Newmarket Era and Express, 3 Oct 1957, p. 11

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Thursday Oct Staffing Power Ladies Lose To Barrie Flyers Retain Crown when we dont win the PW we usually win the Available wet or dry charged in popular Sizes and types to fit most cars trucks Even the wisest of coaches can be wrong now and again After being eliminated in play Peaches VanZant was say ing SU and district title However this wasnt to be the local lassies year in either sphere of endeavor Playing at Barrie last week the local ladies dropped a 52 decision to Barrie Flyers in game three of the and district finals Thus ended one of the greatest pressurecooker series in league annals Previously had edged Newmarket in the first two contests in the best of five finals When it is said the locals drop ped a decision to the Flyers perhaps it would be more correct to say Dorothy Miller the Flyers ace almost singlehandedly put the axe on the locals with a stir ring two hit pitching job It was in fact a Miller night Dorothy slammed a long home run in the second as the Flyers broke ahead 20 Dorothy was on base via an error in the third when the Flyers popped home three runs to build a 50 cushion Both clubs as is their custom turned in some fine fielding plays Possibly the sparkler was Colleen Cains spectacular grab off Dorian Parkers bat in round three Both Newmarket hit came In the fifth inning off the bate of Lois and Colleen Gain Newmarket runs in the seventh and final frame around a pair of Barrie errors Newmarket previously in the fourth had appeared heeded for the run column after two Flyer errors but Flyers Helen came through with a great run ning catch to put the skids under the budding Newmarket rally Sarah Barradell supported by a well caught game by Dean threw a six hitter at the Flyers Green Acres Lead By Defeating Y Men Legion Sees Two Up On Dodgers The myth that Bob Marriott BiH McNeil Dodg ers might be invincible in the playoffs has blown up with a re sounding thud As of Monday the Dodgers were tottering on the brink of elimination from the town league A series finals After Monday the Dodgers beaten 2 by Myles oncharging Legionnaires trail 2- 0 in games in the best of five round In fact unless there is a general sharpening up by the weakhitting by the time you glimpse these para graphs the may joined the alsoran class Monday the Legion saved all best shots for o big rounds scored four third and three fourth chapter runs and the Dodgers were easy pick ings after that Bob Marriott rated by many as the leagues ace brought about much of his own trouble in the third Af ter an infield error Marriott got off the beam and before he could get the range again had walked Myles Mclnnis Norm and TO MOT CONDITIONS before START AT tor FAMOUS YOUR CHAMBER OF COMMERCE IS BUILDING A BETTER COMMUNITY Best Looking For 58 Emerson TV ROYALTY LINE The P0RT0RAMA SWAY PORTABLE In one lightweight cabinet Emerson PortOKama you or TV radio with optional plugin and under pillow speaker for tiac and listening truly an Emerson value for and Imperial Series I I lyhi for the new aiil Imperial Merles bring you styling new pin performance beatlooking TV for 08 Choose from and Console and Table Models Combination Best Listening For Emerson hifi Youll And every highfidelity feature yon have ever wanted In the four great Knur HIFI Models for Bach brings you top engineering with advanced styling and that make an Emerson cabinet the showpiece of any Emerson radios 813 RADIO OF CANADA LIMITED Av Town of Ml Royal Quo Radios Wide world of entertainment Ik at your fingertips with this and thu nine other Royalty Line eta SEE THE NEW ROYALTY LINE AT YOUR EMERSON DEALER NOW Rapid Robert Attwell s fire ball linger of distinction poured out a size helping of bad medicine for Sept as Green Acres polished off the Y 2 Townsley Then that do The win Green Acres Margaret Cook Wins Top Htflf Sharon Club a lead In games in of town league series final going great gun lev elled a sweet three hitter at the hitters Jim Morrisons double in the was the biggest blow It came with the bases loaded after Attwell had presented free tickets to Graeme Mason Bill Smith and Gord Calvert Mor risons hit was good for runs Both the other hits picked by Graeme Maon and Bill Smith came in the fourth inning but did no damage in the scoring column Both the early runs one in the second and one in the 3rd came gift wrapped via errors The it seems always has to have a bad first inning It was so in Tuesdays go Before they got over their first inning jitters Green Acres led To score their 5 run bundle Green Acres used two walks dished up by Jim Morrison and hits contributed in turn by Jack Don Van- Camp and Bob Attwell Green Acres put the game on ice in the fourth as they scored six runs as Lloyd Dyer Jack Boh and Jim Camlsso blossomed forth with Green Acres teed off on the of ferings of Jim Morrison for Jim supplied the biggest of hitting magic go ing for three hits while Lloyd Dyer Jack and Bob kept busy with two hits apiece Don VanCamp and Art Moore- croft got into the swing of things for a hit each complete the winners hit show about locking up the fourrun chapter with a big single In the next stanza Norm Legge who pickled two of the Legions six hits followed John Hiseys single with a Fred Dill- man and Gord Major followed up with hits to put the stamp of ap proval on a threerun explosion working his onetwo pitching punch combina tion Ted Tidman and Ted Heath er hauled out his starter after McNeils men broke through for their two runs in the Cliff Ward the top swatter for McNeils his was a twohit per formance singled in that third inning after Boh Cook had work ed for a stroller pass With a bit of fine and fancy step ping along the baseways Cook and Ward scored Ted Heather took over the con trols in fourth to be greeted by Al Hoppers single Heather had to boar down hard after Cook draw a second walk and Ward slapped out his second hit Hea ther rose to the occasion to cut down the Dodgers before run could score Both teams stockpiled six hits Norm Scooter always a threat on the basepaths pumped out two hits to pace the winners Fred Gord Major Eddie Tidman and John put the bee- on Marriott pitches for the other Legion bingles Cliff Ward Dodgers efficient had two hits in the losing cause Boh Marriott Grant Winter McK night and Margaret Cook was the high standing member of the Calf Club at the Club Achievement Day YOU nWjWrC rOf Twp year there is a little eon- fusion regarding the gun licenses required to hunt in a restricted township such as Whitchurch Firstly a hunter is required have a provincial license cover ing all of Ontario This is ob tainable through regular agen cies such as hardware stores sports stores and the township offices at and costs one dollar In Whitchurch township it is to have a special lic ense to hunt pheasants rabbits and foxes This covers pheasants during the open season of Oct ober to and foxes and rab bits up February 26 For nonresidents this costs S3 and for residents cents and is ob tainable at the township office at When going for your special license be sure to take along your provincial license as it is necessary to show this before a special license is available These licenses must be carried by the hunter for inspection by a game warden or deputy game warden Be courteous and considerate of the man who permits you to hunt on his land Arnold A Retake Cedar Valley Daughter of Mr and Mrs Morley Cook Margaret ex hibited an Ayrshire calf at the show The Achievement Day mark ed the final event of the season for the boys and girls and their final standing is based on seven different parts of club work points are awarded for each of the following attendance at meetings judging answers to questions care and feeding of the club calf cost records kept on raising their calf and showman ship Four hundred points are awarded on the calf on Achieve ment Day The judge of this years Achievement Day show was Ernest Crossland Newmar ket Margaret had a total score of out of the possible 1000 marks closely followed by Dal- Newmarket with points The standing and marks of all members were as follows Margaret Cook Da I ton Paris 920 Donald Walker Leonard Mortson Harriet WHILE THEY LAST 20 DISCOUNT ON ALL SKATES HOCKEY FIGURE KIDDIE SKATES KEITH DAVIS SPORTING GOODS MAIN ST Phone Bus 56291 WE CUT KEYS PLEASANTVILLE Faris Patsy Leek 904 Dale Suddaby Betty William Cooper Bruce Jack Cooper Keith Harm an Ken Weddel Paul Hope Stan Corvieson 803 John Wright Jerry Ronald Snider 659 A special award of a leather calf bailor was made to all first year members exhibiting stein Calves by James on behalf of the York County Club Clubs supervised by Agricultural Representatives Of fice in Newmarket The Sharon Club has as its club leaders Ang us Morton Mount Albert and lames Mortson and Main St is locally sponsored by the Shar on Junior Farmers Association Club Ctrtainfy And ton this no joVe The finlt Whtn the familys Furniture Electric Sunday Sept proved an ideal fall day for Pine Orchard Union church anniversary Rev Harold Meddle minister and the choir a few weeks vacation were in their places once again Sunday Oct Mr Cliff Brown formerly of Zephyr will occupy the Pine Orchard Union church pulpit Mi and Mrs Stuart Starr at tended wedding of the Jai lers grandfather in Ohio on Sat urday Sept Era and Express Classifieds Bring Results Mrs McClure had Saturday dinner at the home of Mr Hopper shared the other Dodger Walker and visited hits Case Gets Even Craig Case has restored Mount Alberts faith He came up with one of his best pitching job of season Monday lo turn hack Pine Orchard 1 Cases line performance accom plished three important things it evened the best of five Lake league fin als at one game each Second Case was just the tight men Third it showed that the Trounce Green Acres Y Men Stay Alive After winning two easy One for a commanding 20 lead in games Green Acres were posed to eliminate in the town league series finals Thursday However had other ideas and handed Green Acres a sound licking It was giveaway night with the Green Acre corps Green Acres pitchers Hub Att and his third frame succes sor A I Baker generously present ed swatter with free passes The helped by this overflow of generosity had little do but get to plate a they in very inning Ahead in sixth the used three walks plus hits spanked out by Don Mc- Knighl Boh Jim Morri son and Don Carroll head into a 1 21 lead The Y went for a fourrun bundle seventh on four walk and Don Carrolls single pumped out hi is in rill with Don Karle Hall Jim Morrison and Don Car roll showing way with a take- home bundle of two hits apiece Efficient second Backer Lloyd Harvey and allstar outfielder Bob accounted for the other Jim Mum on improving with was a redhot dealer in I his one Morrison chilled Ihe Green Acres lockers on five hits Jim the losers hits rate high marks in the Green Acies hit parade Lloyd Dyer Art Moore- croft and Al Haley dug in at the plate for the other Green Acres safeties Lloyd Dyer carried the initial Green Acres run across in leadoff stanza After walking and going to second on Jack infield roller Dyer hit score sheet on Jim Mar tins first Int A pair of walks and Haley hit added a second Green Acres run in round six and the losers tacked on a final run in the seventh via unearned route Ionic to show the that boys arent super- Seek Organization led for two of j Tg Pine Orchard hitters can be tak en Case didnt a v e one shaky frame The one run by Pine Or chard came because Nobby Ash after walking just kept running Ash on first look wings when Williams squirted out a little grounder Everybody got moving everybody that is except Williams who thought it was a foul hall While all the scrambl ing was going on Nobby Ash slid home safely Craig Cases slugging made his own job that much easier The Moonlit flash had two hits The second a triple scored Paul who had singled in the with the fourth run While Case was throwing a vwetl three hitler the were getting Josh Preston for eight An error on Jim in field shot Craig Cases single and Kelly Cases hit pushed Mounties into a I second Sea lion lead Paul Mumpi Craig Case mid Kelly Case picked up two hits each for the winners It was Kel ly Cases second hit that was the pivot blow in the two- run fourth Ahead of it John singled and behind it Bri an Stokes poked a double into left field Craig Cases fifth inning finished Josh Prestons lease on the mound and brought in Doug Card from the pullpen Card proceeded to strike out Henine and Kelly Case to end the fifth inning threat and in the follow ing chapter Card pumped away like a big leaguer to erase any signs a run Doug Eves as well us making a great spear of Craig Cases lin er and fine plays on several Mountie hunt attempts had two of Pine Orchards three hits Bill Dike Ab old reliable receiver accounted for los ers other Refreshment Booth The Newmarket Teen Town or ganization is seeking another or ganisation Of individual oper ate a refreshment booth week ly Saturday night dances The Teen Town dances are held each Saturday the hall under the supervision of rec reation commission With other duties Teen Town cannot oper ate a refreshment booth but another organization could raise funds through booth Pro fits would be from to SB a night Any Interested organization Is asked to contact Councillor George TW Mrs A Tucker Who at the time was a guest at the Walker home Guests for Sunday dinner at the home of Mrs McClure and Mi Madill included Mrs A Richardson and Margaret Mr and Mrs and Keith Keltleby also Mr and Mrs M McClure Wan da and Debra Mr and Mrs M McNicol were recent at the home of the sister and br mlaw Mr and Mrs ft ight Mine- sing Mr and Mrs Hoy Cody In Hamilton on Saturday wen- HISPORTS All will be forgotten and for given if George Kellys senior Newmarket High get out and win against Alliston Banting Memorial October This will actuully be the fut game of the season thai counts Previously the a the Schools big learn lost to Pick ering College and SI Andrew College were exhibition affairs However tomorrow it must a win for the Purple and Gold foot ballers if hope to make a jaunt Feather Tour nament in Toronto come Novem- If the dont win it wont for laek of hard work Coach Kelly has had the players going through a rigorous training sche dule at the fair grounds for the past week If locals are up for game they should bow into winners circle Don Carrolls junior squad has also been hard at it in train ing schedule The juniors wen- due to get under way against Pickering College John and Stan Bay- mood are also readying their two grade nine learns for gridiron j tests with Pickering College op- in all NHS students are giving football a tumble Ibis fall Messrs Kelly and Carroll have prepared a fine report for par en Is entitled Why should your son play football The article asks Is football worth all this effort The schools coaches then go on to prove that football can be of great value to each stu dent who lakes patt Pickering College seniors broke the seal of their North York COS SA season a win over High Tony Allens I wo majors A I Whites touch down and Bruce Andrews two converts sparked Pickering victory Mike Petlit and Alan lugged pigskin across Pickering College line for touchdowns for Markham In North York soccer Addle scored three goals as Pickering College drew with Richmond Hill Art Croft scored goals Pete one tV the visitors NEWMARKET DISTRICT HIGH SCHOOL Night School Classes Night school classes at Newmarket District high school will begin October at pm and will be held Monday and Wednesday evenings from pm to pm The classes will be divided into two terms of at least evenings in each term Fee for the full course will he for all students except those taking English for new Canadians for which the fee will be 2 Subject to a minimum enrolment of l students in each subject the following subjects will be offered bookkeeping shorthand Pitman typewriting horti culture and gardening methods woodwork and drafting sheet metal metalwork and welding physical fitness English and citizenship for new Canadians Enrolment will take place at the high school on Tuesday October I between and or by phon ing TW 54721 between and during the week of September no Fees are payable in full on October jg Trust Uncle Georges judgment and borrow here Relatives and friends been recommending money service for many years Its advice you can trust At Household you can count on fast efficient service from experts trained in money matters Set Ihe money you need and choose your own repayment terms Morrow with confidence from HFC Canadas largest anil most recommended consumer serving over Canadians each year Borrow with Confidence from Household Finance PAYMENT TABU b in too too 3763 3569 3lti 1000 v I dMMii HOUS FINANCE C I 155A Main ToUphon 54354 NEWMARKET

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