It it unofficially estimated that the carryover of unsold Canadian wheat at the start of the new crop year was between arid million bushels equal to more than two years normal exports YOUR WAY TO GGER PAY Job you and alary you Ions for if you pre- font- J fordcfin- aoal lively training umccit employ- NOW mm as soon as you are MY CLASS NOW OPEN Recognized diploma courses or separate subjects ASmMflWffes rial Tralnles CofnnteriM Ami rial mt far no ma my amms SHAW SCHOOLS Readers Write St Cemetery Should Be Burlington Ontario August Dear Mr Editor As a recent visitor to Newmar ket and one who out of the blue has become very interest ed in your town during the past three weeks may I express an cairn marking the spot and in clude the names of all those har dy pioneers who are buried there To do this would see a justice done to the men and women Who were the builders of your town Canada desperately needs its his tory and Newmarket should make its own contribution to the pas opinion about one aspect of your Dy a mo of this sort centennial which may have been overlooked As a newspaperman it was a pleasure for me to read editions of The Era and Express publish ed before and after the celebrat ions and then go on to enjoy the book 1857 published a- the towns history service clubs and institutions- Between paying visits to the York County hospital which is surely one of the most efficient and friendly hospitals one could wish to find I passed a lot of time seeing dif ferent parts of Newmarket and the district round about Bernard Kimb Managing Editor The Burlington Gazette The Editor Toronto August 26 I noted your Dairy Farmer fine rural picture anenl whs might happen if some of other agricultural policies an principles were subjected to mature vote if for example som other controls could be discards just to see how we could far I was particularly interested in without them if there was a vo Temple and consider it to open the Winnipeg Grain best Sharon Temple and consider one of the best museums of its type anywhere in the province I also derived a wealth of infor mation from the short history of the town written by Ethel Trewhella Under the paragraph Early Residents I was espec ially interested in a reference tc the towns first physician Dr change or do away with some the restrictions on milk market Aye Mr Editor the results a mature vote would in deed be interesting and but fo he fact that such voting is always costly to build air operate I would he very much CMWUW August 24th to September 7th except Sunday INTO THI GROUNDS i ARE rot 240 INCLUDES ADMISSION childrens rates see your Agent Exhibition admission and bus transfer direct into and from the grounds Newmarket MO am Leave Exhibition pm Bui Terminal Daylight Time Exhibition pa tigers ravelling on regular buses will transfer si Toronto Bus Terminal to buses running Into the grounds Tickets and Information at KING GEORGE HOTEL IV Christopher who came I favor of it that so lone a- to Newmarket in Before this history was written was it general knowledge that lived to the ripe old age of UP years surely a record for Can ada and how many people knew he was buried in the Anglican Cemetery on Eagle Street Armed with this information I went along to find his tomb stone and what a disappointment to discover that only two stones remained several being left in a pile all broken and the ceme tery in a state of decay Presum ably this old graveyard was once consecrated and this alone should sufficient to make sure it did not fall into disuse but more than this it is among your most im portant historical landmarks and must be preserved at all cost In all parts of Ontario today a growing interest is being shown in these old locations which tell us so much about Canadas early history and town councils ser vice clubs and local historical societies are making big contri butions towards their upkeep At Sharon where David Will- son the fountjer of The Children of Peace is buried the cemetery is properly fenced and well pre served and what this small com munity can do Newmarket could do much more easily Having celebrated your well organized centennial so success fully would it not be possible to mark the occasion for posterity by making sure these historical sites are properly preserved A start with the Eagle Street cem etery would be an excellent way of taking the plunge If the cannot he replaced in their correct order which is imposs ible now could the town erect a DOMINION JAMBOREE LUCKY DODGER NUMBERS If you have one of these Lucky Dodgers bring it to Cliff Mens Wear store in Newmarket and receive your Free Double Pass to Jamboree care was taken that only people directly concerned as fo- example in the case of money by laws and a mature vote of the citizen ratepayers along the pave ments should record their views Now of course it need hardly bo stressed that nothing in Vale of Tears is perfect nor anywhere near that Utopian tar get so probably the best demo cratic mechanism availabe to us is the principle of the twothird majority being needed to estab lish the sovereign will of the people in a mature vote So therefore assuredly there would be folk to vote against the Cana dian Wheat Board and in favor of reopening the speculative fu tures market in wheat On the other hand I am satis fied that no one knows better than those same speculative grain traders at Winnipeg that as the CFA Canadian Federation of Agriculture phrased it in their recent meeting with the federal cabinet February The Canadian experience with board marketing of wheat oats and bar ley during the last few years should have and we believe in fact has placed this system of marketing for these crops defin itely in the noncontroversial ca tegory as far as Canada is con cerned Be that as it may where your famed columnists thought regis ters concerning the possibilities inherent in a mature vote tempts this reader to commend the idea to present federal authorities on Parliament Hill in attempting to deal with the fol lowing thoughts from the same brief submitted by nations organized farmers to the previous government The Canadian Fe deration of Agriculture recom mends that the Canadian Wheat Board he permanently establish ed as the sole marketing agency for all grains produced in Western Canada including flax and rye and regrets that such provision has not been made Yes sir a vote on this latter proposition would be most reveal ing I suggest that the per cent required majority among a mature vote of those prairie growers would be what Junior likes to describe as a breeze oAc em Councillor stated if he owned land in the area and wish ed to develope it commercially and council tried to enforce by law he would go to law and make things very uncomfortable for council also if every time council wished to enact or repeal a bylaw they had to consult var ious groups bylaws would be passed and the business of town would come to a stand still In answer to this we would say hat here is a direct contradict ion in one instance Mr what he would do and in he other what everyone else not be allowed to do also as Mr stated he would o to law if he found himself af- cted by bylaw then it is some teeth were put into bylaws On Monday night we saw an example as to how bylaw 616 been violated over the years wo cases were before council were effected by a bylaw in one case council ave the applicant permission the Mr being among those in fav or of the bylaw being violated n the second instance where the had just as good a for asking permission to a structure the council re cused permission Mr vot ing with those who refused to grant permission In our humble opinion if the first applicant was granted per mission then the second applicant should also have been granted as the reason for wish ing to erect this type of structure double garage was that the by law made it difficult to erect two single garages and still maintain the distance between hem as re quired by law One of the statements Mr made while speaking on the issue of bylaw was that al though our town was 100 years old it retained a charm of its own due to the fact that it just as opposed to the conform ity and monotony of modern de velopments which seem to be part of our present day life To retain certain areas as re sidential need not make them appear monotonous These resi dential areas need not be row up on row of identical house The design and elevation of homes can be such as to create a sense of individualism without having a commercial or industrial de velopment dotted here and there to break the monotony and add a bit of charm If Mr remarks on the question of character and charm of the town being retained have been correctly interpreted by us then all we can say is that any zoning bylaw that Mr may have a say in is going to be a This lettfr should not be in terpreted as a feeling of illwill towards Mr on the con trary we feel that although wel may not agree with the views expressed by Mr we rea lize that he Is acting in what he feels is in the best interests of the town Lyons Ratepayers Association are not decapitated by the stones from the wheels when they take off again I further submit thai the intent and purpose of the law which is alleged to have been violated was to provide for the orderly and safe merging or crossover of traffic at main intersections It should be noted also that that day in question was a cold raw miserable one when there was practically no traffic on any of the roads or pedestrians either to impede the progress of any vehicle I respctfully suggest that the intent or purpose of the law was in no way violated if and when the said offense took place Yours truly S A Little Commissioner for the taking of Oaths Province of Ontario Mr Editor rase 3 This is a personal letter in re ply to your editorial of a few weeks ago when you asked whe ther I was giving my unofficial notice of retirement from coun cil Mr Editor as the situation is as of now my answer to you and the Boag subdivision is that I will not shamed into anything by your paper or their criticisms This situation has arisen from my actions in trying to keep a promise which I made at the time Of the plebiscite that is that I would do all I could to have the liquor outlets situated so they would be to the most advantage to our Main St merchants Ap parently you or the Boag subdi vision people do not believe in an honest representative in coun cil Mr Editor the town took over the Boag subdivision premature ly only to please the people in that subdivision There had been no action from the to improve roads and services Al so at a cost of per house the town installed sewers Since then the people in the subdivision have been petitioning council for the most absurd things such as the 146 Victoria Street town supplying top soil grading The Era and Express Thursday Aug secretaries who can write such pathetic letters to the council and your paper so as to make some members of council feet as though they must support them to be elected Mr Editor am not an editor nor do I have a paper to sell I am not a fence sitter or a yes man and it is for that rea son that have taken this stand It is the stand of a good many other people too I have tried to do what was right by all and I intend to as as a whole even though they de- as am a member of far more than people not be blamed for have slept in Newmarket for are not fault last couple of years My contention is that it you are I also know of people who have i right and at election time the paid taxes and local improvement Boag subdivision is against me the town this year There are people living in the Sunny Hills subdivision who were born and raised here who fought for their country and came home to build their own homes They had pride in Mew- market Those people arc still waiting after ten years and more for sidewalks and sewers but they have enough intelligence to realize that at the moment it raises everyones taxes not only their own For this reason they do not wish to burden the town The Editor Newmarket Ontario August 1957 It is to be hoped that some one or a committee will underwrite Mrs Trewhellas book The History of Newmarket COSSAR HARPER AND COMPANY Charmed Accountants ARK PLEASED TO ANNOUNCE THE REMOVAL OF THEIR NEWMARKET OFFICE TO 2SSA Main St Telephone TW Newmarket J Jackson Resident Partner Telephone TW Dear Sir Auguat 1057 On Monday August 26 the town council discussed the first reading of a bylaw to repeal by law When council discussed the motion two weeks ago the vote was 62 in favor of retain ing it Since then it appears that cer tain other councillors have had second thoughts on the matter However one of the sponsors of the motion Mr seemed unrelenting in his efforts to have this bylaw repealed and was most emphatic on the issue Since Councillor remarks seem ed to us to contain certain con tradictious it would be very in teresting to study them Mr Ridler stated that bylaw has been ignored and violat ed so often it is not worth re taining In answer to this we would say that it has been the fault of previous councils who have turn ed a blind eye or given permiss ion for the erection of nonresi dential buildings in residential areas RAYS TAXI Prompt Service Capable Courteous Drivers Local or Distance Hospital Cases Our Three fully licensed and insured cars Til DAY OR NIGHT WATER ST NEWMARKET Copy To The Era and Express No Exbury Road Ontario 23rd August The Magistrate Town Hall Newmarket Out Your Worship This will acknowledge receipt of a summons issued in respect to a driving violation at Metro Road and County Road No section and of the High way Traffic Act ie not coming to full and complete stop to motor vehicle licence No which I was driving I would further advise that do hereby plead guilty and ap point the clerk as my agent to enter such a plea on my behalf and inform me by mail of the penalty imposed as 1 have no know ledge as to where Metro and County Road are located ex cept in a very general concept and in view of the fact thai I will in Western Canada on the day of the hearing I have sub mitted the above plea would further submit that in years of motor vehicle opera- lion II years of which were spent driving commercially and during which time several safety awards were obtained no acci dents or insurance claims have been incurred and that the vehicle is new and in Al condi tion that during that time I have earned a reputation of road courtesy and consideration which will stand close scrutiny While it is comparatively easy for a local constable to obtain licence numbers from an obscure position and attain revenue for the municipality on the minor or technical infractions of I would submit that his time would be much better spent in the interest of the public and the motor vehicle operators to whom the municipality has an obligation if proper and adequate transportation were provided the constable In order that they might catch some of the irres ponsible nincompoops driving dilapidated Junk heaps through and among the people in the beach area and while thay may coma to a sudden and complete stop at a given stop sign it Is only by the grace of God that brake work and that people Mrs Sincerely M Daly Hopkins their ditches and driveways and granting them a polling booth at a cost of for each election which they have received Re cently they have again asked for more top soil am in favor of it if it is the wish of the council but I dont approve of one group getting everything and the rest nothing They also had trees planted by in Newmarket for years who have no sewers or sidewalks When municipal politics be come so dirty and involved that any member of council has to be careful of what he says so the press wont publicize him or so that he must cater to one group of people because of the voting potential and so that he will be elected the next term then that person is not a proper represent ative of the people of a munici pality Any remarks of mino in regard to the subdivision were not only my own feelings but those of a good many citizens in town who are still waiting for hand outs and who have been neglect ed for years They will continue to be as long as one group of peo ple think they have the upper hand at elections or who have there will still be enough votes among the neglected people to elect me if those people want a person who will represent them honestly and to the best of his ability Mr Editor thanking you with a little food for thought are some members of council making the balls and the Boag subdivision firing them Or do you honestly think taxes and mine should climb because of one group of people Bert Kent Councillor THE EDITOR I would like through the medi um of the press to tha opp ortunity to say a few in regard to our recent centennial Continued on Page Col FULL WEEK SALE AUGUST SEPTEMBER DONT MISS OUR TERRIFIC OPENING SPECIALS Thousands of Sample Gifts forAII LUCKY DRAWx HUNDREDS OF DOLLARS IN VALUABLE PRIZES FRYERS CARVING SETS PORTABLE RADIOS CAMERA OUTFITS RAZORS COSMETIC SETS TOILETRIES AND MANY OTHER VALUABLE PRIZES A TERRIFIC PHOTO SPECIAL A FREE ROLL OF FILM and white 620 120 and 127 only with every roll developed and printed during our opening week Aug 29 Sept Thursday AUGUST 2930 LIVE GOLDFISH IN HANDY GARRY HOME CONTAINERS TO BE GIVEN TO 2000 ADULTS AND iSTERS ACCOM BY ADULTS OX OCR OPENING DAY Saturday AUGUST SHOPPING LARGE BAGS OF SARATOGA CHIPS LAST NEWMARKET DRUGS in the NEWMARKET SHOPPING PLAZA DAVIS DRIVE NEAR YONGE ST