it The Newmarket Era and Express Thursday Nov 14 1957 Finds Toast To Queen No Excuse For Drunk Driving Is Jailed A Scarborough man learned a toast to the Queen is no ex cuse for drunk driving when he appeared in Newmarket court recently Joseph Silavs St denied that he was drunk when stopped by police in the north bound lane of Highway west of Bradford about pm Oct explained that his condi tion Was caused by a combination of overwork an attack of flu and a toast to the Queen We have men working on our job who are Scotch English and other nationalities said the Lat vianborn immigrant and thai was the day the Queen came The other men on the job were drinking toasts to the Queen and I couldnt refuse to drink with them Silavs a master mechanic working on a construction job at miles north west of was stopped by provincial police after they ob served him swerving from one side of the road to the other and as a result impeding the travel of a- bout other vehicles The accused told the court that his manner of driving was not caused by the amount of liquor he had consumed but by over work and an attack of the flu He that when he suddenly felt ill he stopped to swallow about three aspirins Silavs did not ex plain why he was driving north on the thruway when he was supposed to be going to his home in Scarborough PC Frank Clarke Bond Lake testified that when was questioned at the Newmar ket station he told police that he was in Scarborough and since his home was only a few blocks away they could drive him home Magistrate OS Hollinrake sen tenced Silavs to ten days in jail suspended his license for six mon ths and impounded his car for three months The accused was also found guilty of having liquor in an illegal place and fined The magistrate ordered confis cation of the two 25 ounce bottles of rye whiskey and partly filled bottles one of Benedictine and one of Vodka found in the trunk of car RECEIVE INQUIRIES FOR COMMISSIONER JOB Inquiries regarding the propos ed hiring of an industrial commis sioner for Newmarket have been received Councillor told council last week We have been questioned regarding the re quirements for this position Mr listed them hastily as high school graduate experi ence in municipal or other gov ernmental offices or in planning and industrial development work j He suggested a salary of 4000 or somewhat more depending on I the mans experience Public Library Book List Compiled By Mrs Skinner Mrs Jack Skinner librarian at the Newmarket Public Library has listed many of the new titles added to the shelves this month The list includes historical fiction memoirs science novels and hum orous short stories Below The Salt His torical Novel The Path of Destiny Randall Canada His Majestys Yankees Randall Nova Scotia split by loyalties Guilty Men Foot and Jones Suez and Cyprus Posted Missing ViUiers Ac counts of ships lost at sea Portage Bay adventures at Lake of the Woods Mile- South From Alaska by amphibious jeep The Red Balloon Childhood in photogenic Paris Third Eye Rampa A boy of Tibet trained to be a lama I Blow My Own Horn Motion picture industry Tomas Mann Kaufman A Time To Love And A Time To Die Remarque German soldier on three weeks furlough Complete Short Stories of Mark Twain humor How To Be A Debs Mom advice for mothers with a daughter to launch Rally Around The Flag Boys humor on a guided missile base The Dog Who Wouldnt Be some dog some yarn The Naked Sun sci ence fiction The Door Into Summer Hen science fiction Coast of Fear Ballard mystery My Greatest Crime Story Sin ger police chiefs personal mem oirs Everybodys Guide To The Stork Market Fine Art Of Reading Cecil The Heart of Grossman and an appreciation jazz Life Photographers Raylield Their careers and favorite pie Hires The White Fathers mission work in Africa Quaker Service in Modern War Kerschner Spain and France 3 and Start sooner drive slower live longer be home for the holidays DRIVE SAFELY Newmarket Cubs Scouts At Camp With Fathers An enjoyable weekend was spent at Camp October and by men and boys from 1st Newmarket Group Trie whole project was one of complete teamwork on the part of the fathers and the boys Transportation cooking recrea tion kitchen chores camp fire and Sunday worship service were all done on a prearranged voluntary basis The weather was perfect and only added to the wonderful spirit that existed It would be difficult to say who enjoyed it more the fathers or the boys Sufficient to say that the con tention commonly held that you cant get Father out to work and play with his son was dis pelled that weekend There were nearly fathers there to it By unanimous decision tenta tive arrangement have already been made for another such weekend next year Dad there is room for you too if you weie sick or had to work the last time This report was delayed be cause of flu and though it is now a month old it is still considered news because of its character and local interest Legion Branch Endorses Yacht Clubs Program Canadian Legion Branch wholeheartedly supports Newmarket Yacht Club in their program to clean up Fairy Lake That was the resolution adopted at a Legion general meeting held recently at the Legion hall The resolution proposed by Stewart Dow and seconded by Ted Heather received unanimous support from the large gathering of Legion members It followed talk and explana tion of the yacht clubs proposed Fairy improvement project by Peter a member of clubs delegation committee who was the guest speaker Mr explained in detail what be done to the lake and its surrounding area to make it a town beauty spot and recreation area Yacht Club memberships are now being sold Anyone interest ed in becoming a member may contact Hob Groves or Paul Smith The Newmarket Yacht Club will play host to the inter- service league monthly night on Nov Ivan Ruddock Is in charge of the The next general meeting of the yacht club will be held at the Legion Hall Monday Nov 25 at pm This will be a social night Shop At JOHN MORNINGS DRUG STORE St Aurora For Friendly Personal Service telephone PA AURORA M ERCUEY and introducing the longest most luxurious automobile ever built by Mercury the exciting allnew Want your luxury big but lively Then Mercury for is your kind of ear From the allnew Park Lane feel pounds of quid comfort to budget- priced Monterey that are within a few dollars of I lie low price field Mercury offers you the spirit of a sports ear the luxury of a limousine Entirely new CoolPower Marauder engines cut powerwasting heat are far more efficient quieter and longer lasting New low rearaxle ratios let the engine truly magnificence unlimited loaf while you give the economy of overdrive more power from less fuel Mercury for 58 is longer wider heavier You enjoy a spacious steady always quiet kind of ride that you have always associated with highpriced limousines Altogether there are exciting Mercury models in three series Monterey and brilliant new Park Lane Never before has there been thai does much for your so much for your comfort so much for you Mercury for SO THE ERCURY19 SAFE USED J JOYCE MOTORS YONGE ST NORTH AURORA PHONE PA 742389 LINCOLN 9 r