The Era and Express Thursday Belhaven News Mr and Mrs Carl Morton vi sited her brother Mr George Buffalo USA for a few days last week Mr and Mrs Winch Mr and Mrs James Stiles and Mr George Davidson spent the weekend at Baysville in the district The quarterly meeting at Bel- haven church on Sunday was well attended Guest speaker was Rev Slack of Holt Mr and Mrs Norman King had tea with Mr and Mrs Jack Mor gan at Claremont on Sunday Mr and Mrs Andrew Main- prize and girls attended the wed ding of their niece at Aurora on Saturday Rev and Mrs Slack and girls of Holt spent Sunday with Rev and Mrs Need money help Go to HFC When a man ha3 borrowed money from HFC he always seems to have complimentary things to say about the service he received Satisfied customers have recommended Household to so many of their friends and relatives theyve made HFC Canadas largest consumer finance company Last year over Canadians borrowed with confidence from HFC in amounts up to You can always count on fast friendly service and choose your own repay ment terms If you need money help be sure to phone or visit the company backed by years experience Canadas most recommended consumer finance company HOUSEHOLD FINANCE Canada I Lewis Manager Main floor OUT SAMPLI TABLE 20 JO menhi mmikt 1223 2337 1835 3763 1673 600 McVITTIE AND SHAW LIMITED INSURANCE AGENTS Established 1894 This Agency has been continuously engaged in the fire casualty and automobile insurance business for more than half a century during which time we have paid out in claims several millions of dollars to satisfied policyholders Your enquiries are invited and will receive our prompt attention WILLIAM H CASE President Offices St Toronto 12 and St South Aurora Phones Toronto Aurora PUBLIC NOTICE The Corporation of the Township of King requests the pleasure of the company of all ratepayers and friends on the occasion of the official opening the Township of King Administration Bulding Saturday the fourteenth day of September 1957 at 3 oclock on King side road West of Highway Mount Albert News Residents of Mount Albert and district are asked to save waste paper for the scout and cub paper drives The first collection for the fall and winter season will be Saturday morning Oct 5 The United church extension is progressing favorably and dedica tion services are expected to take place in a few weeks Members of the official board will be call ing on United church members and adherents during the next few days to solicit contributions toward the building fund If any one cares to contribute and is not canvassed William Shillinglaw chairman of the building commit tee or Rev Robert Curtis will be glad to receive contributions Anniversary services in Mount Albert United church will be held Sunday Oct 27 The September meeting of the was held at the home of Mrs George Price on Wednesday evening Sept The president Mrs James Thompson was in charge of the meeting Mrs Pipher took the worship ser vice The scripture was read by Mrs Harold Broderick The new study book on Japan was taken by Mrs Howard Cunningham Mr Gary Wilson favored with several piano solos Walter Rale has some leghorn pullets that seem to have new ideas about preparing eggs for sale Last week Walt set out with his and bailer across some bumpy gravel roads to the farm of Frank Brooks Some time after arriving there Master Brooks noticed that a leghorn pullet had ridden over in the bailer and also laid an egg in some straw inside During the last few years many changes have taken place in farming Maybe soon will have not only hay and straw in bails but also eggs Many former residents return ed to Mount Albert on Saturday to attend the 50th anniversary of Mount Albert Womens Institute George Dale Toronto was recent weekend guest of Mr and Mrs Carmen Rolling Mrs Ethel Harmon is in York County hospital for observation The community wishes her a speedy recovery Mr and Mrs Stafford and Tom Orillia were Sunday visitors with relatives in town Miss Bessie Mr William Mr Douglas McDonald Toronto and Mr and Mrs Norm an Carleton Ont were Wednesday visitors with Mrs Filey Sheppard Mr and Mrs Roy spent Sunday with Mr and Mrs Murv Connell Keswick The Harrison family held a family reunion in the community park on Sunday Miss M Dike Toronto spent the weekend at her home here Recent visitors with Mr and Mrs Robert were Mr and Mrs George Davidson and two children and Mr and Mrs Alex Graham Miss Verna Hayes Toronto spent the weekend with her sis ter Mrs Ruby Barrett Mr and Mrs Harvey Gibney entertained the family at Sunday dinner in honor of Mr Gibneys birthday Mrs Grant Barnes Beach spent the weekend with Dr and Mrs Carr- uthers Arena Jamboree To Have HiFi Sound Equipment The Newmarket Canadian Le gion is making special arrange ments to have the finest profes sional sound equipment installed in the Newmarket Arena for the big Country and Western Music Show which it is sponsoring and presenting on Saturday evening September To overcome the poor acoustics and reverberations in the arena special high fidelity equipment is being obtained from Montreal and its installation and operation will be directed by Donald Mc- sound engineer for RCA Victor Company Ltd Four quality broadcast micro phones will be set up to handle all pitches of sound and the mix ing of the sound from the various microphones will be done by a special portable amplifier which uses meter indication to control the sound coming from the mic rophones before it is fed to the huge speaker system which in itself will weigh over pounds Some indication as to the mag nitude of the power of this spe cial sound system may be recog nized when one realizes that the power amplifier which will be used that evening in the arena to deliver the sound to the speaker system will deliver close to watts The average power com from a household radio or television speaker is in the order of two to three watts SCOUT LEADERS The annual meeting of the South Lake District Boy Scout Association will be held in Trinity Parish Hall Aurora on Thursday Oct at pm Mem bers of group committees scout and cub leaders and other adults interested in scouting in the dis trict are invited to attend WILLOWDALE GROUP OF ARTISTS REGISTRATION NIGHTS SEPTEMBER PM AVE PUBLIC SCHOOL Instruction In Painting For Information call 83819 DANCING CLUB There is room for only ad ditional pupils in the Betty Gor don Dancing club this season Those interested in registering for dancing classes are request ed to telephone TW 59114 They wilt be accepted in the order of registration THIS SATURDAY NIGHT the DOMINION JAMBOREE in NEWMARKET ARENA 830 pm HOPE Anniversary services will be held in Sharon- ope United church on Sunday Sept at 1115 am and pm Rev Richmond Hill will be guest speaker for the day There will not be any Sunday school The girls explorer group will be held on Friday Sept at 1 pm instead of Saturday for this week only Sheldon Walker showed his horses at the Canadian National Exhibition He is to be congra tulated on winning Grand Cham pion prize with his Belgian mare Jack ouch Chicago had din ner with his uncle and Hunt Mr and Mrs Howard last week Mr and Mrs Eddie and family also Mr Wilson all of Toronto were recent guests of Mr and Mrs Howard Mrs George Newmarket visited her son and family Mr and Mrs Russell Pegg last week A farewell party and presenta tion was held on Wednesday evening Aug- in the church basement by the ladies of Shar onHope congregation in honor of Mrs On Thursday Aug a mis cellaneous shower was held in Sharon hall for Jacqueline and Walter Hamon who were married on Saturday in Sharon- Hope United church John Lowndes is teaching this school term at lis ton high school Mrs formerly of is teaching Hope school on the fifth and Miss Mary Bird Peter borough is teaching at S S No 7 MONTHLY PAINS CRAMPS Mir Homed who lay you mint fuller from rumps backache of ten lion monthly peri Clinical have proved that New Formula Tab lets with added Iron or Compound with Vitamin III actually of ftaiii in the majority of not the pain I f not find out your at no We you DAYS Mil TREATMENT If you not hlpad Juitget from your Drue Store Take for day directed to fief of came of your complaint if you do not atriking relief amd the carton for fill refund of your money We have of on file from them today Try our aafe plan Get our New Formula Tablets with added tonic iron or Com pound with Vitamin HI ONTARIO In lino will our policy and fully confident lhat Canadian acceptance of Volkswagen will continue to grow wo have now doubled our premises on Torontos Golden Mile by opening a largo spate pari depot housing million dollar worth of spare parts I In addition a modern Engine Shop Is now in operation to rebuild exchange engines to factory Our Factory Training School attended by key personnel from all over Canada was enlarged to provide more service experts for our 280 dealers These denies in turn are rapidly expanding their own facilities to keep pace with the growing volume of Volkswagens on Canadian roads More and more the motoring public in Canada the obvious advantages of the small car and light delivery truck We at Volkswagen Canada Ltd are proud that our product plays a leading role in this field and every Volkswagen sold in this country is an Important factor in further strengthening the trade bonds between Canada and West Germany already one of Canadas best customers VOLKSWAGEN CANADA LTD add Mill TORONTO ONT MAC I BROTHERS Main Street Newmarket Ontario Phone TWining 54821