Newmarket Era and Express, 5 Dec 1957, p. 2

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Pages from the Editors Notebook We always enjoy attending the East GwHJimbury council meetings to hear the colorful rural expressions used in the heat of debate Charlie Crones outburst at Reeve Longford last Friday will go down in history Sit down and dont bark until I rattle your chain With all this new housing de velopment in rural East Gwil- it occurred to us the other day that before long the township will be urbanized and sophisticated Gone will be the rural flavor of the nomination meetings at Sharon Hall At council meetings we will hear no more about the fox bounty barberry and buckthorn and warble fly spray There will be people on council who will not know who lives on the fourth farm north of the town line No one will slop in the middle of a resolution to ob serve that a namo represented someone who married Sarah Jones whose family farmed for years on the fifth Oh yes hes an old East Gwillimbury boy will be a for gotten phrase when the subdi visions move in No doubt the chairman of the streets commit tee will be a spot welder who works at Avro born and brought up on Bloor St West When Charlie Crone was de livering a particularly biting piece of sarcasm on the platform Friday his father entered the hall via the front door Said Charlie flushed with at some of the reeves remarks Oh oh Theres my dad I wish he hadnt come Every one in the audience turned around and observed Norman Crone backing out the door With all this development coming to the township we wont recognize anyone who comes in the front door of Shar on Hall Or perhaps Sharon Hall will have been levelled to the ground to make way for a supermarket parking area Who knows We sec by the news reports that county council will inves tigate the idea of havrng a coun ty planning board A few weeks ago we mentioned that there arc areas of usefulness which county government has not yet made itself known One of these was in the field of countywide planning we said When we read this weeks news report we began to feel a bit conceited over the fact that our editorial brought about this new interest in county planning Now we are wondering whether it was the editorial or whether council members really did think up the idea all by them selves But on some nomination day in the future we will hear a committee chairman stand up and say And I take credit for the county planning idea and all will be explained From the Files of 25 and 50 Years Ago 25 YEARS AGO December Ordinary market last Satur day Prices advanced a little as per following butter to 25c lb eggs doz potatoes basket pears basket pumpkins and squash 5 to 10c cauliflower to sausage lb onions basket turnips for or for 25c apples 20 to 30c basket Mrs Richmond of villc was renewing acquaint ances in town on Sunday and assisted he choir at Trinity church at the evening service Mr and Mrs celebrated their fifth annivers ary on Sunday and were the guests of Mr and Mrs Clifford Rose Mr and Mrs Robert David son and family of mo tored to the city Saturday ev ening to attend the wedding of their son Glenn to Mis Mona Flick of Toronto which took place in First Ave Baptist church Mr David Brooks of Carting spent Sunday with his parents Mr and Mrs A Brooks Mrs Sidney Morning son and daughter of vis ited Mrs Charles Kirby one day this week Mrs William Wood from Midland visited her uncle and aunt Mr and Mrs Charles Kirby one day last week Mrs Manning from Jersey City spent a week with her cousin Miss Court St before returning to her home in Dos Iowa Mr Joseph McCullcy head master of Pickering College ajd premier of the On tario Boys Parliament was the speaker at the annual father and son banquet of the Boys Work Hoard one last month Mr Norman Johnston of the Store went Toron to on Monday where he has secured a good position Mr Johnston will be gratly misl ed the young people here 50 years ago December 6 New Opening Mr who has been employed in the Clothing Factory here for over three years has gone into busi ness for himself and will fill a long felt want in this town Clothes cleaned and pressed in a firstclass manner over the public library Schomberg A large number of people attended a concert at Pottageville on Fri day evening given under the auspices of the League of that place The shooting match here last week was very good Mr Yates taking the fowl from the Baldwin sharp shoot ers made them feel as though they not in it Some of Scott Corner fellers of this section went for a drive one day last week to get their taxes lowered but they got lost and went to They found their fate was to grin and bear it Mr Walter Jackson and his friend Mr Jolliffe were up from the city over Sunday Miss Kelly of Berlin hospi tal spent over Sunday with her sister Mrs Mr Chas Montgomery of To ronto was in town over Sunday notice by the Winnipeg Free Press that Mr A Ford McDougaJI son of tin late formerly tailor of Newmarket was call ed to the bar at the silting of the Court of AppcaJ on the 25th It Congratulations and good success in the future Mr John Savage has been promoted to the regular Detec tive staff on the to take charge of tin- Northern Divi sion with headquarters at Al- under Chief Detective Day Mrs J Wilson wad visiting in the city tins week on her way to Port Hope to spend the winter with her daughter Mrs Gamble A fire at Little Cur rent destroyed a large prut of the business section of the town on Sunday ROCK N ROLL BAND COLLECTS 2000 roU dispensed by Irwin nd hi musicians was acclaimed oven the rjKLu 38 hours and In ffi 00 Here whed when he appeared to of tiring and by Dairy Farmer The Top Six Inches Serving Newmarket and the rural districts of North York The Newmarket Era The Express Herald 1895 Published every Thursday at Charles SI Newmarket by the Newmarket and Subscription for wo years for one year In advance Single copies are each Member of A of Canada Canadian Weekly Newspapers Association and the Audit Bureau of Circulations Authorized at Second Class Mall Tost Office Department Ottawa John E Struthers Managing Editor Caroline Ion Associate Editor George Sports Editor L Racine Production E W Stefaniuk Advertising THURSDAY NINETEEN HUNDRED AND FIFTYSEVEN THE EDITORIAL PAGE LETS START AFRESH A suggestion was made recently by Reeve Edward Wright man and supported to a certain extent by Mayor that the town renege on its promises to build a sewage disposal plant We use the term promises because council gave its approval to enter into agree ments with the Ontario Water Resources Commission for a sewage plant As Councillor Gladstone Ridlcr said the council also indicated that it was in favor of the actual agreements as outlined A meeting with the commission this week indicates that there is no doubt that Newmarket will go ahead with its plans Reeve Wrightman did not attend the meeting and there was no opposition expressed against plans What concerned us was not the possibility that someone might agree with the reeve and the mayor but the fact that such a suggestion was made The sugges tion that council should backtrack after agreeing to so much with the commission and after accepting the good faith and patience of so many for so long simply had no moral quality whatsoever We heartily agree with Councillor Gladstone who said it would be act ing in extremely bad faith and that it is beyond belief that anyone would want to stall construction of the sew age disposal plant when the waters of the Holland River are polluted to such a horrible extent This suggestion to renege is closely aligned with negative attitudes of some municipal representatives which have plagued Newmarket in the past few years The towns public relations reached a low point in recent times when the word was circulated that no industry should want to locate in Newmarket The town coun cil persisted in allowing itself to be bogged down in petty issues which helped to undermine the good name which Newmarket once had in other parts of the country Perhaps we have passed the low point in a cycle Per haps the political life of the town already has improved in health and that the people can start afresh rebuild ing Newmarkets good name SEEK BIGGER THINGS IN OUTER SPACE Since the creation of the Heavens and the earth peoples of every race and clime hove looked to the ma jesty of the Heavens for inspiration and guidance No man is inspired i 1 1 something inspires him The tumult and the shouting all over the world in the last few weeks about a ball of metal weighing lbs a second larger one circling through the realms of space is causing a furore among the nations and peoples of the earth Although serious perhaps it mean nothing yet One thing is certain it has finally made us look- upward to greater heights and to where the great archi tect of the universe is operating and showing his sign and wonders in the sky in perfect harmony with all nature What is the motive behind the launching of this so- called Sputnik Is it one of good or At the pre sent moment the Russian people are completely under the control of a one man dictatorship their aim that of the brotherhood of man Or as their leader boldly states is their aim to rule the world under Communism A former leader of the Russians even went so far as to state they would pull Almighty God from His throne Whither are we travelling I think the answer to this whole problem and it is a problem of a kind is con tained in an excerpt from a Scottish paper in which a simple man of the soil was asked What do you think- about Sputnik He replied I d in a ken but when Hitler sent his emissary Hess and he landed on Scottish soil wc met him with pitch forks and spades and ken the rest The heather still blooms in Scotland the sheep and the lambs arc still on the braes stand foursquare for our ancient and noble traditions of free dom and justice to all men place our trust in a far greater power than any scientific experiment with a mil lion Sputniks Here is a sublime and simple answer Robert Rums in a mans a man for a that said When man to man the world oer shall brother be for a that It is true that Sputnik has thrown big industry into a panic but Hitler threw the world into a panic also when he swept the Allied forces into the sea at Dunkirk but they came back and Right triumphed over might so to quote the words of the Rook No weapon that is formed against thee shall prosper and God is in His Heaven and all is well So let us look up far and beyond the realms of any satellite man made and pin our faith on the all seeing eye and the ureal Architect of the universe who reigns Eternal in the Heavens Andrew Contributed by OUR SIDE OF THE STORY by HARVEY A SURVIVAL OF FEUDALISM One of our cherished beliefs is that local government is the breeding ground of democracy and the training school of democrats It is certain that countries like France that tried to organize democracy on the national scale without experience in managing local government have not been conspicuously successful in the smaller arena of local politics we learn the lessons of democracy We see decisions arrived at by voting after discussion We learn the necessity of com promise We acquire that essential democratic virtue- patience Members of municipal councils became known to the citizens and have a chance to show their charac ter and rapacity their fitness for positions in the higher levels of government If it is true that local government is the root of democracy there is some reason to fear that democracy may be dying at its roots In many cities the vote in municipal elections is regularly less than half as big as it is in provincial or dominion elections What is to he done about it One answer is that if people are not interested enough to vote they should be disfranchised Some would even go further and make us pay for the fran chise by imposing a polltax and making payment of the tax a prerequisite for voting Another idea embodied in the municipal legislation in provinces like Ontario is the restriction of the fran chise to those who own or rent real property The idea behind restricting the franchise to pro perly holders is that government should be in the hands of those who have a stake in the country It looks at the country as if it were a sort of joint stock company organized for the protection of property and which the property owners should control If the idea were con sistently applied should have plural voting assigning votes in proportion to the amount of property owners The whole idea is a survival from feudal times when the landed aristocracy were the dominant social and economic class In those days even the selfgoverning cities and boroughs were oligarchies of property hoi- 1 The democratic way of looking at a city or coun try is that it is a collection of people organized to assist themselves in achieving the good life A spokesman for the Levellers the first really democratic people in Bri tain put their case in this way Verily sir I think the poorest he that is in England hath a life live as well as the greatest he As A Lindsay said That is the authentic note of Democracy It calls attention lo the obvious fact that government exercises power over peoples lives and that each of us has one life and only one The democratic idea has long been inion and provincial elections where far Lous issues are at stake than in local governn does the feudal idea retain its hold in local govt The explanation no doubt is that we have inherited present system and have not felt any crying need to change it The injustice done the people who have been donicd the franchise has not been enough stir us to action The experience of the Englishspeaking world doe not favor by the property owners There has been a fairly steady rise in the ability integrity and efficiency of government in both Britain and Canada for more than a century now And the improvement has proceeded step by step with the extension of the franchise At the present time the cities in Canada that have the restricted franchise are not conspicuously better governed than those that have not Finally it is important to notice some of the groups that are disfranchised by the property qualification Prominent among those excluded are teachers nurses and secretaries Who would argue that members of those professions are unworthy of the franchise A group of publicspirited citizens is now endeavoring to have the antiquated property qualification abolished This movement should have the support of all who are interested in good government The state is the servant not the master of the people the state is their guarantee against infringement on their rights their agent in international and national issues it is not the function of the state to assume the direct ion of those activities which rest on individual developments in hog marketing scheme have stirred the farming community much anything that has happened in lvt year This spate- is too short to deal with the history the com plete background it The way arc happening toon need a down from Philadelphia to figure out anyway the the situation centers around vote the minuter for I his fair province has elded upon the In somewhat of like in public servant Ik friends the mark scheme he by enemies he to how have to present any or any reason for the to the legislation In effect all they have friend to for about it It would even be to defeat if to v a ff i I He has only can stick it out by the V based upon will stand court and let ita it in manner Or e can do what every the crown from premier down to the and for the verdict I mko up that his cotleag matter However what and shouldnt do 0 5nd purposes trying do now is to set up a so and tid to Ha- stirred up the whole pro ducing community will r I any more after than he does The in anxiety get a proper expression set up certain which are contradictory to any sound principle ex- an opinion by way veto us just look a them The vote not to count legislation will have convinced the at percent all those eligible a ballot I other word the opponents the legislation wilt have to do no thing but simply the people not to veto They dont V know the very 1il I IS or the S y ROGER HAS A WAY WITH GIRLS Roger tin tUC dinosaur supposed be a million years old but he has a way with girls that a fellow hall his age could envy Roger called a fur abort Is a remote control reptile operated by a television tech To PO ho presents a problem a he la obviously protecting bis coplayers Charlotte Neve an J Carter m the play Roger FISH WORKS FOR HIS DINNER Star attraction at a Vancouver aquarium is this act Involving a fish BUT Duncan holds food in his teeth leans over the fish pond and soon he has a at the other of the bun The fish doesnt seem to be shy about head out of the water to set bis dinner

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