SLESSOR has stashed USED CAR PRICES m 1956 BUICK SPECIAL door Hardtop Low mileage twotone white walls Flow transmission and custom trim Regular Now only BUICK SPECIAL 2 door Hardtop Radio twotone white walls custom trim Flow transmission Regular Now only 1954 BUICK SPECIAL 4 door sedan Flow radio twotone paint Regular Now only 1954 BUICK 4 door special Dvna Flow transmission like new Regular 1695 Now only 1495 1954 METEOR walls 10 The Newmarket Era and Express Thursday Nov Hasketts HASH By GEORGE HASKETT Newmarket Sports Editor The Smoke Rings and Union- Cliff Johnstons Brooklin Com bines at this stage of the game are the team to beat The Combines have a years groupwinning squad back in camp plus a couple of new comers who have fitted right The Smoke Rings Whip BradFord Joe and his Bradford intermediate hockcyists found out one thing Thursday that being the bigger they come the harder they fall Bradford BradKords appeared to be skating with a case of celery on their shoulders They couldnt catch the Smoke of Smoke Rings skated a rings around them to record an impressive win The only lick the BradFords got in was in the second period This was Bob Fallis goal after six minutes of play The Smoke Rings unzipped a jet propelled first period to go ahead on That is the moniker hung on the able job in getting the Smokies goals by Peter Goodfellow Ron Prepare Now For Winter ville Jets commence the junior C group series here tonight To morrow night Doug Alcorn and Bill have their Bears going out for a whirl at the Au rora arena against Brooklin So at last you can say hockey time into the Combines classy passing is here officially attack Your paragrapher likes Cocoaches Herb Cain and sound of the Suburban Big Seven Norm have done a credit- district junior group Along with Newmarket and Aurora ready for group Smokies got a lot play The of mileage white whip door custom out Regular 2 door custom Twotone radio Less than miles Clean as a Regular Now only FORD Custom radio spotless inside and Now only 950 1 METEOR 2 door radio twotone white wall Regular Now only 650 Several older models from which to choose Come in and make us an offer FOR The Best NEW CAR Deal ANYWHERE SEE teams in the group are Bowman- under their skates in their open- Jets ing two games and Combines Hornets and skated the highly rated Bradford Whitby Hill crests BradFords into the ice here on Thursday I would imagine it was a rather stunning for the boys from Celery town The visitors looked woefully It would appear that this will make a pretty solid group and provide the fans with the best in junior hockey It is too soon to take a squint into the crystal ball to see what club will make off with all the marbles in four months and ten more days from now It does appear as though DRAPERY MADE FREE Brian Million and Mar cel Tessier Bob made it 5 before the visitors cashed their one and goal Maissoneuve got his second goal to make it before the second period closed Putting the stamp of approval on a big scoring night added an early third period goal to wind up the Smoke Rings scoring i Slessor Motors Newmarket Limited SATISFACTION your PONTIAC GMC TRUCK Dealer 361 Eagle Street Newmarket Phone TW 52351 Main SI Phone Out Residents PRODUCTS Holland Landing District North of Davis Drive IMPERIAL OIL LIMITED Announce appointment JOHN EEK HOLLAND LANDING AS THEIR EXCLUSIVE rm Trade Agent Phone FOR STOVE OIL FURNACE OIL GASOLINE AND MOTOR OIL ALWAYS LOOK TO IMPERIAL FOR THE REST DONT WAIT ACT MOW Now is the time to avoid next summers rush HAVE YOUR MOWERS CHECKED BY US Winter rates now prevail FREE PICKUP STORAGE and DELIVERY I CALL CHAPPELLES 52761 weak on condition but no doubt this condition will he righted by work Newmarket was well reprei Ml on the Bradford club with players from here and ex- Smokies including Don Gibson Don McKnight Thorns Don Thorns Norm Smart Bob and Ross Bradford has a rating in OHA intermediate series and will probably see in a group with and Milton Jilley Ring goal- ie has jelled with the local was an outstanding performer in the two contests with Aurora ami against Brad ford Brian Million the team captain and Marcel Tessier fig ured prominently the scoring I statistics Our minor graduate George Robertson forms the third man on the unit This trio should prove a high scoring com bination the is very much older Hoopla Bourne There is just one team to date for town basket ball league play Hob Dicks Grads Who else will have a learn Lets get cracking im mediately It would be a shame to see the league fold after last years successful start Amateur Views The York Curlers started on their first full season last weekend The curling ice looked smart with its green center white ends and red and blur house circles Jack Lues- 1 league by membership Jack ire Anil Art Evans in charge of will ho busy men from now on will lie open house week at the club with each member being allowed bring in a guest Chan man Lues by reports the welcome mat is out for new curl ers If you havent joined I he club better do now and he In time for the first club draw being arranged by Harold Eaton Another band of amateurs new members is tin Miami Greens howling club Anyone interested ian contact Frank Courtney Charles Willis or Percy Perry is the club president for the coming season Wo visited Howard Morion and his Gun Club last week end It is always a pleasure spend an hour or two with these conservation sportminded safely conscious gentlemen li is amazing the amount of fun and enjoyment gel from their favorite pastime Von wilt be welcome at club any Sun- i noon Mr Morton offered your an opportunity to take a few shots however we thought better of it in the Interest of the safety of the citizens in that that in of East We couldnt hit end of a bam from the inside Ve understand ye editor lark is a good marksman well leave the shooting hi that honorable gentleman If he is looking for a subject for the next William Tell Day we would suggest Slim is a suggestion by the way or per haps the lino expert who claims runs hoit on commas would be it likely subject No vein tier Phillips has accepted of rcfereoinchiei for the Newmar ket minor hockey system It a big teams operating iii deserves the thanks as North York Minor Loop Newmarket and district hockey fans will be pleased to loam they are going to see the boys Bob and Nick again this winter Then again judging from past ex perience maybe they wont Bob is coaching Stouffville ju veniles and Nick is to master mind Lions club mid- gels Both clubs have posted North York minor hockey league entries The inclusion of two ville sides brings the North York minor hockey league entry list total to teams eight juvenile midget and seven bantam do the over adults for then interest in our minor hockey pro gram Lets help the Canadian Legion put on a biggest yet Santa parade Time for Hie big event is rolling around Its Dec in case you havent heard You can assist my lies by depositing your contribu tions in the many jugs instal led in several Main Si stores Th next Yacht Club meeting Will he Monday The gavel raps the members to order at eight chimes It will be a social and getacquainted night Speaking about it is congratula tions to Mr and Mrs Ivan Rud dock a hoy at the Ruddocks no doubt a future yacht club member Ken Hod gins will have help the Lake league secretary work next year Ken and our own Maty Osborne said do Saturday Congratu lations are in order Mary of course has been one of Peaches best ball players over the years can hear Tommy Madcap Hare Art King and Claude Pollock inging that old refrain wedding bells are breaking up that old gang of mine Team representatives closed the books on town softball season last week- The league ended the season with in the kitty Alter consul discussion agreed to leave the in the bank in the herd of future town league While on subject a sincere thank you goes to secretary- treasurer Ait the learn touches and managers and all those chaps who didnl mind tak on the umpiring duties It was certainly by Ibis cot We have lost a good town league Boh f ihe Police learn has been transferred Mount Forest Aside to North York learn boosters your scribe hasnt forgotten about an organisation meeting li will be held in in future Youth Appreciation week closed The Newmarket Club deserves a large vote of thanks for continued sup port of miitr hockey and base ball Another club doing great work In this field is sports minded Oplinilsl Club at wick A note Nor III York minor hockey league teams the will be going week The holdup has been getting in formation as to when several of the leams have In en aide lo secure tune para has been Hulking on four schedules the past week We use the numbering lent but Ides gel a bit com plicated when three or teams same group have home games on ihe aloe night Councillor was the recipient of high praise the last Commis sion meeting his splendid work in a n the local TeenTown They Lei George do it and did it and tin it will Ted Greenwood repot ts an ex cedent start the young s association til and winter program If you are in in joining the Y contact Ted lord Calvert Tay lor Mary Doug Irwin Jack Mills or Ruth Waller Whats highest possible score in curling our curling enthusiasts advise us that it would be in a ten end game That would mean every stone thrown by the link have to end up in house and all oppositions outside It is almost an impossibility Congratulations to Jim Law on his election in the highest office in Ontario lawn bowling circles Dutch Kraal Lawn Bowling Club and Charles on his linn to the presidency of the Bar- rie and district league Bargain in Winter Driving Safety SNOW TRAVEL With a pair of SnowTravel Tirei on your rear youre all Winter CLIMB AWAY from icerutted curbs quickly and CLIMB HILLS without or sliding NO BOGGING DOWN in deep mow or mud Hundreds of flexing lugs grip and bile their way through Sturdy Super- Flex Rayon Cord with longerfailing Cold Rubber Treads SNOW TRAVEL priced away below the market 60016 Reg LIil 1195 Without Tradein WITH CLASS TRADEIN 67015 WITH CLASS A TRADEIN Without Tradein 71015 List WITH CLASS TRADEIN Without Tradein Reg Lbt 1395 it Famous Tenasco cord by WINTER EXPRESS LEVEL With Cord by it will be used on new 1 an saving of with trade- on 1 sue The deeper shoulder buttresses dig in to Ac bigger bile get you and easy in heavy snow or mud Cive sure CO and site STOP on greasy roads or slick ice Run smoothly and quietly on dry and bare roads Priced al Canadian Tire for ettra savings 9 WITH CLASS TRADEIN Without Tradein 71015 A WITH CLASS TRADE IN Without 76015 WITH CLASS A TRADCIN Without Tradein Reg Lilt Re Lilt Reg Lht 75014 A WITH CLASS TRADEIN Without TradeIn type 3O0 I- Liit Natural Rubber Tread HIWAYBYWAY Now The aaleit quicleat Winter driving ever potiible Smooth quietrunning NATURAL RUBBER TREADS r dtined lor year round Summer Winter ddving ny time on any road lor mowloaded outoftown travel or ley city It at Top lor who drive into town frequently and travel rojJt ace heavy laden or bare Cripaction tread pattern eliminate annoyincj whine and noiie Compare These Tubelati type Sin 760 M I In I In 1850 1995 1895 2795 2595 2095 2595 MTBB HAZARD ft J a TERMS suit your Bud get AVAILABLE J SNUEVTC SON K 243 MAIN ST NEWMARKET