The Newmarket Era and Express Thursday Not 28 1957 DANCE WALTZ FOX TROT TANGO JIVE SAMBA RHUMBA Adult and teenage classes now forming Andy and Jessie TV 52776 Members Canadian Dance Teachers Association AISTD Era and Express Classifieds bring results SMITHS Hardware 207 Main St Newmarket Ph TV We will allow up to 1000 for your old skates ON FAMOUS MAKE SKATES HOCKEY or FIGURE Girls Mens Boys and up and up and up Used Skates on Sale I 295 and up CHOOSE YOUR XMAS SKATES ON OUR LAYAWAY PLAN BILLS SHOE REPAIR Corner of Main and Timothy Newmarket Ph TW 52772 CLASSIFIEDS CONTINUED CARD OF THANKS Merc words are inadequate to express my gratitude to each and every who have helped me through these days of sor row with beautiful flowers words of sympathy and deeds of infinite kindness I can only say thank thanks NEWMARKET SOCIAL NEWS KESWICK I Items for the social and per sonal column must reach the Era and Express office by noon each Tuesday Send them bv mail or you very much Also epno TW or Dr Patrick Greaves J Rev Mr Serrick Keswick pall- bearers and and Rose Miss spent the Mrs Walter Collins weekend in Guelph the guest of Miss Wilson CARD OF THANKS I wish to thank my friends and neighbors for the lovely floral tributes cards and acts of kindness extended to me during my recent bereavement in the loss of my dear husband Mrs Ella Leslie CARD OF THANKS Ernie and Marion Nelson and family Ravenshoe desire to ex press their deepest appreciation for the many acts of kindness help donations of clothing food etc To our neighbors who Joan Wilson is regional B and P advisor for the Guelph area Mrs J Nicholson is spending this week in St Cath erines where she attended the funeral services for her sister Mrs A Greenwood on Mon day Editor Marjoribanks of Saturday Night addressed the dinner meeting last evening of St Pauls Mens Club Seven members of the Jer sey Home and School association registered for the three night public speaking course at King George school This was the largest represen tation from school in the dis- Other Home and School organizations represented were Holland Landing Whitchurch J us hospitality and accom modation the firemen and vol unteers from the neighborhood and all who helped in any way at the time of our fire our heartfelt thanks Attend One Of These CHURCHES SUNDAY DEC SALVATION ARMY Newmarket Corps Queen St pm Salvation meeting pm Sunday school am Holiness meeting Wednesday pm Home League meeting pm Cottage Prayer Meeting Captain and Mrs Craddock commanding officers invite to make the Army your home IN preparation in starting of Fellowship of Evangelical Bap tist Church in Holland Landing We will be holding a every Thursday afternoon at 230 pm at the home of Mrs Bertha Deans to study the Bible on Signs of the Times AH welcome GRACE CHURCH 373 Street Pastor Rev A Yielding am Bible school for all ages am The Pastor pm The Pastor Wed at pm BIBLE STUDY Friday at Young Ladies Fellowship meeting at Par sonage 370 Timothy St VICTORY BAPTIST CHURCH Fellowship or Evangelical Baptist Churches Corner Arthur and Newton Sis Newmarket Pastor Rev Roy 945 am Sunday school am Pastors Bible class 11 am Worship service Wed pm Prayer meeting A warm welcome awaits you TRINITY UNITED CHURCH Minister Rev Duncan White Music Director Leon Nash am Senior Sunday School 11 am The Creche am Primary and Junior Congregation am Morning Worship Rev Duncan White 7 pm Doubles club service Film Faith of our families pm Couples fireside Rev Crossley of Toronto family court A special in vitation is extended to par ents and young couples to attend this Sunday evening Mr and Mrs Joe Mitchell Au- rora spent Saturday at their Keswick Beach cottage and call ed on friends in the community Sympathy of friends in the Keswick community is extended to Mrs Walter Collins Newmar ket on the death of her husband They have spent summers here for many years Rev Serrick of the Keswick Christian church was in charge of the funeral ser vice on Thursday in Newmarket Mr Rutherford of the stores is confined to his home be cause of the flu Glover Sharon spent the I R Bell Stuart Scott and weekend as a guest of Mrs Jas Prince Charles Wright A largo group from the New- market Art dub attended the Chnstan church month demonstration and lecture ssonary meetrng be held Fridav nisht Nov sored by the Group of Artists on Tuesday night Eric A Id winkle spoke on Work and I Play in Art A past presidents pin was presented to Mrs Nelson Ion by Mrs Noble Sproule on Tuesday night on behalf of the Alexan der Muir Home and School as sociation William has mov ed to where be will Roadhouse Rose Funeral Directors MAIN STREET NEWMARKET Strasler Son QUEENSVILLE FUNERAL DIRECTORS AND AMBULANCE SERVICE PHONE Mr and Mrs R Hobson left Tuesday for a visit with friends in Chicago Miss Eva and Mrs A Gilroy have gone to Oakville for an ex tended visit The YPU of the United church held a Sunday evening service with their president Keith make his home As a member u Winch conducting the service of the Society of Artists he entered oils in a show in Toronto over the weekend The organization of the mens rinks was completed this week with curling beginning on Monday night at York Curling club The ladies section began curling last week The womens schedule calls for games on Thursday mornings and even ings Each Tuesday afternoon curling is available for all wo men of the club with the rinks being formed from those present Memberships are available in both sections Robert Chadwick of the Newmarket Art club attended the opening of the Don Valley Art Show and the Society of Co in Toronto The Ron Don quartet sang two numbers and the address was given by Lynn Jones A fireside period followed Visiting groups were from and New market SUNDAY DECEMBER 1957 am and 7 pm Come and Hear REV JASPER SHAH from the Fiji Islands PLAY GUITAR SING IN NATIVE LANGUAGE AS WELL AS ENGLISH Also each night Wednesday Thursday Friday December 5 at 8 pm WE WELCOME EVERYONE TO Parkside Tabernacle Or South of PASTOR R RUNNING COME EARLY TO GET A TUESDAY DECEMBER 3 8 SEAT pm MOUNT ALBERT CHURCH ANNIVERSARY SERVICES pm Rev E Chester pm Rev L Tattrie The Pitts family from Peterboro Operative Artists will present special music over the weekend and song at both services Mrs officiated Rev Earl Ministe lhc of the first annual I hobby show at Prince Charles FREE METHODIST CHURCH Rev Reynolds Minister Mrs Gerald Sedorc Organist am Sunday school am Divine Worship pm Evangelistic service Tues pm Prayer service pm Class meeting Thurs Dec Christmas pro gram You are welcome PERKINS Flower Shop Member Florists Telegraph Delivery Association Flowers wired to all parti of the world FUNERAL FLOWERS A Specialty Main St Newmarket Phone THE KINGFISH He is the original Kingfish of the Amos and Andy Show CHURCH OF THE Mount Albert Gospel Church Sunday school pm Frank Clark Sunt pm Evangelistic service Rev min ister FRIENDS MEETING Street Newmarket am Meeting for Worship Followed by Monthly meet ing Come and meet with us A welcome for you When we know Christ our Saviour we have courage and a new message to tell school on Tuesday night The show was held tinder the aus pices of the Prince Charles Home and School association THEAKER DREWERY FUNERAL and AMBULANCE SERVICE Phono Mount Albert McCaffreys Flowers FOR EVERY OCCASION Flowers Telegraphed All Over the World MAIN STREET MARKET Phone 54862 lie will tell his thrilling dramatic life story and his from show busi ness to Christ He was for merly with many plays in New York where he sang danced and acted out many of the leading roles His recent appearing has brought capacity crouds In Toronto and elsewhere Gits Ambrose director of Toronto Youth For Christ will he in charge PARKSIDE TABERNACLE S3 PARKSIDE DR NEWMARKET SOUTH OF FOODLINER v INDECISION caused this fatal accident TABERNACLE 53 Dr South of Shopping Centre Hear Evangelist Jasper Shah from Fiji Islands Preach Play guitar and sing Sunday Dec I am and pm each night Wed Thurs and Friday Dec at ft pm All Welcome Pastor W Running CHURCH Main St Newmarket Minister Rev Fred Musical Director Stephen Crisp 1 am Communion Subject Was Jesus a Snob pm Sunday school pm Evening gospel service All Welcome ST PAULS CHURCH Anglican Church and Streets Rector Canon J Rhodes SUNDAY BEFORE ADVENT 830 am Holy Communion am Senior Sunday School 11 am Junior and Kindergar ten Departments am MORNING PRAYER and SERMON pm Evening Prayer and Sermon fefe 7 i I LOCATION Rural intersection nr TIMEs pm ROAD SURFACEl Gravel Dry RESULT One killed Oris slightly injured The car on the right approached intersection and slowed down apparently to watt until the other car had passed But suddenly the driver changed her mind and began to accelerate no doubt thinking she had time to cross the intersection The other driver braked immediately but couldnt stop in time His ear slammed into the other broadside The indecisive driver died in hospital Indecision has been the cause of many serious and fatal accidents Remember this every time you drive ONTARIO DEPARTMENT Of TRANSPORT UNITED MISSIONARY CHURCH and Rev Minister am Broadcast Oshawa Kc am Worship am Sunday schoojGonnlcy noon Worship 730 pm Evening service Gormlcy 1 CHURCH OF THE 1 NAZARENE j MAIN AT QUEEN R COOMIU Organist Miss June Haines am Sunday School am Morning Worship 7 pm Evangelistic Service PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH ST ANDREWS Minister Rev Stuart JohnMon 11 am Nursery and beginners am Public Worship Dr Joseph HOLT FREE METHODIST CHURCH Rev R J Slack Minister am Sunday School 1115 Morning worship pm Evening service pm Prayer service Thurs pm Friday pm Wed Dec 18 Christmas pro gram SAVERS STEAKS ROUND SIRLOIN TBONE BOLOGNA OR HAMBURG lbs 1 JELLY POWDERS ALL FLAVOURS ROASTS Blade or Short Rib DONALD DUCK BRAND 3 pkgs 250range Juice TIN 39 29 c FARM MAIN ST NEWMARKET FREE DELIVERY PH