Newmarket Em and Thursday Oct v i I UNDER NEW OWNERSHIP CRONES Tobacco Shop Formerly owned by Joseph Smith TOBACCO CONFECTIONERY SUNDRIES BOWLING BILLIARDS I 208 Main St Newmarket Ph TW 59029 CHARLIE CRONE Proprietor Factorfresh power g up years Plenty of power for Sizes and types fit most cart and MAM M CAN ADA TO CANADIAN CONDITION Wilted M 4i Era and Express Classifieds bring results J There are TWO sides to this story I In Ik about newspaper ad- and how TWO ways It be Ink In the home where he ladylnamoodtobuj her shopping studying he iris in this newspaper to where the best are The story In he adver tisers where the lady buy what she saw advertised Newspaper advertising helps the shopper to buy more wisely helps the advertiser to sell more there are two sides llih story and BOTH are good The Newmarket Era and Express Must Have Mail Boxes Oct For Delivery KING CITY It up to the home owners themselves whether they have mail delivery or commented Councillor Kent Monday Town council was nformed on Oct by the Director of Postal Service hat a large number of business nd residential properties have is anxious to establish this ser vice before the heavy Christ mas mail season Council agreed it should do everything possible to have the mail delivery service started this year A sound truck will tour town to remind people of obligation regarding the in- Fashion Over The Years Featured In Wl Showing Mr Audrey Mrs The lucky draws were made Boh Cane Helen Mrs by a small guest from Cape Cod vclma Neil and Mrs Dorothy Robertson Planning the display of new- styles were Joan Paul and Betty Wade Helen Rumble and Ruth mail receptacles Unless more of mail receptacle re installed immediately there be no postal delivery ser vice in Newmarket this year On the recommendation of Councillor council went on record as officially request the residents of Newmarket o comply with the regulations installations of mail receptacles must be made prior to Friday Oct when the final inspec tion for will be made The Postal reported in his letter on the last survey made regarding the doortodoor mail delivery He listed many streets in town which fail to comply with the requirements There must be at least 90 per cent of the points of call equip ped with mail receptacles before letter carrier service can be started The next inspection will be made on Oct 25 It there are not enough receptacles at that time mail delivery layed until next year The post al department reported that it Tie junior chamber of Com merce has offered to conduct a lousetohouse check on these retaliations the clerk told coun cil ARENA MANAGER Stanley Smith was reengaged is arena manager for another year when the Newmarket Arena commission met last 1825 A fashion show featuring both the latest fashions of fall and those of years ago was sponsored by the King City Womens Institute Over was raised at the shows The proceeds will be used for the WellBaby clinic which the is sponsoring in the village each month The clinic is con- dueled by the York County Health Unit The modern clothing was pro vided through the courtesy of Dailcys Ladies Wear Aurora with Mrs acting as com mentator The styles of yester year were described by Mrs Helen Rumble Judging by the beautiful gar ments modelled the ladies of were quite as Doner gathered the other seasons Motor City Choir To Sing At Trinity On October 28 OUR IS YOUR ST BUYING MM The choir formed 24 years ago raised thousands of dollars for the Red Cross and other char ities during the last war The choir is conducted by Many outstanding artists have appeared with the choir includ ing James Andrew Don Girard Jimmy Shields Robert Reid and James Mr Geen is organist and choir master of Sim cog St United church He also is an active mem ber of the board of examiners of the Royal Conservatory of Music in Toronto For the past eight years the choir has been accompanied Kelvin James ARCM organist and choirmaster of St Andrews Presbyterian church Oshawa The concert in Newmarket is sponsored by the choir of Trinity Geen The Motor City choir of will be presented in a concert a Trinity United church New market on Monday Oct for JEFF SMITH PLUMBING AND HEATING CQNTRACTOR5 SON At j YOUR CHAMBER OK COMMERCE IS BUILDING A BETTER COMMUNITY WEDDING HARRISON DAVIS Sharon United church decorat ed wjth baskets of gladioli in all shades was the sluing for the marriage of Jarqueiin Al berta Davis daughter of Mrs Davis and the late John Davis Walter Earl Harrison son of Mr and Mrs Karl Harrison The Rev W perform- the ceremony in mar ine by her brother Gordon the bride a bridal own of and net over made on fitted line with sweetheart neckline and nil J bouffant skirt her lace mittens formed a point over the hands la pearl coronal hi Id I r fingertip of illusion She an itd a bouquet of white amotions mums and Prances Hope cousin of the bride was maid of honor and Miss Evelyn bridesmaid wore wait length dresses of brocaded taffeta in shades of autumn champagne nd rose with mittens to match and bandeaux of matching They carried crescent bouquets of mums Little Miss Linda Harrison lister of the groom flower girl Her dress was floor length brocaded taffeta in pale blue with mittens to mat and a wreath of flowers in her hair She carried a small crescent bouquet of blue baby mom- Mr Rod Harrison attended his brother a best man and Mr Foster cousin the bride and Mr Donald ushers At reception held in Sharon hall Mrs Davis received in a brown taffeta dress and gold accessories and a corsage of low roses and baby mums She was assisted by the grooms in a royal blue dress with pink accessories and corsage of pink rose and baby mum- The bride those grey tweed suit with navy accessories and corsage of pink roses for a horn moon In and northern They will ruidi on the rooms Am i PREVENT FIRESI dont overload your wiring system I SPASKV if- FIRE A PI AC I START flovtRiitiie IS I SIS dressed as is the modern matron Mrs Cathy Hall modelled a black velvet dress which had been worn in It had a bustle dolman sleeves and sweeping skirt A plumed hat completed the ensemble which no doubt was the envy of its wearers social set as much as the j autumn brown costume with matching half stole and small feather hat worn Mrs Ross Walker It was equally as splendent as the preen dress modelled by Mrs Mar Peter or the royal blue crepe with lace midriff low neckline and short sleeves The offwhite sheath dress with its pencil slim skirt break ing into a floorlength fulness had been worn for formal oc casions during the hist war Its low neckline swept lo the back waistline in a cowl effect and I was quite lovely as the rich am- lace bodice dress modelled by Mrs Lillian Rank The hew style had a low shoulder neckline and a bouffant nylon net skirt over taffeta The tinyness of Arnold Peters mother some fifty years ago was pointed up when petite sec retary Doris barely managed to wear a blouse and skirt The blouse was of brown poplin with ecru yoke fancy sleeves and molded back filled with to make it fall in a point over the nar row long tweed skirt The audience was delighted with several fashions from the past These included a pink silk Penoir boudoir lounging costume of pure silk and lace There were yards and yards of material to this outfit Mrs Helen Toronto loan ed a black beaded dress for the fashion show Mrs had worn the dress on the stage several year ago An 80year old black and white beach costume was modelled by Mrs Victor Doner It was com plete with matching long strip stockings Modern s ports whs modelled by Joan Paul who wore black velveteen slim Jims and a bright red car coat Color trends in Mrs display included Royal blue black and the brightest red Tra ditional autumn hues vied with sharptone colors as favorites the audience Many pill box style hats were shown One popular style a mushroom velvet in coordinating colors complet ed several ensembles Other models the ihov included Mrs Betty Grow Lynn Mrs won a tall hat Nylon hose were won by Mrs J and Margaret At the conclusion of the fash- clothes ion show refreshments Wert served by members AIR LAND SEA in An A BENNETT TRAVEL SERVICE Old la PREVENT dont smoke in DONT A HI ACS Borrow with where dad did llorrowing HFC mm nolhing new Dad He lironglil money problems t reived eUenlion fast service Today HFC is finance company hacked by Two oul of new 1 1 are sent by old Like Dad know may borrow with confidence from experienced specially- trained iritile at Need Phone or viuil today Money Seivltv bached J r tk Calk I tins isu Iduu til an lit hi tin t Nil 1 1 t HOUSEHOLD FINANCE C I Manage Main Tlphon NEWMARKET Its Later Than You Think DONT DELAY Have Your Car Winterized TODAY Motor tuneup Carburetors and Brakes overhauled or adjusted Complete steering system checked or overhauled ALL WORK IS DONE BY OUR SPECIALIZED FACTORY TRAINED MECHANICS We satisfactory service CARS PICKED UP AND DELIVERED CALL TODAY AT SLESS0R motors Newmarket Limited 31 Eagle Street TWirung Carl ok MANS measured in gasoline costs you less 15 work s Job and moot do how v take so to i Of Weill aw avv to thats how long it takes an average Canadian today to earn the pride of a gallon of gasoline On of performance youre getting an even bigger bargain For todays regular gasolines are far superior to the premium only ten years ago IMPIRIAL OIL