The Newmarket Era and Thursday Dec it ore ay I HOUSE FOR SALE MONTHLY carries this at tractive bungalow ocated In good section of town of Newmarket Close to high school full asking price Contact Mrs Sproule TW Newmarket agent for Osborne real estate broker BUYS home in village of Holland Landing Excellent location good terms Russell Thompson Holland Landing phone TW New market face block house ap proximately miles from Sutton Skavulak Cedar Brae Ont house coal furnace heated available in Keswick Nov 30 For further particulars phone Newmarket NEW attractive home with all conveniences oil heating hot and cold water in abundance attached garage on large lot in a picturesque location on the outskirts of a thriving village with the best of roads and trans portation School and churches This house can be bought by re sponsible party with a reasonable down payment and good terms Contact Percy Thompson phone Newmarket TW HOUSE FOB KENT BUILDINGS FOR RENT LARGE room polished hardwood floor insulated approximately ft For storage or work shop Sec this if interested Rea sonable Apply Dan Riddel 487 Queen St N STORAGE SPACE WE have it Phone PA Aurora new brick house rooms basement Rent very reasonable to good tenants Near OFFICE SPACE FOR RENT MODERN daylight in new building on Main St located near Ideal for light manufact uring or showrooms Approxim ately 2200 square feet Will divide Reasonable rent Phone TW or III OPPORTUNITIES We need people to raise Chin chillas The demand for pelts exceeds the supply Limited capital required The industry is on a sound basis Write Chinchillas 111 Had dington Ave Toronto ROOMS FOR RENT NICE large furnished room housekeeping if desired central Phone TW 52165 Newmarket clw50 ARTICLES FOR SALE VENETIAN BLINDS ALUMINUM or steel Made for all of windows Free fill mates and installations Phone or apply Craddock Ontario St Newmarket AQUARIUMS new all sizes special discounts for Christmas orders Lauries Aquariums Blvd or phone Newmarket REFRIGERATOR excellent con dition Reasonable Phone IW Newmarket after fi pm ARTICLES FOR SALE DOLL clothing assorted sizes Phone TW 56778 Newmarket DOUBLE size bed continental Phone Newmarket SERVICES AVAILABLE SPACE heater in A I condition electric pop cooler new motor cash register Phone PA 75357 Aurora after pm TWO nicely furnished rooms reasoname 10 ear housekeeping all and bus Phone TW Albert Newmarket 2 BEDROOM house in Newmar ket Central location Oil furn ace Possession Jan per month Phone TV New market 9 clapboard Immediate possession modern bungalow bedrooms oil furnace immediate CHARLES BOYD LTD REALTOR Main St Newmarket New detached home large and large modern kitchen bed rooms piece bath plus first floor washroom laundry room forced air heat with oil wood throughout Possession Dec Inspect at Andrew St Newmarket Apply to rent at Samuel Smith and Ltd Realtors Bay St phone 45731 evenings LE 28979 Key available at Andrew St v50 REAL ESTATE FOR SALE CHARLES BOYD LTD NEWMARKET clapboard bungalow Three huge bedrooms ultramod ern kitchen with di nette piece modern bathroom full basement with oil furnace overlooking the town Owner forced to sell Asking price acres of land having a modern stucco home with bathroom and furnace located on main highway and having a fruit stand This is a real opportunity for a I gardener to get established The home has lovely livingroom three bedrooms a modern kitch en and bathroom Full price with as low as down Balance on one mortgage We a large selection of both older and new style homes for sale CHARLES E BOYD LTD Main HI Newmarket Phone TW Open till pm limited REALTOR DOWN brick home on a nicely landscaped lot x water and sewers and only two blocks from Main Street This is a dwelling with excellent income possibilities present rental more than ade quate to carry balance Full price only 3 BEDROOM I stucco house in excellent repair on 12 acre lot with gar age situated on main highway only a short distance from town Reasonable terms BUILDING I in a good location town water and sewers Cant be beat at only Full price Terms ACT fast 10 acres with year round stream about 15 wide some mixed bush approximately acres cleared Would make ideal building site Full price BUYING OR SELLING SEE lS FIRST ALEX LIMITED In and see our NEW look REAL ESTATE I GENERAL INSURANCE Main St opposite I FURNISHED room with board if desired Phone TV Newmarket FURNISHED room healed hot- water Apply 49 Queen St Newmarket FURNISHED room Apply Lane phone TW Newmarket ONE DOLLAR WEEKLY BUYS THE FAMOUS REMINGTONRAND PORTABLE TYPEWRITER an ideal CHRISTMAS GIFT for young or old on display at CENTRAL OFFICE SUPPLIES Wellington Street over Ardills IN AURORA PA and at Timothy Street ATTRACTIVE walnut living room chair 46inch plate glass mirror Single antique spool bed with springs and mattress in very good condition Phone Newmarket clw50 LADYS coat size 16 medium brown worn one winter cost asking Ladys coat size dark brown Phone Newmarket VIEWMASTER projector prac tically new Phone TW Newmarket after pm pralieaf- ly new Phone TW New market SELLING out all house furnish ings ami electrical appliances Private Phone TW New market FUR REPAIRS AND REMODELLING PICKUP and delivery Ladies wanting fur coats or any fur gar ment repaired or remodelled call PR 53400 Bradford USED CARS UP0LSTERY CLEANING CHESTERFIELDS rug auto etc Estimates free CALL HARDING Newmarket MERCHANDISE NURSES UNIFORM CARRIED in stock and up Cotton nylon exclu sive agent for uniforms register ed Dawsons opposite the P Newmarket If 10 VANGUARD door with radio and air conditioning heater fully winter Cheap for quirk Phone Newmarket I950 FORD coach In good lion Phone TV 1 Newmar ket WOOD FOR SALE tffi TRAVEL WOOD Apply ft or Allrrl Mount wuzft a a it- it a s WORK WANTED WANTED TO BUY NEWMARKET T Wining 59813 GREY kid coat size Good condition reasonable Phone TV Newmarket LOGS WANTED POPLAR Pine Elm etc LAKE LUMBER LTD PHONE 16w3 UPHOLSTERING CHESTERFIELD suites occasion al chairs rebuilt recovered in any fabric Apply Sargents 233 Muriel Ave HUNGARIAN woman desires housework by tin day Can speak some English Phone Newmarket GOING OVERSEAS WE srll postage on all Atlantic Boat Line- etc Our information and reliable Come in and talk your proposed trip with Chester Best PLANT FOR VfOLRT A rrlsUjs of Ic of ri viol- fft I pW iril 10 if 4 2 PKT- The BEST DRUG STORE Newmarket phone ri 1 J J f J VftfflPMPMT IrT- r i Deer in manure v r WANT your radio repaired in a hurry and guaranteed Phone Newmarket 52377 WASHING MACHINE REPAIRS All makes by qualified factory LARGE size soup tureen in white rained service man ironstone or masonwarc china Few odd pieces old pressed glass STEWART or milk glass Phone TW Newmarket clw50 SEVERAL mens suits custom tailoring large size like new to be sold reasonable Phone TV Newmarket or apply 43 Main St c2w49 BICYCLE Supremacy 3speed racer practically new extra SERVICES AVAILABLE RUG and upholstery cleaning professionally done right in your home Modern equipment Radlo and Appliances Phone Newmarket OILBURNER service Day or night Newmarket Services Co phone Newmarket If APARTMENT FOR RENT Raglan St phone j market Service Co phone Newmarket CUSTOM chain sawing Phone TV 52254 Newmarket DISHWASHER absolutely new American kitchens product RIDDELUS WELDING CEDAR STREET Phone TW NEWMARKET apartment and us XKHinr- PORTABLE electric room hardwood and floors Or JANITOR work offices etc Phone 56590 Newmarket sitting available even- in Phone TW 59040 New market between pm FARM ITEMS m i DEADSTOCK removed Z your farm promptly for r- disposal service charjtft for each call Collect Newiar kel phone TW 5112 or Toron to KM 33638 GORDON LIMITED FARM SERVICE DEAD horse cattle and Nothing under lbs up for disposal We buy horses for slaughter 541 or 32rll Ed WANTED Nine CUSTOM chain sawing Phone TW Kterrfc Two reirA Verandah Holland Landing near school Type HP volt made to order Iron work CARPENTRY work Floor cupboard installations or government approved WW Call Murray Baker private entrance C McCal Holland phone TV Newmarket cycle l2x2 fc Vincent Prop Type head ft j J Cameron Suoei Donald 2ROOMED apartment equipped J- Jff Ser with heating and cooking stoves of Work- pi seru phone In Holland finding For further J bridge HELP WANTED nine to finish and five calves to winter Newmarket POULTRY WANTED ALL kinds of Live poultry wait ed- Any amount We 4 you Toronto price right a you door Phone New- el POULTRY FOR ALE l HOUSEKEEPER two Live in New market after pin i LwfiO phone j Any accented- a Newmarket ijhw DOCTORS office require lypisl LARGE bright rooms private bike power saw I Opposite dictaphone and bath kitchen cupboards by expert Burns moth- bookkeeping shorthand not medial obsession holes Bring your and varied low Newmarket Phone fo intelligent young wo or ctiww willing rusporusi SUBLET 2bedroom apartment large heaterr Aurora Manor Possession Dec pipes included like new una I Phone PA Aurora j Quebec heater oil drum apply Restaurant 0 HAULAGE and I to on own live lit- required Eur i I MIDDLE AGED man with automotive pails 1 GEESE one gander Chris phone CHRISTMAS tor cv Grant Jr phone Allien ORDER your Christmas from I A CHOICE killed T on itv- svi v Elton L 30W in 30J CHOICE young fresh killed tut keys fur And All uvihiiom i r tli lbs Apply ri DEATH IimuI jhojw Avenue yi 23UUV2 sellcontained furnished ii l iJuvhT of 111 tii OAK DESK TOO SMALL Seirul THREE and one I CUE BEST BRONCHI Ai rU condition Oil space PAINTING and lake Newmarket SYRUP Nov flat bath Ian medico i lutal More Eov eolds And husband of Available Jan J Phone TW evening New Hi ply giving A prompt effective rem- J formerly of Newmarket after W1I1 tor the of 4ROOM apartment private both PAIR of figure kate uzejCHESTEUrlEIJXS and broad condition Girl in your heated electricity centrally Pf Jw I mediate possemion TV Newmarket APARTMENT new 0 yeai old ki j toe coal or wood wit pipes By Skilled HAWAIIAN 1 waul linkers Den Cox hi id and In Ham day run ndii I I ill pi u 1 die rooms and bath hardwood and front in good lomjiiion A can be arranged tile floors builtin cupboards Ave phone pi hot and old water oil burn- Newmarkel village of Holland Landing I near school private BABY Phone TW Holland Landing St New- NO- I phone J I 1 I ARTICLES FOR SALE NATURAL your icuuirci BABY carriage do luxe Lloyd I u- double l Apt Hi id o on METRO Wrecking end Lumber Co Richmond Hill Phone Avenue building and plumbing supplies steel beams etc cents cents UNIFORMS aoUbP TW withuurier lik new Phone DRlVINti Duties TWO coats station wagon 1 iua in plain kilt in Fluid Dillon goid condition SET lues and mud tires size 40 15 in condition Cheap Phone down payment and taxis garages Exrellent lot measure uniforms by Bond Tailors Noted for quality- value and service Se Cliff sleys uniform department electric rerigeratoj suitable sum- liner Lunch J020 idi im Mount Albeit dual fully imurid fur pi J up SOD loam hud ipo Iieea Phone baling l Sic I tjii CUSTOM 1 lollilig an id aplltC- J- I machine 4 living room cheat of drawers pressure can matching oiid lamp Enquire evenings after six weekend Plea aid TRANSPORTATION WANTED HUM Toronto in and iWW TED WANTED WANTED Farms East North and Scott areas AND SELL WITH CON- J a Realtor Street WALNUT Pineapple Poster single bed walnut semi single bed steel twin bed- vacuum cleaner Sun- beam Birds A or call TW Ncwinai Three word minimum for each ttttvcriiii maple chest Mahogany iv M jlvcthcmcnt Is on cedar chest double door Ten advcrlbcnicnfu paid within week Classified Advertising young turkeys phone ill- oven dried Mi il iw in I FOR SALE OUR Hold in heifers vaccinat ed one due III Apply Clifford DUAL purpose Shorthorn bull years old Purebred sow to farrow in 2 months Pure- bud Yorkshire boar serviceable Jolin Warren phone 245J4 Mount Albert light or chesty coughs and colds Drug Store New market IN THROAT Pink Tablets tor the nose and throat for the dropping of mucous discharge sensation i he lump throat and disturbances These are the tamo reliable pink tablets that have been used for many years by adults and children will results Price The Rest Drug market father of Mrs Ma Voting Phoenix Arizona Donald of Las Tlie Masonic funeral service held at Arizona home of Monday IV- J terment Greenwood Park Phoenix residence Bogerl Ave on Annie Booth in he year wife of the late Al Store phone TW Beckett mother v I man iVeraL Mr surgical supports Gordon Lc hosiery for those who suffer and George peter Mackey ion various veins and Arch supports he lumbago belts Drug Store vT pi DUAL purpost shorthorn cow due 28 Maple breading Newmarket BLACK At 00 SALE REGISTFF and f ih A lllM new tabic lamps suites and chairs valnut dinner wagon piece walnut dining suite several clocks 4- rawer wood file gramophone electric train sit ft runner reversible Childs crib mirrors pictures white enamel gas stove Oak round table Mer cerised of thread all ors largo site balloons Farms Businesses quantity of drapery remnant- Several chrome display stands Tuxedo suit ladies brand new raincoats silk scarves dresses 97 piece sot Limoges china Coleman stove and gas hi nips china class dishes Sutton 43 Fred Hirst phone piece wool coal set dyed Mooiuji beige Of Jinn Kvenu three rents word minimum cents Salt the week for each sUiccssivo week Card ami KugaKcmenl MUD for each If Id within Of iii al plus fl line GENTS overcoat lev pdi Phone PA Aurora deluxe table typewriter pastel blue one ear old Never used Phone TV like new Ladys three quarter fur coat 18 brown good condition Ladys Ice skates white St worn twice Drive Youngs Harbour Era and Express Bring Into or and office on Chalks phono l The Wood Aimirui I BOH lug phone any accepted Ilia anil I 1 it Your I L per lb Front lb Lloyd rose phone Mount Albert Apply John lloswoith Ltd phono 14- Mount Albert Oh auction filing al classes of tock v concessions and Beta Mrs James Allan Mrs J en in hall Bo sure bridge sister of Ml footwear j British Columbia irntorial and Elmer King 4S like the bis- her year Resting ltand mo Thompson funeral 9 wrhaveevr had Sites mike this your oviiv tiv and save ruw rV St Aurora Srvic Thursday Dec at Kins City cerrteter At Oxbow- on a A j