Newmarket Era Express Oct County Federation of Agriculture ANNUAL MEETING AGRICULTURAL BOARD ROOM BOTSFORD ST NEWMARKET THURSDAY OCTOBER 10 AT 800 PM This meeting is open to all Federation members in York county Refreshments Will be served FRANK President WICKS Secretary GOOD HEALTH IS PRICELESS Take VITADRON A tonic containing body building factors and vitamins PER BOTTLE a bottle today See our window display OBTAINABLE AT Harvey Lanes Pharmacy Main St Newmarket Phone 1 jOlAiUstl Fully reconditioned in CABINETS PORTABLES BLONDE WALNUT MAHOGANY MODERN PERIOD and remember very SINGER Sawing Mochino is guaranteed lo be Fully reconditioned By expert warranted SINGER parti by SINGER MANY ONE OR TWO OF A KINDI I SINGER SEWINC CENTER ft The Common Isabel Colville IN AUTUMN Can anything compare with the beauty of a Canadian late Sep tember or early October land scape These few weeks are bits out of fairy land for they have a quality of evanescence that at times borders on unreal ity Have you ever at this time of year canoed up a small river where maple and oak sumach and birch peeped at their gor geous scarlet and gold and bronze perfectly mirrored in the water Long ago we used paddle or row along the lagoon on the deau and felt afraid to break the spell even by a word On Thursday afternoon of last week the members of Trini ty United church Newmarket as sembled at the church to travel to Zephyr in response to an in- from that church to visit them There were five of us in our car and we thoroughly enjoyed the drive through a countryside something like I spoke of at the beginning of this article Arriv ing at the church we went to the Sunday school hall where we were received by the minister then we found seats and the meeting began Mrs Pickering the Zephyr pre sident welcomed us and after reading a lovely little poem turn ed the meeting over to our presi dent Mrs Seldon The devotion al part of the meeting was taken by Mrs Arnold and Mrs Seldon and the theme most appropri ately was Thanksgiving Mrs Arnolds theme was the Thanksgiving of the children of Israel lor their delivery under Moses from the bondage of Egypt The wonder of that delicious refreshments served we also talked and talked and talk ed Alma and I were delighted to meet Mrs While formerly a member of Dr choir in Toronto She is as much of a music enthusiast as we are and hopes to form a childrens in Zephyr All good luck attend you Mrs White We saw with satisfaction that the three male drivers Mr Ev ans Mr Hooker and Archie had been lured in by the promise of sustenance and were enjoying themselves as much as the rest of us And indeed as we drove home through the beautiful af ternoon we all agreed it had been an afternoon of real pleas ure Rally Sunday Last Sunday was Rally Sunday in Trinity United and what I say of its joys is true of Rally Sunday in any church For can you imagine anything ATKINSON IS GUEST SPEAKER Mrs Atkinson addressed the opening meeting of the J Bell Home and School associa tion at the school on Wednesday Sept 25 Mrs Peter presided The membership fee was set at cents for one parent or SI for the couple It was decided to purchase a loud speaker for the school The Home and School will UN Mrs Sproule Named President Alexander M Home And School Mrs Noble was elected president of the Alexander Muir Home and School association when the annual was held at the school on Tuesday Sept The installation cere mony Will be conducted at the October meeting Mrs Nelson Ion presided Mrs in prayer and Mrs Robert Rose was A presentation of three nieces the ShellOut for program at the J I Bell school this month Children will be asked to bring pennies to the school for this project Two classes tied for the lion by Mrs Arthur Stephen Mr tendance banner It was won by I received the Mrs Wylies kindergarten The money was raised for Mr Grants grade seven and A mi Urns followed meet j in parents and had an opportunity to get qua In led Refreshments served by the retiring officer and executive of Mrs I Is gin Those elected lo ofIce lor 1057- are president Mr Sprout vice Howard Gordon recording wet Mr WllUarn Hart corresponding seet Mrs You cant of equipment electric kettle Mm 1 Donald Mr strip projector and lie record plaver was made to the iiw Mrs Morris Mrs Jack Gibson school on behalf of the Mrs Mr- eight class Mrs Atkinson was introduced by Mrs Keeley past presi dent Mrs Atkinson spoke on the Home and School interpret ing its aims and objects for the group She outlined the history of the organization and explain ed the operation of federation and council at the Family more delightful than all those little children The girls looked like flowers some of the children so tiny that from where we were all that was visible was the tops of their heads But they as well as those older these purchases Fun Fair Mrs John Home and School support being given the semimonthly Well- Baby clinics of the York County Health Unit Volunteers from the Home and School groups assist at the clinics A list of helpers is being pre pared by Mrs Macnab Several I members placed their names on Kmjr and Mrs Michael chairmen social Mr Edwards membership Mrs Irlck finance Mrs pianist Mr Robert Rose and assistant pianist Miss Mary Moffat TkM I TKii in l tfx WKcq J r4r in l TK StwUH Tkt to rMd it 4ru mlr Mrs Atkinson said that Home the list at the meeting Others and School provided parents who are interested in assisting with an opportunity to work to gether in the interest of their children The was great for such cooperative thinking in handling the problems of todays tendance Refreshments served went bravely up received certifi- j teenagers she said cate or Bible and then through the open flowertrimmed gates proceeded to their seats cons cious of their new stature in the Sunday school A fine anthem and a lovely solo by Barbara Brown added beauty to the ser vice Mr White has the happy faculty of keeping the attention of even the small children both by his personality and by giving them a chance to take part in what he is saying He used plus and minus signs to speak of life without God and with this work are asked to con tact Mrs Reports on the years activities were given The attendance pla que was awarded to Miss Haines class Mr Edridce thanked the speak- Mrs Harry presided for on behalf of the large group the election of officers Mrs of parents and teachers in at- A presented the report of OGTOBBR SPECIAL COMPO0M0 For that 0 SPECIAL NEWMARKET DRUGS REGULAR SAVE NEWMARKET PLAZA PH DAVIS DR NEAR FREE were SECOND GUIDE CO IS ORGANIZED A second Girl Guide company is being formed Mrs Orley Hayes district commissioner an nounced this week The first meeting of the new group will be held in the recreation room of the nominating committee and additional nominations were made at the meeting life with God Then he used the is still remembered by I upright Cross to represent I the Jews and their faithful obser- and he explained how apt we are Trinity United church on Friday contains a lesson to us to want to go our own way and Oct at pm Then Mrs Seldon spoke of the shut out God But when we add Puritans and the pioneers who the Cross beam we cross out our- although- according to our stand ard had so little to be thankful for yet instituted a day of Thanksgiving which we in this 1 wonderful Canada have an over abundance of reasons for thank- fulness Yet Mrs Seldon said it seems as if those who privi leges by constant endeavor and hard unremitting work are far more apt to be thankful than those who as a matter of course have many blessings and seem to feel they are their right Following the devotional peri od Alma Stephens beautiful voice was heard in two numbers He Shall Feed His Flock and Prayer and right there we had something to be thankful for the beautiful music that has come to us and the lovely voice to infer it Mrs Pickering thin took over and it is always interesting for one society to hear what inter ests its fellow workers have Af- the meeting we were divided into birthday month groups thus mixing up Zephyr and Newmar ket members and as we ate the DRAPERY MA FREE selves and add God to our lives As we watched the children go out we knew that in some of their minds at least the lovely lesson of Life with God added will never be forgotten That goes for adults too Omission I forgot in speaking of our Wl program last week to mention an important item Frances Walker gave some quite wonderful re cipes which should soak the fa mily like to eat what should Some day Ill put them in this column Social News SATISFACTION GUARANTEED We are most grateful the church board for permitting us the use of this room Mrs Hayes said We have been happy about the response to our appeal for additional leaders Miss Ellen Jackson will be cap- Main of the Second Newmarket Guide company Replacing her as of the First company is Miss Eleanor Cronk Her lieu tenants are Mrs Kirk Everett and Mrs Jean Bernard and her com pany leader is June Clark Lieutenants for the Second com pany are Mrs Kenneth and Miss Mary Arnold Company leader is Frances Hope Although the response for ad ditional leaders was good con tinued Mrs Hayes we need two or three more adults We need two more to assist with Brownie Items for the Social and Per- Brownie packs column must reach the two guide companies oper and Express office not later thanjating in town it is necessary for noon each Tuesday Send them us train reserve leaders A by mail or telephone TW leadership raining class will be or TW held in Newmarket in October The annual Harvest thank- be announced offering service was held at St toler Mr5 Anglican church on Sun day The church was decorated B AND P CLUB HAS with fruits flowers and veget- I ables Home and School members from Newmarket tonight will attend the fall workshop at Charles Ho wilt school The workshop sponsored by YorkSi and School council is planned to assist new ly elected officers and executive members Mrs Donald SHUTIN PROJECT CHOSEN BY GIRLS Stuart of Perrins Flow er Shop was the guest of the Se cond Brownie pack when it met on Monday afternoon Sept 23 Brown Owl is Mrs Arthur Lloyd The Brownies have chosen as their project the growing of bulbs When the bulbs are in bloom they will Rive them to shutins in the district Mr explained the indoor I forcing of bulbs the correct planting methods and described the culture required for these flowers Brownies of this pack who have passed their swimmers test are Beth Joan Fines Sandra Hillaby Cutting Susan j Lloyd Karen Peat Gad Cook I Marilyn Hurst and Pam Gibson The tests were taken at the Peter j Gorman Swimming pool before the end of the season LIGHTMANS Bargain House Around Corner Main St South MENS DOESKIN SHIRTS Reg MENS COMBS sizes GOODS SATISFACTORY OR MONEY REFUNDED TOWN OF NEWMARKET Final Discount Date TAXES NOTICE TO TAXPAYERS The ratepayers are hereby reminded that second instalment of the taxes are due and payable ON OR BEFORE OCTOBER Penalties will be added on the instal ment after this date BROOKS DINNER MEETING Mis Colin Aurora was sneaker when the Business and Professional Womens club Newmarket held lis September dinner meeting at the George Hotel Miss Margaret Morning presided The program was under the direction Of Miss Smyth introduced Mrs of 9 MAIN ST NEWMARKET PH TW Is Main St Out N lav id es is lh MEATS NEWMARKET and AURORA CHOICE BONE and WING Steaks 69 c lb SMOKED PICNIC HAMS C lb dent of the North York Womens Liberal association was named an area vicepresident of the Toronto and Womens Lib eral at the annual mealing last week in Toronto Mrs Stephenson Richmond Hilt was elected press secretary Mr and Mrs Kenneth Aurora Greenhouses Mrs gave a demonstration of flower arranging and corsage making Miss Audrey moved the vote of thanks Each of the participants in the program received one of the cor sages An auction sale of the bouquets was held Toronto and Mrs Richard Wllh Mrs lna cHote actum as Beckett spent the weekend I auctioneer Marmora the guests of Mr and Mrs Ronald Beckett family I Ay provided a pleasant Miss Martin and Mr spent Sunday with Mr and Mrs Dennis Martin Kes wick Mr and Mr Ross lie and daughter Sharon Montreal wen recenl guests of their parent J Mr and Mrs Bernard Lee Mr Lee attended a convention in I Toronto for the week leal interlude New members and I guests were introduced by their I hostesses The club emblem was interpre ted by the president Miss Morn ing showed the opportunities and responsibilities of membership in the and club Her talk pave members and guests a belter un derstanding of the aims ob jects of the organization REV A YIELDING Mrs J B Walker has re turned home from Calgary by after spending the month I of September with her IS GUEST SPEAKER law and daughter Mr and Mrs Keith Wood and family Mrs Pike and family visited Mr Win K Mor ton on Sunday Mrs spent a few Is f bc hit an FRESH SLICED TENDER JUICY Pork Liver C lb leners 35f NO 1 GRADE BUTTER 64 lb Willi It PAYS US TO SELL THE BEST QUALITY IT PAYS YOU TO BUY THE BEST QUALITY Smith Montreal days with her father Mr Morton Mrs Gordon Kemp is ink daughter Mrs John Struthers and Mr Niagara St this wee Mr Walter Fuller Niagara St celebrated his flOth birthday Saturday SWIMMKRS A swimmers lest for members of the Brownie pack will be held at St Andrews College swimming pool on Monday Oct at pm The Brownies will be accompanied by their leader Mrs Ray and District Commissioner Mrs Hayes Close to attended the first meeting of the Paint Daubers in the Public Library on Thursday Sept 26 Rev Arthur Yielding was the guest speaker Mrs Errol Gould presided and welcomed the amateur ait en thusiasts to the new group She explained the purpose of the or ganization which as a hobby club will wive encouragement to new comers in the field of painting Members are invited to work in whatever media they wish Copy work will he permitted The emphasis of the club will bo the providing of a congenial background for people who share a common interest to learn more about art together Mr Yielding gave a lecture and demonstration on the funda mentals of oil painting He out lined the materials a beginner will require and painted a mid summer landscape for the group A silver collection was taken It was given to Mr Yielding for childrens work at Grace church COME IN AND SEE THE SENSATIONAL ITS A I the hood if you I and filing or lying A CARRIAGE DESIGNED FOR THE AUTOMOBILE AGE Solves the of travelling with baby 1 ITS A 1 1lnM CUt fitting d AdtvttabU ITS AN AUTO BED Travel tody home Two h acK CarriQB Hong to to of oi for at iho- A room for poiitnqtft For bob plot In Hood may b nd if I ir AN AUTO SCAT A 5 ITS A for or trowelling body wilh folding on gstial 6t ITS A CHAIR OIWMlMlt DYERS Furniture Ltd 30 Main St Newmarket Free Delivery Phone TW S6281 At