Mount Albert District ere was a splendid attend morning and evening It the anniversary Albert United church on lay Oct Fine messages dclivCrcd by Rev John is Aurora in the morning Donald Joy nd by the Marie Anniversary offerings which by the penal young peoples se Will be held In the biseme the local Church of the Children and young people are will be given and Members of the Intermediate will be shelling out for United Nations ChiU day earlier most of girls wish to attend the Hal- a een parly in the community in the Church of the Na- The Clarks will be re sponsible for special music be preaching A The Apple Day held Hay Oct proved quill Proceeds allow party Friday Oct J all Tins is sponsored by Womens Institute an pics nil be taken SAM ROLLINS Local Representative ALUMINUM preparation and finishing pin frogs which have at Mrs Harper pin frogs is asked t reminded of their march United church on Sunday All those taking part are the Canadian Legion Local residents who has been visiting her sister son for the put week Misses Norma Harrison Petty Morton and Mrs attended the Saturday session held church Mr and Mrs Frank dance follow- were Sunday other Mr Fred Fran i husbands friends readings by M Price solos a weekend with the News Of North York Keswick Woman Dies On Weekend After Freak Crash Keswick Mrs Kathlcer if Kesv orient of Keswick lost door and landed about feci from the vehicle According to the investigating police officer Constable Adam lived for a time after the ks not belonging kcd car were it lleged thai the second car Clarke to swerve to the left It oe Junior Ladies Softball and was rated as one of best players in the league operated the Keswick club husband William Clarke her father Elmer and fifteen brothers and sisters Service for the funeral was held in the chapel of Straslers KESWICK A cordial invitation is extend- ttend a special evening service County hospital mother PER TON OFF FOR TON ORDERS DELIVERED BEFORE NOV IS CASH DEAL THIS OFFER APPLIES ON ALL OUR PURINA DAIRY CHOWS AS LONG AS COMBINED ORDER EQUALS TONS Put in a good supply of Purina Dairy Chows now Save 500 per ton or a full 2500 on a 5 ton load DONT DELAY GIVE US A PHONE CALL OR DROP IN SMITHS FEED and SEED LTD PHONE QUEENSVILLE every Maple Hill at It oclock In tha people of Queens I Maple Baptist fowl supper on Tuesday night Nov Rev D Ashford will be guest speaker On Monday Nov 3 at pm Murray Heron pastor of will speak in Quensvill eh He Baptist church He will bring Quebec Rev R J McNanught Sunday morning Laymens Sunday w the United Sunday by DP Mr by Mr and Mr society fling rally on HOPE Church service next ill be withdrawn at Shan lope United church also Sync ill be held at The Young Peoples society Mrs Joe Gibson Ronald Pottage The Mrs Wright and Mrs Lulu Edwards attended the semi- Mr and Mrs K Finder Joanne and Keith Mr and Mrs John Sunday with Mr and Mrs Mel bourne Meek and family Sand- and daughter Mr weekend the we visiting her d and Mrs O Sanderson recently returned from a trip to Sweden visited her friend Hamilton over the weekend Mrs Elmer spent days visiting her son How and family in A number of ladies of he the Thank Offering meeting r and Mrs Toronto lurg a McClurgs parents Mr and Mr hursday Oct in Christies Bogartlown had Pine A lunch Mr and Mrs Elmer Norwich Mr and Mrs Earl F fitly Mr and Mrs Douglas I guests at the Cameron home in MOUNT PLEASANT The Womens Guild held at ih Mrs Claude York- has baby daughter Many from here attended 111 a tew days with Kellington Keith Profit added much to service with their singing The church was decorated will members from Sharon KESWICK Brady Jacksons Point Rye for home on Saturday Vera Herring returned to Chicago with them for a visit- Christian church monthly nary meeting will be held Thursday evening After the meeting a Halloween party with New- William market Saturday from a heart condition Sympathy goes nut hose daughter Kay charge of the service which held on Tuesday from Reddett had as Sun MOUNT ZION Mr and Mrs Jim Smith son visited Mr and Mi Vern Wellington last Sunday On Thursday Oct Ihe men of the neighborhood we SHARON church each Sunday inday school HOLLAND LANDING rage The Newmarket f I Thuraday Oct 1IM Reject Metro Meet To Discuss Assets Distribution I Metropolian Is has been rejected by the 12 suburbs The distribution of over MO- to Metro the building a the building than it originally si said Mr Simpson Metro officials reported that a council building and a mag nates court building at 7 Simpson former reported Toronto the separate issue which is already i the hands of the OMB The Metro suburbs have vote to apply the board to settle tl SRid Mayor Edwards Simpson explained the Metro suburbs bought 1 York lately deal from York county or and Mrs George Keeps from Picton visited Meyer and friend Vissrr for weekend Nydam is confin ed to bed and is staying at the home of Mr and Mrs Flack The various societies have re- A Reformation Day program will be held at the Christian Re- form church on Friday Oct Mrs Matthews spent a few days with Mr and Mrs Misses Mary Ann and spent Inst weekend public library It will to building library will have ill be a Id children and ion Ltd and work WI News shrubs by Mrs C Vis enjoyed a social The November meeting of CHAMBER OF A BETTER COMMUNITY COMMERCE BUILDING BRICES Meats LB PORTERHOUSE STEAK OR ROAST LB IW CHOPS LB Competitive price lb rice lb SMOKED HAM Picnic tjlt fys lor The WITH MEAT ORDER LB Thanksgiving MAIN ST NEWMARKET to last far longer PIONEER R A chain saw unit construction I but lough alloy from bar mountini t GEORGE CONSTABLE SON LTD DvU Dr Mi