Newmarket Era and Express, 19 Sep 1957, p. 15

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The Newmarket Era and Express Thursday Sept LOTS RESTRICTED 77 x 200 and up Good Soil and Surface Drainage miles east of Newmarket Adjacent to Beautiful Forest ARNOLD A RflNKE CEDAR VALLEY Pine Tree Farms Ltd MOUNT ALBERT 21413 Bill SHIELDS WEEKEND SPECIALS MONARCH HARDTOP power steering automa tic white walls and radio Will finance METEOR KIDEAU an immaculate oneowner car low mileage with sporttone finish and radio Will finance 1956 METEOR This car without a doubt is in Al condition an original oneowner car Will finance METEOR with trim and finish We defy anyone to find fault with this car Will finance CHRYSLER WINDSOR toned blue with auto- malic and radio Will finance THREE FORDS and METEORS sedans and coaches beautiful cars in a wide range of colors at a real weekend saving Will finance each FORD RANCH WAGON owner car with ori ginal low mileage radio turn signals heater Will finance 1953 FORD beautiful green and ivory with original low mileage Will finance CHEVROLET car with low mileage tone radio turn signals heater Will finance MERCURY PANEL TRUCK in condition Original mileage I owner Will finance SPECIAL SAVING SALE 1957 METEOR DEMONSTRATORS with low mileage Will finance FORD SEDAN a real clean car in the low priced bracket with radio Will finance i I Selection of 100 Used Cars Makes and Models All Bill Shields Motors Limited MERCURY LINCOLN METEOR CARS TRUCKS DON MIMS ROAD Itrluern lormlty and PHONE AURORA Era and Express Classifieds bring results District Television CKVR Television Channel 3 CBLT Television Channel 6 FRIDAY SEPT 3 The Christophers Peppermint Prince Childrens Internation al Mighty Mouse Kingdom of the Sea Coming Events 6103 Western Theatre 3 Farm Market Report 6 Movie Museum 3 News and Weather CBC News Sports Tabloid 3 Sheena Queen of the Jungle Top Plays of 3 To be announced Great Plays Club OConnor Dorchester Theatre 93063 Country 1000 Cavalcade of Sports Jim Coleman Show 110063 News 6 News in Sports Today Sports 1120 3 Community News Famous Films 3 Late Movie SATURDAY SEPT 21 3 Rig Four Football Howling Greatest Sport Thrills Film Presentation Cartoon Capers News Briefs Childrens Theatre Wild Bill Oh Susanna 63063 Mr FixIt 6156 News Film Presentation Country Calendar Holiday Ranch Perry Como Show Great Movies the world in New York News Wrestling SUNDAY SEPT 110063 Anglican Church Service This Is The Life The Living Sea Faith For Today fi You Are There This Is The Life Lassie Summer Magazine Burns and Allen Father Knows Rest December Bride Newsmagazine Star Performance Ed Sullivan Show All Theatre Showtime 100063 United Way Show CBC News This Week Movie Camera Three CBS MONDAY SEPT Man To Alan Zoo Quest BBC 530 The Buccaneers Western Theatre I Married Joan 3 Coining Events Channel Salutes 625 Farm Market Report 6306 Page Tely News and Weather CBC News Sports Tabloid My Little Margie Frontier My Hero fi3 The Millionaire On Camera GRAYSTONES Dining and Dancing Grand opening for dancing SATURDAY SEPT 21 and every Saturday thereafter Dance hall hat been completely remodelled CLUB STYLE SERVICE AT THE TABLE DON GILKES ORCHESTRA GOOD MUSIC LOTS Of PRIZES MAKE YOUR RESERVATIONS NOW Admission 150 per person ALSO RESERVATIONS TAKEN FOR WEDDINGS RECEPTIONS BIRTHDAYS ANNIVERSARIES CLUBS ETC Complete restaurant service open from 7 am to 1230 Phone PAarkview 75062 Aurora 63 I Love Lucy 93061 Front Page Challenge Studio One CBC News News in Sports 3 Today in Sport Community News The TappRoom TUESDAY SEPT 21 The Christophers The Things We See His Honor Homer Bell Western Theatre Damon Runyan Theatre Coming Events Western Theatre Farm Market Report Adventure Album Tely News and Weather CBC News 3 Sports Tabloid Life of Robin Hood Country Junction Big Town Dragnet MidLevel The Gounods Opera 2hour performance News WEDNESDAY SEPT 25 Christian Science Swing Your Partner Rln Tin Tin Window On The World 3 Coming Events Western Theatre 6253 Farm Market Report Face The Music Tabloid 3 Sir Lancelot Disneyland To be announced 90063 Kraft Theatre Here and There A Note Of Fear To be announced CBC News Today in Sports News in Sports Community News Boxing 3 Wrestling THURSDAY SEPT 26 Salvation Army Ed and Show The Lone Ranger Trouble With Father Coming Events Western Theatre Farm Market Report 6306 Life With Elizabeth HOPE Anniversary services were well attended on Sunday at SharonHope United church with inspiring messages by Rev of Richmond Hill and Special music by the choir Service next Sunday will be at the usual hour of am with Rev Robert in charge Sunday School is at am A surprise party and presenta tion was held on Saturday even ing Sept for Mr and Mrs Sam Holden at their home Mr and Mrs Evans have moved to their new home in Sharon Miss Mary is ill at time of writing and Mrs Harvey Walker is in of the school I Mrs Merles and new baby arc spending a few days with her parents Mr and Mrs Howard ANNOUNCEMENT Having sold my Insurance business Garfield Wright Newmarket R R 2 I would like to thank the people for the confidence they had in me during our business transactions and sincerely hope you will place the same confidence in my successor Thank you Harry Hulse ONT Mr and Mrs Moore and family of Port Hope spent the weekend of September with Mr and Mrs Howard Mr and Mr Ken and News and Weather family visited Mr and Mrs John 6456 News Sports Tabloid Public Defender Bob Question Meet Climax Appointment At Now Escape With BBC 3 Mark Saber Lets Sing Grand Ole CBC News 11153 Today in Sports News in Sports Us News and Weather 11203 Community News 6456 News 11306 Alfred Film Sports Movie HIGHLIGHTS By Mary Ann Your Best Cottage Buy BEAVER LUMBER COTTAGES YOUR BEST BUY For Comfort Appearance and Dollar Value J turn mm If Friday Dorchester Theatre at pm presents a live drama from Montreal studios rather a stark play about a father and his drug- addicted daughter Just how over the century following his death sometime in the A wandering scholar alchemist and philosopher in an age of and belief in witch- well this is handled will depend j craft Faust in the colorful and the resultant moral to the story At pm different films over both channels are worth viewing In The Meantime Darl ing on as against Drums Along the Mohawk OP channel Saturday At pm Big Four Football is presented to viewers in this on channel 3 only Hamilton at Mont real Great Movies at pm stars the late Humphrey in Dead Reckoning also starring is Another film Around the World in New York rounds out the twohour pro gram Sunday The church service scheduled be televised at am today originates in the Ang lican church of St Ot tawa The rector Rev Canon C Roach and the organist is William Armstrong On the You Are There program at the first of a series is called Lou Gehrigs Greatest Day the day he set an alltime Each week a different his toric event will be recreated just as if the viewer wen- there A new Lassie series begins at today with a Story entitled The Wild Dock The United Way Show to viewers pm and is hour- long The Civic Auditorium in Winnipeg will converted into a gigantic television studio with a seating capacity of several thousand for this program shady interludes of his life got a dangerous enough reputation as a sorcerer be burnt at the stake throe times over Within years his life had he- come a myth the figure of a man infernally proud contemptuous of Jowly human beings and lust ing to know the secrets of the universe As various writers re shaped the myth he sold his soul to the Devil and went defiantly to Hell AS in Marlowe or was redeemed by the love of a pure maiden the interpretation Goethe adopted and the one Gounod used The Faust of Gounods opera is an aging scholar who is driven by a sense of and a desperate desire to become young again into a fateful com pact with the Devil traditionally called In return for youth and a deep er insight into the mysteries of life Faust agrees to eternal dam nation The bargain sealed after the Devil conjures up a vision of the beautiful Marguerite gives the rejuvenated philosopher a chance to indulge his every whim The pleasures conic as gncsnutpd but Faust discovers his hap piness is marred by feelings of guilt and despair at his inevitable fate The opera ends with Mar guerites intervention on his be half in the famous dramatic in which girl and Mephis- Pinder on Sunday Mrs Ambrose Elm- hurst Beach visited Mr and Mrs Verne Smith and family on Sun day Leonard and Rodney Cable Newmarket spent the weekend with their uncle and aunt Mr and Mrs David Mr and Mrs Early Andrews Newmarket spent Friday ing with Mr and Mrs Howard and familv about an army nurse who mar ried a British political officer in Aden The book to be published next year tells of the Arabian Nights life and adventures of Mary Otway in the Middle East Mar one Earl was horn in Win nipeg and worked for the Winni peg Tribune and the Toronto Star before in v i to England in 19a0 She recorded the talks dur ing a summer visit to her home city The Trial of Madame teaches listeners in a BBCtrans cribed program on Wednes day Sept 2a at pm This story of a trial which took place J K The MONTH x 18 FT BEAVER COTTAGE Attractive LowCost Family Summer Home Introduced only a year ago this was immediately Popular across Ontario and once you compare the value and features of the youll agree its your best cottage value today The Beaver Northgate inside and out has at tractive design and extra comfort features large picture window windows with finger- touch controls wide protective roof overhang Large kitchen and living room area bedrooms and hath Complete building materials and free detailed doityourself plans Only DELIVERED ready to assemble to your cottage site or nearest convenient land ing 100 years ago made its writer stave Flaubert the first not- I able victim of censorious perse- 1 CUtion the history of the mo- novel Methinks it i adult entertainment The September middle weight championship boxing boul between Sugar Hay Robinson and Carmen will be broadcast exclusively in Canada on the Dominion network the fight will not be telecast The laround title fight at Yan kee Stadium in New York City will a Robinsons first de fence of the middleweight title on four separate occasions while Basilio the current welterweight champion will be making his first title attempt in the middle weight division His own crown will not be slake The broadcast will begin HO and will run to the con clusion of the fight In the event of a postponement because of bad weather the broadcast will be advanced to the next day The- show live to lions from Saskatchewan to Que bec on the connected network and will be tor daisy- announced On Here and There at pm a film tailed The Kingdom of the a u a is shown Boxing at 1130 on chan nel fi from the Palace Pier in Toronto and Wrestling at the same time on channel from Chicago are the closing program- Thursday No replacement program for the Summertime has been announced as yet The first of two parts of a movie Since You Went Away will bo shown on channel 3 at pm and the remainder tomorrow night at the same time contend for the of Faust The cast includes Richard tenor as Faust La- showing on other stations baritone a wilt the biggest TV variety unci Marguerites rote show ever staged in Winnipeg ably filled by soprano from Eastern and Western talent Quebec Constance Lambert will be combined in the program Wednesday Moonlight Is The emcee will be Marsh 1 through for the season and a re Winnipeg and the orchestra placement series has yet to be will he the CDC Winnipeg Con cert Orchestra under the direc tion of Eric Wild Five singer four vocal groups three comedians and a group of dancers will take pan Singers will be Juliette Robert Ware Joan Maxwell and Wendy Hicks Vocal harmony Will come from The James Dun can Chorus Sons of the Saddle The Quartet and the Uk rainian Male Chorus Jack Duffy Toronto Nor Hud son Montreal and Dave Broad- mot Toronto will supply laugh and the dancers will be Don Gillies Trio Toronto Monday Nothing outstanding in the way of entertainment on todays schedule other than regulars On Camera at pm which may bo awfully good or bad and Studio One which presents Mutiny on the Shark by Max Tuesday pm from Mont real Gounods opera Faust goes out to viewers for a twohour period This is presented in the original French and is season opener of the Concert Hour Series For music lovers Ibis provides an opportunity to witness the most complete performance en Canadian television of one of op eras alltime favorites For non- opera fans this first Canadian TV mounting of Faust should be an alluring introduction to grand opera in general so says the Times in its propaganda Faust actually existed although the mass of legend and story that surrounds his name gradually SANITARY CONTRACTOR Septic Tanks Pumps and Pail- Toilets Trie Repairs We go place called Ph Roches Point 135r33 The 24 FT PRECUT BEAVER COTTAGE Spacious Bright and Roomy Comfort You can shop and compare for months and you wont find a large cottage with more to offer than the new cottage A hie airy and spacious livingroom thats welt ven tilated and brightened by large picture windows give you a wonderful family living area with a double view of the lake Well plannrd throughout The has bedrooms kitchen bath and storage room for maximum convenience and eomfort Sweeping low pltrh roof and modern protective over hang makes the at home In any netting beach rocky coast line or wooded lot Youll like living In the Beaverbrook Complete building materials free easy to follow plans Only Kim w a month down DELIVERED rcatjy hi assemble to cottage sit or nearest convenient PROVINCEWIDE DELIVERY and delivery arrangements for foliage ran be made Your cottage will be delivered and ready to us or by he Beaver Lumber Store In tour collage area at NO EXTRA CHARGE There are Beaver Lumber stores throughout Ontario Phone or visit US today and build your collage now ready for next summer Men am to pm am pm Sat am t pm Davis Dr Just east of Main Newmarket Phone Radio Ramhllngs On the radio TransCanada Matinee will launch a new Ma tinee Quiz series this week which it hopes will be most interesting to the women listeners Matinee Quiz long a favorite with home- makers returns to regular Tuesday spot where it will re main through the fall and winter Its experts in child care and household management will dis cuss more questions chosen from hundreds sent in by listeners Each question used earns the sender a years free subscription I to Times An important commentary this week will be Ruth Hardings re port on the proceedings of the 10th annual meeting of the Cana dian Association of Consumers in Toronto September 24 to it will be heard on Thursdays pro gram Thursdays show also brings the first of five talks by Marjoric Earl on how she came to write the book Snow on the Desert We buy all kinds of scrap metals anywhere in Ontario We sell used parts or all makes and models Cars Trucks and Farm Implements Maple Hill Auto Wreckers Ltd RR 2 Catering Road Ontario Phone 21527

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