The Newmarket Era and res Thursday Oct HOPE HOBBY CLUB The September meeting of the Hobby club was held at the of Mrs Newmarket b from the Aurora gave a on flower arrangements The October meeting will be held at the home of Mrs Sheldon on October 22 at 8 pm ease note the change of date and time Program committee Mrs Graham and Mrs M Murray Lunch committee Mrs S Evans Mrs S Mrs H and Mrs Stickwood The Common Round Inglis Colvill CHILDREN AND THE CIRCUS YOUR CHAMBER OF COMMERCE IS BUILDING A BETTER COMMUNITY KIDNEY ACIDS Rob your Rest turn taHn their pictures Mb If nd star mi f 1 Now Open Spinning Wheel WOOL CENTRE I suppose that most of us can remember our first circus I was very young when I saw one for the first time but after more years than I care to think of I can remember the smell of tan bark and hot popcorn and ani mals and many people confined in a huge tent can still hear the vendors of popcorn pink lemonade and balloons crying their wares and the sense of ex pectancy that was shared alike by grandpa and grandchild In fact there is no other at mosphere on earth exactly like that of the circus There is the extra quick tempo of the bands the beautiful horses the strange not of our time elephants the camels to take us back to Bible and the chariots of Roman times All this came back to me as if I were watching a movie of my first circus as we sat in Maple Gardens and watched the open ing Grand March of the Shriners Circus The band in brilliant uniforms played a circus bands have done from time out of mind Its an exciting kind of music you feel yourself to be on the verge of wonderful things and I found my response to- be exactly that of my own five years The Shriners I themselves in their gay and col- uniforms blended very well with the musical background The second band was an oriental one and the queer pipes and AND HOBBY CRAFT 169 Main Street OPPOSITE POST OFFICE COMPLETE LINE OF KNITTING SUPPLIES TO FILL EVERY NEED HOT lS TENSE NERVOUS DURING CHANGE STRIKING RELIEF Moy Be Yd of in New M Compound So nut OR MONEY REFUNDED if El oi ftl nrnuti during the life ill itit i it no if llif Oat help drums made one think of a Per sian garden and other things strange and remote The animals were delightful so clean and proud looking ex actly as if they knew themselves to be the centre of all eyes Then the circus itself had many thrills One can only marvel at the wonderful sense of timing and balance which the dis play I never can get the enjoy ment out of these daring artists that some folk can for my stomach turns over when they do and I forget to breathe which as you must admit is for me not so good There were some magnificent lions and tigers and the man who entered their cage and put them through their paces must have nerves of iron and a complete knowledge of his animals or at least as complete an understand ing as anyone can have of wild animals read of a famous trainer who said a wild animal can be trained but it is still a wild animal One felt as if the jungle were close to us that night for the roar of a lion came sometimes and we saw other animals whose habi tat was far from Maple Leaf Gardens I think that Hilda Archie and I enjoyed most the animal acts There was a beau tiful black horse and under its mistress fine handling that horse did everything but talk It danced paced certain rhythms ni bowed and in fact was so lovely to look at and so clever we all fell in love with it Then there were the elephants and let no on say that these queer beasts who seem like something out of a distant past are awkward They balanced on unbelievably small stools and they too danced One of them carried a girl round in his mouth not his trunk and set her down with a delicacy that was human and he also kneeled over her while the other two elephants suported themselves on his back on either side And loo they walked over the little ponies who acted with them and then went off holding one anothers tail with a perfectly human look on their faces of having done well One of most intriguing acts was where camels llamas a and a zebra acted together Never in my wildest dreams had expected to see camels acting ART LESSONS START FOR CLUB MEMBERS More than 25 attended a meet ing of the Newmarket Art club on Tuesday Oct when the first of three lessons in art were given by Fast President William Parsons Mrs George presided Mrs Haskett introduced Mr Parsons a commercial artist and graduate of the Ontario College of Art Six new members join ed the club and one junior was added Mr Parsons gave lecture and demonstration on still life He discussed composition and perspective using a basket bot tle and an apple in his grouping Pencils and cartridge paper were distributed and everyone at tempted a still life Mr Parsons will develop this theme more fully this week at the second of the three lessons which are being provided free of charge to all members of the Newmarket Art club Additional instruction will be given if the demand warrants it A small charge will be made The club meets the first three Tuesdays of each month in the Public Library at pm On the fourth Tuesday the group joins the group of Artists for lectures and demonstrations under the extension department of the Toronto Art Gallery Anyone wishing more informa tion is requested to contact the president Mrs TW 5- An invitation is extended to prospective members to attend the regular club meetings ITS Womans World By CAROLINE ION DRAPRY MA UK FREE fill I if Of CANADA Headquarters for Thangsgiving Poultry Our PRICES will be the lowest in town and of the BEST Do not buy your TURKEY until you see our SACRIFICE DEAL We are celebrating our anniversary and will offer these TURKEYS BELOW COST to show our appreciation of your won- derful support through the years CHOICE CAPONS 57 lb Ml AVKKACiK FRESH KILLED Boiling FOWL 35 lb BRICES MEAT MARKET More women are being elected and appointed to public office and more women are assuming greater responsibility in business and industrial life than hereto fore The increase substan tial but its definite enough to be indicative of a trend said Mrs Baylay national president of the Canadian federation of Business and Professional Wo mens Clubs in releasing to the press the federations Authori tative List of Women in Public Life in Canada This list compiled annually by the survey and research commit tee of the federation is the third to be issued Miss Dane Toronto was committee chair man More members of the Business and Professional Womens organ ization are accepting responsi bilities and receiving recogni tion in keeping with their grow ing stature There was the ap pointment in January of and P member Miss Ruth Addison Winnipeg and Ottawa to the Civil Service commission The federation had petitioned the government on numerous occa sions for the appointment of a woman to this post Other B and women to re ceive recognition in the national sphere include Senator Nancy Hodges Victoria and Ottawa who acted as speaker of the sen ate during the absence of the Hon Robinson and Mrs Ruth Brampton appoint ed governor of the Canadian Broadcasting corporation and Mrs R Reginald Arkell Vancou ver Mrs Angus Halifax Mrs Alfred Jr MISS SHIRLEY CASS IS GUEST SPEAKER Flower arranging was explain ed and demonstrated for the Evening members of Trinity United church on Tuesday Oct luesl speaker was Miss Shirley Cass Mrs Gladstone opened Monlr Vida the meeting and welcomed the members and guests The de votional period was conducted by Mrs Hugh Grant with Mrs Douglas Hutchison and Mrs Atkinson assisting Guest pianist was Miss Rose Miss Cass was introduced by Mrs R Miss Cass outlined the neces sary equipment for flower ar ranging She illustrated her ar rangements With drawings These included a largo low for a dining room table an arrangement and three roses in a hurricane lamp Mrs Grant thanked Miss Cass oi her talk and demonstration Refreshments were provided by Giants group homo prayer was read by Mrs Cameron to close the met- Toronto to the newly formed Canada council Among other women receiving imporlant assignments were Miss Marion Otta wa first woman to join the Can adian truce team as an adviser Miss Margaret Meag her Halifax and Ottawa appoint ed charge daffaires in Tel Aviv Israel Mrs Adelaide Sinclair Ottawa made deputy executive director of programs for UNI CKF The and Authoritative List reveals that Canadian women lag behind in the realm of poli tics Only five women sit in the Canadian Senate one each from British Columbia New Bruns wick Ontario Quebec and Prince Edward Island With the death of Miss Sybil Bennett were only three in the Canadian House Commons at the time of dissolution all of them from Ont ario ridings Provincial the record isnt too good either with two rep resentatives in the Alberta legis lature two in British Columbia and I WO in Saskatchewan In mayoralty posts there are two in Manitoba in Nova Scotia and six in Ontario Women councillors total kg reeves and deputy reeves in Ontario one of these being Deputy Reeve it red and yellow trappings Newmarket There are some women school trustees the find time the Toronto Metropol itan hoard at Education has a majority of women members On always look so unkempt id But these Uriels were groomed until they hone and were adorned with How feathered headdresses ami did not look sarcastic And Hams looked like camels and walked a proud sense of being on how and also went to the rail stand at the audience as if were just as curious as th Then there was a What a gorgeous animal it In the Honors and Achieve ments category there is striking evidence that women are receiv ing recognition in a wide variety of endeavors Mrs J Gorman Calgary solicitor for the Alberta Indian association successfully appeal ed to the Indian Affairs Branch Ottawa the case of Samson Indians who were threatened with expulsion from their re serve Another Alberta women Miss Violet holds the of deputy sheriff and assistant to the clerk of the court On the coast Mrs Sheila Dickey is president of the Board Of Trade at Mies Susan Chew New Westminster won a racial discrimination battle against the Owners of the apart ment block where she lives In Winnipeg two of the Com munity Chest chairmen are Wo men Another Mrs Margaret Wood is the first woman in history to be the guest speaker at the banquet of the Winnipeg Burns club where she gave the address to the Im mortal Memory President of Mount St Yin- cent College Sister Francis Assissi is the only woman to achieve the rank of university president In Newfoundland Miss Janet St Johns became the first woman chartered account ant in that province in Decem ber 1956 tn the same year a fellow townsman Miss Muriel Gill was appointed as technical writer by the Canadian Marconi company Dr Jean Webb Saint John and Ottawa represented Canada at the eighth International Con gress of Pediatrics in Copenhag en Donmark in Miss Mary Louise Lynch also of Saint John was elected a vicepresident of the Community Planning associa tion of Canada in the only woman on an executive of The gamut of womens activ ities in Ontario runs all the way from managing editor to official dog catcher and professional hunter of game Author Dorothy in private Mrs Dorothy Smith is on the St Lawrence Seaway Parks commis sion and Miss Kayo McFarland Napanee has one of two auto mobile dealer franchises held by women in Canada Rev Mary McNally Leamington is in charge of four churches of the Mersea Circuit United Church of Canada Joan Waddell New ton at the age of is probably the youngest acting postmaster in the realm Down in Prince Edward Island Mrs Rose Savage Vil lage i the campaign manager of the March of Dimes conducting the campaign from her bed in the Orthopedic Centre where she is taking treatment thereby earn ing a living for herself and three smalt children As well as being the Divisional Comrmtteioner for the Girl Guides Miss ArsensGuH Charlottetown the only woman for the Bed Cross Society in Can- Mr Alma Carbon- Montreal is the first woman to be named negotiator for the City of Montreal in contract dispute with its SATISFACTION white collar workers Montreal also has a motherdaughter law partnership Mm and her daughter Miss Diane Elizabeth Holmes who graduated from McGill Univer sity in Miss Mary Donaldson heads the Canadian Library Association and Miss Irene Rey nolds Saskatoon assistant to the manager of the Bank of Montreal the second woman in Canada to be thus appointed GUARANTEED Main St Phone Era and Express Classified Brine Results off its char black and white perfection There was a little too and all of them camels and pony jumped over tings and did things but not the bra It Just did what it liked had a glorious lime The bears were clever and did clever ricks and one ex- ptlonol stunt was where one if them climbed a ladder and rode a hi round the edge of circle far from the ground The especially the Mi- one were clever One very one who did everything ouldnt There whs a clever icycle act done by luce children on a bicycle The ma I lest child looked like an elf slide the show Altogether hen we the gardens we lt we hid had a ihnioughly en time And we with pleasure what the circus means as each ears it comes Toronto It means help for the children I often wonder what the children long ago did for help I know l died needlessly wen- I into orphanages and poor Souses that were a disgrace and makes the present urge to help hem all the brighter Now we have help for sick hildren and crippled children and retarded children We have childrens aid and foster homes and in war- lorn and foodpoor lands service committees and Care are going out these sad little ones And looking into the work and time and expense that roes into the Circus one can only say Inasmuch But 1 must end a different note 1 think Toronto wants to banish me from Its environs From the I came home with an infec tion From the Circus I came away with a leg that wont let me forget either Toronto or it Whats the moral the debit side Prince Edward Island Newfoundland and Que bec arc without representatives on the side Reassuring evidence of public confidence in womens ability to cope with problems that have long been regarded as essential ly prerogatives was seen Ontario Where three women were elected Controller head ing the polls in Toronto Mrs Jean Newman Hamilton Mrs Ada Mary Windsor Mis Montrose Of four women Judges two are in Ontario one in New Bruns wick and one in Colum bia women are members of University senates anil board of regents Only Women have received appoint- to national boards hut til are on provincial ami on municipal boards Under the heading of magis trates coroners and registrars there are In women listed in Nova Scotia in New one Saskatchewan and one in Alberta bright LEMON mil LEMON FLAVOR Only Ihe folks could make it so ell HAKE Prince Charles Home and association Is holding a tale of home baking pickles and jams on Friday Oct at pm The sale will take place In the Newmarket Furniture and Elec tric store Main St Mrs Main St Jay is general convener I It flaw liks iHm dam toy Furniture el Electric bright LEMON FLAVOR teal LEMON FLAVOR Only the folka could make it so good I Pie