeting Captain and Mrs a commanding Invite yon to make the Army year church home GREETING CARDS FOR best in Christian liter ature books plaques stationery and greeting cards of all kinds etc come and see- at the Evangelical Book and Gift Howard Newmar ket William Hall authorised agent phone TW 54460 New market

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