Newmarket Era and Express, 19 Sep 1957, p. 1

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ERA 105TH YEAR EXPRESS HERALD YEAR NEWMARKET ONTARIO THURSD AY SEPTEMBER NO 38 SINGLE COPIES CENTS EACH Free Because They Gave Blood Special Meeting Of Council Settles Warehouse Location To Build Storm Sewer For Charles St Area The throe desperadoes subject of a search which has lasted shown under the guns of Basher Groves at the hospital on Monday over two weeks were caught and displayed at the Canadian Legion Dominion Jamboree Caught by Basher Groves and company they were Saturday night at the country and western music show in the arena attended by 2300 people On pleading guilty they asked to be set free provided that they give blood for the new York County blood bank The request was granted Above they arc Dr A J Ritchie is shown retrieving blood from one of them one of the twins Left to right are Basher Groves chief lab technician Bruno Dr Ritchie desperado des perado Paul on the table desperado Stevenson and Miss Shannon nurse in the emergency department of the hospital Next the York County free blood bank Era and Express photo Conditional approval of a storm to service Charles St and surrounding area and approval of the issuing of a building permit to the Brewers Warehousing Co Ltd for a plant on Charles St were given by council at a special meeting on Monday night Coun cil required a 2200 contribution by the company toward the cost of the storm sewer An application for the building permit had been held pending consideration of drainage of sur face waters from the plant site The company suggested draining their roof depressed loading ramp and parking area into the sanitary sewers Engineer advised council against this plan The special meeting on Monday night was called to discuss a so- to this problem In a reso lution presented by Councillors and Kent council author ised the engineer and sewage chairman to proceed with devel opment of a storm sewer from the proposed location of the Brewers Warehousing Co Ltd age of this plants roof the plant will include 3300 ft would equal the load of houses The bacteria action in the pump would be washed out for eight days to two weeks after a storm makes the whole sanitary system incapable of operation agreed Mr Thats why authorities advise against drain ing roof water into sanitary sew ers Perhaps the town should contribute the differential so the firm will construct a storm sewer to the river I cant see the town spending that replied the reeve We have already spent 600 to move a sewer on the property and the would be nothing compared a tremendous problem one day and when it must be faced it will cost the taxpayers thousands dollars The company has stated it will cost to install elevator equipment if it dispenses with the depressed loading area said Mr Ridler If the company would grant that amount to the town toward the cost of the storm sewer council should authorize the engineer to prepare plans The company prefers the de pressed loading area said the reeve They dont want steps up into the building with people entering carrying their cartons of empties Some scope of storm drainage is required in the area said Mr Cockburn in answer to the may ors inquiry as to what action he would recommend I would prefer it if a perman ent arrangement could be made rather than one that will have to be altered when the Ontario water resources commission takes to the cost of expropriating the over commented the mayor land i Mr outlined the problem which has existed on Prospect St Grace St and dist rict from drainage of surface waters He advised that storm sewer service was needed in that entire district In view of the new trunk sew ers being built suggested Mr Newmarket School Roll Reaches AilTime High Total enrollment in the New- Public has reach ed Supervising Principal A Jackson told Public School trustees this week This is an all- time high Tbere Wert 20 Jess children re gistered in this falls kindergart en classes but the total enrol ment is more than in To idle the increase in attendance classes have been ne cessary for many of the junior This is a rary one and will end with the repletion of the Prince Charles addition Six kindergarten classes use hree classrooms with three roups meeting in the morning three in the afternoon The are listed as three lasses Including them there are classes in the Newmarket ubllc schools an increase of our over last year Attendance at the schools is as Alexader Muir pu lls Prince Charles 321 pupils I Bell 350 pupils King 200 pupils and Stuart pupils Mr Jackson was commended the School board for his or- of the classes Where- possible children have been In their own area school and lasses have been cut in size teachers last year had more an pupils in a grade Newmarket Motors Steal Truck m From They Steal Smiths It war week for he police department Newmarket businesses have stealing de livery trucks from aegh other and reporting the thefts to the police il was Newmarket Motors A service man from Slessor Motors on Eagle St drove over in the company pickup to obtain a car part from Newmarket Motors on St While he was waiting in the building he saw a man on the open the back door of his truck jump in and drive away He didnt know it but the man was Jim salesman at New market Motors He was deliver ing a radiator to Rowlands Rad iator service The Newmarket Motors pick up is the same color as Slessors Jim thought il was his own comp anys truck Meanwhile the man ran to the police office and reported the theft It was about to be broadcast on county police radio when the mistake was discover ed Newmarket Motors telephon ed Jim at Rowlands and asked him to take a second look at his truck It was Slessors Meanwhile Paul was married and went away on his honeymoon but forgot to tell the boys at the store that the truck was to be picked up by Smiths reported a truck theft to the police who set up a road block Drive Later they found Slessors garage where serviceman were working on it The moral is if you are in busi ness let someone steal your truck and you will get a free writeup in the local paper TO WIDEN BRIDGE ON DAVIS DRIVE NEAR RR STATION The Davis Drive bridge over the Holland River at Newmarket known as the Keith Bridge after Mayor William Keith will be widened The bridge is located near the railway station Bids for construction work to extend the bridge were called for Sept by the Toronto and York Roads Commission The widening of the bridge is part of a program along the east- west road which includes paving of Davis Drive east from the third concession at Hamilton Cor ners to the new fourth concession highway has been I on that portion of the road Says Capital Available for Sport Car Races In North A proposed sports car race course on North Jimbury township roads would not be sponsored by the Cnna- Sport Car Cub but rather I by private interests A Steinberg who attended was presented by the company in recent meeting of the North whih the depressed loading area township council would he eliminated An Gerald P Wood said would be required inside the private interests would sponsor building and drainage water the races would no longer be a problem He named Spoils Car Racing from the loading area The other Promotions as being the inter- drainage water would he per- esled organization of which he I to spill on adjoining prop St and Queen St to the Holland River providing this company contributes to the cost of same in lieu of costs oth erwise incurred in their plant construction Building permit for plant construction in line with resolution to he granted at oner At last weeks council meeting the company was advised to con sider the building of a storm sew er to the Holland River from its prnrerty Two easements from adjoining property owners would be On Monday night in a letter from the firm council was told cost 2700 An alternative suggestion plant on Charles St by way of Knapton would it be possible to use these old sanitary sewers as storm sewers Mr Cockburn said it was prac tical only in a few instances in the town hut would not solve the problem We could take the storm sew er down Charles St to Queen and down Queen to the river said the reeve We wouldnt require easements then All over town we have catch basins lied into sanitary sewers They will cause Taxpayer Speaks Alex Hands at tended the special meeting He assured council that the Brewers Warehousing Co would probably be happy to cooperate regarding the storm sewer Its an easy company to gel along with he said Everything is at a standstill in this matter said Mr Hands The Brewers Warehousing Co contacts the liquor control board to sec how they are doing and you know how they are doing All the company asked to drain into the sanitary sewers was a by foot loading ramp This is the most sensible sugges tion I have heard to put in a storm sewer large g h to handle the whole area The will cooperate with this plan when it knows its entire parking Page Col Here and There Around Town Local Observer A letter of appreciation or the facilities at the Lions Park and the kindness of local citizens was received from a Toronto home for handicapped children The Haven on Sept A group of the children visited Newmarket during the Centen nial celebrations They picnicked at the park and visited the Peter Gorman Swim ming pool In the letter special mention was made of the coop eration given the visitors by the staff of the swimming pool and employees of the King George Hotel and Gray Coach Lines Ltd Lions Promote TB XRay Survey Free In Newmarket Oct 2 To 9 All is the head This has nothing to do with the Spoils Car Club which is a nonprofit organiza tion said Steinberg this week He said that he had invited two members of the council to attend the Glen races in the United States this week end He said a study could be made of the Glen races to show how similar events could be held the We have the organization and the capital to make this a centre for road racing and it would build up quite a resort area if the council were to give us per mission to use roads he said this Mr Steinberg said that Gerry in town where Wood who ha attended the earlier meeting of council is no longer with this organization ft ties The cost of installing equipment would he 2200 Mr said he advised the Brewers Warehousing Co that it would he worthwhile spending the additional for the first plan hut the company did not approve it There are three catch basins on the east side of Charles St into which surface water drains into the sanitary sewers said reeve basins on street There is not supposed to be j any drainage water in sanitary sewers replied Mr There are a good many places There are no catch the west side of the of town On the to pm Id surface water sanitary 24 COMING EVENTS 24 SKIT soon- WEDNESDAY SEPT 25 New- TUESDAY OCT red by the Mount Albert Fire market Horticultural Society notice of King meeting Public Library 8 pm Richard Hull will speak on lawns and fall cuttings for house plants Public welcome WEDNESDAY SEPT in Newmarket Town hall spon sored by the Veterans Assn at pm 3 door prizes All cash prizes Sharelhcwcalth Jack pot- numbers called Admission cards 35c THURSDAY SEPT 20 Rum mage sale starting at pm in St Pauls parish hall Newmar ket THURS AND SEPT 27 Kail enrolment of the Newmar ket Figure skating club in the arena from 230 to pm FRIDAY SEPT At Maple Community Hall Maple Dancing old tyme and modern to Norm Graham and his Harv esters Caller Jack Have Come mom and dad and enjoy your selves pm sharp TUESDAY OCT General meeting of York County Hospi tal Womens auxiliary Agricul tural Hoard room St Newmarket 2 pm Gift Shop chairman will discuss shop oper ation WEDNESDAY OCT North York Liberal Womens Associa tion annual dinner oclock in Trinity Hall Victoria St Au rora Guest speaker Mn W G Hale president Ontario Lib eral Womens Association THURSDAY OCT 17 Autumn tea and sale of fancy goods Nomination of executive and candy Junior cert other important J Ladies Aid Christian Baptist Clw38 Church Aurora apartment in the community ail at I pm Music by York Boys orchestra Admis- on 20Lake Marie King Athletic Association and Corn King City Memor- tor i chestra lucky draw for port- TV electric fry pan man- I radio winning ticket drawn C A Tiny Cathers MP door prizes Pro ds for King City Park Ad- Draw tickets or for TURDAY SEPT Teen Town reopens town hall Your vorite music on records Dane s to All under TURDAY SEW No garden tea and sale 230 to home of V Do Marco Dr and Steeles district SEPT iation of Art Club in Public Library Election of officers New welcomed DAY SEPT At East Gwillimburv of Agriculture will hold its meeting at Sharon Hall SEPT meeting of Kingcrafts in gcraft House Kine City Advance Firemens Womens Assoeiatiou turkey sup per in King City United Supper served from to 830 Admission and 75c WEDNESDAY OCT Turkey to be held in the Sunday School room of Holland Landing I United church FRIDAY NOV Tea and of Trinity United church Evangeline Evening Auxiliary Tea 35c Supervised nursery SATURDAY NOV Mother Goose Fair St Pauls Parish Hall Watch for further details SATURDAY NOV Mother Goose Fair by organ izations of St Pauls Anglican church in Parish Hall Watch for further particulars FRIDAY NOV tea and bazaar under auspices of St Andrews Womens association Save the date RED SHIELD APPEAL The Salvation Army Red Shield appeal continues this week in Newmarket and district See editorial on page two i drains into argued Mr Kent Council might approve the drainage of this properly into the sanitary sewer hut when the water resources commission approves the sewage disposal plant it would have to he taken persons in Newmarket 12 ting at the north end years of age and over may have from am to noon a free chest xray when a com- day from Ipm it will be at the Office Specialty xray survey will be held during the first two weeks of The Newmarket survey is part October the war on tuberculosis be- The survey Oct to Oct gun in 1945 by the National Sard- will be promoted by the New- Association lo find this market Lions club and conduct- disease in its early stages by the National Sanitarium An xray will lake only a few Association i moments of each persons time The announcement was made It is free the cost is borne by by John committee the proceeds from TB Christ- chairman for the club who mas Seals Clothing removal hopes that every resident of will not be necessary The most Newmarket will take advantage uptodate equipment which uses of this special opportunity j mm film and can handle 100 The National Sanitarium persons an hour will be used Association mobile xray unit will he at the following places from 3 pm to 0 pm Wednes day Oct St Johns school Ontario Si Friday Oct J L Hell school Queen St Monday Oct Alexander school Prospect St Tuesday Oct Stuart Scott Lome Open house was held by the Bank nf Commerce in its new quarters at the shopping center Davis Drive last week Since hankers are never superstitious the manager and his staff didnt hesitate in selecting Friday the for the special event The people of Newmarket and district are invited to attend an other Open House Sept It is being held in the offices of the York County Health Unit Main St at 3 pm The offices have been redecorated and the building completely renovated following the serious fire Council went on record at its Sept 0 meeting as thanking all citizens and organizations for their cooperation during the Centennial celebrations A spec ial vote of thanks was extended to Chairman Alex Eves and his Centennial committee A mysterious new girl has ar rived in town She is Miss Susie Hospital Auxiliary and she made her appearance in Yates Jewelry store window last week Miss Susie is more glamorous than her predecessor who was of fered in a draw by York County Hospital auxiliary last year But who wouldnt be beautiful in an ultrasmart wardrobe which in cludes a mink stole Miss Susie walks sleeps and cries Some lucky girl will be the owner of this doll and complete wardrobe when the Hospital holds a draw at the Gift Shop birthday parly in November Tickets arc on sale now 1 Ave Wednesday Oct Prince out load said Mr on the sewers of the drain- On Charles school St Employees of major industries may have xrays on special days On Tuesday Oct the mobile The unit will be at the Davis Leather Company for employees work These miniature plates read by experts compare favor ably with the full size xrays Tuberculosis of the lungs if found in the early stage and treated is almost always com pletely curable Nevertheless nearly as many Canadians died from this disease during the war as were killed by enemy action During the survey residents Will given the opportunity of a free lest for diabetes as well Anyone will offered a kit which he can take home and later submit for a sugar test PROTEST IN VAIN Drop Streets From ByLaw 616 Council amended bylaw filii at a special meeting on Monday night The bylaw no covers and Davis Drive or the downtown area of Newmarket within Where are we to take yards of the Main St businesses This bylaw way and a few Other streets were not covered by the bylaw There is no area down town of any consequence build com mercial or industrial establish ments continued Mr new says The meeting had been called we them nowhere Most to discuss a drainage problem on residential streets have no vacant Charles St hut council voted land on Thy are protected j main to consider the contentious by- 1 because they are all built up expand The most valuable real estate is not on Davis Drive or Eagle St said Mr Ridler It is Main St and the area around it The only way for the town to is for Main St to expand it The downtown area heart of the town and it will re so if it is given CHILD Health centre clinics will be held monthly on the second Wednesday of the month for the east side residents and the lat Friday of each month for west side residents The first clinic is on September for the east side EVERY Saturday dancing at Mount Albert Community hall Norm orchestra 138 HAVE you a drinking problem Open meeting of Aurora Group of Alcoholics Anonymous every Monday night at pm Trinity Parish Hall Victoria St law In a resolution presented by Councillors John and Gladstone Ridler St Davis Drive St and the downtown area of Newmarket within yeards of Main St were deleted from the coverage Of bylaw now Do we go to public and say what this council wants is stall completely commercial and industrial development in the town he asked Your reasoning tonight does not go with last weeks Mr idler told differs from that planned by the owners have opposed each of the commercial establishments on Eagle St and 1 will oppose this prosper resolution said reeve voted against the bowling alley i u Bell Telephone building going on If a service Sta tion wanted to locate on the room to ftf Forest Glen we couldnt stop it he argued council that he Ye we iould replied Mr service station re- Three members opposed liniments continued the mayor action They were Councillors recommended that two streets Knapton and George be changed that they be deleted has heard of many small Indus- Midler All tries and commercial businesses that have considered Newmarket for the location of their new quests it we must be referred to ever taken and Reeve Wrightman These three opposed consideration of the topic at the special meeting Mr told council that bylaw covers practically every street in the town as it in 1029 The Main St and small area around it west to from the bylaw but council didnt support thai Mr said the motion was to plants Thy have changed their com I think we would lose on minds because they think New- it said Mr Knapton Wo have market is not interested in new no right to have restrictive by- industry he said law in the building bylaw The bad publicity the luiuor When the revision of the build- control board and town gotjing bylaw is completed over this nonsense is terrible committee will bring in a Mr Kent that new bylaws Mr said many people In be prepared to cover the broad enough The mayor Mown will not be happy with explained that he had been at tempting to find something on which all council could agree new zoning regulations when Mr asked if a public hearing will be held regarding the new bylaw covering the the Old Metropolitan made they are prepared for the town He reminded council lhat zoning and thai later a complete alter- restricts the use of private lands amendments to bylaw He ation of bylaw could be land will cause resentment when was told by the mayor that such ihe use specified in the bylaw i a hearing is required Willi all the special attention spent on civic improvements this year for the centennial j lions no one would dace to that Newmarket is going to the dogs But from the num ber of black and while pussy cats seen digging for on Main St lawns it might bt necessary to change the towns name to Skunk Hollow lawn in front of Trinity United church is a favorite meeting spot for these nocturnal visitors J Little who celebrated his birthday on September appeared before council last week to his favorite cause the Newmarket band Once again Mr Little distinguished himself by his able presentation which was flavor ed as usual by his Irish wit Mr Little is well known throughout the county for his support of the towns band He is equally renowned as a of the old school He outlined the past difficul ties in obtaining funds for the band There was never enough money to buy uniforms so Mr Little decided to do something about the situation He approached a staunch Con servative for a donation This is the way the story goes The band needs money for Uniforms Mr Little told the prospective donor In fact the situation is so bad we have a fine spec man of a man a good lory who weighs pounds He is wearing a uniform that would fit a small 160pound Grit Mr Little received the requir ed donation In his remarks to council on Monday night Mr Little said that since he couldnt count on being around for the next years he wanted if possible to guarantee a permanent source of revenue for the band He asked council consider the adoption of the Band Act jetting onehalf or onequarter of a mill as an annual grant to the band Mr Little offered to conduct a personal canvass of the town to collect the necessary percent Page 17 Col

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