Newmarket Era and Express, 10 Oct 1957, p. 5

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Continued sale register HUNDREDS of ornamental trees from up to clear land Apply Store Cedar Valley till pm including Monday as PETS FOR SALE TROPICAL fish imported stock tanks and supplies Gold- Tropical Acquar- Apply Cawtbra Blvd one Newmarket MISCELLANEOUS BOXER PUP FEMALE from registered stock A well marked tan dog 8 weeks old Phone FREE White and black kitten half Persian in good hands only Phone TW Newmarket CANARIES Singer females Baby Budgies males S3 females Cages supplies Flame and African violet Mrs Agar phone MISCELLANEOUS A complete stock of every product available at your agent Harvey Lanes Pharmacy Newmarket sale Phone Aurora PA 7- PRESCRIPTIONS are our spec ialty We carry one of the larg est stocks of drugs and chemicals found anywhere in the district Two full time and two part time Pharmacists to serve you Har vey Lanes for prescriptions FURS Repairs cleaned restyl- ed All work guaranteed Ken Stiff Furs Ltd Stop 21A Yonge St phone Avenue 1 mile south of Richmo Hill WELL tile 30 and 36 Immedi ate delivery Lome Baker and Son concrete products phone TW THE BEST BRONCHIAL COUGH SYRUP For coughs colds and bronchi tis A prompt and effective rem edy for the relief of bronchitis tight or chesty coughs and colds The Best Drug Store Newmarket MUCOUS IN THROAT Pink Tablets for the nose and throat for the dropping of mucous discharge sensation of the lump in the throat and other disturbances These are the same reliable pink tablets that have been used for many years by adults and children with good results Price 100 The Best Drug Store phone TW 54091 New market Trusses surgical supports elast ic hosiery for those who suffer from various veins ankle arid knee trouble Arch supports Lumbago belts Best Drug Store phone TW Newmarket DIABETICS COMPLETE diabetic supplies needles syringes scales test tab lets and tapes Our insulin is al ways refrigerated for your pro tection Harvey Janes Phar macy tf35 TREAT yourself to the finest in chocolates Black Magic or Dairy box Available at Harvey Lanes Pharmacy AllHerbal rheumatic tablets for muscular arthritic and sciatic pains Price Best Store phone TW Newmarket READYMIXED CONCRETE For Footings Floors Patios etc CONCRETE and CINDER BLOCKS GORMLEY READYMIXED CONCRETE LTD BLOCK CO LTD Cormier 5601 320 COMPLETE color and black and white photo finishing One week on Kodacolor and one day on black and white Abel for the finest in photo finishing Available at Harvey Lanes Pharmacy t35 Business Professional Services MISCELLANEOUS DRUG STORE NOTICE Sunday Oct and Thanksgiving Mon Oct 14 ATKINSON DRUGS TORE OPEN 5 PM Atkinson Drugs Will be open next week OCT OCT Until pm VE DR H R VETERINARIAN 114 Eagle St Phone TV 52512 ANIMAL HOSPITAL Dr CarlHcder Kin SI King Clly New Phone King INSURANCE LEGAL CLARE C GREEN ba Barrister Solicitor and Notary Public Keswick Ontario Telephone Roches Point FLOYD CORNER Barrister Solicitor and Notary Public Aurora Ontario Telephone Aurora PA Res PA FRIDAY OCT Auction sale of pure bred Yorkshire sows and pigs farm implements tractor furniture etc on lot concession Markham The property of J Spears Sale at pm Terms No re serve Farm sold Ken and Clarke Prentice auctioneers SATURDAY OCT York Countys oldest and only weekly sale will celebrate Us anniversary sale in the Stouffville Sales Arena selling springers and fresh cows Veal calves sheep goats horses a special pony sale also new riding saddle also complete dispersal of the well known C Baker swine herd consisting of 35 bred sows and litters These are extra good pigs Dont miss the sale in the hall of bootr shoes clothing yardage material all new goods The Farmers Market selling pota toes apples vegetables of all kinds Why not get your winter supplies from the grower Why not make this your weekly mar ket Your neighbors do The Sales Arena slogan You Bring it Well sell it This Saturday will be a big day at the Stouff- ville Sales arena Come and see our new addition There will be free lucky draws at pm Someone must win it might be you auction rings These auctions mean action Never a dull moment Goodwood WA will auction off a new quilt dur ing the afternoon Ladies this is your day Everybody welcome Sale pm Sellers Atkinson Pollard Gafer auctioneers clw4l WEDNESDAY OCT Com plete dispersal of the registered dairy vaccinated and accredited 2 tractors man ure spreader side rake cutting box seed drill milker grain baled hay and straw at Willow Dale farm located at lot 5 con Markham township miles south of mile east the property of Gordon C Dim- ma is one of the oldest established herds in York County Farm sold No reserve Faulkner and Woods clerks Sale 1 pm sharp Terms cash W Atkinson sale and auctioneer SATURDAY OCT Important auction sale of head of regist ered accredited herd of Jersey cattle threshing machine span of horses milking machine and also mixed grain On lot Broken Front Pickering on Liverpool Road South A RICHMOND Hill TURNER MOWERS TRACTORS SMALL Sanitary Contractor Drains Cleaned and Repaired Septic Tanks Tumped Hem Service RICHMOND HILL TURNER Builders Contractors or Farmers No awl No Hemlock Spruce and Pine Lumber Rough or Delivered on the job by truck CUpperton Lumber Co Write for prices Port Ontario NORMAN W GREENSIDES Insurance Agencies Ltd FIRE AUTO CASUALTY INSURANCE AND LOW COST AUTO FINANCING Timothy St Newmarket 54221 JOS P QUEENS VI AURORA PA Mutual I iff of Canada INSURANCE JOHN E JARVIS Confederation Life Association Tension Life anil Group Fife Automobile and Casualty Eagle St Newmarket PHONE 52591 tllA Barrister Solicitor Notary Public Etc AURORA PHONE PA Wellington St Terms cash Faulkner and Woods clerks Atkinson sale manager and auctioneer THURSDAY OCT 31 Auction sale of Holstein Dairy herd tractors ton pickup like new used only on the farm Gem Hammer mill new power mower tractor spreader Case bale elevator new rubber tired wagon new auto steering Caie 17T Heavy duty cultivator like new Case 15M fertilizer drill new front end loader new 3 mos double disc blades like new 3F tractor plow on rubber new bulldozer blade new cir cular saw Surge milker bales hay bales straw fat pigs sows with litters cob corn etc the property of Farm located at lot con Whitchurch township on Don Mills Road mile north- of Gormley NOTE These imple ments are like new bought in the last 2 years Farm renting No reserve Terms cash Sale pm Faulkner and Woods clerks D Atkinson sale manager and auctioneer c3w41 NOTICE TO CREDITORS AND OTHERS ALL persons having claims against the Estate of William late of the Town of New market in the County of York Labourer who died on or about the day of August am required to send proof of same to the undersigned Executor on or before the 1st day of Novem ber after which date the assets of the estate will he dis tributed having regard only to the claims of which the Executor shall then have had notice DATED at Bradford this day of September James Franklin Houghton Beeton Ont Executor by and Evans Bradford Ontario his Solicitors NOTICE TOWN OF NEWMARKET TAKE NOTICE thai the Court of Revision for the Town of New market to hear appeals under Section 51 of the Assessment Act on which the taxes for the year will be levied will he held NOTICE TO CREDITORS In the Estate of MERED late of the Town of Brampton in the County of Feel merchant Deceased CREDITORS of Veness late of the Town of Brampton in the County of Peel merchant deceased who died on or about the day of September 1957 are required to file their claims with the undersigned on or be fore the day of October after which date the assets of the estate of the said deceas ed will be distributed THE said Mered Veness car ried on business under the name Veness Heating Company and Veness Heating Company Rec ord Bar in the said Town of Brampton and Community Rec ord Bar in the Towns of New market and Orangeville DATED at Brampton this 23rd day of September Messrs West Marsden and Barristers and Solicitors Queen Street West Brampton Ontario Page The Newmarket Era and Express Thursday Oct poo Pic iw PI Stiver Vale and BARRISTERS SOLICITORS NOTARIES K It Stiver Joseph Vale J HA William nCom 1 A MAIN ST 54571 Newmarket Out FOR RENT POWER TOOLS AMI FLOOR AM FINISHERS i Fred Penrose hone or 52716 Newmarket John C Moore OLS ONTARIO LAND SURVEYOR Lane Newmarket Ontario Phone INSURANCE Endowments Pensions Family Income and Mortgage Life insurance Bill Timothy St NEWMARKET PHONE 511 AURORA PA A M MILLS BARRISTER SOLICITOR ami NOTARY PUBLIC 208A Main St Newmarket PHONE 52011 2 mile west of Pickering Villa 1 mile south of Kingston Road Frenchmans Bay Property of Sale at pm sharp Terms cash No reserve Farm sold Ken and Clarke Prentice auctioneers c4w40 FRIDAY OCT Complete dis persal of the registered herd vaccinated and accredited 1038 Herd classified on selective registration including fresh springers bred heifers also Surge Milker pump pipe line at Farm located at lot con fi township mile west 400 ami mile north of 2 miles east of Woodhridgo the properly of the estate of the late Robert Watson herd is on HOP jesting write to owner for cata logues Carl on pedi grees Term cash Sale 2 pm I Atkinson sale manager and auctioneer WEDNESDAY OCT 30- Auction sale of dairy herd con sisting of fresh cows calves springers vaccinated and tested Surge milker 15 canmilk cooler the property of at lot con township J miles south of NOTE Bulk Storage is reason for sell ing at this time Sale 2 pm I ACCOUNTANT A A CONLIN 2S2A Main St Chartered Accountant PHONE NEWMARKET VIOLET ROBINSON NOTARY PUBLIC Conveyancing Insurance St Phone Nrwmarkrt Mathews Dinsdale and Clark Barristers Solicitors Hay St Toronto Norman I Beatrice E Mathews Stanley III1 Allan J Clark TELEPHONE EM pi re Son FUNERAL DIRECTORS AM AMBULANCE SERVICE PHONE Rose Funeral Directors MAIN STREET NEWMARKET HE A AND PRESS Phones 52331 2332 and 2333 Accounts Also Payable At Dominion Bank The requires your bill when you make payment INTERS AND PUBLISHERS he Era and Express Is The Best Advertising Medium Which You Can Find 30 CHARLES ST Between Quern and Davis Dr of Main Nine to Mon LEONARD ROSENBERG Com AUIOI Cossar Harper and Co Chartered Accountants MAIN ST NEWMARKET TELEPHONE TW J I Jackson Resident Partner Telephone TW DENTAL DR W 0 NOBLE DENTIST Over Provincial Police Office TW Residence MUSIC PIANO Miss Charlotte Morton will a studio for piano music at her home 367 St Newmarket phone TW pen DR KELLY DENTIST llS Main Street Newmarket Phone 54191 DR C E DENTIST Main St Newmarket Phone THEAKER DREWERY FUNERAL and AMBULANCE SERVICE Phunn Mount Albert St PERRINS Flower Shop Member Florists Telegraph Delivery Association Flowers wired to all parti of the world FUNERAL FLOWERS A Specialty Main St Newmarket Phone TW Dr J W Bartholomew DENTIST Comer of and Eagle St Phone Newmarket McCaffreys Flowers FOR EVERY OCCASION Flowers Telegraphed All Over the World r 230 MAIN STREET NEWMARKET Phone TW 54862 TENDERS WANTED TENDERS FAR FUEL OH Municipal Town Of Newmarket TENDERS will be received by the undersigned for the supply ing of fuel oil for the period Oct ober to September All tender to be sealed and plainly marked Tender for Furl Oil to be addressed to the undersigned and received by five oclock in the afternoon Day light Saving Time October THE lowest or any tender not necessarily accepted Wesley Brooks ClerkTreasurer Town of Newmarket Box TOWNSHIP OF WHITCHURCH TENDERS FOR TREATED SCREENED SAND SEALED tenders marked Ten der for Sand will be received at pm in the Committee Room Town Hall THURSDAY OCTOBER Street Newmarket THE Assessment Act section reads as follows The assessor shall after the return of the assessment add to the roll the value of any building as de termined by section 33 which after the return of the oil is erected altered or enlarged and not assessed and entered on the roll the value of any building or land or portion thereof which after Die return of the roll ccasci to exempt from taxation and the name of any person who after the return of the foil commences to occupy or use land for any business purpose mentioned in Section fi and the amount of the business assessment with respect thereto DATED at Newmarket this day of AD 1957 Wesley Brooks Clerk TO supply treat and deliver ap proximately one thous and cubic yds of coarse sand treated with lbs of salt per cubic yd same to be placed in stock piles in the Township as designated by the road superin tendent TENDER to state price per cubic vd also the Ion TENDERER to supply sail LOWEST or any tender not nec essarily accepted Ernest Davis Road Suocrinteiulent RR TOWNSHIP OF WHITCHURCH TENDER FOR RENTAL OF TRUCK FOR SNOW REMOVAL SEALED tenders marked as to content will be received the undersigned until clock noon THURSDAY OCTOBER M FOR the hiring of a heavy duly dump truck and driver foi season of 1957 and Town ship to supply hydraulic operat ed snow plow and levelling wing SNOW plow to hi mounted on truck by December and to remain on truck until March TENDERS must stale make model year and horse power rating of truck price hour While plowing also price per day stand by time Township In supply wing man LOWEST or any tender not nec essarily accepted Ernest Davis Road Superintendent CORPORATION OF THE TOWN OF NEWMARKET NOTICE IN THE MATTER OF A PRO POSED TO CLOSE AND STOP UP AND TO PRO TOWN OF NEWMARKET TENDERS FOR SAND SEALED tenders properly mark ed will received the under signed up to Thursday Oct at oclock noon FOR the supply and delivery the Town Yards at the Grounds Newmarket to Fair TONS OF SAND not LOWEST or any tender accepted Newmarket Roads and ridge Committee Eddie chair man Fred Evans 466 Timothy St Newmarket IJwtl I1K1 VIDE FOR THE SALE OF A PORTION OK THE LANK OR per cent of ROADWAY LYING IN THE accompany REAR OF LOTS TO IN PLAN FOR THE TOWN OF NEWMARKET AND FOR SELLING AND CONVEY A PART OF THE FREE HOLD PART OF THE ROAD SO STOPPED DP TAKE NOTICE that at a meet ing of he Municipal Council of the Corporation of the Town of Newmarket oil Monday the fourth of November at pm in the afternoon con sideration will be given by the Council to the passing of a pro posed bylaw providing to close and stop up and to provide for the sale of a of the lane or roadway lying in the of tots io in inclusive Plan SO for the Town of Newmarket ami for the sale and conveyance of a portion thereof AND at the said meeting the Council will hear any person personally or by counsel who claim that his land will prejudicially affected by the said proposed bylaw DATED at Newmarket ibis tenth day of October A Wesley UPPER HOLLAND VALLEY CONSERVATION AUTHORITY CALL FOR TENDERS WHITCHURCH COMMUNITY FOND SEALED tenders properly mark ed will be received by the undersigned up to noon ED ST October 1957 for exca vation and control works for the addition to the Whitchurch Com munity Pond al PLANS and specifications may be obtained at ihe town clerks office Newmarket Ontario on Or after Thursday 15 October 1 cheque for fifteen I he ten price must each tender LOWEST or any lender not nec essarily accepted Wesley Brooks Secretarytreasurer Town Hall Newmarket Harold Chairman Town Hall Newmarket have you heard rev james Mcknight Preaching and singing the Old Fashioned Gospel an uptodate message THIS IS YOUR OPPORTUNITY AND AT 8 SUNDAY AM AND PM CONCLUSION AT Parkside Tabernacle S3 DR South of Foodlmcr Newmarket Come bring your friends PASTOR R W RUNNING A iked Grace Church 373 BOTSFORD STREET THE EPPLEY SISTERS SUNDAY OCT 13 at 3 pm SISTERS SINGING VIBRAHARP VIOLIN ELECTRIC GUITAR SAXAPHONE ACCOR DION CATHEDRAL CHIMES TRUMPETS MUSICAL SAW AND ORGAN HAVE TRAVELLED WORLDWIDE Everybody Welcome 7 i Attend One Of These CHURCHES SUNDAY OCT VICTOR BAPTIST CHURCH Fellowship of Churches Comer Arthur and Newton Newmarket Roy am Sunday school am Pastors Bible clau It Worship service Wed a pm meeting A warm welcome awaits you G A C K Strict Pastor Rev A Yielding Bible School for all The Pastor A pm Sisters pm The Pastor Wed pin- Bible Study Always a Welcome at IN preparation starting of Fellowship of Evangelical Hap list Church in Holland Landing We will be holding a meeting every Thursday afternoon at pm at the home of Mrs Bertha bean to study the Bible on Signs of the Times All welcome HOLT CHURCH Home weekend with Rev Sara Gregory of Verona Ontario a guest sneaker Commencing Friday Oct t fl oclock Saturday evening young peoples night Sunday- Great Sunday School Rally am a in Morning service pin Evangelistic service singing at all services For those who in past or pres ent here a real welcome SALVATION ARMY Newmarket Corps II Queen St pm- Salvation meeting pm Sunday school am Holiness meeting Wednesday pm Home League meeting pm Cottage Prayer Meeting Captain and Mrs commanding officers invite make the Army vour home UNITED MISSIONARY CHURCH and Minister a Broadcast am- Worship am Sunday noon Worship CHRISTIAN BAPTIST CHURCH Evening service Main St Newmarket Minister Kev Fred Musical Director Stephen Crisp TRINITY UNITED CHURCH PINE ORCHARD Sympathy extended the family Of the late Charles Bran don of Newmarket Mr Bran don a former resident of Cedar Valley The Willing Workers held their October meeting at the home of Mrs George Wood Thanksgiv ing readings were given by Mrs James Hope and Mrs Edson Johnston Mi Browne Hornby wax pastor at Union church on Sunday am- Morning Worship no pm Sunday school pm Evening service All Welcome TABERNACLE Parkside Or South of Shopping Centre Special Singing and preaching by lame McKnight October 10 and 11 at 8 October 13 am and pm Sunday School for all ages at 10 a in Come one come all METHODIST CHURCH c Reynolds Minister Mrs Gerald Organist am Sunday school 11 a in Thanksgiving message 7 pm Evangelistic service Tuesday pm Prayer service Thursday KM V icing Friday Oct lit Sieda School convention with Alis Vera Forrest Vic toria guest speaker Revival Services Oct- with Miss Muriel Darling evangelist You are welcome AURORA SUBJECT sufficient demand we plan In make available foi businessmen wishing low over head accommodation and a com mercial location Receptionist and switchboard service will he Provided with stenographer and services available For further information write at once to PO Box Aurora CHURCH OF THE MAIN AT Minister Duncan While Music Director Nash ARCT 11 am Harvest Thanks giving services Pica bung your gifts of flower fruit vegetables etc to the church on Saturday Oct from to These gifts will be distributed the sick and aged in our community after even ing service and Junior school am The Creche am Kindergarten begin ners primary and junior congregation All are welcome at Tnnity FRIENDS Street Newmarket Into gates with thanksgiving and into His courts with praise be thankful unto Mini and Bless His Name 1 am Meeting for Worship Come and worship with us AH welcome All the way my Saviour leads me What have I to ask bend Li Ml W Organist Juno Special t On Sunday Oct a commun ion service will he held at Union church in charge of pas tor Rev Harold Muddle The WMS of St Andrews church Newmarket held its Oc tober meeting at the home of Mrs George Wood a Bible school a m and pm Thanksgiving Services The Church will be decorated appropriately for Thanksgiv ing Revival Services with Evangel ists Rodger Beginning Oct lfi ST ANDREWS PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH Rev Stuart Johnston am Nursery and beginners am Public Worship Dr Joseph Wesson Many in been ill w the community have chicken pox and GREETING CARDS FOR best in Christian liter ature book plaques CHURCH OF THE stationery and greeting cards Mount Albert Gospel Church Sunday school pm Clark Sup pm Evangelistic service Rev Earl min ister of All kinds etc come and see at the Evangelical Book and Gift Howard Newmar ket William Hall authorized agent phone New market

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