Newmarket Era and Express, 24 Oct 1957, p. 8

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The Newmarket Era And Thursday Oct 24 NEWMARKET SOCIAL NEWS Hems for the social and per column must reach the Era and Express office by noon each Tuesday Send them by mail or phone or Mr Emerson Grant South Porcupine visited his aunt Mrs James Park Ave this week and Mrs Roy Verona spent the weekend in town visiting relatives- friends Mr and Mrs iVv visited Mrs Mr and Mrs Sr and sister Mr and Mr wA Mrs- ugh wn die fcv3 donated by at the si North York w j as sociation Activities began this week for the Newmarket Figure Skat ing club Approximately have enrolled this season but there are vacancies in all classes Mrs Ronald And Mrs Charles are attending a course In public speaking at by York Home and School coun cil represent the Prince Charles Home and School Miss Morning and Miss attended Annual conference of thei Business and Worn- j Ontario at the hotel Ottawa from Oct to inclusive YOUR i relieve MONTHLY Vk PAIN I dont Try the by a trouble New lorrjjula Iron jn4 VilJtntft 111 9tr being the We if ire illy help ply ill empty to toJjy PI K AM Tobtett or Compound Birthday Club r5nhdy wishes are extended this week to Mae years old on Saturday Oct 19 Brtnda Louise Or pel Newmarket years old on day Oct John David Wight years old on Wednesday Oct Terrill Thompson Willow Beach years old on Thursday Oct Judith Anne Newmarket years old on Thursday Oct Send in your name address age and become a member of the Era and Express Birthday Club Canadian Mother crafts Dr DickRead To Speak Or DickRood practis ed in South Africa for a few years and before leaving there he made film of the last four patients he delivered That film which he called Childbirth without Pear as he called a book he had written earlier and which sold a million copies will be shown in Auditorium It will be at the close of an address Dr is to make on Monday even ing Oct 28 Canadian is mak ing every effort to help spread the doctrine of Childbirth without and DickReads objec tive is so akin to that of the foun der of Dr King that the Canadian society is most anxious that a packed au ditorium should hear him Scholarships and bursaries are available at the local high schools and these enable girls undergra duates as well as graduates to enter the Canadian Hospital in Toronto for wellbaby nurse training Girls from the and Sutton district have already been helped through these funds Dr DickRead is making both television and radio appearances in Toronto on Monday and after his evening engagement in Eaton Auditorium he leaves for a simi lar appearance in Ottawa return ing to Toronto on the Thursday NEWS of the WI for this column must be in the office Monday night Copy must be written as briefly as possible and confined to news and reports Other than routine reports and announcements will be printed separately WEDDINGS n PRESENTATION A presentation of a gift was made by the Prince Charles Home and School association to the school principal William Blackshaw on Tuesday evening The marriage of Miss Ivy Rye and Mr Blackshaw took place on Oct Mrs Ronald president made the presentation ST ANDREWS WA PLANS FOR BAZAAR The of St Andrews church Newmarket held its Oct ober meeting at the home of Mrs Boadwin Niagara St The annual bazaar and tea will be held from to pm on Friday Nov 29 The following conveners were appointed tea table Mrs H aprons Mrs fancy work Mrs E Saxon knit ting Mrs Cockburn candy Mrs baking Mrs P Youre never safe enough to af ford one careless moment DRIVE SAFELY The historical research meet- ing of the Newmarket branch was held In the Agricultural Board rooms on Oct 17 Mrs Frank Hodge presided Bring an antique and tell Us history was the roll call It re ceived an enthusiastic response Many interesting antiques were displaced One member brought some Maundy money coins distributed by the reigning monarch to the poor on the Thursday preceding Good Fri day A Chinese sword was exhibit ed It was made of money which had been given as mus tering out pay from the Chinese army There was an English tea cad dy which was over 100 years old The mahogany chest contained compartments for green tea su gar and black tea Two miniature pictures were brought to the meeting They had been the property of the members grandmother when she had been a child An old pocket watch was dis played It was complete with its heavy chain and key with which the watch was wound The history of the Eagle St Burial ground was given by Mrs She told of the towns pioneers who are buried A discussion followed on the restoration of this cemetery Mrs gave a reading on Jobs Black Acorns This was the story of two giant walnut trees which grew for over years in North York In extensive repairs were made to the ancient trees and tree ox- peris said they would live an other years Mrs told the members But a few years later the Walnut Moth at tacked the trees one June and stripped them of their leaves They died the following winter Plan Outing It was recommended that the Newmarket branch plan an out ing Visits to special places and a bus trip were discussed Mem bers are asked to make sugges tions Visit Members are reminded Of the visit to on Wed nesday Oct 30 The Newmarket branch will contribute portion of the program with Mrs Roy McDonald in charge The branch met at the home of Mrs for its September meeting As this was the grandmothers day Mrs Fred Dew the president asked Mrs E Stick wood the first vice president to take charge of the program It consisted of so los recitations and readings Some members wore in costume A contest was held and after the business session lunch was served by Mrs a Mrs Shipman Standard of gladioli in church farm ed of Mid i Paulina daughter Of Mr nod M IionghiiMt and no Mr nod Mi Jilphnon Holland If The ecremorty by Dr Joilph Patterson was nd thy The Wedding nod cause bride given by her father wore a mitt embroidered with bodice a square neckline with set The klrt WO ing scolloped iter cascading to a slight sweep Iter fingertip tulle Illusion veil held to tiara of net carried wflfte orchid on a Bible with streefners of stephanotis The brides attendants Mrs I matron of honor and Jean Stephenson were gowned alike in re vein waltzlength j il dree ten with The bodices low V fichudraped The skirts were featuring gathers from the to the back Mint Karen Proctor of bride wore a short yellow nylon drew over taffeta They carried cascades of bronze mums George Stephenson was groomsman for his brother and the ushers were Neil and Wallace Hare The reception was held in the hall For travelling the bride chose 4 blue wool suit with mink furs tan The couple spent their honeymoon at Florida and are now residing at Maple LET MORRISONS you an Estimate on F1BERGLASS1NG YOUR BOAT We store repair and motors MORRISONS SPORT HAVEN Lund of hospital Phone branch will meet Wednesday Oct 30 in the United church at pm Newmarket in stitute members will be guests and provide the program Motto Give me hope for each day that springs Give me joy in common things The reply will be by Mrs Sennett Roll Call A beautiful thought ex pressed in poetry or prose All members are asked to provide refreshments Women Teachers Hold Federation Meeting At Jacksons Point Hotel IF A GOLD MAKES BREATHING DIFFICULT HERES AN ANSWER When you from running eyes due to a I -Mi- The lAtfirrotii Catarrh quickly Cut relief of on in IK- A of DRAPERY MADE FREE The October meeting of the Gormley branch will be held at the home of Mrs George ton on Wednesday Oct at 2 pm Roll call A tip on Home nursing Motto We live not upon what we cat but upon what we digest There will be an apron sale and remember to ring your donations of combs face cloths or ivory soap for The Save the Children Fund Mrs Brown will give the and flower report and Boynton will provide the gram Home economics Health convener Mrs Noble will have a guest speaker Hostesses Mrs a r r Smith and Mrs Lawrence Smith will provide re freshments sick Mrs CHI RHO GROUP ENTERTAINS GUESTS St Pauls Chi young coup les club entertained Chi group from at a buffet supper and dance on Friday Oct in The nun of the Newmarket group provided the program which Included a fashion show bullet routine and South Ameri can dance solo Following a short worship ser vice President Ross Ralph wel comed visitors Master of ceremonies was Canon Rhodes Music for dancing was provid ed by the Top Hat orchestra A showing of fall fashions for mi lady was presented by the men Commentator was Mi Nelson Ion Night attire daytime anil evening dresses ami sportswear were modelled Fashions for the fall bride were presented with the bridal party including a flow er bridesmaid matron of honor bride and her father and two page boys After supper- Chi Mho was taken on a conducted lour Ih rough the church and par ish hall Roth buildings have un dergone extensive ic modelling and redecorating Jacksons P n was again selected as the centre for first general meeting of the Fed- of Women Teachers of York I North On Wednesday evening Oct a buffet supper was served in Jacksons Point Hotel This spacious and rustic building framed in vivid autumn coloring appeared even more inviting than in summer President Miss Haines Newmarket introduced the hon ored guests These included the Rev Spears and Mrs Spears Sutton West and Public School Inspector Mr Dunn and Mrs Dunn Newmarket Mrs Dorothy Bowman guest speaker showed colored slides to illustrate her humorous and in formative address on life in Florida and on islands As a climax she local scenes starring several teachers who were present Miss Ellen Jackson of the Sut ton staff and Mrs Dorothy Eves Newmarket who were delegates to the 39th annual meeting of the Federation of Women Teachers Ontario reported highlights the Pro fessional research public relation i work of re sj Or- stated v branch of ity primarily v financial to exchange era from sterling now accepted another With xrf teacher- a studentteacher has been par- re cruitment policy ta study cation was recommended baft an sale of essays by heading thinking v feocB the to the fton v l IBS were woaste tc profitable ihe tsetsrvd dinner aea Sharer or Fashion Illustrator Is B And Speaker Wardrobe planning was the theme of the talk given by Mrs Jean Milter when the and Professional Womens club Newmarket held its dinner meet In the King George hotel on Monday Oct 1 Miss Margaret Morning presided Miss Smyth was charge of the program She in troduced Mrs Miller an out standing fashion illustrator whose work is seen in the Globe and Mail A vote of thanks was mov ed by Mis Grace Sinclair Bluebeard and His Seven Wives a humorous skit was pre sented under the direction of Mis Each member had been asked to bring an old hat in paper bag to the meeting At dinner the bags were ex changed and Ihe new owners of hats wore them during the evening i III Your for And a a n CLOSING KSXCN08D FOR SAL 9 ttPRN I I W FOR APPOINTMENT PHONE Hand in hand with Life Insurance You have plans for your little boy for present security ami future well- being Have you considered how easily life insurance can help you arid your son realize these plans For example Adequate protection on your own life will ensure that he is left financially secure in the event of your early death A Sun Life Educational Policy will ensure him a vilally important education A Sun Life Junior Adjustable Policy taken out now will help atari him off the right foot when he reaches manhood The Sun Life is 10 you the proper for your whole family Sun Life with branch to you in North America is one of the worlds leading life companies SUN LIFE ASSURANCE A J Main Street COMPANY OF CANADA District Supervisor Newmarket Ontario Mr And Mrs Rae Of Miami Beach Mark Anniversary Mi and Mi- line Si Miami Mi aril wedding Sepl ai In- then son Wil fred line Zephyr had been iheir home it 35 friends died Mi line has served as and ft S it township In iiihiii lei was by Mrs lines lleiN Mis mi and Mrs K I in vale ltd in evening by Mi- Ill land 1111 Mis A I inn was served five grand dailHhters Mrs It Hum Mis I Curl Mi Timbers Mrs ami ami Stevenson Mis A Mat Mill 11 Ayhner 1 In Ainnns the gifts were a hull lie nrlfthbiiis clock radio the family and yel low rosea grandchildren Mi net Mrs have- i in and seven finuuichildri BEGINS MISSION STUDY Canon J the in v study boob when the of at li an church held devotional iiiiim meeting on Monday Oil Mis tjllleepie ih Mis presi dent with the devotional period were completed for Hie nop in a wedding on I his years study is The by Beverley it deals villi the ChrbHn church in Japan A time followed Host- were Mr and Mr J ATTENTION FARMERS WITH HOME FREEZERS At the price we are selling steaks this week we will have a quantity of choice FRONT QUARTERS BEEF AT 31 LB THESE WILL WEIGH APPROX 100125 LBS EACH First Grade BUTTER 64 c lb WITH MEAT ORDER Tulip Brand MARGARINE WITH MEAT ORDER HEALTH IS YOUR GREATEST ASSET PROTECT IT BY BUYING QUALITY FOODS

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