Business The Newmarket Era and Express Thursday Sept 28 Prime Ministers Message Prime Minister John sends the Cana dian Federation of Business and Professional Womens clubs the following message for Business Womens Week Sept 22 to Sept 29 On the occasion of Business Womens Week I am very happy to send my greetings and best wishes to The Canadian Federation of Business and Professional Wo mens Clubs I know well what a very useful contribu tion these Clubs make to the national life of Canada not only to business and the professions but also to the com munity at large The theme of this years Week is I think a very apt one In enthusiastically endorsing your Salute To Women Who Work I would like to include the name of my own wife who has more work to do than I have and does it much better i Premier Frosts Message It is a great pleasure indeed for me to be identified with and support Business Womens Week being observed by the Canadian Federation of Business and Pro fessional Womens Clubs during September 22 to 23- Throughout this grand prov ince and in fact Canada women even in our pioneering days have taken a major part in its devel opment progress and growth The business world today many positions where women oc cupy key positions our cabinet at Ottawa is now graced with a woman for the first time in our history In the arts and letters again women have played stel lar roles and of course our homes the basis of our society and its success toward better living are guided by the femin ine touch I am sure that the people generally recognize womens part in our continued progress and advancement It is to be hoped that Busi ness Womens Week will prove must advantageous to all of us and that the Canadian Federa tion of Business and Professional Womens Clubs throughout the nation will continue to stress the contribution made by women in our national economy Leslie Frost Prime Minister of Ontario BUYING A NEW CAR BUYING A USED CAR See DEL GIBNEY at BRAD WALKER MOTORS Your Ford and Edsel Dealer Newmarket Significance Of Club Emblem Interpreted By Margaret Morning NEW FALL 1ASHIONS ON DISPLAY BUSINESS WOMENS WEEK SEPTEMBER 22 TO SEPTEMBER 29 DORIS LADIES WEAR 21 Main St Newmarket THIS IS BUSINESS WOMENS WEEK SALUTE THE WOMEN WHO WORK FRENCHS Beauty Parlour MAIN AND TIMOTHY ST FOR PHONE Miss Margaret Morning inter preted the emblem of the Busi ness and Professional Womens club for the Newmarket group on Sept Miss Morning is presi dent of the local club Excerpts from her talk are reprinted here First we see the face young courageous eager The eyes in tent upon a goal our aim to im prove the status of women in all lands Behind the face is the rising sun whose rays shed warmth and light over all the world It shines on all women everywhere and stands for international sis terhood and interest in each others problems Next is the map of Canada It represents our homeland whose honor we should guard whose laws we should uphold and whose progress we should pro- mole by the careful thoughtful use of our franchise The circle of friendship sym bolizes the priceless possession which we receive only in propor tion to the amount we expend ourselves Touching the circle of friend ship are maple leaves and tril- lium The maple leaves are an emblem of patriotism loyalty and high idealism for our country The three parts of the trillium are used to represent faith in womans ability hope for the future and Jove of humanity Just as steps are being taken to preserve this love ly flower so must we be always on guard to protect that for which it stands Next we have the eight points of the octagon They represent God faith ability harmony up rightness vision membership and revenue Let us consider them in reverse It is Ihe responsibility of each and club to decide what rev enue it requires and how it will be raised When we become a member of the Newmarket and club we become one of over women throughout the world who are working dil igently for the betterment of women in particular and man kind in general Our clubs history says Is It not logical that women who con trol percent of the countrys wealth have 51 per cent of the voting power and since the time of Eve have been the guiding hand in the home and the heart beat of the land should now s i c cess to Tin- AND PROFESSIONAL WOMENS CLUB from ALEC GEORGAS NEWMARKET CLEANERS Main St Phone Compliments of MARIGOLD Gift Shoppe CARD for OCCASIONS Main St BUY Where Customers Send their Friends GENUINE BARGAINS on NEW FORDS Prices Lowest Ever 110 New Cars to choose SAVE Brad Walker Motors NEWMARKET BRADFORD JACKSONS POINT Open evenings till 9 Saturday pm Phone assume their share of public re sponsibility in all fields This is the vision of what we can do and what we as an international organization stand for In our creed we say teach us to put into action our better im pulses straightforward and un afraid Let us be big enough to admit our mistakes Harmony is the one thing es sential for the smooth running of a club Remember we live in a democracy where the will of the majority rules If you are the winner forget it if you are the loser accept it graciously Club members are drawn from all businesses and all professions They bring a variety of abilities and experiences There is a place for each in the organization Faith is the substance of things hoped for the evidence of things not seen What we must have is the faith of a little child faith In God faith in mankind and faith in oneself The final point In the emblem stands for God first last and al ways Quoting the words of Rev Henry Van Dyke Miss Morning said They who tread the path of labor follow where My feet have trod They who work without com plaining do the Holy will of God Every task however simple sets the soul that does it free Every deed of love and mercy done to man is done to Me At the bottom of the emblem is the scroll symbol of know ledge On it Is inscribed for the for the Canadian Federation of Business and Pro fessional Womens Clubs This emblem binds us all In one great sisterhood It bids us heed our conscience call For a nobler womanhood Clod guide us when we wear This emblem oer our heart And keep us true and always fair God bless us as we part Impressive Changes Made hi Stature Of Women In Business The stature of woman an the business and professional world has undergone vast and impres sive changes in the last fifty years In the early century nurs ing and teaching were consider ed the only professions suitable for the female sex Today women take their places nobly in pract ically every profession proving their worth and ability in every field In the business world years ago it was almost unheard of for a woman to be in a top bracket position in industry or business Today women are assuming the responsibilities of policymaking positions in many fields of en deavor and receiving recognition for their great contribution to our modern business and indust rial life The Canadian Federation of Business and Professional Wo mans Clubs in its clubs from coast to coast considers serious ly at all times the problem of improving the status of women To highlight the aims and ideals of our organization and to focus public opinion on our endeavors each year our clubs celebrate Business Womens Week This year Business Womens Week is from September to September During this time it is our hope that every citizen will join with our organization in a salute to Women Who Work Newmarket BusinessProfessional Women Have Active Organization The Business and Professional Womens club of Newmarket is not a service club but it never turns down an appeal for money or help It supports and is will ing to help any worthwhile un dertaking in the town The clubs contributions to the centennial celebrations this year are proof of its community-mind- The B and P club took over the project of contacting former residents of the town Thousands of invitations were ad dressed and mailed by club mem bers The club entered a float in the parade Members assisted with of the special attractions during the fourday celebrations and modelled styles of years ago Perhaps the most ambitious un dertaking of the Newmarket and club has been its hospital work In the short time since its organization in the club has furnished a private room at York County hospital This cost THE NEWMARKET ERA AND EXPRESS Business Industry And Public Services Rely On Womens Work Business and Industry the pub lic services and government rely in no small part on womens work Picture the chaos if every working woman stayed home The markets notably those for housing and consumer durables depend in no small part upon Womens earnings Picture the slump without them There is a growing awareness that women must enter employ ment and remain in it if business industry production and pur chasing power are to remain at present levels and that unfair and unrealistic disabilities in wage rates salary scales career opportunities employment bene fits retirement conditions of age or pay and income tax provisions discourage them from doing so Our clubs promote the econ omic interests of working women and encourage the individual to develop and apply her talents We celebrate Business Womens Week September to during which period we invite you to join with us and our fellow-mom- of the Canadian Federation of Business and Professional Womens Clubs in a nationwide salute to women who work Elsie Gregory MacGill President The Business and Profes sional Womens Clubs of Ontario Newmarket Club Formed On April 14 In 1948 The Business and Professional Womens club of Newmarket was formed at a meeting held on Ap ril 1048 It received its char ter in June of that year The first meeting was held in the town council chambers which were located in the old fire hall since torn down to make way for the new building First president was Miss Kay Peel Reg There were wo men enrolled at this first meet ing The Newmarket club now has a membership of business and professional women Each member is also a member of the Canadian Federation of Business and Professional Wom ens club- represented In each of the 10 provinces with a member ship of over She is linked with B and women in 21 coun tries through the International Federation of and clubs After a few evening meetings in it was decided to hold monthly dinner meetings The club meets on the third Monday of each month at the King George hotel Presidents who have succeeded Miss Peel ore Mrs Herbert Mrs Charles Boyd Miss Avers Miss Margaret Ward Mrs Ernest Rank Mrs Homer Blair and Miss Margaret Morning Miss Morning is president this year JLh When the announcement was i made that an addition was plan- for the hospital the club pledged itself to This sum was raised and used to furnish a second room in the new wing A bursary Is presented annual ly to an outstanding girl graduate of the Newmarket high school This bursary was raised to this year The major portion of the mon ey spent by the club on such pro jects is raised at the annual spring fashion show This pre view of styles for the family featuring merchandise from the local stores and modelled by lo cal residents boosts local talents and businesses In the past the Newmarket B and club has assisted the Dia betic Survey In town This was the first survey of its kind ever held in Canada It has assisted in many fundraising or clothing campaigns made necessary by such emergencies as the Winni peg floods and Hurricane Hazel The Newmarket club was the first B and organization in the province to erect club signs at the entrances to town The club is a member of the United Nations association Every year it sends a delegate to the provincial conventions It has had a member attend nation al conventions in Halifax and Vancouver The international convention in Montreal last year was attended by three members A free library service is main tained at York County hospital for patients Each week members of the club visit the wards and rooms at the hospital providing books The local club adopted a sister club in Kettering England dur ing t period of rationing in Great Britain Regular shipments of food parcels were made The club holds a monthly din ner meeting during the fall and winter seasons A theatre party replaces one of those meetings and the closing one of the season is the birthday party It is held in June at the Lake Simcoe sum mer home of one of the members Mrs Alex Eves 2332 and Accounts Also Payable At Toronto Dominion Bank The Bank requires your bill when you make payment FOR A NEW FORD OR A GOOD USED CAR See Reeve Eddie at BRAD WALKER MOTORS Your Ford and Edsel Dealer Newmarket PRINTERS AND PUBLISHERS The Bra and Express Is The Best Advertising Medium Which You Can Kind OFFICE CHARLES ST Between and Davis Dr east of Main Hours Nine to Mon Success To Business Womens Week We also have pleasure in the arrival of our Fall and Winter stock latest styles in everything from lingerie to coats EVES LADIES WEAR 259 Mam St Newmarket Phone TW 1 BEST WISHES FOR BUSINESS WmfENS WEEK COS STICK Yard ley Dorothy Gray Max Factor Hazel Bishop ATKINSON Main St DRUGS Newmarket SECOND TIMK WINNER AT RIDING SHOW For the second time Repetit ions Manor Hoy owned and rid den by 1 placed first in the Saddle Pony Stake class at the National Exhibition thus coming the Champion pony of the show They won the same prize In In it was awarded to Bryan Rusnell on his pony Play Boy COMPLIMENTS OF SUCCESS TO BUSINESS WOMENS WEEK NEWMARKET MOTORS LTD Chevrolet and Oldsmobile For the Rest till Used Curs Parts and Service St Opposite Town Hall Dan Prop OBJECTIVES OF TUB AND P CLUB 1 To improve the status of women in the business and pro fessional world To discover and develop those qualities in our members which will enable them to take their full share in public life 3 To further social contacts be tween business and professional women To provide opportunities for hobbies handicrafts recreation and other activities 5 To focus public attention on the postwar work of women To provide a nonpartisan nonsectarian basis for coopera tion Phone Oriental Importers Co 442 DAVIS DR NEWMARKET THE STORE TO PROMOTE BETTER RELATIONS BETWEEN ORIENTAL ASP OCCIDENTAL We Salute Business Womens Week SEPTEMBER TO SEPTEMBER SALON J26 Main St Newmarket Open Tues and Evenings till pm For appointment Phone 6521