have you tried 2 GUERNSEY GOLD GLENV1LLE FARMS DAIRY NEWMARKET AURORA PA try it yourself the taste will tell DOOR AT New Temple Features Fine Interior ON WA11B0ARD FOR WALLSCEILINGS Set your supply dealer GYPROC WALLBOARD EVES LTD Tuscan Masonic Lodge Marks 100th Anniversary Era and Express Classifieds bring results to the third floor of the A lowprice chain saw with big saw features HOMELITE CHAIN SAW 185f Only down a week AIL THESE BIG SAW QUALITY FEATURES Tough dropforged counterbalanced All poilon diaphrogro reed valve P nil MM UK RR Newmarket TW AURORA 1 DANIELS 110 YONGE PA 74861 The Cats Miaou by FRANCES ARCHER Albert Friday nights In which relet Why do Birthday Club years old on 28 Date Set AJSSiSi fc For Disposal Plant released lately ng to be a new Eddy tan of Ihc special The Newmarket Era an Express Thursday Oct The most- POWERFUL BATTERY ever built mDRPOUJERv HI CAPACITY 4YEAR GUARANTEE New DryCharge MORPOWER HICAPACITY Water Pump Heavy Doty Heater Extension Steering Exchange Heater Hose Motor Lamp Set wheel Cover 17 710 36 BIGGER SAVINGS AT CANADIAN TIRE J l SON LTD MAIN ST NEWMARKET TW