NOMINATION MEETING Continued from Page he was recovering from an oper ation for appendix during the el ection campaign Some people referred to him as a so and so foreigner he said Others said Dont vote for a Communist he declared A resident of Newmarket for years Mr said No body in this hall has done more than I have to fight Communism I was in the White Army I have a hole in my leg caused by a Communist bullet There are papers to be found to prove that if someone wants to He added that anyone who wanted to find out could send town are not taking an Interest in town affairs That is why I am offering my services He said that perhaps the reason for the low vote last year was the fact that there were few candi dates Mr Salisbury has been in town for four years and operates a grocery store on Main St Someone must start at the bottom and learn about the ad ministration of the town he town has a split personality has a plit personality be tween the older part of town and the new subdivisions We should end that Councillor George Knapton a candidate for reelection stressed a program for next year It includes a sound plan for his lawyer to see my lawyer j attention to A councillor for two years new completion of the sewerage and sewage dispos al project and action to change antiquated bylaws and he said he offered to act for democracy I like to fight all the time I only fight when I have to I must say that I was a mi- on council and had to fight he said Referring to coun cil problems he said it is not ne cessary to play to the gallery or the press use up time for lit tle jokes or speak times on the question The municipal act says a member can speak only once Council sets the policy and the council sees that it is carried out he continued There are em ployees of the town to carry it out I am accused of being a dic tator Its just the opposite I say that the mayor is the person who sees that councils wishes are carried out Yet think the mayor should express his opin ion on important questions and vote himself not avoid voting and sit on the fence Mr said that the town has governed by bluff that friends of councillors re ceive favorable action toward re quests but others do not Nothing has been done to deal with outdated laws he said He also pointed out that next years taxes will be higher because of he policies of council in and For School Ray said he will be a candidate for school board He said that he would like to offer his experience in business and as a hospital administrator He said that there should be an election for school board If a member is elected by a majority he can feel that he can go ahead and do what ho believes is right he said a resident of Newmarket for years will be a council candidate He has serv ed for a number years on the library board and has been chair man of the board At present he is a manager of a large credit union Mr said members should forget about petty bickerings Councils function should be policy ant gores Serving Newmarket and the rural districts of North York The Newmarket Era The Express Herald 1895 Published every Thursday at 30 Charles St Newmarket by the Newmarket Era and Express Limited Subscription for two years for one year in advance Single copies are 10c each Member of Class A Weeklies of Canada Canadian Weekly Newspapers Association and the Audit Bureau of Circulations Authorized as Second Class Mail Post Office Department Ottawa John E Struthers Managing Editor Caroline Ion Associate Editor George Sports Editor L Racine Production E Stefaniuk Advertising THURSDAY THE TWENTYFIRST DAY OF NOVEMBER NINETEEN HUNDRED AND FIFTYSEVEN COUNCILLOR Continued from Page it can be done on five cents a mile It is a matter of study that if you have an effic ient vehicle eight cents a mile is a fair figure This method awards everyone on a fair rea sonable basis Commercial establishments would not con sider operating on a weekly basis Considering what the reeve has told us tonight per haps the town superintendents truck should be removed and al lowance paid on a weekly basis Committee Chairmen Of Council Are To Submit YearEnd Reports MOUNT ALBERT Mount Albert will hold its nomination meeting on Friday Nov 29 at pm The Church of the meeting will be held in the IOOF Councillors and Knap- have a complete picture added ton introduced a motion at the last meeting of Newmarket coun- people of Newmarket will get my report on calling for each committee night said the reeve chairman to present a written report to council on his com- will hold anniversary services at 3 and pm this coming Sunday Nov Rev Chester of the United Missionary church in Zephyr will be the vi siting minister in the afternoon Rev a r Church of the will speak in the evening The Pitts family of Peterborough will can pass this resolution vide music at both services if it wants but it wont get a again The mittees years work and future written report from me expense of operating a car or truck around town with the short runs and numerous stops and starts is excessive re plied the mayor He quoted from his past experience as Can adian National Express agent Councillor Knapton said he thought the mileage basis was the best method but that it ap peared obvious the amount set was not enough The motion as passed last week will mean a hardship for the employees he continued If the reeve had brought up this question of loss of subsidy on the truck last week we probably would have changed the motion I suggest we find out what other municipalities our size are doing The motion was amended to allow a per week car allow ance for Superintendent Evans for the operation of his light truck on town business Other town employees will be paid on a mileage basis of eight cent a mile plans leaving a copy with the When a man is changing jobs clerk for the attention of the of any size he doesnt just walk incoming council The resolu- out and let won the support of all but Reeve None of us is certain whether hell be sitting here next year said Mr If there is a written report on what has been accomplished and discus sions of future plans it would be an aid for a new chairman It would help new members get the swing of things This would provide new a new man find out on his own replied Mr Why should we step out of of fice and let 1 man come in with out any background A report gives a sequence of order You want them briefed when they come in commented the mayor Councillor Choppin said It Remember the Scout and Cub paper drive on Saturday Dec Nominations Mount Albert police village the finance chairman to write anything before March or April councillors with a background of of the following year activities agreed Mr The reeve said he would past give Knapton It would also give his report at nomination meet them some idea of what the pre- ting commented Councillor vious committee had considered I Paynlcr Thats all well and but had not been able to finish good but not one in will pay I quite agree with this pro- any attention to it said Councillor A copy of the minutes of the I did last year and put my preceding year is given to all in- report in the Era and Express coming members of council said felt the ratepayers should the clerk know what the committee done during the year As had you know received much criticism Mr Evans you dont have for MOUNT ALBERT Mr William chair- council man of the building committee and all those who worked so faithfully during the summer and fail months are to be congratu- ing he said It would be a good They must feel proud of idea for the town to separate the their accomplishment when they stand back and view this fine building that has been erected through their efforts combined with all those who contributed money so generously SHARON function of policy from he func tion of management he said Clare Salisbury council candi date said I a lot of people feel that possibly the younger generation and newer people in this I was called a lot of nasty names Judging from the reception given my report it seems that it is wrong in the first place to do anything and worse to say you did it You must be prepared for criticism The reports should be pub lished so the public will be more familiar with what you arc try ing to do and the reasons your actions Sometimes the public is hostile for no reason They feel differently if they EDITORS NOTE For the first time in more than a year the editorial page is missing in this weeks issue of the Era and Express One exceedingly difficult fori of the reasons for this Is a shortage of space near deadline time and our wish to publish all material from recent coun cil sessions This will bring readers up to date for nomin ation meeting at the town hall tonight During the past two weeks we have had production prob lems at our plant with staff members III the added tempor ary responsibility of publish ing the Sutton Reporter and a rush for publication of voters lists Our plant has been geared for publication of a page Era and Express on the average The growth of the town and district Indicates an average of pages per Issue before long and preparations to meet the new demand for greater news coverage and advertising space will be made Hall All interested are urged to note the time and place It is hoped there will be a good at tendance Very few of the 225 chairs placed in the auditorium of the United church extension were empty on Monday evening Friendship Night The evening opened with a short program con sisting of readings by Miss Hayes and Mr Jack Walker and solos by Mr Thomas Allison and Mr Angus Morton Mr Arthur showed pictures taken dur ing the construction of the new building Pictures of the graduation some Scout and Cub activities and vocation school were shown also Mr Roy Stew art conducted some impromptu novelty numbers quartettes con tests stunts and Mrs Bruce Roll ing a number known as Mount Albert Challenge similar to the TV program Front Page Chal lenge Refreshments were serv ed at the close of the evening Mr George Price was master of ceremonies The Rev Curtis welcomed everyone and brought greetings from the board As long as you have compe tent men like Mr Cockburn and to worry whether there is a new chairman said the reeve This resolution call for nor mal procedure replied Mr It docs not reflect on any town employee but is procedure Department heads write yearend reports If the resolution is passed I say it is necessary for all chairmen make written reports Council the reeve being the only one to rules not committee chairmen oppose it 1 shall still give he Stated mine on nomination night he The resolution carried with told council HERE AND THERE Continued from page annual parade Tonight a blitz campaign for parade donations will be made Finally orders for Christmas trees arc being taken by the Optimist club Calling at each house the Optimists are taking advance orders for the trees which include modern sprayed ones as well a the oldfashioned green variety If you were away and missed your call get in touch with a member of the Optimist club and order your tree As welt as being assured of a beautiful specimen for Christmas you will have the satisfaction of having helped the club with its active program as a friend of the boy From the Files of 25 and 50 Years Ago OUR SIDE OF THE STORY by HARVEY REASON HAS NOT FAILED US NOVEMBER Roast Under the sup ervision of Alderman Williams upwards of a hundred boys liv ing on the east side of town had a very enjoyable outdoor weiner roast on Monday night of week George is very popular with the lad Winter Has Set In By Wed nesday noon there was six inches of snow on the level Newmarket snow shovels were at work all morning clearing the sidewalks and kept drib bling down all afternoon School boys took pleasure in snowballing on the way to school Little girls will have lots of fun playing Fox and Goose Sports are looking for ward for hockey Miss Agnes was a school teacher prior to her elec tion as a member of Parliament For the past eight years she has travelled extensively and has had the opportunity of discus sing finance with prominent men A synopsis of her address at Sloulfville last Saturday night appears in this issue Miss is not afraid to say what she thinks Mrs apent weekend with her daughter in Toronto while the editor of the Era spent the weekend with sister in Hamilton where he was surprised to meet another sister from Bronte Mr Lawrence our brilliant last sea- ion son of Mr the grocci has signed a con tract for the season with a pro fessional club at Springfield Mass Mrs Alex Wilson of Toronto and Mr Winch of Bel- haven visited their sister Mrs Ross Cunningham on Monday Miss Edylhe Storey of Is the guest of her uncle and aunt Mr and Mrs I die Mrs and son and daughter and Mrs Robinson of Stouffville visited friends in town on Sunday Mr John of Roches Point was in town on Tuesday bidding farewell to Newmarket friends before leaving for the Old Country on Friday Miss A K spent the weekend with friends in and NOVEMBER United Factories Two more new machines are being instal led this week for the manufact ure pail cover and bottoms to keep up with the other machines The demand for these poods continues to in crease and the firm Is shipping nearly a ear and a half on an average every day Ten or more men will be taken on next week to keep up with the orders Mount Albert The deer hunt ers from this vicinity report deer plentiful and were succes sful In getting their allotted number two each Messrs Thoj Evans Hugh Evans John Booth and Alex Dunn return ed with eight fine deers and Mrs John Steepei and party were equally successful Mis Mary also Miss Emma St of Queensville visited with Mrs Dunham a few days this week Mrs Laurence Hunter Doer- ing of Mortlack Sask is here on a visit with her nephew Mr Charles J Smith Mr John and family over Sunday a Toronto Junction Visiting with Mr- father Mr W Hams Mr and Mr J A of Toronto were the guests of Mr and Mrs Isaac Rose on Tuesday night and attended the supper in the Christian church Mi Fred Saxlon came up from the city on Monday and Spent a couple of days this week attending the wedding her cousin Mrs and Mrs C ready spent last Friday Sutton with Mrs Walter Scott Master Cameron Allan over Sunday with his untie Mr James Allan in city Mrs McC ready and son Milt on were the guests of her brother Mr Basle do week Mr and Mrs T Wat on spent over Sunday at their camp on Lake Miss of Toronto is visiting Mrs Ed Richardson this week Mr C Blown of McCug- Man arrived in town on Tuesday Miss With is home from Toronto this week Professor Gorry has well said If men will hot listen to reason Democracy cannot be an enduring form of government It is generally recognized that when a question of public policy has be decided democratic principles require free discussion followed by a free vote important thing is the discussion In an ideal society in which all citizens were public- spirited and perfectly rational the discussion should lead to a unanimous opinion and the voting 1 not be necessary But we cannot even approach the ideal un less we can be influenced by the discussion that is by reason Any method of arriving at policy that nos not in volve discussion must rely on force If a Fuehrer or arriving at his decisions by intuition cannot de fend them in open dehate he must rely on strongarm methods army or police to cany them out and even discussion will not lead to wise decisions unless it appeals to reason rather than to the emotions Any attack on reason no matter whether takes the form of a belief in intuition instinct emotions or mystic insight is an attack on one of the foundations of democracy The current criticism of reason takes the form of an attack on the Enlightenment the rationalist think of the century The Enlightenment enthroned reason and repudiated faith and thereby started us on the road to ruin So runs the argument Now the fact is that there was general and steady improvement not only in science and economics but al so in polities and morals as long as the doctrines of the Enlightenment were generally accepted The decline look place only after anil only where other doctrines such those preached by Kegel and Marx Nietzsche Schopenhauer or Sore came to exert their baneful in fluence It is none the less true that many students of his tory have feeling that reason the Enlightenment somehow let us down The central of the Enlight enment the belief that mankind can attain a decent life for all by the application of reason and science is a sound belief Bui the idea that wo were going to that happy state almost at once was obviously mistaken Now what was wrong The writers of the Enlightenment had an optimis tic view of the universe Many of them practically wor shipped Nature They regarded Nature as a kindly power operating according to just and humane laws The discovery of the Law of Gravity and laws governing the physical universe led men to think that there must be natural laws in economics politics and morals The Enlightenment assumed that those laws could be discovered by reason and study It was assum ed that an understanding of Natural Law would show that war poverty and suffering resulted from disobe dience to Natural Law those assumptions it was quite a logical deduction thai the discovery of those natural laws would soon put an end to social evils ami lead to a happy life for all It is to be noted that the creed of the Enlightenment was a great advance in sensitivity over the ferocious doctrines of St Augustine and Calvin Hie doctrine that the mass of mankind will suffer eternal torment be cause of the sin of Adam At same time it must bo noted that the belief in a kindly Nature was pure super stition in no way justified by reason or experience In short the error of the Enlightenment was not an error of reason hut of faith Those who criticize the Enlightenment in or tier to try to frighten us into a return to superstition have no case against reason their case is against an irrational faith in a kindly universe The plain fact is Hint is neither kind nor cruel it is lust neutral impersonal matter There is joy and happiness in the world also sorrow mid suffer ing Whole genera of carnivorous animals ami poison ous ami stinging insect cannot exist without causing Incalculable pain There are no natural laws of justice and morality which ensure that the good shall he happy ami that the wicked shall suffer Justice has to be es tablished by man A good society can he achieved by us if we work at it with the aid of reason and science The Enlightenment was right in believing that mans future is in the keeping of his Intelligence error was In believing that there are natural laws in morality hat will he obeyed once they are discovered In short the thinkers of tin Enlightenment were right in believing Hint a good world is possible they were mistaken in thinking it could he achieved without ever lasting effort That mistake is no excuse for abandon ing reason The stale a the servant not the master of the the Male is their guarantee against infringement on their rights their agent in international and national the function of the state to assume the direct ion than activities which rest on individual choice LETS HAVE PLENTY OF CANDIDATES TONIGHT For Town Council INCLUDING THE OFFICE OF MAYOR Alex Belugin Era and Express Classifieds Bring Best Results Township of King PUBLIC NOTICE Re Application of Canadian National Rail ways Ltd- to close the Agency at King City Notice is hereby given that a representative from the Board of Transport Commissioners for Canada will conduct an investigation with respect to the above application at the Masonic Hall King City WEDNESDAY EVENING NOVEMBER AT 8 PM All interested persons are urgently requested to attend this important meeting in order to pre- sent their submissions WILLIAM HODGSON Reeve G ROSE Clerk MUNICIPAL ELECTION for the Town of Newmarket no net is hereby gives NOMINATIONS for the offices of way or reeve deputyreeve six councillors to Ihe said offices for and one hydro electric sinner and three public school trustees for the term of two and three Separate school trustees for the term of two years the municipality of the town of Newmarket will he held in town hall on THURSDAY NOVEMBER between Ihe hours of and pm by ihe Returning Office Every nomination shall be In writing and slate the name res deuce and occupation of the candidate and the residence and of Inc proposer and seconder Such nomination must signed by the proposer and seconder both of whom shall he electors and present and shall be filed with the Officer within one hour from the opening of the Nomination When a proposed candidate Is not present his paper shall not be valid unless there Is attached thereto satisfaction to the Returning Officer lhit he consents to be J nominated Candidates must obtain from the Treasurer a certificate shot that at the tune opening of the Nomination are no a preceding year overdue and unpaid In respect land on which propose to qualify and no la overdue ami unpaid for the current year AT Till NOMINATION MFLTlNti OK OCLOCK IN THE AFTERNOON OF THE SAME DAY A DATE MAY RESIGN IN RESPECT OF ONE OK MORE OFFICII WHICH HE IS NOMINATED BY FILING HIS RESIGNATION IN WHITING Willi THE RETURNING OFFICER AND IN FAULT HE SUM I DEEMED TO Hi NOMINATED FOR Til OFFICE FOR HE WAS FIRST NOMINATED If none candidates are nominated for the respective of fief hereinbefore mentioned than are required to fill the same IP Voting in the polling subdivision at subsequent election be conducted the deputy returning officers at respectK polling subdivisions is follows ST GEORGES WARD Canadian Legion Hall I A I iVnrosc 111 Mrs Mr McLaren ST WARD Town Hall Mi MS od Alex Eves Charles MacLeod ST ANDREWS WARD Queen Street Barbara Hunter ST ANDREWS WARD James Street Mrs Wilkinson WARD Fire Hall 3D Cecil WW Mrs P Brown POLLING SUBDIVISION No Fire Hall Mrs James Thompson he held in the Committee Room To Lend I i I MONDAY the Second Day of December From oclock am to a oclock J Of all of which all persons are requested to take govern themselves accordingly GOD SAVE TUB QUEEN WESLEY BROOKS Clerk and Returning Officer Newmarket November j