A big attraction of the Centennial was the museum in the new library building Old household implements pictures books and old documents relating to the early days were on display The ex hibition was opened by A MP seen here between two of the ladies responsible for the Mrs H Hooker and Mrs Downey 1- el s KESWICK fit Mr and Mrs Marvin Clark en tertained the Clark family on Saturday Aug Also being Mr birthday which celebrated at this time The tea on the lawn at St Rauls church was well attended much credit is due the worthy cause Mr and Mrs Dick and daughters visited Mr and Mrs Walter Draper on Saturday Mrs spent a few days in Toronto with her niece Miss Bessie One of our fall residents is of Woodbridge haulage has three of his trucks working on the Milford Rye farm who worked hard for a most back in his home town Albert day was August Congratulations are extended to Mrs who celebrated her birthday Monday Aug and to Mrs J Oliver whose left las week for Edmonton Alberta af ter spending the past three weeks holidaying with her parents Mr and Mrs John Shier Mrs Leila attended a birthday party in of Dr Irene held at her nieces home Mrs Hymus on the lawn in Toronto last week Rev and Mrs of Odessa are visiting friends and relatives in Mr and Mrs Stewart of Pickering College Newmarket have spending a few days at the Park Plaza hotel in Toronto Mrs Hugh Flanagan Sr spent last weekend at Cobalt vi siting her daughter Miss Lily Flanagan Among The Visitors Were Ifc market Era ft IE Among the visitors at the New- teacher at the market Centennial Celebrations school last week wese From Park Marilyn Jones Sue Jones Jones and Alan Bry ant From Saek Mrs Sonny Townsley from Acton also Mrs C and Lloyd from Acton From KeHy From Bremen Germany Mrs From Cheshire Muir I Bessie Smith Kyi- ton From Kettering Pauline From Quebec Catherine McCaffrey From Montreal Mrs Terrell Verln Van Jessie McPherson from Mount fur a long teacher at school Jessie Curric Mrs A Gardiner from Meaford and Mr A Gardiner a former rid I Haifa of John tffrfttd htirh services school at at it a Johnny foal Sun der Birthday Club Birthday wishes are extended this week to Stephen Brian Phillips New market 8 years old on Friday Aug Lynda Miller K 3 Peterbor ough years old on Sunday Aug Marie Ann Pegg Mount Albert old on Sunday Aug John years old on Wednesday Aug Starr Garrett Newmar ket years old oh Wednesday Aug Send in your name address age and become a member of the Newmarket Era and Express m from Or Mi naff the King George Morion Stewart and Harry on of luff bare Mrs J Murphy Mr bad Ruby Mow Jopfckis a market high school teacher a Urge trucking Hew music teacher in so from Meaford Mrs J It Kina market which handled Off schools former srripmftfiU From Henri MacPerrin formerly us brother of Rudy Newmarket who now hari ion of lit I Mr and Mrs Gordon shop in Midland Davis Chatham j Mrs George West Julia Mi Ruth Mr and Mrs Frank Smaller Toronto of Chatham Mr nod lo ihi Old Country Ship or Airplane HERBERT GOODHOOFD for and M AfrUflifi fHtvi Trans Airlines Vewmsrk tint TW From New York Mrs Anna A and and Scott Hash Toronto Kathleen Walsh Kirk Mrs former teacher at the- Alexander Ham J school Former Imperial Bank man- Bell Toronto ton ager H and Mrs former Mrs I from Cecil Bond New I Dr J Boyd Toronto From North Boy physician and mayor A Vonda Winn Mrs G Newmarket Clarke from Gait Thomas E who was Butcher Toronto for John Harvey also James Marshall from Coburg From Detroit Mich Mabel Morning Alexander and Sue Stephens DRAPERY FREE Betty Jane Gould Guelph Olive Arnold and Arn old from Gravenhurst foreman at the Davis Leather Co station agent at old or many years From Ottawa BenniU Bender Chalmers Mr and Mos k Marian from Harold Evans Mrs DayLuce and Gore Bay From Houston Texas Homer Mrs Scott formerly a school I j Annie Scott Toronto for- mer long at the King George school Also from Mr and Mrs t j NATURAL GAS CENTRE cummer 1 Power Glide TrantmUston Power Stearins Power Brakes and Defroster Radio Ready drlva Mean and full of for J to Students and 100 handsome clock radios 1350 to Teachers Gas Automatic Clothes Dryers to Parents I lis i if ihn fife it- equipment Sea the latest In natural flat home hunting and cooking See the modern marvels that natural gat the finest fuel how Is carried for of miles how Is measured and controlled Here is Hera Is excitement III I WEST COLISEUM ANNEX I memorial in From Phoenix Arizona Jen nie Stephens Bailey From Pembroke Mrs William Webster Mr Clifford whoso father had the Knowles store on Main St years ago Hiltz from Osborne and sculptor who did the D St rv and Mrs Sidney from I Toronto who former dents From Mrs former and Express staff McCai Helen from j store and who rater ftom Sask and Mrs Bogari Prince C tRthbsook a f omer at the King Geo- owricL school Mrs Adeline Parry Sound J Ham whose fete husband Had a photography shop where the new Post office now stands Motlen- 1 From avfrewood Wisconsin haw j Dale Bennington j Many others came from Tor- 1 4aruS ftftes onto Aurora Bradford Sweden Mr and Mrs SATISFACTION GUARANTEED WJ Mate On Alabama Mrs Aaaa St Lewis lom Barry and and Mrs ton Beeton BeadfowS Hampton Am ffert 24iio Landing Keswick Cedar Valley Mount Albert Peterborough St Windsor Warton and Waterloo Sunday DIRECT THE For 51CH we Tout and the Terminal on bases transfer Toronto Bus Term to the and Information at KW6 TIT In a recent ceremony at Keswick United church Eliza beth daugbter of Mr and Mrs Bernard Rye Kvawick was married to Allan Beta Photo by Ted Leonard Junior Champ For her second year m competition Marsasee daugh ter of Mr and Mrs Hayes carried M ftrst prises in the junior division of the International Gladiolus show at the Centennial She won first prize for one spike first for three spikes and first for arrangement Photo by Mike Our own home thanks lo a Citizens loan nlrd but is ju one Mich enough for My a friend atiuns sad ho they up to At nearby office our h us the money ami repJrneol plan we could handle Mr 1 1 Is just one of many people from Finance You will too Drop In im a call the neat you want money M loom M o4dearlot HA MM COMPANY LIMITED fcU aura stAX Sot ww