Newmarket Era and Express, 5 Dec 1957, p. 5

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MANS WRIST WATCH SPECIAL Swiss Made 21 Jewel Waterproof Shockproof Anti Magnetic Unbreakable Mainspring i One Year Guarantee NLY postpaid YOU CANT GET IN TO SEE US WE WILL FILL MAIL ORDERS PROMPTLY STAN TAYLORS STORE FOR MEN On Post Office I NEWS of the News for this column must be in the office Monda night Copy must be written as briefly as possible and confined to news and reports Other than routine reports and announcements will be printed separately As delegate to the annual convention of Central WI area Mrs C A Black reported the threeday session Laskay branch She made several sug gestions one of which was that standing committees could im prove their work by selecting a theme for their programs during the year Nine hundred registered at the convention One of the special speakers was Dr Marion Hil- liard Toronto President Mrs Charles Hately attended for one day Mrs Black interpreted the No vember motto A friend is a per son who stays with you when the rest of the world walks out Mrs Charles Clubine read a let ter from Douglas Rose a friend of her son which described life at the Ontario Hydro stations in northern Ontario Mrs Fred OBrien and Mrs George Forester will plan the an nual Christmas party for moth ers and their preschool children Learners the club group attended a luncheon given by Kiwanis to all Ontario clubs at the Royal York hotel last week Learners are sponsored by the WI Miss Eva Dennis spoke on the motto which was taken from In Flanders Fields when King branch met at the home of Mrs Conveners for this pro gram were Mrs Wade and Mrs P Robertson Soloist was Mrs Alex Knight XMAS TREAT GRACE CHURCH BIBLE SCHOOL FRIDAY DEC at pm Everybody Welcome The roll call was prevention of fires at home A display of chil drens books was shown by Mrs Austin Rumble They are the prizes in the poster contest held during Young Canada Book week for the King City school children More recipes are needed for the cook book They should be given to Mrs Mrs Austin Rumble reported on the first day of the Area con vention She told of a talk by Mrs J Houck Brampton Mrs Houck said the majority of people use less than 25 per cent of their talents Talents are loans To keep them at full value interest must be paid on them by using them actively Mrs Elton Armstrong Central Area convention chairman gave ten commandments the pow er of kindness dignity of sim plicity influence of example wis dom of economy worth of char acter pleasure of working value of time obligation to duty vir tue and patience and the im provement of talent Mrs Armstrong recommended the interpretation of the motto be included in each program Mount Albert News I Attend One 0 These The branch met on Tuesday Nov at the home of Mrs Earl Toole with an attend ance of 20 After the business period Mrs G conven er of Historical Research call ed on Mrs Albert Ridley dele gate to the recent WI convention to give a report Miss Starr read a current events paper prepared by Mrs A MacMaillan Mrs G McClure read a history of the Willow pat tern supplying several pieces of pottery for illustration pur poses Roll call was What in terested me most at the town centennial A salad course will be held at the home of Mrs German on Dec CHURCHES SUNDAY DEC SALVATION ARMY Corps Queen SI pm Salvation meeting Sunday school am Holiness meeting pm Home League meeting 8 pm Cottage Prayer Meeting and Mrs IS officers invito the Army your me BAPTIST CHURCH Main St Newmarket Minister Rev Fred uslcal Director Stephen Crisp am Child Dedication Ser vice pm Sunday school Gospel and Song Dec pm Christ mas Concert All Welcome UNITED MISSIONARY CHURCH and K Minister am Broadcast Oshawa 1350 Kc Worship Conn ley am Sunday noon Worship pm Evening service REK METHODIST Reynolds Minister Mrs Gerald Organist am Sunday school am Divine Worship Rev Warren preaching pm Evangelistic service 8 pm Prayer service urs pm WMS urs Dec 12 Christmas pro gram You arc welcome FREE METHODIST CHURCH K J Slack Minister am Sunday School am Morning worship pm Evening pm Prayer service d Dec WMS Mrs Alice Dyer showing pictures of Japan day pmCYC Dec Christnuut pro gram ST PAULS CHURCH Anglican and Streets Canon J T Rhodes LTh COND SUNDAY IN ADVENT am Holy Communion am Senior Sunday School am Junior and Kindergar ten Departments am MORNING PRAYER and SERMON m Holy Communion for the members of the Chi Fellowship followed by a Fireside Hour and Refresh ments GRACE CHURCH 373 Street Rev A R Yielding The Pastor in a study of to the Romans Man Judged The Pastor in a study of the Lords Prayer Forgive JUS our debts as we forgive day at Boys and Girls Christmas Treat a Welcome at Grace FRIENDS MEETING Street Newmarket am Meeting for Worship Come and us in Worship as we approach the Christmas Season All Welcome The people that walked in dark ness have seen a great light Christ is our everlasting Light and He came for all VICTORY BAPTIST CHURCH Fellowship of Evangelical Baptist Churches Corner Arthur and Newton Newmarket Pastor Rev Roy F am Sunday school Classes for all am Morning Worship 730 pm Evangelistic Service Wed pm Childrens Meet ing Wed p Prayer Meeting Thurs pm Womens Meeting A Hearty Welcome Awaits You Mount Albert branch met at the home of Mrs Horace Brown on Thursday Nov The branch will cater to the Junior Farm ers turkey supper and the Odd fellows hot beef banquet in January Support will be given to the Mental Health fund with a card party or some other pro ject in the winter months Ad ditional volunteers are needed to continue full support for the York County hospital gift shop The program was conducted by the Resolutions convener Mrs Horace Brown Mrs Har rison led a discussion on the resolutions presented at the area convention in Toronto Mrs Harrison and Mrs Harmon gave interesting reports of the convention Miss Hayes provided an interesting selection The Last Hymn The meeting closed with refreshments Remember the Scout and Cub paper collection this Saturday Dec The official Board of United church will meet in the new ex tension on Monday Dec at pm A representative of the Home Missions Board will be present to address the meeting A full attendance is requested The Married Couples club will hold a Christmas party on Satur day Dec at 730 pm in the church extension AH couples are invited to be present and bring their children In order that a Christmas tree may be provided for all children parents are re quested to bring a gift for each of their own children at a value SCHOMBERG TRUSTEES Continued from Page in front of their stores Thevill- paid for the four feet of con crete sidewalk in front of busi ness establishments The drainage problem on Wes tern Ave was discussed Mr Moody recommended property owners and village trustees con sider a compromise as no outlets are available except on private property A sidewalk from highway nine to the Main St sidewalk was suggested by one rapayer He said school children should not walk on busy roads To do this it would be necssary to use pri vate property Mr Moody said He recommended a general meeting be held to discuss the recommendation There was discussion about a bylaw which had been passed six years ago restricting parking on Main St for threehour inter vals It has not been enforced A general meeting of ratepayers should be held to discuss this it was suggested TRINITY UNITED CHURCH Minister Rev Duncan White MA Music Director Leon Nash am Senior Sunday School am The Creche am Primary and Junior Congregation am Morning Worship Guest speaker Dr W Elliott Board of Home Missions pm 250th Anniversary of the birth of Charles Wesley Ser vice of Hymns and Praise All are welcome at Trinity TABERNACLE Dr South of Shopping Centre Hear Evangelist Jasper Shaw from Fiji Islands Preach Play guitar and sing Sunday Dec 11 am and 7 pm each night Tues Wed Thurs Doc at pm All Welcome Pastor W Running Affiliated with Pentecostal Assemblies of Canada Union Street branch will meet at the home of Mrs Archie on Dec Motto The sweetest truest Christmas is the Christmas in the Heart Mrs Salmon will reply to the motto The roll call will be Christmas dinner suggestions There also will be a Christinas card shower There will be a convention report and an ex change of Christmas gifts Host esses will be Miss V Micks Mrs Beckett Mrs Peregrine end Mrs W Jackson The branch will hold its Christmas meeting at the home of Mrs Norman King on Dec 10 The motto It is more blessed to give than to receive will be replied to by Mrs Smith Each person is asked to bring a gift worth 25c Hostesses Mrs Mainprize Mrs and Mrs Davidson ons CHURCH OF THE Mount Albert Gospel Church Sunday school pm Frank Clark Sunt pm Evangelistic service Rev Earl Whitmore min ister CHURCH OF THE 1 NAZARENE MAI AT a a Organist Miss Juno Haines am Sunday School am Morning Worship 7 pm Evangelistic Service Monday pm Young Peoples Wednesday pm Prayer Meet ing ST ANDREWS PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH Minister Rev R Stuart Johnston BD B Edue 11 am Nursery and beginners am Public Worship Dr Joseph Wesson The dome skirt is designed to give a new look to evening fashions The fabric Is a bright orangey red velveteen with matching satin bows and shoulder straps Shaped tucks achieve the skirt line and there Is a stiffened lining to help make the skirt standout Worn with It Is a short bolero of the velveteen lined la satin not shown COUNTY COUNCIL Continued from Page Mrs MacNaughlon is the coun tys representative on the hospi tal board There are so many patients who are not paying their way that an additional grant of 15000 is required The hospi tal is in a different position It cant raise the public and semi- private room rates or it will lose the provincial grant Some people are admitted to hospital following an accident They ask for the best but leave without paying- One woman came in as an accident victim Her bill was over 3000 and the hospital has tried for three years to collect il but without success explained Mrs MacNaughton At one time was critical of ward of Newmarket he operation costs at York County hospital said Reeve spending five days there this fall I wouldnt criticize York County hospital The care that they give you is the In many cases the operating cost of this hospital is lower than hospi tals across the province It is the definite responsi bility of every municipality in the county to partake in county responsibilities charged Reeve William of King town ship County Commissioner I cant see where any county or any municipality in a county can give money to a hospital outside the county Peel County should look after Peel County hospital and York County should he re sponsible for its own hospital York County has the population but no industry like Peel I am against any grant going outside the county he added Thats alright for the King township reeve to take that stand replied Mr Armstrong His residents go to York Coun ty hospital Many King patients go to Orange vi lie hospital and those in the southern section of the town ship go to Metro hospitals an swered Mr Hodgson if we subsidize Peel hospital we must subsidize hospitals in Toronto shouldnt be lev ied for York County hospital when its patients go to Peel County hospital said Mr Arm strong is part of York county isnt it asked Mr Hodgson We are willing to pay our share But we will not pay double said Wood bridges reeve The warden and commission ers were authorized to name a committee on a resolution by Mr Armstrong and Reeve Longford Pegg of East The committee will check statistics to learn how many York County residents are patients in hospi tals the county and how many noncounty residents use York County hospital A report will he presented to county coun cil of approximately cents Equipment is needed for a nursery which the club hopes to open in the near future Any toys pens or other nursery sup plies would be appreciated If you have any thing in this line you would care to contribute contact any club member Repairs will be made and articles repaint ed if necessary On Saturday evening Dec at pm the Young Peoples So- will hold a party at the church All young people are in vited to attend Mrs Hugh Price Mrs Hannah Parks and Mr and Mrs Robert Mitchell returned hoie last week after spending several months in Scotland and England a Mr and Mrs H left last week to spend several days in Watertown and other points in the USA Mount Albert Fire Dept will sponsor a dance in the commu nity hall on Friday Dec 13 Music by Leo orchestra will be provided Mr Beverley Sinclair suffered a heart attack at the home of his daughter Mrs Archer in fie is in hospital at for observation and treatment Mr Kenneth Hill had the mis fortune to accidently discharge a gun with which he had been hunting on Monday The bullet penetrated his foot and he is undergoing treatment in hospital Mr and Mrs David Shillinglaw celebrated their wedding an niversary recently A family party was held in their honor at the home of Mr and Mrs William Village Trustees A nomination meeting for town trustees was held on Friday eve ning Trustees for Mount Albert police village in will be Ernest Davis Seymour Harper and Dawson Dike Mr and Mrs Merlon Toole celebrated their wedding an niversary last Thursday Nov 281 They were at home to relatives friends and neighbors during the afternoon and evening Sympathy is extended to I he family of Mr Frank who passed away early Sunday morn ing Mr and Mrs Herbert Jor dan Rochester were in town to attend the funeral TRUSTEES ARE ACCLAIMED village trustees were reelected by acclamation for 1958 On the municipal board are Melville Sampson chairman Arthur Hill and Howard Long The building of the waterworks system was the most important work in this past year It is ready for operation Ratepayers have approved the enlarging of the S S school Approval has been given for 000 for this project Residential development in has made it necessary to add two more classrooms Page 5 The Newmarket Era and Express Thursday Dec YOUR CHAMBER OF COMMERCE IS BUILDING A BETTER COMMUNITY I Parkside Tabernacle 53 Parkside Drive You are invited to hear JASPER SHAW noted Evangelist from Islands speaking and singing Sunday Dec 8 at am and pm Each night December 10 and 12 at pm Sunday school at am Christmas program December at 8 pm at PARKSIDE TABERNACLE PASTOR RUNNING Rev Warren Rogers of Detroit Mich Colored singer and musician For One Night Only an ALL MUSICAL PROGRAM SATURDAY DEC 7 al pm CHURCH OF THE NAZARENE Corner of Main and Queen i LEARN TO FLY ON SKIS This Winter at MAPLE AIRPORT APPROXIMATELY PAY AS YOU FLY Government approved school Six Aeronca Champs also instrument and radio aircraft Latest ground school courses Telephone 5381 or write for information to AERO ACTIVITIES LIMITED MAPLE AIRPORT BOX 251 MAPLE ONT J PERRY REELECTED Maple Reeve John Perry was re- elected by a majority of voles over Albert Rutherford A Kirk was acclaimed deputy reeve at the nomination meet ing Three councillors were re turned to Office Victor Ryder and William An- Bruce Ralph was defeat ONESTOP SERVICE SAVE ON EVERY PURCHASE Special Values this Friday Saturday December 567 AYLMER CHOICE UNGRADED AS TO SIZE PEAS CLOVER BRAND oz tins for Fancy Pink SALMON THIS WEEK TREAT THE FAMILY MARK A LOAF lb in QUICK OR INSTANT Quaker Oats CLOVER FARM BRAND MARGARINE SELECT RIPE BANANAS SPECIAL 2 lbs 29c poun Red or Him Branded BEEF SHORT WHITE OR PASTEL COLORS THEAKER DREWERY FUNERAL and AMBULANCE SERVICE Mount Albert TISSUE ft 59 IiUMK Kill ROAST 55c lb Newmarket 96 Main Street Free Delivery Phone

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