CAT Oft i Aurora Intermediates Try One More Practice A second practice for Auroras STRIKES and SPARES BI1IS PILING OP pay off with a cash loan from CITIZENS FINANCE W km OK up and do way to of and off with loan from way yaw hove loan con you ftll Itl a loon for with a nt plan thai budget ha a rtputotfo foe If Con by phone Jvil in to pick up Give a Coll drop in fo oov BORROW 50 to 2500 COMPANY lean Manager GEORGE IENGYELL A Main SI over Bakery Newmarket Open Friday till noon LOAN OPPICIS IN ALL PRINCIPAL Three trtindler made the class in the intercommunity intermediate will be They were Doug Beckett at the Aurora arena Nov 9 from Cotey to pm AH district players Theres a large class of over- interested in playing hockey with triples Del Pemberton last year intermediate C champ- Ted Heather ions are asked to attend Perc Pemberton Following the practice a decis- Beach 762 Don ion will be made whether to con- Matthew G Stone P rage The Newmarket and Express Thursday Nov way Other leaders were Bill 724 wore best Friday night bowl- 742 Bob lodging Other pin were I Kay 665 Bob Cobb 621 Ralph interest anyone Gibson Bill Mair girls found the bowling last week managing Simone Rod Stevens result few high scores tinue or to disband lor this sea son As yet club boosters havent been able to the coaching a with the club Aurora sportsmen led by Ron Brooks and Ron Simmons are endeavoring to reorganize the Aurora intermediate entry or competition in the Ontario Hoc key Association The teams first practice was held Sunday There were play ers on hand Included in the holdover list from the 195657 championship winning club were forwards Don Gibson Marx 751 J Visser 745 Jack Watson George Watt ville 651 Mike Steel Jack Glenn 636 Ball 633 Reg Bob Max Cameron and Bob Broad bent The pins were slimmer balls the size of marbles thats how the Bell Telephone boys and Ron Bressington Joe Pa ton Ed Ball 578 Jo Moore Bill Jim Ben nett Andy and Reg In the ladies division leader were Gertrude Clark 604 Hosier Clark 600 Elaine Heather 520 Ed G Brown Don McKnight I 653 series was tops 722 Art H Phil- wn Bill went 637 Dick 714 Bill Ingram Corner and J Martin 603 Team standing is NoNames and Gardner 704 2 Argus Jets Block Busters Leading one game scorers in Weepers the high class loop were 450 Cotey 366 G Stone 341 Doug Beckett 334 Jack Watson 326 Ches 325 Chas Fred Counter 325 Bill Mair Cartwright big guns The maples took a beating from the Intercommunity league George bowlers Monday Bull Don Matthew Joe Magani T Cameron Charles Don Cameron Lloyd 771 Roy J Martin 773 Rod Stevens George Watt 756 Don Mc Ken Taylor 755 Elmer R Palangio 748 Hank VandenBcrgh 734 Moomins Sob- HASH By GEORGE Newmarket Sports Editor i9i ft It quilt- evident this com munity an auditorium Your scribe being more interest ed in the towns sporting activ ities possibly should say audi toriumgymnasium Your scribe hates to see the organizations such as the yacht club soccer club to do something through t winter months but being I to because of this one Don Lou were the Office Specialty There are at least five organ- There is just one other in our community seek- town that would fit the I a location in which to duct their activities the Newmarket High school If the curling club property Rod Stevens 316 George were George Olher First and foremost the the question for the presc YWCA requires accommodation possibly the solution is for The young people council j five organizations to sit do Jack A Smith Jirn Bond 627 and Ken Miller Laurie Thorns Phil Nicholas Dale Watts John Watt 314 Bill Ingram 308 H Tommy Howard Bullock defensemen Mel Beach 305 and 303 Vail Grant Winter and goalie Paul Allstars continue to lead the Bud a netminder Don Tuesday mens league They have I men were Speziali 327 Lou Thorns a Smoke Ring graduate points Rovers 31 Eagles and Bovair 324 Jack and Gary Chapman head the Hustlers each Ted Heather and Jack Watson 722 were top threegame scorers Joe Lloyd and Charles 317 were Over single game highs single game marks- ft and discus a concrete to the high school board the use of the gym and sent facilities newcomer trainee list I pitched a nifty to show the Art Keg Wilson Be the kind of driver you ex pect the other fellow to be DRIVE SAFELY v V T PUT IT OFF Banish battery worry with a Brand New FactoryFresh POWER BESTBUILT BATTERY 18MONTH GUARANTEE REG LIST YOU SAVE 655 Full full amp Replace your old grunt and groan battery with an Plates Fits most popular cars except Ford V8 95 Old SAFEST FOR YOUR CAR ALLWINTER PERMAFILL 00 Approved Ethylene Glycol WITH COOLING SYSTEM CONDITIONER Theres not in the whole wide world Made or Canadian by the largest rronijfacir of Ethylene Glycol HEAT Q well at COLD complete allweather protection than youll need- Approved EthyleneGlycol with cooling tern conditioners to prevent corrosion dogging foaming to goiktt and cor finithes actually lengthens radiato hose life and Imbricates the water pump all the way down to below Use with any thermostat nevtr needs at full strength fill up now with POLAR BRAND Full Strength Regular Ethylene Glycol PRICED FOR BIG SAVINGS Full- sir An EthyUn a price Special and Permanent protection car all winter long- Equal to many of the known lulling at prkei Sold only in 2YEAR GUARANTEE MORPOWER SUPERSERVICE PLATES REG LIST GALLON QUART 67 GALLON 279 QUART 74 IGNITION SPRAY lough plniric hard AOf 89 SUPER Tlii 199 ft GALLON GUAM ANTIFREEZE TESTER THERMOSTATS- RADIATOR HOSE IWM a YOU SAVE Full 120amp ra pacity with extra pow- top performance In any weath er Fits most popular ears except Ford VR Fits Ford plates amp rapacity lis SAVKS11X0 With your old 45 Your Old Battery Original lQh f fj nfc Prevent free A RAD FLUSH trm fm4 RAD SOLDER mii FAN BELTS e 49 WATER PUMP YEAR GUARANTEE HIWATER ARMOURGLASS PLATES REG LIST to out last any battery u have ever Three times greater reserve of electrolyte 111 amp capacity tor extra power Fits most popu lar cars except Ford VRi Your Old ArmorGlass Kits Ford Products plates Mi amp capacity With votir old hal A NOTE AM prices for in1tlnlion or NO CASH DOWN EASY TERMS ON PURCHASES OF OR OVER WATER PUMP EXCHANGE i 415 rtt wo HEAVY DUTY HEATER HOSE ft It tee HEATER MOTOR LAMP SET ill 319 ft If Mr I ke STEERING WHEEL COVER 36 ike STORE TIRE ASSOCIATE STORE J SON LTD MAIN ST NEWMARKET TW 54564 PM EVERY FRIDAY Thats a few of the suggest we have kicking around in noggin this week As weve before you dont know what can do until youve given it a you cant hang a would like to set up a program of activities that would include table tennis basketball badmin ton physical fitness etc The recreation commission too requires a to conduct whool winter activities As pointed recently there are primary of problems to the school boa school children and another in high school There hockey together to empl for of these What can we cation teachers The Newmarket Yacht Club or Mr- seeks a place to conduct classes programs in model boat building sailing etc The local soccer club head ed by Bill Brookes is searching for a spot to operate a social club to include table tennis and badminton The town basketball league would like to locale al trying building for its program arena Is the focal Your paragraphia feels U I tonight Its the Smoke these organization should be en- against Ann How do we do that Bears Then the two eager We must either build or find a over to Aurora location for them following evening to do a rep Sizing up the situation there j Both are is just one building in town that we can think at present which J coaches Herb Cain and No would fill the bill temporarily atj an opportunity to least That is the vacant south what they have cooking I section of the York Curling club Too it will provide approximately feet long by j Bears twosome Bill feet wide Dou Alcorn with an When your Underwood punch- to see what Bruins was on this subject a couple do of week ago it was just to put- if V want to gel ideas out some feelers Since that bring up the subject What time several of the organizations do to get parents to turn have looked it over Judging to see their boys play hocke from their comments it would fit One chap long associated w their needs admirably hockey suggested at a rec At the time your scribe first meeting that they give the pi brought up the subject we a pair of tickets one it wouldnt cost too much money ami tell the lad lo convert the building into a bring his parents back with or he doe gym and clubhouse After talk- the next game it Over with the curlers and luxkey with a local contractor 1 guess 1 The Newmarket minor hoc was too optimistic The converj association isnt going to be lhat drastic However it is go to send the hockey home wit pair of ducats They come a SI each and will admit the chasers to every minor hoc game u d in job in order to protect the curling ice would much larger that I anticipated It would cost possibly as much a This more or less stalled us I right there However we havent throughout the season given up the idea We would The local minor hockey ass suggest therefore that the five will operate teams organizations requiring facilities season It is a big could at least get together and To keep the various leagues discuss the problem the over boys playing hoc With five organizations wish ing to use it we have hit another mag How could we fit all their activities into one building Certainly before proceeding any further it would seem wise to sit down and work out an activ ity program that would give each organization a fair share of time in building This feels said organizations could concrete proposal to will require the free services some adults So friends you cant be one of the gratis workers how about ing those tickets Better buy the tickets and use tickets to attend the mi game Young junior I am si will be pleased to know you taking an interest in hi hoc if the playing For that one buck agree receive hours of hockey that works out lo cent the York Curlers something hour if my arithmetic is could be worked out to the mut ual advantage of the curlers as well as the other organizations Local Legion Sponsors North York Midgets Two Little NHL Teams Its official now that Newmar ket Legion Branch will spon sor a midget entry in the York minor hockey league Con firmation the Legions midget sponsorship was announced fol lowing genera meeting hed October no Bill Johnston has been named roach A manager expected to he this week The Newmarket Legion mid gets will perform in a North York league along with Aurora Union- Richmond Hill Alliston King City Sutton Wood- bridge Camp Borden and Brad ford first practice for the team expected to be held Nov at pm at the arena The Canadian Legion o will provide sweaters for two team- in the Newmarket Saturday morning Kittle NHL Where can you get so much for so little I know right away what are going to say From the set First thing you know it so much youll hum a picture tube and then w will you be So why not the old set an hours rest a and down to the arena give the small fry hockey a look sec You wont he did IT WILL PAY YOl TO ENQUIRE SPECIAL DISC0UN1 Gi ads Have Hoop Squad Boh Dick one of the key work ers in the Newmarket town bas ketball league last winter roach and captain of team brings in the first official word from the town league hoop front Bob reports the are ready to reenter the league The teams in the league last winter wen Fearless five Bell Telephone Masters and Lyons League director George would to hear from these four teams rccrdmc their plans Alert today alive tomorrow TOYS for CHRISTMAS BUY NOW FOR SELECTION KEITH DAVI SPORTING GOODS MAIN ST Phone Bus WE CUT