OWL DEFENSE N In Case Of Attack Or Toroirto Association Tuesday peed of Civil Defence The guest speaker was Dr G Struthers department direc- tor of the Civil Defence Health the great need for civil being organized at the several years ago sent out in formation and literature explain the aims of civil defence but little attention was given it The after the work that the has done kind he as The best services All these province is divided pharmacists and the military services In time of disasters hurricanes the neighbor aid This J is in the Newmarket lion point Toronto area NEWMARKET Social News Miss Helen Turner New cattle spent the weekend with Hiss Donna firefighter defence is based on -help- We must prepare layor Alex Belugin his appreciation by quoting expression The best is offence but in our the best offence is defence in forming a local defence Monday night BEGIN ART LESSONS FOR CLUB MEMBERS lesday for members of tin larket Art club They wil iceting at t the Art club HOLDS ANNUAL Baptist DRUG SERVICE LANES PRESCRIPTION PHARMACY WE DELIVER Ml Main St Newmarket Phone TW REV WHITE SPEAKS TO EVENING Wealth and Tithing was tt Duncan White to the WA of Trinity United church on Tuesday Feb Mrs Donald hymn to open the meeting Mrs Harrison introduced moved a vote of thanks the groups were divided was in charge of this of the program She by Mrs Gladstone were made for a I and an Ltd on Feb The on April Brownie Susan Lloyd Has Poem Published The Isabel Inglis Colville PATRICIA PARR Bound supposed to id pictures that went is numbers on the And it speaks well for the art istry of Miss Parr that these formed in my mind sufficiently hardest work PLANS ARE MADE FOR B AND P CLUB FASHION SHOW sponsored by the Business Womens club and Mrs Nelson Ion will he no afternoon this year Instead the show will be presented will be made during the In home puts his thoughts in usually what he i is of the ultramodern one who could do t three Sonatas by the very sweetly and precisely either questioning or playing and dancing and third was like a brook fl its destination while on its children played leapfrog older people applauding Etudes by J the 1 think of MVqvSUHD AMD MIT SUNDAY Why join the Urge number of satisfied housewives who are getting these SUPER EG6S FARM TO 1 DIRECT DELIVERY HOUSE ALL PURE WHITE EGGS COMPLETE UNIFORMITY OF COLOUR AND CHARACTER EGGS ARE GATHERED THREE TIMES DAILY BY A FAST MECHANICAL EGGCOLLECTOR EGGS GO DIRECTLY FROM THE COLLECTOR TO THE COOLING ROOM AND ARE HELD AT BEST TEMPERATURE EGGS ARE PRODUCED UNDER THE MOST SCIENTIFIC CONTROLS IN EGG FACTORY HOUSING MANY THOUSANDS OF LAYING HENS Sole direct distributor PHIL HARRISON 52001 AT THESE STORES BEN ft URTS ST FARM STORE HAW ST SNOW BIRD EGGS LTD NEWMARKET OUT own as all sea chanties have and lastly a blustering raging storm in which the Storm King vents his wrath on all within bis The Canadian composer intrigued me but did not strike chord Modern school days It did no other word describes incingly that the that the devit who can doubt haunting personality One felt the of belonged to him but and hypn world where and friendliness Sht has the true artists modesty and this coupled with her outs and to all her audiences in the bril liant future before her as it did WI Mews Union Street branch home of Mrs Gi with members and i Tuesday night youths iter for two Horace Hillary and condition after clinging The usual winter market hold eggs and poultry Ruling prices ens lb dressed ducks 1 each mushrooms members of the play in Hart Laura Marlon of To SO TEARS AGO Continued from Page 2 Mr and Mrs the late Bishop Stanley and has travelled extensively He has been in Palestine several Mr and Mrs It Schmidt Mrs Lloyd Mrs W wort choristers i Walton of Mount Albert MINT DAUBERS The public is invited to attend by It Chad fella of Scotland Ma- Daubers arid ilia cent of owed by with ture suitable agricu WAYNE BURLING IS AT HOME AFTER INJURY Mrs Club for their of the towns hardest work While tobogganing hi right through his had the sliver right f hospital but unfortunately spell ward in guiding Margaret is he daughter of Quid District Coramisatoner the first Newmarket and Express Classified JOHN MORNINGS DRUG STORE St Aurora For Friendly Personal Serviei re The Newmarket Era and B Centenary Celebrations BC centenary celebrations than left and Malory Grant and their dance Is the can which was familiar to BC dance a well u Parta a DUX 52331 cussmEDS SINGER USED MACHINES MAW LATE MODEL TRADEINS Look at these typical reductions on various make machines received in trade on out new models First come first served INGEK ROUND BOBBIN CABINET your choice Terms I SINGER SEWING CENTER OPENING THURSDAY FEB 27 ITS SENSATIONAL MEWS HIGH FASHION STYLING FOR MOTHERSTOBE AT Kiddies Korner MATERNITY FASHIONS EXCITING NEW FABRICS INCLUDING SPRING SILKS AND COTTONS MATERNITY FASHIONS SALON UPSTAIRS KIDDIES KORNER Main St Newmarket Ph TW 54672