WATCH FOR OPENING OF YWCA ACTIVITIES PERMANENT ANTIFREEZE Do It Yourself HERES HOW To Do It To Moke ItToFixIt By EXTRA CONCENTRATED ETHYLENEGLYCOL SAFE PROTECTION DOWN TO 62 279 Gallon Handsome professionallooking cupboards like those shown above can be made in the basement workshop Methods for both open shelves left and enclosed cupboards are outlined by Peter The Common Isabel Colville PAINTING Round These Shelves Easy On Eyes Easy To Make Main St 54561 NEWMARKET Era and Express Classifieds Bring Results This Is one of a series of col umns by Peter on ex pertlydesigned major projects by which the handyman can add beauty and utility to every room of the house If you can read saw a straight line and drive a nail you can build basic shelves and cupboards mile north of Newmarket on county road between and Holland Landing Phone Newmarket THURSDAY FRIDAY SATURDAY OCT CINEMASCOPE ALL TECHNICOLOR SHOW LAST OF THE BADMEN George Montgomery Keith Larson PIRATES OF TRIPOLI Patricia Medina starts pm Always a color cartoon Children under years free Drivein Open Thins i Sat only till end of October HURRY FOR THIS SPECIAL BEEF DAIRY CONCENTRATE 5 per ton DISCOUNT for Oct and Nov only NEWMARKET DISTRICT COOP PHONES TW 52921 AND Theyre attractive and useful These are definitely not makeshifts theyre permanent home improvements of profes sional calibre Care is required to make them of course but the design is simple and straightforward Any ama teur can do it and do it well As youll note by the accom panying pictures there are two distinct styles the open shelves and those with sliding doors In method and measurements there are slight differences so to keep things straight Ill deal with them separately OPEN SHELVES The open style is to make Heres how The first step is to saw an foot sheet of fir plywood into four strips three of them wide and the other wide Second step Cut the narrow strip into four pieces 22V long for partitions Third step Mark and notch the four short lengths at a line drawn across the centre of each piece Cut the a fraction less than wide and deep Fourth step Mark and notch the long centre shelf in the same manner marking the two end slots 12 in from either end and the other two notches each farther in Fifth step Assemble the seven pieces of plywood cut at taching the top and bottom shelves to the partitions with finishing nails apart or use No flat- head wood screws slightly countersunk for putty ing With the notches youve tut the partitions will be flush at the back Final step Hang your basic shelf unit by toenailing into the wall with finishing nails Alternatives Use brackets or leave the unit freestanding with legs When doing the work of course its wise to doublecheck your measurements and fit as you go along Otherwise a fractional variation in saw ruts for example could cause unnecessary prob lems This notching or egg crate shelving system is designed for building with a minimum of tools and experience Accurate cutting and fitting of the notches is the secret of the units rigidity You can easily vary the meas urements given here if you want a shelf unit of a different size or with a different number of com partments SLIDING DOORS An enclosed shelf unit with sliding floors is illustrated above Youll note these differences from the open unit just described You need three by partitions and two by 21 ends Thus your sheet of plywood isnt quite enough another small piece is needed An alternative would be to eliminate the centre partition making the extra wood unneces sary in The partitions are notched the same way but the end pieces are untouched For four equal compart ments in the enclosed unit the partitions are set 24 apart Door pulls can be cut from scraps of plywood and glued and screwnailed to each door Or oneinch holes can be bored in the doors to provide a pull Brass or chrome mnial pulls which look like miniature ash trays and come in a variety of sizes can be pressed into the holes When loading the doors into the tracks or grooves alternate them the simpler I onc track and the next one into the rear track This permits them to by pass each other And be sure to place the door knobs or recessed pulls in posi tions where they dont interfere with the bypassing action The grooves will have to be cut with a power saw The top groove must be deeper than the bottom groove to permit the loading operation The doors should be cut about less the total height of the opening from the bottom of the bottom groove lu Ihe top of the top groove An alternative grooving method is to cut the doors to Jit the frame again short of the tola height and then tack on strips of moulding to form the grooves HINGED HOOKS If you would prefer conven tional hinged doors heres a tip that ran simplify the job Hinge the doors to the stiles before attaching the stiles to the basic shelf unit Nail them in place one at a time making sure of the fit of each before you do the next one If uwish to dispense with door pulls cut the doors and the stiles about oneinch deeper than the shelf unit and let this extra inch extend below the bottom shelf provide a finger space For detailed plans of shelves and cupboards sec your near est plywood dealer or write me In tare of Van couver BC Since I was a child painting has fascinated me My father who shared my love of nature bought me a box of excellent wa ter colors You may find this hard to believe but I treasure yet the remains of that set Armed with these I copied ev ery flower 1 could find and lit tle scenes Steadily in my heart the love of painting grew and with it the appreciation of what it teach me When you think of it the hum blest of a paint brush must be something of an artist for you must admit that it is only very occasionally that a house inside or out defies all the rules of good taste I too must admit that some modern paintings re duce me to almost a state of sus pended animation I just stand frozen and stare I know they must mean something but its like someone speaking to me in a foreign tongue One know it must make sense but it is unin telligible However I must get back to my own struggles to put beauty where I can keep it To this end I turned to oils instead of water colors which I bad used so long And how awarding I have found it It has taught me three things specifically to love nature more to increase my power of observa tion and to appreciate as much as my humble powers allow what the great artists have given us Before began to paint a few years ago after having left my brushes in seclusion for years I must have gone about with wild eyes blind to the beauty about mo Dont misunderstand me I thought I saw but when I began to paint I found how much I bad missed Suppose I were painting a tree beside the water or in win and went to paint its shadow Had I ever really seen it Could I tell its color or colors those elusive shadings which are almost too to catch And the clouds It is an en tirely different matter to watch the clouds chasing across the sky or piling up in masses before a storm from what it is to catch each shade and formation and transfer them to canvas Before you started to paint you looked at them and you thought you saw them but when you tried lo paint them you found there were many shades where you had thought there was but one Its the same with water trees and flowers You see a thousand beauties and perfections that es caped you before You understand after you have studied a seriously what Sod meant when he sow it was gootl The perfection of even a tiny flower is a wonder Then too anyone who has tried however humbly to make some- tiling live in way of painting yets the great pictures of the world with new eyes You see the perfection of technique the exquisite coloring and the depth of the understanding of the sub ject in all their glories So for me painting has opened a new world Just glancing at a pit lure you see its beauty but it you sec all ihe in numerable little things ihe al most hidden things which make up that beauty A doctor in making a diagnos is sees at a glance the superficial King Vaughan Township Plowing Match Oct The annual plowing match of King and branch of thol Ontario Plowmens association will be held on Tuesday Oct on the farm of George slubble lractor lot 10 concession township This farm is a half mile south of north of highway No Prize money lias been raised this year secretary Hay Jennings of 3 King City reports The cash prize has been raised to the cash award lo YIP Til LI I I TONIGHT UNTIL SATURDAY Now ahoma 645 and MATINEE SAT AT 2 PM James things but depends for surely on hidden causes A lawyer doesnt judge by what everyone can see in a case he digs deep for hid den causes to find solutions A musician must have a very real technical foundation on which to build his beautiful fab ric of sound A preacher must have a faith in his creed a surety that God reigns before he can kindle a si milar spark in his hearers Everything worth while must be searched for not taken for granted so it is with painting The search for beauty and the ability to portray it adds im measurably to your joy in life It is true of it as of all the arts and religion if ye seek ye shall find Page The and Express Thursday Oct 17 PROCLAMATION CHANGE TO STANDARD TIME AT OCLOCK AM SUNDAY OCTOBER 1957 WHEREAS by direction of the Council a proclamation was issued requesting the citizens to observe a period of saving from the day of April to the day of October These are therefore to request all citizens to set back their clocks a n watches one hour AT OCLOCK AM OX SUNDAY THE 27th DAY OF OCTOBER All persons interested are respect fully requested to take notice of this proclamation and govern themselves ac cordingly OCTOBER mil Mayor GOD SAVE THE QUEEN i THE INCREDIBLE THE HOST STORYMR Hour after hour he gets smaller mailer I by moment I mounts if WED JAMES STEWART roaring out of the roaring 20s as Lucky Stewarts beat yet CUNT HAND THEATRE j i V and cash to Classes remain Oh same last year except in class in when hoy- years of age can The class calls for hoys 12 lo in years and ladies any age The 12year old classification com pares the provincial match President is Alex McNeil of Wood bridge and Hay Jennings is secretary Other officials are Stokes Chamberlain 1st vice president William Agar Nash ville second vice president Au di treasurer auditor Jack Walkiiiu- of King City honorary presi dent Bruce Davis King City Honorary directors are Mal colm Richardson lack Cecil Jerry Walker Lex Jack Smith W M and A Gathers THE SPIRIT OF Warner Bros m cinemascope CANCEL TEA The Autumn lea and sale of work of the Junior Ladies aid Christian church has been postponed indefinitely It was planned for ihta afternoon Ocl 17 DIAL 1300 RADIO Richmond Hill i x-T- Refrigerators 1 CU FT REG i7 279 CU FT STANDARD 8 FT DELUXE REG REG 259 Refrigerators ft automatic 10 cu ft standard REG 249 MOFFAT 30 RANGES 24 AUTOMATIC REG 198 AUTOMATIC REG 235 TABLE TOP REG 325 Washers REG INGLIS REG SW 139 139 DRYERS priced from 12990 SMITHS Hardware MAIN NEWMARKET