The Em and Express Thursday Oct It fy I USE FOB SALE house with th and sunporch plenty of aluminum storms and ens throughout fully located on nice lot with of flowers and garden at For information phone 54429 New modern 5room brick attached garage west side town Phone TW or rite PO box brie bungalow living room 2 bedrooms kitchen 3piece bathroom room large garage and cold water on bus route Phone 22012 new Ira modern frame fully insulated floors modern colored 4- bath and vanity beautiful pboards cash easy on balance No brokers bone reverse RUssell after 6 FOR RENX OR SALE at Prospect Street Immediate Twostorey 3 bedrooms kitchen newly decorat- and furnace Apply St or phone 56453 FOR RENT ROOMS furnished separate ance and bath Weekly rale One Newmarket FOR RENT BEDROOM house hot and electric refrigerator and Reduced rent for Repairs n highway near Roches Point s stop corner Phone Walnut To ARM house eight miles from no chores required aged or elderly couple- referred Rent very reasonable desired couple complete bath- hotwater and furnace rile box Newmarket Era Express ROOM winterized furnished inside conveniences lose to schools and shopping 0 per month Alfred Oliver one rep realtor MA Tor- nto brick bungalow bed- poms automatic oil ell reasonable rent Apply Cedar St Keswick weekend c3w41 REAL ESTATE F SALE A SONS LIMITED PRICE ACRES of sandy loam land 50 acres of workable land or pasture balance bush Suitable for ranch or growing christmas trees Two creeks on property one on the East and one on the West Some large pine and spruce trees on property full price or offer with terms 100 ACRES PONDS 10000 DOWN Clay loam soil on two good roads with two small ponds brick house hen house hog pen and implement shed all 24 Bank barn This land is all workable Owner will break up property into acres and pond or 20 acres pond and all the buildings Close to school church and town Full price with terms Contact ROY STEWART PHONE MOUNT ALBERT J A WILLOUGHBY AND SONS Limited Realtors Ave Toronto BUILDINGS FOR RENT LARGE room polished hardwood floor insulated approximately sq ft or work shop See this interested Rea sonable Apply Dan Riddell Queen St Newmarket feet Suitable for storage St at Newmar ket Reasonable rental Apply Alex Ltd Main St New market phone New market APARTMENT FOR RENT apartment at Jersey River Keswick Phone Newmarket between am and 6 pm main floor apartment phone TW 52482 Newmarket ARTICLES FOR SALE MEDIUM size space heater also oil tanks Apply Oak St phone 59324 Newmarket GE REFRIGERATOR ft in good condition Also Cooler- electric stove 4 burners Phone 56707 Newmarket WANTED TO RENT URGENTLY NEEDED THEATRE manager and family moving to Aurora Nov 1 or thereabouts desires lower apart ment or house 2 or bedrooms Write for full particulars to H Fuller Edward St St Thomas NEW apartment selfcontained two large rooms heated bath hot and cold water built- STOKER with aH controls in cupboards Reasonable- Im mediate possession Apply 757 St Newmarket or phone 5-2069- clw41 in good condition Small coal oil stove sink and toilet set Apply Prospect St phone Newmarket YORK COUNTY DISTRICT REAL ESTATE BOARD WHEN buying or selling prop erties consult a Realtor A to is a member of an organized Real Estate Board and qualified to deal with all your require ments YOUR local members are CHARLES LIMITED 210 Main Street Newmarket Telephone TW 54517 No 2 Newmarket J Pre A K Bennett Sec RELIABLE middleaged couple requires unfurnished winterized cottage or bedroom selfcon tained apartment heavy wiring reasonable by Nov Write Era and Express box or 5ROOM apartment or house in Newmarket Aurora area Adults Possession Nov Mrs McMaster Milli- phone AX 35934 Agincourt ARTICLES FOR SALE VENETIAN BLINDS ALUMINUM or steel Made for all styles of windows Free esti mates and installations Phone TW or apply Harold Craddock 353 Ontario St Newmarket REFRIGERATOR in condi tion new unit guaranteed Phone 54405 Newmarket MODERN home Early possession Express box I S3 or apartment Write Era and ALEX LIMITED RKALTOR A LOVELY bungalow built recently of brick construction in one of host sub divisions in town Nil A mort gage and carries for A reasonable down payment ft 00 ROOMED house in new natural gas furnace and heater Gas line for love Apply 294 Court St or hone Newmarket ROOM winterized duplex rch private entrance reason- rent Half mile from Lake Wilcox Private beach Mrs on mail box REAL ESTATE FOR SALE TO CLOSE ESTATE DIXON BLVD the total price asked for a 4room bungalow near Newmarket all conveniences and in good condition mile from highway Terms LOWER apartment duplex or house anytime or by Dec Married couple no children Phone Newmarket after pm on Friday or week end civ41 HOUSE or self contained apart ment before Oct for family of four Phone Newmarket 5- 2791 OFFICE SPACE FOR RENT METRO Wrecking and Lumber Co Richmond Hill Ont Phone Avenue 53942 Used building and plumbing supplies steel beam etc 2x4x8 20 cents 2x4 cents INDUSTRIAL UNIFORMS ATTENTION taxis garages truckers tailored to measure uniforms by Bond Tailors Noted for quality- value and service See Cliff In- uniform department I MODERN daylight offices in new building on Main St located near Ideal for manufact uring or showrooms Approxim ately 2200 square Will divide Reasonable rent TW or RIFLE SPECIALS CALIBRE Precision Swiss lightning fast repeater de tachable magazine only 1695 Available as a Deluxe Sporter only 2250 Winchester or Remington repeating Snorters only Each fully guaranteed Get yours now while supply lasts We ship International Firearms Co Ltd Bleu r v Montreal Quo c4w38 SI a week buys the famous Rem ington Rand Portable Typewriter with free service for months Centra Office Supplies I Wel lington Street Kant Aurora Over Ardills PA SEVERAL good used pianos completely reconditioned rea sonably priced Ken Grace St Newmarket phone 563 EASY Spiralator washing ma chine in good condition Apply Millard Ave Newmarket BEDROOM suite in good condi tion Dresser vanity bed night- table and bench Oak diningroom suite in good condition buffet china cabinet table 6 chairs and tea wagon Phone or apply Prospect St Newmar ket LARGE oil burner heat com plete house Apply St phone Newmar ket FOR worldfamous SmithCor ona Keyed For Speed type writers standard and portable electric or manual set or call York Office Equipment 21 Street South Aurora Phone PA view Elec tric or manual adders cash reg isters Highest quality lowest price Typewriters for rent SERVICES AVAILABLE OILBURNER service Day or night Newmarket Services Co phone 54181 Newmarket tf40 NATURAL gas heating by your local dealer Newmarket Services Company 54181 Newmar ket DILLONS DRIVING TORONTO instructor Phone Frank Dillon Valley View Lunch or residence Mount Albert Cars dual controlled fully insured free pickup SEPTIC TANK SERVICE WE INSTALL complete septic tank and weeping beds at re duced rates Alt workmanship guaranteed We also appreciate custom trenching depths up to feet Murray Baker phone Newmarket CHESTERFIELDS and broad- loom rugs cleaned right in your home All work guaranteed Dial TW WE seed lawns and top dress with wellrotted compose 3 yard load Also concrete repairs of all kinds Work guaranteed Bell Bros Gormlev phone 5477 WORK WANTED NEAT efficient typist would like home work addressing envel opes dictaphone etc Mrs Joan Holt Pasadena Drive Miami Beach Keswick WANT your radio repaired in a hurry and guaranteed Phone Newmarket TW 52377 UPHOLSTERING CHESTERFIELD suites occasion al chairs rebuilt recovered in any fabric Apply Sargents Muriel Ave Newmarket tf40 MACHINERY FOR SALE WASHING MACHINE REPAIRS All makes by qualified factory trained service man STEWART BEARE Radio and Appliances Phone TW 52393 Newmarket tf40 ATTENTION HUNTERS THIS fall make your hunting more enjoyable by having your game mounted by Reg Taxidermist Birds fish animals and deer heads mounted Fur made etc One mile south of Baldwin on highway INSULATION MICA HI per bag SI 25 per bag LAKE LUMBER Phone 16u02 no v Reasonable Newmarket FOR a 1 a ere farm 4 miles from highway JTew roof on and barn This place is vacant at the present time so open for immediate possession Barn very suitable for broiler raising or hogs ALEX LIMITED REALTOR Main St opposite Loblans Newmarket Phone OARAGE FOR RENT AURORA SUBJECT to sufficient demand gas we plan to make office space available for businessmen wish ing low overhead accommodation and a commercial location Re ceptionist and ser vice will be provided with sten ographer and bookkeeping ser vices available For further in formation write at once to PO box Aurora NEW chrome budgie cage holds around 40 birds pair of budgies Phone PR Oak Ridges AURORA SUBJECT to sufficient demand we plan to make office space available for business man wish ing low overhead accommodation and a commercial location Re ceptionist and switchboard ser vice will be provided with sten ographer and bookkeeping ser vices available For further in formation write at once to PO box Aurora MARRIED couple middleaged desires position as caretaker country estate qualified as housekeeper chauffeur handy man or houseman when required Good references Write Era and Express EXPERIENCED gardener de sires work Phone Newmarket TRUCKS FOR SALE FOR SALE BY TENDER TRUCKS ONE Ford one ton express ONE Ford ton special ONE GMC ton special ONE ton pickup THESE vehicles may he seen at Bell Telephone Co Garage Eagle St Newmarket or call between am and noon potato die- in good condition con East mile northof Davis Dr New market CASE forage harvester complete with corn nose and hay pickup Also Case blower Apply Art Cation Keswick Crav ing and third concession North FOR oil tanks trucks or used construction machinery contact Truck Equipment Limited Street FARM ITEMS DEADSTOCK removed from your farm promptly for sanitary disposal service charge for each call Collect Newmar ket phone or Toron to EM GORDON YOUNG LLM1TKD FARM SERVICE DEAD horses cattle and hogs Nothing tinder lbs Picked up for disposal We buy old horsed for slaughter Phone col lect 541 or Ed For new WANTED HATCHING EGGS at Mount table TYPEWRITERS and adding ma- chines for rent or sale Special top for students Central Phone TV convertible baby car riage also playpen Phone PA Aurora Supplier over PA St Aurora phone 1 SERVICES AVAILABLE ROOMS FOR KENT ATTRACTIVELY furnished bed- sitting room centrally located gentleman preferred Phone or apply Joseph St Newmarket OIL space heater condition Phone 04024 Newmarket 3w40 bathroom outfit in I condition Phone apply Raffle St Newmarket TOILET set complete size heater oral for Beech portable hath tub all in good shape Apply Sim- NOV is time have that broken furniture and miscellane ous items repaired Skilled Can- workmanship All work FURNISHED room with hot and cold water heated Phone TW 5- or apply Queen St St Newmarket 2w4ij GARAGE central Apply 236 Williams St or phone TW Newmarket civ PROPERTIES FOR SALE TWO large Davis market phone Apply TV NEWMARKET With no reasonable half offer 2 storey stucco house on lot close to schools and bopping large rooms 3 and bath water with ill Contact J A evening PA and Meredith Limited Avenue pit Toronto apartment modern suitable for hair dresser or bath er Will accept down payment Geo broker Jacksons Point MORTGAGE MONEY WANTED LARGE rooms share bathroom separate entrance centrally lo cated One child welcome Phone Gor- or apply ham St Newmarket CHARLES E BOYD LTD REALTOR DOWN- ROOM red brick home double converted to make a 4-room- apartment on main floor a roptned apartment on second Kitchen equipped with loves and refrigerator Separate entrances Now for immediate price ROOM clapboard flme central Main floor has Wing room dining room huge kitchen and a one piece throonj Second floor lias large bedrooms and a full basement with an furnace See this now asking price ROOM brick home central lo tion main floor has living oom huge modern kitchen bath- and two bedrooms Upstairs as three large bedrooms garage full basement with an oil furnace Located lose to the hospital Full price with down storey stucco home lot 200 Main living room with separate dining room two bedrooms and a four piece bathroom oak floors mod- kitchen Upstairs has a hall one bedroom finished in oily bine siding full banmem an oil Now vacant immediate possession ice cash E BOYD LTD REALTOR Main St Newmarket Open till pm Phone jF Of York County and Cooperative clw4l MONEY MONEY MONEY WANTED WANTED cent Knit mortgage r interest immediate need First Class Homes CHARLES BOYD LTD duplex for rent Part- time work available St Newmarket electric stove refrigera tor oil heat Reasonable rental No objection to school age child- Apply Alex Ltd Main St Newmarket phone ALUMINUM door 2 ft it complete with screen new Heavy style Will sell cheap Phone or apply St Newmarket NATIONAL Deep meat pop self ke FURNISHED bedroom man pre ferred Phone New market or apply Millard Ave CHEERY warm bedsitting room comfortably furnished housekeeping facilities central business woman preferred Phone Newmarket Main SI ROOM or room and hoard in nice Phone comfortable home business man lady preerred Phone Newmarket electric fr cooler large set of scales weighs up to W self computing PIANO accordion bass nice tone excellent for beginner Cheap Phone Queens i and wood Princess Pat range buffet cupboard with quantity of and some chairs Phone or apply Court St Call TW Newmarket for information and pick- up serviie RIDDELLS WELDING CEDAR STREET Phone TV NEWMARKET PORTABLE electric acetylene welding government approved boiler repairs Verandah rail ings made to order Iron work of a kinds Vincent Prop I WINDOW cleaning Window Cleaning Service phone TW Newmarket BABY stales for rent weekly or per month Bests Drug Store phone New market MERCHANDISE NURSES UNIFORM CARRIED in slock and up Cotton nylon exclu sive agent for register ed Dawsons P Newmarket 1941 MERCURY pickup truck in condition has not got thousand miles on it yet Apply Clark Martin Lodge Or chard Beach USED CARS CHEVROLET car in condition Aubrey Pottage Ave Sharon needed the year round For detail write FARMS LIMITED POULTRY WANTED ALL kind- of live poultry want ed Any amount- We will par Toronto price rig door Phone market at jour New- At INVISIBLE MENDING Opposite post office Newmarket by weavers Ruin moth- tears Bring your troubles winter coat blue Girl a pale green corduroy jumper size boys navy flannel blazers 2 pairs grey flannels All these articles are in excel- lent condition Phone TV 5- ii your alterations HELP WANTED ices market Phone ei w48 and janitor by the phone Newmarket WINDOW WOMEN Make money at home assembling items or experience necessary Leo Mfg 3rd Los Angeles Cat BELL TELEPHONE CO REQUIRES OPERATORS AT NEWMARKET WITH LONG DISTANCE EXPERIENCE For full or part tune work Good wages with increases Call CHIEF OPERATOR At appointment A- SALES LTD PLYMOUTH door station wagon FORD door station wagon PLYMOUTH door automatic This car is load- 1 with extras door One owner CHEVROLET door DODGE door CHEVROLET door ex tra good WE have in our stock HATCHING eggs wanted for new hatchery at Mourn Albert needed tho year round For details write Fleming Farms Limited On ANTED HATCHING EGGS now at Mount AN For Elf Deeded the or voir round FLEMING FARMS FOR ROCK t- itr phono A in our cheaper eats and pickup trucks Before buying a used car visit our used ear lot We ate offer- special this month I OCR with any I ess DAVIS DRIVE NEWMARKET HKSOTO A sales ltd a X i i we e V PI MERCURY station passenger and automatic Terms 54932 TW it reasonable New market a KM J door original lean Will pass most mechanical inspection Will s I STOCK I J St row PA A model fivd TKA1LKR FOR 2WUEEL trailer Apply Service Station Eagle St Newmarket FURNISHED rooms bath ill conveniences car space Apply Crescent New market Newmarket SMALL Quebec pipes Just used one TV Newmarket STUDIO couch A I Phone REASONABLE Radio walnut cabinet in good Viiidiobe large double drawer loam landscaping Phone Mount Albeit estimate I trees heater and hanger doora Phone dition large door STONE from llie i HAULAGE sand pit and gravel lf40 BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES WANTED LESSEE by MAJOR OIL COMPANY for NEW SERVICE STATION AMI LUNCH COUNTER ON MAIN TO NEWMARKET Apply Box 186 Era and MEN preferred Phone Newmarket or apply K Hansen Old Second Street north COMFORTAJJLE room all Ton Phone TV 54850 mirror form iusts to different sues stands Arm wood leather teat Phone TW New market Newmarket MEDIUM oil pood condition Aurora iter in PA HOYS skates in very condition A No pair of good ki A O A O I A O AVAILABLE WILL give day rare for au- preferred Apply Stanley phone Newmarket ROOM AVAILARLI Phone TV market New NO JOB TOO SMALL PAINTING hanging a n plastering repair J MRiide phone 56246 I Repairs Modeling Skilled English Craftflnieii Finance can be arranged SIDNEY PEACOCK J or ham St Newmarket phone TW DRIVER delivery and help in grocery and meal store Must be on figures and re liable write Era and box Newmarket CAPABLE girl or for general housework i be fond of children Write and Express box li2 II FEMALE staff cols residence in Newmarket Several hours work niht and mornine with sleep over Live out Good salary ft day week Usual employment benefits Pre fer nursing social work Train experience Must like children and be able to warm relationship with ihem appointment phone ft Newmarket I v ERA AND EXPRESS CLASSIFIEDS BRING RESULTS M it t A bedsilting room all conveniences central Board if desired Phone TW ft Olio Newmarket ROOM and hoard available TW Newmarket YOUR CHAMBER OF COMMERCE IS BUILDING A BETTER COMMUNITY Classified Advertising Rates Three rents a word minimum of rents for advertise ment Half when repeated on successive weeks Ten percent discount if advertisement Is paid within week of publication Coming cost three cents a minimum tents Sale Registers for the first week cents for each successive week Card of Wedding announcements SI DO for less cents If paid wllhlu week of publication In Memorising for each Insertion plus 5 cents a lino for verse less W If paid within week of publication Classified advertisements may be phoned Into or left at The Era and office on Charles St Newmarket phone TW The Wood Store St Aurora Mrs L Roll- phone King or with any correspondent Advertisements accepted through the mall only where name and address of send er clearly Indicated Your advertisement gels Into over homes In North York OUTSTANDING OPPORTUNITY FEMALE Leading an Company requires women who wish to earn extra money Our products Hie first quality nat ionally advertised and provide unlimited scope customers Our proven bales plan steady repeat yearround busi ness Then- is no delivering collecting of money ami you choose working hours Mut ed to you For complete detail without write Hipi Peggy Canada Ltd Ontario All re plies answered of good pleasant personal ity required for new modern office This is permanent posi tion with excellent salary comp any paid hospitalization insurance and medical plan Profit sharing Apply in person Manager Citi zens Finance Co Ltd Main St Newmarket tit and Appb priced to Sell Charlotte Si ivjsv mm I i 1050 fcORl I Moil pickup refused Phone Newmarket AVAILABLE LEAVING Newmarket AS am In and Front turning Newmarket LEAVING Newmarket a m King Street Toronto at S m t Phone YOUNG lady requires to Belleville on Monday Oct Phone TW New market between 4 and pm v WOOD I OK SALE 1 5- iz wood hard and Mount hardwood Lewis I or FOR No WHITE honey all sue con- tamers v or Phone B Ka r or wtekeiids w36 PUMPKINS all place north St or phone TV Newmarket Mi and Express Bring Results TRANSPORTATION from Aur to Lawrence Ave and Don Mill arriving a am Phone Aurora up I BOYS bicycle Owner may have by paving for Phone after K A V E GOING OVERSEAS LOST FENDER skirt for Cadillac very Reward Davis 1 St Park information and sen YELLOW Labrador Phone Newmarket WE sell passage on all Trans Atlantic Boat Line C Ill etc and talk proposed trip with reliable Come in your Beat The BEST DRUG STORE PLANTS FOR SALK YOUR CHAMBER OF COMMERCE IS A BETTER COMMUNITY AFRICAN VIOLETS Newmarket of large flowering violet New and rare at 1 and 125 soil Open Clarke Violet Centre Bjh Dr Newmarket 3vr